Divide by 2.5. for Canadian dollars
This area is probably best to visit starting at happy hours
Israel :
Yémenite Russian American British German Moroccan...
9 shekels for a beer
50 shekels for taxi
10 shekels for water
10-50 shekels watermelon
10 shekels for a pot of olive
69 to 100 shekels for lunch
160 shekels for dinner
Hi, guys another chance for me I went to Israel again Come with me...
One day it will be your turn too so next time you will know what to do when you go on a trip after covid.
Meanwhile, dream a little ...
10,000 Covid cases a day here in Israel.
What did I do
Nothing much
I am beginning to be layed back like an Israelite
oh yeah
its called:
and you practice it every day of your life.
First day
Buy food for next day Sabbath
I went to the market Levinski
it's sad that this little area is not well-taking care of the stores are great but need a touch of London designers.
coffee sweat pastry...that was so so
We bought some Turkish coffee spices and peppers
and we pass along the Carmel market.
I said we
a flight attendant decided to join me ...MJ.
We grabbed some dinner food Israeli pizza hoummous and a beer and we had dinner on the beach.
We walked on the beach we went for a swim and a walk.
We waited for the sun to go down and then we went for an incredible swim.
On one side, the city by night, and on the other side the darkness of the night.
It was so cool. As soon as we turned around to watch the ocean it was pitch black the city side was an explosion of lights.
It was just great I could have stayed there all night.
It was also scary as we all hear the (biting fish ) around the area could appear and bite us...
We started the day with a great coffee and a lesson on Gazoz
Water soda with fermented fruits and herbs...
you can dine and hit the bars after but during the day it's not very welcoming no place to sit or a pretty café like Nev ztedek ...but a lot of potentials.
Oops... no lifeguard...
We took a taxi back to the hotel...
this is where my per diem goes
taxi taxi taxi
too hot, too hot, to walk in the city
Second day
I took a taxi and I went shopping for a pair of (gougoune) flip flops
my feet had blisters and I
forgot to put my running shoes back in my suitcase.
Meanwhile, MJ went to visit Jerusalem.
mosaic is absolutely beautiful
I spend the entire layover in gougoune.
How more laid back can I be. ( I never walk in flip flops only in my house.)
Beach time practice this new religion Beachnish
listening to reggae all-day
Jewish reggae is great ...
watching the waves go by
I had a nice walk nice swim nice lunch.
Israeli salatt
I went for a swim swim swim
listening to reggae...
Learning Hebrew is a perfect way. Shalom! Boker Tov! ( bonjour) Mashlamer! ( comment ça v) Tov toda (ça va bien ) beva kasha...( merci) shliva ( excuse) Kam zolé... (how much) something like that! I need to work on my numbers now
380 shekels for 1 hour with an instructor per person oh! Zut Alors!trop cher!
This is where my per diem money goes.
You have to call each time you have to wait each time
On my way back
I had a glass of wine at the hotel with my friend who came back from Jerusalem. We had a chat and I had
dinner in my room.
it took 40 mins to get a glass of wine!
it was the eve of the Sabbath.
its starts around 3 o'clock on Friday and goes on all-day
Saturday but the beach is outside this sabbath thing
Beachnish religion here
Drinking eating partying
Arak all day long for the young people.
Blessing your soul with surf and arak
houmous and salatt
Day 3
third day
I went to Jaffa with MJ and we had a great lunch at a Greek restaurant near the ocean.
Jaffa (4,000 ans )
Stopover at the fish market
We had some Perrier and watermelon after our very long walk and we went for a swim.
So so so many people at the beach on Sabbath.
it's a big joke.
they all eat drink smoke pot on the beach.
ah! Beachnish religion!
something to cheat on and fight for
whatever suits you
amazing view
went for a swim...
walk all the way back
went for a swim
watch the sunset
fucking taxi!
never on time
never there when you need one never wear a mask never use the meter
It's a pain in the butt but this is a small price to pay to be here trust me.
the day was perfect until we want to go home...
(miserable life when it comes to bitching on the taxi ride hey)
The problem as soon as you leave the beach the heat is killing you
hotels are freezing their lobbies and you can not go in
ah! living like an Israeli as its up and down
and all the stuff you need for the beach...
Fourth day
went to the beach
the dilemma with taxi again
went to Jaffa for some wonderful shopping get there early have a wonderful deal and just walkway they are too expensive...they have to drop their price in half or else walkway
back to the beach
went for a very very long swim
had lunch
greek salatt with Bulgarian feta cheese
waited for checks
and time to go back for a swim again
such an amazing time swimming
and went back to the hotel
as you can see it gets expensive to always go to the beach by taxi
but yes I walked all day at the beach
but in the city, it's intolerable too hot in the city
you boil like a fried egg in the pan.
...got it...
yes to go to the beach is a bitchy life Beachnish is a nice religion
I will miss it
not my wallet ...
3 colored peppers and Hawajii Yemen spice
peanut butter almond to balance my budget when I return home
almond spread
pine nuts......
and nice mosaic tiles
will finish when I get back home
my eyes are itchy from too much salt
my nose is itchy from too much salt
my chin is itchy from mask wear mix with sand and too much salt
my arms hurt so much from too much swimming
my neck hurts
my legs hurt from
too much exercise...
trying to look like a Jewish mermaid!
Ouf! It gets to you a day at the beach.
to be followed
for the delay
I didnt stop since I arrived.
where was I oh yes we were starting our visit to Old Jaffa
la maison d un sculpteur
Lisez bien
seule ambassade dans la region
J adore cet endroit dommage c etait fermé MJ qui m accompagne a droit au tour guidé privé...et moi j adore m y promener.
Elle ne peut pas demander mieux que cette vue magnifique de tel Aviv
Petite Eglise
Une belle promenade
Les puces ici sont allechantes mais pas le jour du Sabbath il faut venir tot le matin.
j'aime le débordement du cercle.
les shops d artistes abondent ici cette artiste recycle et fait de magnifiques pieces d art
trop de gens ouf!Taxi ne sont jamais la quand on en a besoin tellement de traffic et ici les prix montent et fluctuent alors une ride peut varier entre 25 et 50 shekels be aware of
La quatrieme journée Taxi je suis retournée à Jaffa et j'ai fait des emplettes coups de coeur pour ma maison et je suis redescendue à la plage me defouler dans la mer à faire des longueurs...en profiter au maximum. Taxi parce que ce que je rapportais étaient tres lourds de jolies mosaiques pour mon jardin qui finalement se retrouvront dans la maison.... mais là je reviens avec un souvenir en trop une drôle de dermatite le sel le soleil qui sait...trop nagé on verra bien... taxi de retour à l'hotel. Douche et je suis repartie essayée de retourner mon parfum à Sarona le vendeur est toujours occupé et je ne veux pas l'embarassé mais le parfum n'est qu'un eau toilette et s'évapore trop vite à mon gout donc je ne vous conseille pas de le faire faire apres mures réflexions si vous avez suivit mes autres blogs vous savez de quoi je parle sinon voilà en bref j ai fait faire un parfum et je me suis fait avoir j ai adoré l'expérience que le parfumeur m'a conçu un parfum que pour moi mais voila c'est tout comme les produits de la mer morte qu'on vend à l aeroport ne faites pas ça achetez les à la mer morte sinon oubliez ça il n y avait rien dans le tube quand j ai voulu m en servir je l ai donc échangé avec peine et misere hereusement ils ont bien vu que le bidule de la creme ne fonctionnait pas et qu il n y avait pas de creme a l interieur mais voila dans la grosse boite un minuscule petit pot de crême....mais ma mere l aime bien. Ceci dit acheter les produits et gouter, gouter, gouter parce que la aussi on peut se faire avoir et les prix sont tellement exhorbitants à part les olives mieux vaut s'abstenir parce que gouter les trucs pendant le covid...hum je trouve ça risqué mme si on attrappe pas le covid par ls nourriture les grns passent et se mettent les doigts dedans ou parlent par dessus la nourriture exposée ce n'est plus comme avant...
À la prochaine visite...
À la prochaine visite...
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