Sunday, August 28, 2016

Rome Italy #8

Bon giorno!

Since my last visit and my incident with my legs, I went to the hospital three times
So I have to take it easy for now on until i pass some more test biopsie and holter.
So much for getting back in shape with walking!

Alore! if  you only walk at a slow paste you can still see a lot of beautiful things in Rome.

We left late like usual and arrived late like usual
So I got up at 5 : 30 at night

Not much time here but

Not to have a headache I have to eat something before i leave the room.
I had a croissant with morenga got dress and got out.
I was in this killing weather of Italy one more time.
Lucky me its better than not being there at all.

walk all the way to piazza di popolo in the thoughts of going to see the gardens but I didnt find the energy to go up the stairs to go there
I didnt had coffee to perk me up and morenga was not kicking just yet

so i went to visit this morbid church
where Caravage and other famous painters had their painting exposed but it was mess time
I was not aloud to take pictures

oh welll got a few click before they kick me out

went to visit the museum of leonardo da vinci next to the church
way to hot in there so didnt go

went on to find the hotel de Russie
oh my god it was right there
I didnt have my little cute dress on but who cares got in
oh yes i wanted to have a Rossini sit there and relax all day
the view is spectaculor
but dam
the man was smoking a cigar the size  of a baseball bat
and it smelled all over
so i kicked myself out but promise to return for sure

and i walked on that street that is a bit more up scale then di corzo with a few antic shops closed of course!

I ended it up at the Spanish stairs
close too but the sun was perfect at that time and made this piazza magic
I could of gone up the stairs from the size to go to Monti district but prefered to avoid the upstairs for today as I am doing 2 back to back Rome one day off and another Rome
got it...

I will be dead by the end of this schedule for sure

so I was taking it easy that day

walked some more and finally end up to this siquale area
turned around passed by the fountain de trevi
and went to my favorite church in Rome
Santa Maria di Triton I can not really read the name
Lucky me i was alone with the priest stowing his stuff so got a few pic for you
check this place out
I lighted up a little electric candle for the victim and family of the eartquake and my family of course and got out...

I than took a street and got all the way to piazza di venizia almost 2 streets up
oh no i walked too much
look at my legs they were getting red

so I went across to try to find my way back
piazza navona is good for that
but end it up taking a break at the gelaterri
2.50 euros the biggest ice cream cone ever chocolate was ok but the pistachio had actually pistachio in it; that is a winner on my list.

And since i had a cone i could keep on walking
wanted to go to campo di fiori for dinner
but didnt
I went to my little discovery place antica near the pantheon full

so decided to tried rosari at the piazza di popolo
on my way there I stopped at the make up place Kinko
did my face up
there was no one in the store and since my company want us to change our look i went all the way for the new look they want and was also ready for dinner iii

so I arrived at Rosari looked at the menu and sat down
this is a famous place where the intellectual people of Italy will sit and chat on political matters
the right side and the left side at Canova or vice et versa

The service started nice and than the other waiter was not very pleasant
but order saltimbocca a veal dish

peligrino 5.00
veal dish 27.00
and decided this will be the perfect place to try the famous tiramisu
lift me up desert but
he left too fast so i couldnt ask him if it was the traditional tiramisu
i was sad to see my desert when it arrived
the new version
not the traditional one
it was supose to lift me up after all the bad news i had form the hospital
didnt work here Tiramisu!

took an americano decaf coffee since i not only have have leg problem but heart problem

and paid the bill
9.50 euros for service charge its exaggerated
I didnt even had wine
total price
59.60 euros

The problem for us from the other continent we are used to have vegetables with our dish of meat as well as potatoes or rice but here in Europe, you have to pay and order everything on the side so imagine how much it would have cost me here....
So this is why we are so disappointed when we see our dish especially in Italy where they have the antipasti
meat +++

Tomorrow I will have a slice of pizza and the next lay over a slice of pizza and the next lay over as well can only afford to go to the restaurant ounce a month !

Oh well I did it in a nice way, looking at the Piazza di Popolo, beats having dinner in a back alley looking at cars it might be cheaper but smelling the fumes from the cars and the vespa can be anoying when you are having dinner.

The way back was easy straight to Punto market to get some cheese chocolate cookies and wine
the usual.
2 streets down my hotel room

My legs were red and now I was seeing some pimples on it in a straight line
something i didnt see before
and it was itchy
mamamia what  am i going to do

got a good rest watch the eartquake situation on the tv and went to bed happy of my little time in Rome one more time

3 D frame here date from far back

gisants all over the church here

my favorite statue
fancy hotel de Russie

today at home
be with my dog
download pictures
and back againg to Rome

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