Saturday, August 7, 2021

Israel covid time 2021 (The ko name place) #1Akko

Lets see if this time they will erase my blog.
Travel blog
Im on duty 
My lay over is 4 days 
this is the longest lay over I had in 26 years of doing this job but it is split because of shabbat covid and the usual situation.
5 shekels is worth 2.50 canadian dollar.
How to dress
wear your bikini and bring a hat you will be fine.
A beach blanket a pack sac a shopping bag they still give you plastic bags here...
And dont count on hotel fridge to keep your stuff cold not working.

In Jerusalem wear your skidoo allfit cover up in the muslim sector
and wear what ever you want even bikini in the street of Jerusalem
You need a lot of money to visit this country.
However, this being said there is plenty of history and archeological site to visit and one of the best beaches in the world!

is it time to visit Israel?      Non it's not the time to visit anywhere.                  Pandemic is like a war you don't travel you stay put. You travel for family matters to buried loved ones or see your mother.  On the plane, people don't listen they removed their masks and they pass you the nice virus vaccinated or not it's too risky they have discovered a new variant, and they already starting a booster shot for Covid.  So in the time being, you can prepare for a beautiful trip to Israel one day not now but one day. Yes you must come and visit Israel you have a lot of sites to see and the beaches are awesome. It's very expensive so start making friends with your neighbor....or the bagel shop owner. Yes, I am alone in the tourist sites but the long flights going in and out are particularly dangerous for catching covid simple as that The front of the plane is even more dangerous than the back. No, it's not the time yet! Unless you already have your spot at the cemetery near the wall. Big deal you will say I'm going anyway I will be careful No the flights are too long you will remove your mask to eat or in the washroom like everybody does no its too risky if you want my advice but look this is a beautiful trip you can plan for sure in the future.

Day 1out of 4

I did not do much 
I went to the grocery store
315 shekels grocery 
and went for the sunset on the beach
060 shekels taxi
50 shekels to old Jaffa
and another 60 shekels to come back
170 shekels taxi
walk there
Day 2 
I went to Jerusalem to see a special  market
wish it was not covid time

taxi   50!
train 32 shekels
45 houmous falafef coke water

Lala land
Perrier water 
melon 69+12 =91shekels

taxi 52 shekels

After my visit to this  wonderful market, I had to rush to come back since no one at the hotel can explain to me what exactly is shabbat : for transportation what is open or not I did not take a chance... 
they say its a free country but they force you to do all sorts of crazy thing in the name of the religion of all religion...

I acually went back to get this carpet today 125 shekels but
the guy was so was kind of a turn off ran away 
covid alert!

a little bit of shopping
busy place so busy they forgot to serve me so I rested for a while watch the scene of no mask people  and sat myself inside alone at that window and waited waited and left 
in old Jaffa night life is amazing 
if only they could write a little bit of english so we could know what they offer in their restaurant
or maybe they dont want tourist to get in 
ah this is the question

Day 2 
The next day I went to this amazing market in Jerusalem walk a bit in old Jerusalem and came back early to Tel Aviv before they stop the bus service  
everything shuts down but

I went to the beach and rested at Lala land wonderful resto bar
I had melon and perrier took a ride back to the hotel
had my lovely smoke salmon 
it was a nice day
olive of Israel are simply great...but now with covid you would think they would be covered so no one spits covid germ on it 
same for the rest of the food
oh well I bought some at the other market but dam covid
delicious pastry
everyone comes to the market before shabbat even the rich and famous the fat and the skinny one 
covid mother fucker 
covid mother fucker
ok Im getting off next stop
son of a bitch!

shit head 

Damascus gate

muslim area
its awful to say that people should be able to walk anywhere 
but they dont help themsleves by calling it muslim area jewish should be all area you can tell anyway who belongs to who
who goes to the wall or the mosk come on
this should be erase but no to top it up they put arm soldiers every where you can not go
im in a freedom country right 
lets not go further...

a little door that leads to the rock...

everything is closing for prayor time its the biggest one the Friday prayor..

Day 3 
Today since its shabbat I decided to go to the beach
oh boy big mistake
they all go to the beach on shabatt and reserve their chair 
nothing left for me on Jerusalem beach

no place to sit 
so I walk and swim walk and swim from life guard post  1 to 7.
Every life guard stop I will plunge in the water
and walk 
plunge in the water and walk
if only my bag was light
going to the beach need a lot of stuff and you always have to check for your belongings this is why I hate going to the beach if you want to swim its not fun I told myself since Im very white they will notice me and my bag and I could go swimming a bit less worried.

I had lunch at Lala land
crispy calamari with a coke
I took a taxi to old port of Jaffa 
40 shekels
I walk around 
I had a cold coffee by the sea shore 
15 shekels 
I climbed up the hill and went down the clock.

I Hop on a taxi and went back to the hotel. 
40 shekels 
On my way there I stopped over at Sarona for 
shower gel 
perfume and méjol dates.

On my way out I notice a perfume shop.
Oh no!
I figure I will go in just to browse and compare the prices from my Egyptian perfume...
(Guess what? While I was writing this blog I realized I needed to smell it again.
I just got up and went to put some iiii)

I went in and had the most fun experience in Israel.
The man is a nose man
Un parfumeur qualified from France the only place to be qualified.

And he proposed to compose a perfume only for MOI
how interesting is that I always wanted to do so in Paris of course
but why not here in ...
So I choose a medium size perfume purchase. 
I had to go thru a session of questions very intriguing questions.
He said a perfume is very  psychological.
And with your answers he goes in in picking bottles 
2 for every questions you answer
you pick between those 2 only one smell.
and the wonderful mysterious journey in the world of perfume continues.
I have now to pick and choose until the perfect oil is chosen to do my perfume.
We then go to another room the laboratory room and watch him mix the essence of my unique perfume.
This was really awsome. I had to choose a bottle and voilà! 
I bring back my own perfume with my name on it.
Come on! 
How can a girl resist this?
Pure magic!
You have to experience it to really understand it 
me the perfume freak I could not say no.

I could not afford perfume for many years and really since I went to Egypt and rediscover the world of perfume in a very good price again  I figure this time I could treat myself with the real package deal: my very own perfume...
too much.
It was a big hit for me.
I dont have much money you know with the salary I do but this for me is a piece of art I will cherrist for a long time.

A bit expensive but  I just need to eat more falafel or peanut butter sandwiches.

This is why I went back to my hotel and ate my left over lunch hoping its still good to eat in that heat and to balance my budget of this perfume purchase.

Did you know that some stewardess are still grounded because they lost the sens of smell and they could not go back on the plane.
M.the nose said he was scared with  Covid and still is 

Now on my return,  I cant wait to see how they feel about my perfume...

Just the experience in itself was magic and to meet a parfumeur in person for me was awsome. I always dreamrd to do that.

Go there alone...if you ever come here for a visit one day. 
So tomorrow Im not sure what I am doing I will definetely go check out this train station...worse come to worse or I go to Akko or I go back to Jerusalem you never get tired in walking the steps of ancient history
Stay tune 

the waves at Jerusalem beach puts you asleep no kidding
sand is nice and clean...
keep your distance and you can still enjoy a day at the beach but dont go sit where all the crowds are for god sake

Day 4 out of 4
Woke up and decided to go to Akko.
9"16 departure
ask the man
in the train no english
every station stop have english name that you can read at least.
or on the train I saw a small schedule with name stop that you can also read...

good luck for those who doesnt speak english
because in Israel they d8nt speak english beside a few taxi drivers. 
Here their english is very limited.
You can always sing to them in French its very popular on the radio french music.

Trains are old but comfortable but you dont see much outside dirty windows.

its roughly 1 hour 30 mins journey
slight delay
can you read the infos 
this man is there to help you hopefully 
does he speak english
ils ont tous des mitraiIllettes

age moyenne du pays genre 25 ans
pas d idée
ils vont tous qq part avec une mitraillette.

vieux comfortable 
on voit rien
les affiches sont en anglais
ce n'est pas le temps de dormir

on my way to see le bain turc de Akko
ici ce  n est pas le luxe de Jerusalem ou de Tel Aviv

ici on accroche n importe quoi vous expliquerez un autre jour
des desserts interessants

bon ce n est pas évident à trouver
quand je vous dis qu'ils accrochent n importe quoi 
ils sont tres esoteristes ici 
c est comme une religion
ils ont meme des attrappes rêve comme les amérindiens
les boite à fleurs sont des voitures d enfants en plastique tres étranges bref on verra plus loin
partout comme ça 

on arrive
peut etre le premier graffiti du monde
c 'est pas évident et il y a pratiquement pas personne dans les rues en plus ça avance pas aussi vite que je voudrais...devrais-je arreter de marcher....retourner ou continuer....
bon décidément ce bain turc était difficile à trouver et pourquoi à cet endroit précis
bon ticket probleme 
bref l homme decide de me faire entrer
j entre dans une piece extraordinaire le froid vous fige sur place la coupole  blanche woa !  impossible de tout capter...woa...quel luxe cela devait etre 
encore aujourd hui on ne serait pas capable de refaire un bain de ce fontaine au centre devait êre extraordinaire à sa pleine capacité.

Le marbre, la céramique les statues de bronze
Pendant que j'effectue ma visite le guide est sorti et je me suis retrouvée seule dans ses inombrables pieces du hamman et soudainement, j'entend la grosse porte se refermer mais trop tard, je suis très loin.
Je crie à l'aide 
help! help!
mais qui peut m'entendre dans ce bain marbré dans ce village presque fantôme 
Oh mon Dieu! 
Ma curiosité m"a poussée beaucoup trop loin. 
Demain je travaille merde!
Ouvrez cette porte!
Je pensais devenir une de ces princesses emprisonnées à tout jamais dans un bain turc. 
Je criais help help mais c'était peine perdue  personne pouvait m'entendre shit! Il faut que je sorte d' ici j'avais le coeur viré en envers.
Finalement la porte s'ouvre à nouveau ah fiou. 
Je suis libérée je me suis fait peur pour rien. 
Mais innocente je reste là et je continue à regarder et filmer et merde la porte se referme hey !
La c'est pas vrai mais qu'est  ce qui arrive s'il manque d'élétricité 
j aurais du sortir ka premiere fois 
bref j'ai fini par écourter ma visitr et j ai sortie de là.

ceramique en fleur de lotus

now not that I had enough thrill for one day 
wait until you hear about my passage in the tunnel. 

got to go to work now finish another day 

Ok so after this visit I went to see the tunnel.
ok Im afraid of heighs same thing for downwards stuff its quite deep I had to pay  to take a picture I dont care but the man saw I was afraid of going so he called a friend and decided to go with me 
I guess I had no choice but there is no one around 
its not very safe but ok 
I finally accept his offer of coming with me under the tunnel
bend down ok bend down ok now up there is a dome bend down ....there is an intersection of another tunnel woa you dont want to get lost 
water is flowing down in both side of the path...
oh my rats bats bats bats Im thinking scaring myself even more.
its quite long it goes completely under the city and brings you all the way to the other side of it at the part 
where soldiers and all will escape from the intruders....
ouf I would have never made it that far without him
So I decide to go for 10 shekels to go for a little ride
that was lots of fun.
Afterwards I walked in the extreme sun to go to the citadel near the rempart.

Visited the citadel and did an emergency stop at the restaurant Roots
coke and bread please and finally after feeling better I ate the best ceviche in the world.
hot bread labné olive oil salsa...
and went back home taxi not obvious to get out of there not obvious as I went down the tunnel...
turn turn turn zigzag in the souk and managed to get out of there.

train station 
no one speaks english
they dont even understand you when  you say 
Tel Aviv
next time I will ask the hotel clerk to write it down but there again 
5 stars hotel she barely understand what you want...there are not all from Miami you know.
Ce chateau est phenomènal pas pris bcp de photo j avais un coup de chaleur
mais pojnt strategique
lisez sur les Crusaders...

ces colonnes étaient énormes.
La chaleur m 'avait anéantie il était temps de repartir 
ce n'est pas la volonté qui manquait 
chaleur tue
Shalom Akko!

arhat essré
stèm essré
shlosh essré
arba essré
ramesh essré
shesh essré
shèva essré
shminé essré
thsha essré

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