Wednesday, January 18, 2012


                                AIR NATION  A FREE TICKET AROUND THE WORLD

                                                             CHAPTER 12

                                                  MONTREAL CANADA

The in flight supervisor of the company is waiting for the crew in front of crew scheduling office. He walks back and forth watching his watch constantly. When he sees the crew come in, he unlooses his neck tie. The flight attendants walk in the corridor and talk between each other like usual.

-Excuse me Max, he says getting closer to him.

-Yes Mr. Provencher, answers Max passing his hand in his hair nervously.

The flight attendant stop talking as soon as they hear Mr. Provencher’s name.

-Max, is your wound still hurting you?

-It’s okay, answers Max shaking his hand.

-Max, when you finish your check-out,  I would like to see the entire crew in my office.

-Very well sir, we will be there.

-No, wait, let’s instead go to the briefing room. I think there will be more space for all of us, he says leaving right away.

-O.K. everyone, says Max raising his voice. Mr. Provencher wants to see us right away in the briefing room so, hurry up, please. 

-The flight attendants look at each other wondering what is going on.

-But what have we done?, ask David very worry.

-We will find out soon enough, answers Max. Hurry up that’s all. I want to go home before the traffic starts.

Five minutes later, everyone is there. Tired of their very long day, they sit down quietly around the table.

-Is everybody here?, asks Mr. Provencher to Max.

Max looks around rapidly and decides to count them just to make sure no one is missing.

-Yes, it’s good, he confirms.

-Well...starts saying the in flight supervisor.

He stands up looking at them with a very serious look.

-I don’t have an easy task to do. The problem concerns the flight attendants only. Like you already know the company is having financial difficulties for a few months now and we therefore unfortunately have to reduce our man power. I regret to advise you... he says taking a big breath and continuing right away. That you were the last one hired in the company with class 22-23-24 and that this last flight you just did was your last one.

The crew is mouth-open. The distress is showing on everybody’s faces.

-But we still have the chance to come back to work afterwards?, ask Lorenzo. We were hired three months ago and our planes are always full I don’t understand sir.

-Don’t worry you did an excellent job. The company is very satisfied with your service, your professionalism and your enthusiasm to work. We have absolutely nothing, nothing against you and I can assure you that you will be the first one to be call back. I just hope the problem is temporary. The economic crisis in Asia hit us pretty bad. We had to cancel a lot of our flights there and normally this is our big revenue. And naturally with the incident that happen in Saudi this didn’t help us to get some more contract in the Middle East.

Not to forget, that the new government in position right now, in power of our beautiful province, has cut our subvention for next year. I don’t know what kind of puppets has power like this but that’s it, there is nothing we can do at this time. And the federal government didn’t give us an answer yet. They are still studying the mandate of a company out west before giving us their final answer. This is all politic. You know dam well how it works. So only times will tell us but for the moment I can not tell you more.

-Can we wish to get our job back soon or do we have to look for another job?, asks Tiffany very deceive.

-We are going to give you two weeks of salary and your 4%, one traveling pass and an unemployment form to fill up. You can always look for another job in the mean time...I can not predict the future you know...

-But I really don’t know what am I going to do?, says Jade very worry. I wanted to do that all my life after what we been through all together, I don’t want to do something else. I can not do that to us.

Jade is positive he is making a mistake. Tears are sliding down her cheeks. Lorenzo takes her by the shoulders to comfort her. He is as discourage as her.

-Don’t ask my any more question please,  begs the supervisor. It’s very painful for me to fire good employees like you. I’m very sorry and I hope sincerely to see you soon. My apologies to all of you. The only hope we have at this moment is our negotiations with an American company who could join us and kick us back on the aviation market. So let’s hope that everything will go well. Good-bye!

-Listen everybody, says Max. Don’t worry. It happen to me many times and look where am I today. Good Lord! I’m still here.

-How many times were you lay off?, asks Louise really mad about all this.

-At leas four times.

-Four times?, screams Danyele dismayed.

-And me two times, answers Xénia. Don’t worry.

-Take some vacations right now and be ready at all time, they will call you back, I’m pretty sure about it, says Max to cheer them up.

-Well I have to go, says Louise still furious to hear the bad news. It makes me mad this stupid thing so if anyone is interested, tomorrow night seven o’clock, you are all invited at my place for our last get together. Bring your wine and your sleeping bags and some Grand Marnier for Brazilian coffee. I would cook a big plate of pastas and we are all going to cry together, how’s that? Xénia and Max you are invited too and we can also invite our favourite pilots too, says Louise to the others.

-Why not,  they were so nice to us and they could keep us inform on what is going on in the company later on, explains Victor.

-Good, O.K. Bye everybody  see you tomorrow night.

-You can count on us, confirms Youssef. I have no where to go.

He hugs her real hard for a long moment.

The news is quite difficult to digest.  

-Hum!, answers the others having a hard time at this time to talk. They leave with their suitcase and their heart charge with emotions.

The night after, at the little cottage, everyone is there for the reunion. The atmosphere is very heavy but they try in vain to have fun. Lorenzo and David help Louise’s mother to install the extension on Louise’s table. Mr Tremblay lift his glass to make a toast to all the beautiful people around  him.

-To all of you! You have shown courage and a lot of strength at the beginning of your training so please continue! Keep hoping for the best and that everything will be solve shortly. It’s all a question of bureaucracy, politics nothing else. The shares of the company are still doing great and I think they did what they had to do at this point on. Diminish their man power, diminish their planes by nailing them to the ground and try with the American for a merger. They can not do better for the moment. It’s certain that if both of our government was helping them a  little it would of been the best thing to do for you to keep your job but you know like me the Canadian economy is very unstable. There is nothing we can do about it. It’s unfortunate but you have to suffer the consequences.  Ah! Let’s talk about you instead. Even though I hate flying, I was starting to appreciate to be around beautiful women like you all. So, I wish you all go back to work very soon, he says bringing up his glass again. Keep yourself away from the dark side and be optimistic, I’m sure they will call you back.

-Let me tell you, says the captain joining Mr. Tremblay and Max, it’s very sad to see them go. So I also would like to take this opportunity to thank-them.

He looks at each and everyone and raises his glass to make a toast.

-Thank you all! I want to thank-you now before my  memory will be at fault. You know that tonight, you can drink without worrying about the cut off and we are flying back only in three days. Also the most important of all, there are no matawas around so let’s enjoy ourselves and drink to friendship To all of us!

The girls kiss him on the cheek and the guys shake his hand.

-He really is a good captain, explains Lolitta to Mrs. Tremblay.

She continues explaining whispering to her.

-We could always count on him. He has a big heart and I think he finally solves his love problems with his wife. He looks more alive.

Mike stands up at his turn.

-Hey! Hey! Hey! Me too, I would like to make a toast. I would like to be kiss by all these beautiful girls. I won’t be seeing you either. It’s horrible.

-You want a little kiss my Chou-Chou!, asks Max laughing. I will still be there. Good Lord, don’t you worry.

-No, not you Max. I only hope that you will not forget me guys. I hope to see you soon! He brings his glass up and looks at Danyele right in the eyes and right away drinks up all his glass of wine in one shot.  Danyele a bit unease decides to go give a hand to Louise in the kitchen.

-Really, she says to her sister. You should of seen him look at me, Louise. With everything he did with Tiffany and Arlene he dares looking  at me like I was to blame. Really...Give me the salad bowl. He makes me angry this one.

After giving a hug to everybody in the living-room, Lolitta can’t hold it any longer and goes hide herself in the washroom to cry but Lorenzo grabs her by the arm on her way there and stops her so she can snuggle in his arms.  

-Come on Lolitta don’t worry, he says sincerely. It’s just a question of time my sweetie.

-It’s funny, says Chanel but there is only George left to tell us a word so we can go and eat after.

-No, answers George with a firm ton. I prefer not to say anything.

-Come on darling! Says Tiffany getting closer to him and passing her arm around his neck.

-No, insists George. My heart is broken. Now, I’m going to find myself all alone with those two pilots.

-Ah George! You are going to make us cry, says Xénia. I will take care of you O.K.

When she says that all the girls start crying.

Mr. Tremblay a bit embarrass go get his wife to come and remedy the situation.

-O.K. it’s time for dinner, she says out loud.

-Hurry up, screams Louise getting out the kitchen. Get closer. Okay everyone is here. Your attention please. Tonight, I choose to do a special service.

She goes back to the kitchen and starts serving.

-Ah!, exclaims David seeing the plates. These are the plates from the aircraft, but this isn’t true! he says laughing his head off.

-Well that is funny darling!

-I didn’t want you to forget right away the nice food we serve on board.

-Ah! No, it’s not true. I did not come all the  way here to eat that bloody aeroplane food!, says Mike a bit drunk.

-Don’t worry Mike, I just wanted to make you laugh a little especially tonight but I certainly didn’t want you to suffer as well. Don’t worry! And serve yourself plenty Mike, she says giving him his plate it’s my own recipe and I have a big pan full of it. Eat! says Louise sitting next to her dad.

-It’s delicious! My compliment to the chef. Mmm! It’s really good, says Youssef.

-Delicioso! adds David at his turn. Did you get this recipe by any chance from your dear Italian in Rome?, ask David to tease her a little.

-Ah who knows! It’s a mystery, she answers.

-We had more interesting things to do Louise and I than to exchange recipes with guys, says Jade laughing.

Oh well!, I though...starts saying Lorenzo.

-You though what ?, ask Jade.

-Hey, you two...let’s get to the point, says George. I was not to far from the truth in Bombay that night...

-Let’s not start arguing about this George, says Jade. Come on my big teddy bear, give the bread to mama and be nice with me tonight guys it’s our last night together.

-No, answers George giving her the baguette. I give you three months top and you will be back on the line working and serving me coffee. Ah! Ah! Ah!

-I’m counting on it Georgy baby, Chin! Chin! says Jade.

-Chin! Chin!

They start laughing and continue dining remembering their numerous adventures together.

-Silence please. I am going to ask you all to go in the living-room to take your Brazilian coffee, requests the hostess of the house.

-Good idea! I’m going to put some music, says David taking Mr. Tremblay by the arm so he can show him where is the sound system. It was very good, she’s a good cook, don’t you think so...

-Louise, says Youssef passing her some plates, you had a real good idea to invite us here tonight. It’s a bit less morbid than being alone at home asking ourselves what are we going to do? Come, I’m going to help you with the coffee.

-Youssef!, screams George who was comfortably sitting in the living-room. Don’t forget this time to put some alcohol in our coffees, he says laughing.

-Yeah! Yeah body!

Youssef explains to Mrs. Tremblay why he said that.

-Wait I’m going to help you, says Mike. I make the best whip cream in the  world. Give me a bowl ladies! Some cream, a little bit of vanilla, some fruit sugar and up I will whip you the best whip cream.

Jade sits apart from the group and observes Lorenzo starting a nice fire in the chimney.

-What are you going to do?, ask the captain.

-Forget that my captain, answers Danyele. For the moment, we are going to enjoy this chance to go on a vacation and rest. Who knows? If we wait too long perhaps our passes won’t be any good.

-You are right Danyele, darling! We are going to rent a nice villa on the  beach. This idea pleases me  a lot.

-Oh me too!. I’m going with you guys, answers Josey all excited just about the thought of going to a sunny destination.

-You..ou!, screams Louise from the kitchen walking towards the living-room. She bends down to change the music and says:

-Senors and senoritas! Your Brazilian coffees are ready.

She choose a flamenco music requested by Lolitta earlier and put up the volume. At the  same time, Lolitta comes in. Surprised, everyone looks at her. She is wearing a beautiful multicoloured sexy dress on. Youssef and Mike are coming behind her. They both have draw a big black moustache on top of their lips and wear some gauchos hats and are playing the maracas. While our three musketeers dance in the living-room,  Louise distributes the coffee. Victor went to get his guitar and the others are clapping their hands. After a few minutes only, everyone  is up dancing with them. They dance for a while before stopping and thinking one more time about their problem.

Back to a more quiet atmosphere, sorrow-stricken by  the idea of not working again, depression  is getting to them and the alcohol is going down to try to forget this tragic news. The luck to be back to work is quite small. They have to face the reality. What can they do more?

-Silence, please, ask Victor raising his voice. We have to plan our future trip maybe that will change our mind off this stupid thing, what do you think? When are we leaving? Where are we going and how? Anyone has a suggestion?

-Come on people, courage. We have to get a hold of ourselves.

-We will go on vacations like Danyele suggested earlier, says Tiffany. We can examine the situation  afterward on a better angle. I sincerely think if we stick together at the beginning we can get by more easily.

-Go, leave all at once!, says Mrs. Tremblay to encourage them. The sooner the better.

Mr. Tremblay looks at his wife disapproving one more time what his wife was saying to incite his daughters to go away.

-You need to escape, she explains. It’s in your blood. You have tasted the pleasure of travelling, of having different schedule beside the everlasting 9 to 5, you are used to a style of leaving that brings you from one place to another, where everything is magic over and over again, You have to go and afterwards you can take a decision. You will have time to think about it more carefully, she says smiling and certain that she had made them change their mind.

-Very well, let it be!, we need to find an affordable place, gratos! Says Lorenzo. We have at least three weeks or more to wait for our check of unemployment so we will leave for three weeks. And we have to fallow a strict budget and keep it to a minimum. What! Says Lorenzo with a bit of energy. Don’t look at me like this.

His eyes were shinning again just of the toughs of going away.

-I have an uncle. He has a very nice house in Ubatuba, a bit south of Rio de Janeiro, says Lolitta.

Maybe he could let us use it for a few weeks, she suggests.

-I though you came from Peru, says Victor.

-You have family all over the world, no, me too it’s the same with flamenco I don’t have to come from Argentina to dance it, carramba wake up Victor!

-Wonderful Lolitta but none of us speak Portuguese. We need to find something else, suggests Arlene. Anyway, I don’t  think I will go with you guys.

Victor looks at him very sad to hear this.

-My dad just announce me last night that he has prostate cancer and he has to go to the United States to have a chemotherapy  treatment so I think I’m going to go with him. It’s better this way.

-I could always ask my dearest dad to let us use his sail boat, proposes Tiffany. It is in Marquises islands somewhere.

-Where?, asks Jade intrigue.

-It’s not too far from Tahiti. There are numerous islands in this archipelago and my dad always wanted to bring back his sail boat around here but he is always busy like usual so we could know.

-Is the boat in good shape? Asks Lorenzo who is very interested by this proposition.

-I don’t know darling but knowing my dad it will be just like a brand new sailboat, I’m sure.

-There won’t be enough room for all of us, wonders Chanel and anyway I don’t think I will fallow you either in this wonderful adventure. I’m going to enjoy myself instead in playing the house wife to see if I like it or not and if not luckily we will have our job back. You just have to phone me from time to time when you are getting off shore somewhere.

-It’s to bad, there are already two people letting us down, remarks Tiffany and if I recall there was at leas six bedrooms on this sail boat.

-Well the fact is, says Lolitta I cannot go either, so that will make three of us. It’s out of the question that I leave the children and have fun sailing for three weeks. So what was I thinking really!

-Oh! It’s not true!, says Lorenzo sadly.

-Does someone has nautical skills?, asks David  sitting next to Mr. Tremblay who is snoring smoothly.

-Yes, yes, me, answers Danyele but to say that I can navigate all by myself  no, I need a skipper.

-Well you know guys, I was skipper for many years in Spain so don’t worry about this. Danyele and I will take you to good ports, he says proudly.

-It’s great! We are going to leave!, screams Josey very happy.

-What a change!, from sky to ocean, it’s sensational!, says Louise enchanted.

-A sail boat is quite small you now, remarks Mr. Tremblay who is waking up slowly. You could find yourself in many conflicting situations.

-Dad!, says Louise. We work together in worst condition than this one on an aircraft full of strangers, full of passengers of all kind night and days, days  and night. I don’t think you can find worst conditions than that, says Louise and on top we had to stay inside a pressurize cabin, now we are going to be free to stay on deck or to go inside and those who are looking for trouble will be thrown off the boat.

-I have to admit, says the captain, that your dad might be right. You can not forget that you just lost your job and the reactions facing this problem could aggravate the things among you.

-I don’t think so, answers Danyele. I know everyone here and I’m positive that each and everyone of us

wishes it will work and will do anything in their power to make it work.

-It’s a chance to take, says David. What do we have to loose, really? We just lost our job and to go to the beach for example every day and spend long hours thinking about it won’t be good either it’s better to be on the boat and keep busy with the chores on board. I think we have to leave as soon as possible like Mrs. Tremblay was saying.

David jubilates just thinking about it but he turns around to take his beer and looks at Xénia.

“Oh! Shit! Will I be able to leave without seeing her every day? We will see, I guess...only destiny will tell me”

He rubs his chin to think about his decision and not to sure about himself decides to drink up his beer all at once.

Xenia is very sad and looks at him without saying a word. She stands up and goes put another log in the  chimney than stays there for a long moment crying but no one could see her.

-It’s a superb idea, says Youssef but I have to think about it.

He lights up a cigarette.

-I’m going to be able to finish the writing of my book on board, says Louise adding some more whip cream to her coffee.

-What book?, ask the captain surprise.

Ding Dong! 

-I’ll go. Wait mom, show-them my photo album, says Louise going to answers the door. I took great pictures of you all, you’ll see.

-Oh that’s a good idea Louise, says her mother. You have wonderful pictures.

-Oh Hi Liam!, says Louise opening up the door. What a surprise! You were not suppose to be in Congo?

He takes her in his arm and hugs her real hard against him and than kiss her passionately before answering her.

-No, I’m leaving in two days.

-What a surprise to see you here! I think everyone knows Liam.

-Hey! Hi every body. I heard the  news. Louise left me a message on my answering machine. It’s really sad for you guys, isn’t it?

He takes off his leather jacket.

-What do you think of her pictures, they are great?

They are looking at them passing the numerous album photos around remembering all the good times they had.

-I’m going to do an exposition in a month from now, explains Liam and I’m going to expose a few of her photos with mine when I return from Congo. You will come and see it, I hope!

-You didn’t tell me that, says Louise surprise.

-Well I wanted to make you a little surprise, says Liam.

-But we decided to go sailing for three weeks, she says very sad. You said in a month, asks Louise to Liam.


-Ah! Well in that case, it’s a superb, great wonderful news!

She jumps in his arms and kisses him again.

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