Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Athens Greece October 2022


A flight with no mask is like entering a gas chamber and be force to breath covid for 9 hours flight.

I fuckin have work in condition like this risking my life day after day.

Thank you Pfizer and Moderna to keep me alive I can not say that for Canadian government who sucks in protecting Canadian workers.

Finally resting in Athens

It helps to have a candy at the end of the flight to forget what you have been thru but
is it worth it 
not to wear a fucking mask and come back sick or end up at the hospital in a country they dont even speak your language 
wear your fucking mask on board and respect working crew
it wont kill you..

This being said 
I got it off my chess

come for a quick visit 

Flight delay screw everything up 3 oclock in the afternoon 

what a bummer

I work all flight all night remember....

so I ended up the first day sleeping and going for dinner near the hotel not fun for my day of celebration.

No beach this time

first day 
not the calamar I expected
snif snif
the end

Second day

orange cake and cappucino

The next day I went to the fish market  


greek way

a nice area around 

un magasin de croutons des toasts dans des presentoirs
j en revenais pas des toasts accrochées 

its very pretty they have kept those little church 

Afterwards I made my day to the Agora

Là ou la démocratie est née
je ne serais meme pas capable de faire ça avec de la Plasticine et eux ont été capable de faire ça...avec du marbre 


and up at Plakka  to a beautiful quaint restaurant up above the hill with a gorgeous view of Athen

a se jeter parterre 
dommage j en ai mangé que la moitié

 After lunch  I went down shopping in Plakka like a tourist 

Les gens s installent dans les.marches sur des coussins et sirotent un café 
propre partout 

Next time ici on mange bien et la terrasse le soir époustoufflant la vue de l Acropole et le coucher du soleil J y suis allée la premiere fois et je devais venir ici hier mais trop épuisée

45 euros trop cher

I needed to find something for my sisters and some slippers for my mom and I did  they are so cute and I dont care what you think of my kitch souvenirs from Athens they are perfect for winter in Canada to get out with them and come back in the house.

        distillerie d ouzo

 The taxi is expensive by myself so I could not afford to go back to the beach for dinner.

 I went to the grocery got some olive oil olive and feta for home and grab a souvlaki to bring to my room.

There is a price for tourist and one for Greek

Since I met a flight attendant who spoke Greek I saved 4 euros 

quand meme beaucoup!

 Now you know ask to pay the Greek price or else you are not eating

walked a lot uphill here 

the weather was perfect just plain hot perfect in the morning it was fresh and at night also 

During the day climbing up the hill was hot lovely day not doing much I know I needed to rest 

Athens was fun 

I wish I went to the island it's quite a problem to go to the port get a ferry need time and I didnt want to do it I was too tired. 

But make sure you book tours that will pick you up at your hotel if not it gets complicated and expensive to get to the port 

 It gets expensive to go back and forth in a taxi just remember if you ever want to come almost 50 euros just to get to your hotel 


30 euros

taxi 10 euros





18 euros 

hotel room

11 euros







etui pour tablette trop petit snif nsif etui a cossin de maquillage
une paire pour maman avec une grosse boite de patisserie grecque 
et une paire pour moi

greek turtles