Monday, May 13, 2013

Parvovirus Dog die from Parvo virus in Québec because of incompetent veterinarians

English part
Français en deuxième partie

parvo or dog poisoning

                                                          Useless veterinarians killed me


The first day May 07, 2013

When I went to the farmers market to get some tomatoes plants I fell in love with this little dog. Mix Colley and labrador. He was very cute so instead of buying tomatoes, I bought myself a beautiful puppy. I name him Cowboy. I had Sunshine a german Shepperd dog for 16 years then I got SonyBee a white labrador for 4 years. He got stolen with my mom's dog Fluffy a Great Pyrenees and I still to this day, miss him a lot and when I see a lab I always think oh it's him. Cowboy looks completely different than any dog, so if I lose him or he got stolen too it would be easy to find him back for sure, I told myself and he looks so calm and cute. I was really missing the company of a dog and to feel safe in the country where I live, I needed a dog to protect me as well.  There aren't any village police around. I do have a cat, I love him dearly, he save my life twice but I needed a dog to protect me and complete my family.

Second day
le 08 mai 2013

The next day, I right away brought Cowboy to the vet in St-Sauveur. She didn't want to see my dog because I bought him at the market. I needed to wait 10 days. What the hell?
The vets didn't want Cowboy to receive his shots because he was a bastard coming from the market.

My little one die on Sunday from a very infectious virus, a very contagious, deadly virus.
I bought Little cow-boy on Tuesday in Lachute and he die on Sunday.

If they had seen my little cow-boy the day I went to the vet, someone would have seen something was wrong with him or he could have been protected if he had received his vaccine; he could have been ok.

I call many places but they all wanted to see him without giving him his vaccine.
Money Money Money

What the fuck. They want to make money. Are they crazy or what.

troisieme journée
le 09 mai 2013

fourth day
09 mai 2013 
the end of the afternoon
Cowboy is starting to be sick.
He was vomitting 
Getting lethargic.

fifth day
10 mai 2013

His eyes are getting full of infection. The more I dry them the more infection is coming out.
I thought maybe he is allergic to plant, to pollen.

le 11 mai 2013

Before it all started, I made many phone calls and  finally met a vet who saw him and give him treatment but it was all about money
He was charging me $1,000.00 for his treatment like all the others.

Then, finally, I saw on the internet another treatment so he came up with a cheaper treatment $181.00 under the skin but this was done too late unfortunately



But then, maybe I was paranoid maybe it was just a little gastro, little eye infection, too much-eating grass or roots, different food, too much exercise from being free out of a cage.
so I waited, watch him, change his food, stop doing run for the ball and let him rest,,,
but then he didn't want to eat food, he woke up with 2 eyes full of infection blocking his sight.
I didn't like that a dog needs to have good eyes and I did check his eyes when I bought him. He was fine.
Then it got worst, I ask the veterinarian in St-Sauveur if they had a visitor with a virus since I had visited the clinic earlier but they told me no.
Maybe it was the place in Piedmont where I bought the food or in St-Sauveur when I walk the dog.
I don't know.
So a couple of days goes by and it was getting worst.
He was throwing up immensely, so much.
This was strange because when I bought him he look fine.

Then 2 nights of hell for my little cow-boy was ahead.
The first night, it was horrific to see this little poppy so sick.
I couldn't keep up throwing up downstairs, upstairs everywhere.
Wash, sleep, up again, running everywhere.
Get him out get him in...
Even the cat didn't know what to do to see the poor little cow-boy.

The next day was so nice but then he didn't want to come for a walk he kind of collapsed.

So, I call back the vet in St Sauveur on Hochart street, she had told me the day before she was open on Saturday but she didn't tell me she close at noon.
I call Piedmont vet but it was close again,  call this number that says to go to Blainville.
I can not do that to my little one,  he is sick, throwing up,
no way! I  cannot drive 40 minutes to go there.
So, I call in Ste-Adèle, a shorter ride by car from my house and they told me they could see him at 14:30 because I told them I could not let this little guy suffer any longer.

When I arrive, the vet was so snob, he hardly look at my dog. His 2 assistants give the intra shot to Cowboy, not even the vet, therefore, Cowboy was screaming from pain. It was horrible.

Then, the second night, it was better because we had gone to the veterinarian. He did not vomit until 04:00 o'clock in the morning.
I was so tired my cat woke me up by jumping on the sofa and there he was right there Little Cowboy had vomit in the middle of the living room. Oh! The smell of death had covered the entire house.

We went outside to breathe and he didn't want to come in so he stayed out in the fresh air not too dangerous at this time no wild animals running around.
I went in to clean up and cry.
The death smell was there I knew the worst was yet to come.
That morning, I invented any food recipe for him to eat but without any chance.
Little cowboy was definitely hanging in there but without success.
His little tail was not moving too much.
I read he had to do exercise to bring up his white cell so we went out not too far around the house just to have him walk a bit but the worst was yet to come. The medication was not working at all, he was again bleeding.
Having so much hard time.

I decided to carry him home to rest on his cushion and let him rest. What could I do? I did not have $1,000.00 my card is full to the top, I just lost my dad in January, I don't even have money for my physio treatment.
I bought Little Cowboy with the money I was going to buy my tomato plants to eat this summer.

All-day, I try to wet his gum, splash inside his mouth some water, try to force him to drink a bit of oatmeal liquid. Put some stuff on his little paw so he can lick himself but nothing.
Nothing work.

I ask my mom to come for a visit because Cowboy liked visitors. The night before my nephew came to say hi and he was very happy.

So when my mom came, it was time for him for a little walk so he could go and relieve himself but he collapse on his 4 legs down.

I look at my mom in distress. I was petrified. I took him back in my arm and put him on his cushion.
My mom left as this was mother's day and I was with my little man.
He seem fine and like my mother said we need to let the medication make its way. So, I went inside to look for more pieces of information on this vicious virus and when I came back he had left his cushion and he was sitting in the rain without moving. My heart was broken to see him like this.

Difficult to say, I took him inside but he didn't want me to be around him.  He wanted to be away from him. I knew he was very sick. I try everything nothing works.

I went inside got myself a glass of water and decided by this awful very cold day to put on my winter coat and go sit next to him where ever he wanted to be.
I read him some Buddha passage but he had chosen to be in the shade outside I was petrified and freezing, this was not helping the dog case.

So I took him back to the front, in the sun that had decided to show up for a little bit but it was still very chilly.
I sat on my long chair, took him in my arms, and kept him warm, singing and talking to him, there was nothing I could do, no more.
Hope, miracle praying, anything but my little one was getting worst minute to minute.

The fucking veterinarian should have given me a second dose for the next day that assle. He only give him one dose. If I had another dose to give him maybe he would have been better but he kept insisting it was too late. the damage was done.

I should have spent $1,000.00 but I couldn't. But I could have to spend another $181.00 for another shot to give him on the second day but he refuse to give me one.

The vet in Ste Adele scare me so much saying I was a bad buyer because I wanted to save a bastard at a flea market. So what, we always bought our dog there and had never had any problem. We bought horses, chicken, dogs anything It is a farmer's market for god sake.

I felt guilty to be poor.
I was furious.
I hated the world.
An innocent was paying the price.

But what about the second dose of intravenous medication could have probably saved him.

That last day, I hold Cowboy as long as I could in my arms.
but I had sprained my back at work and could not sit like this any longer and he was starting to have the shivers so I decided to put him down on the chair so I could put him back on his cushion and put a blanket around him.

I will be back Cowboy

But when I put him down his little head when on the side. I freaked out.
I grab him put him flat on the balcony floor and started CPR but how do you do CPR on a dog.
I couldn't break in his mouth he had a virus.
I went on for a while trying to blow as hard as possible without touching him and continue CPR but I had to let go Cowboy from his misery from his suffering so little so innocent and so in pain. I was freaking out
I went inside to call someone for help but you dont call 911 for a dog a the police my family was out they took my mom out for a ride it was mother s day
I was a bad mother
my poor puppy was dying and I had to let go of him.

I was furious at me at the world at the vets.

He died on Sunday in my arms.

What about the fucking lady who is selling sick dogs with the virus who is killing the dog species...
Can anyone look into that?

She will be there in Lachute, if time permits, selling more sick dogs
I want you to stop her.

What is wrong with those supposedly loving veterinarians in 2013?

They don't love pets anymore. NO
They love your money
Because Cowboy was bastard they snob me, they refused little Cowboy to get his shot on his first visit. How stupid was this?

If you know he is coming from a bad place, reason enough to give him his shots, no?

Now my entire lot house had to be on quarantine because of that.

Last day
12 may 2013

                                                       Goodbye my sweet CowboyOn the 23 of may

The federation of veterinarians in Quebec send me an email so I call them and they told me it doesn't change anything if your dog had a vaccine or not well why bother then, idiots.

Then she ask me to do a complaint if I'm not satisfied, I just did that what does she want me to do, bend down on my knees, idiot.

Fuck off!
What I know for sure is if they had taken my dog to St Sauveur the vet that day would analyze his excrements and would have seen that my dog was sick and they could have done something at least to prevent him from suffering but instead they send me home.
Incompetent veterinian.
Incompetent Veterinarian federation
Poor animals.
All they want today is your money.

10 days the vaccine against parvo would have been an effective bunch of idiots who dont give a dam of bastard animals mix breeds
I wonder who is more bastards the innocent animals or the fucking veterinarians who dont give a fuck about saving an animal or not.

All I wanted his a puppy to love and cherish for the rest of my life.

I got my money back but this lady is still selling sick dogs at the flea market in Lachute Quebec. I called the flea market waring them about the virus on their land and to protect other animals from catching it. I called the television, the newspaper to warn people from going there with their dog because of a deadly virus but they couldn't care less either.
So sad.


& months had passed, in November I bought myself a new dog. Starlett. I called to take my dog to the vet same old story. You have to wait 10 days before you get any shots.

What can I do?

I shot my mouth and waited 10 days for my new puppy to get her shot. I went to a different veterinarian but again same story. The rules are made and you can not change them even tho they are ridiculous. And of course, I don't have pure bread so you go there and the vet looks at you like you are something bizarre and your dog has the pest.


What is wrong in 2013 they dont care about your dog they care of their business.
Its a business a good business.
Right away he is talking about her operation and perhaps I should think of doing this kind of operation too for what? For money.

How horrible! They want us to save animals from shelters or this or that but every thing is so pricy its ridiculous.

I bought Starlett from a farmer and hope she is fine. I shot my mouth when I went for the shot.
I tried to change the way they do by getting the shot right away when the owner wants to bring their dog in but it didnt work but because I dont' t want my new puppy mix berger des maremmes and newfoundland dog Starlett to suffer like cowboy, I will write this article and say no more even tho this entire process needs to be reevaluated.


                                                                  Deuxième partie


                                                           Il s'est éteint dans mes bras
Avisez la population du Québec
Les lois des vétérinaires doivent changer
N'allez pas achetez de chiots aux marché aux puces avant 40 jours ce territoire est en quarantaine.
N'allez pas vous promenez avec votre chien aux puces à Lachute, Piedmont, Ste-Anne-des-lacs, St-sauveur, dans les Laurentides avant 40 jours.
N'approchez pas et ne laissez pas votre chien reniflez aucun excrèments.
Les vétérinaires ne veulent pas vacciner mon chien conclusion mon chien meurt.
Mon chien
est mort dimanche après-midi.

Je l'ai acheté mardi au marché aux puces de Lachute.
Mercredi en début d'après-nnidi, je veux le faire vacciner.
On me dit d'attendre 10 jours.
Il avait 5 mois.
Il est mort d'une maladie super ultra contagieuse...comme la peste.

Maintenant toute ma maison doit être mise en quarantaine, mon terrain tout.

Pour toi mon petit cow-boy

Je suis profondément désolée de voir qu'Il y aura beaucoup d'autres chiens qui mourront de ce virus grâce à la mauvaise informations, et aux médias qui se foutent complètement  de la propagation de ce virus. Ils veulent que sa frappe fort, pour de meilleurs nouvelles
ainsi va la vie petit.
Les humains sont plus chiens que toi.
Repose en paix

P.s. je me suis fait dire par un employé de Radio-Canada de ne pas prendre le mord aux dents qu'Il passait à un autre appel.
Belle marque de civisime.

Après plusieurs coups de fil à l'hotel de ville, au marché aux puces à Lachute, à la protection des animaux, à Radio-Canada pour que l'on informe le public, à TVA, à Huffington Post, CTV Montréal, sur dame vendait encore ses chiens quand je suis retournées aux puces, marché des fermiers à Lachute.

Tu vois petit cow-boy j'ai récupéré l'argent de la vente, pas celle du vet mais je ne t'ai pas rendu justice car d'Autres petit comme toi mourront sans que perosnne ne veulent intervenir.

Est-ce légale de vendre des chiens malades au Québec?
La réponse est oui.


mon article sur kiijjii
chien mort à vendre

Acheter un chien à Lachute et 5 jours après il meurt. Malgré mes interventions pour informer le public via les nouvelles de radio-canada qui m'ont répondu au téléphone: ne prenez pas le mord aux dents madame je passe a un autre appel, on a pas voulu vous informer

J'ai écrit à Hufftington post, TVA nouvelles, rien la non plus,CTV non plus
j ai appellé hotel de ville de lachute, rien non plus.
les responsables de lachute me disent qu ils ne peuvent pas controler qui entrent sur le site et qu'est-ce qu'on vend sur le site non plus,
protection canine, eux ont attendu que les puces ferment pour m'appeller,
on vend toujours des chiens malades à lachute. Je suis aller récupérer mon argent de la vente pour voir si elle était toujours la et effectivement elle vendait encore des chiens.

Mon chien avait le Parvo virus. Hyper contagieux ma maison est en quarantaine. Je me suis promener aux puces de Lachute, dans Piedmont, Ste-Anne-des-lacs, St-Sauveur et Ste-Adèle avec mon chien. toute contente d'avoir trouver un compagnon.

Le pire dans tout ca; si le vétérinaire à St sauveur rue hochart avait voulu vacciner mon petit le lendemain de mon achat, il aurait vu dans ses excrements qu il était atteint et peut etre que le traitement à 181$ aurait fonctionné mais la loi au Québec interdit les chiots bâtards de se faire vacciner en dedans de 10 jours pour que cher monsieur le vet empoche la grosse somme du traitement de $1,000.00 de la pure magouille. ce qui fait que mon petit chiot est décédé dans mes bras dimanche. Et ce n'est certainement pas le vet qui m a dit qu il y avait un autre traitement mais c'est grâce à mes recherches sur le web alors quand j'ai vu un autre vétérinaire il m a dit que  cétait bien le Parvo sans test ou quoi que ce soit il n aimait pas les chiens bâtards ca se voyait et il m' a dit il faut faire le traitement intraveineux a $1,000.00 J'ai attendu un moment pour qu il me dise enfin de faire le traitement à $181 mais il était trop tard pour mon petit cow-boy
il aurait pu me donner une autre dose à faire chez moi non plus mais $1,000.00 de traitement je ne pouvais pas payer ca. surtout qu'Il n'y a que 3% de chance de survie.
Je veux juste vous informer d'aller lire sur le Parvo virus.
Maintenant je ne peux pas avoir de la visite qui ont des chiens, j'Ai du tout jeté ce qu'il avait touché, draps, bol, tout et la je lave mon gazon a l'eau de javel.
Perte d'appetit
Perte d'entrain
Un oeil qui coule
Dort beaucoup
                      jusque la ca va on pense qu il s adopte a sa nouvelle vie
                      nouvelle bouffe, courir apre`s la balle...

les yeux commencent à faire du pu, très abondant ca coule au 15 minutes il ne voit presque rien.
Il ne veut pas jouer,
Il dort beaucoup
Il ne veut pas sortir
Il reste coucher
Il vomit de la bave, il a trop mangé d herbe on se dit
Il vomit de la bave extreme, a-t-il la rage?
Ses selles sont liquides claires
Ses selles sont brune liquide ca sent l enfer
Il arrete de vomir à cause de ses médicaments
mais a toutjours de la bave qu il n epeut se défaire
Ses selles sont brunes rouges  ca sent la mort
Il ne marche plus il vomit
Il grelote.
Il fait de la fièvre
Il fait une crise cardiaque
Il meurt.

Mise à jour en date du 23 mai 2013

Après avoir reçu un courriel de la fédération des vétérinaires, je me suis fait dire qu'il n'y avait pas de lois qui interdisent les vétérinaires à vacciner les chiens pour une période de 10 jours.
Conclusion ce qui revient à dire, les vétérinaires préfèrent voir votre chien quand il est malade, souffrant et mourant.

Je parle à une vétérinaire de la fédération qui me dit de toutes façon ça ne change pas grand chose que votre chien soit vacciner ou pas.


Pourquoi on vaccine les chiens d'abord?

Pouvez vous envoyer une lettre au vétérinaire de St-Sauveur et Ste-Adèle pour leur dire qu'Il n'y a pas vraiment de loi à ce sujet.
Elle me dit qu'Il faut que je porte plainte.

Je viens de le faire n'est-ce pas suffisant, de plus, ça ne me redonnera pas mon chien envoyez leur une lettre à ses pauvres connards qui ne veulent que mon cash.

Il faut faire une plainte d'abord.

Hey! En voici une plainte bande d'incompétents. Vous n'aimez pas les animaux pour l'avoir fait souffrir de la sorte.SI on l'avait pris la journée que je me suis présentée au vétérinaire à st-sauveur rue hochart ils auraient vu que mon chien était malade en analysant ses selles bande de crétines!

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