Monday, November 28, 2011



                                                       CHAPTER  THREE

                                                        BOMBAY INDIA

...The captain, Mike and George help each other out. They were projected on the floor by the force of the explosion. They look at each other, stunt by what happen and realize at the same time how serious is this situation that seems to be out of their own control.

Chairs are on the floor, the windows are completely gone in pieces, the tables are upside down and a lot of the hotel customers are still on the floor.

-Are you okay? Asks the captain very worry. I hope everyone is alright.

The pilots look at him, signalling they were fine.

-Mike, asks the captain, go check the first and second floor, and ask everyone to come down here as soon as possible. Be careful.

Mike goes out right away and doesn’t see that Danyele and Louise are on the floor still.

-George, asks the captain, go up to the third floor, hurry up and take care of yourself will you.

George leaves the restaurant and is surprised to see the two sisters there. He stops to help them, but Danyele signals him that they are fine and to continue his way. The captain picks up his briefcase and hurry up to go make a phone call.

George arrives next to the elevator. Louise and Danyele join him to give him a hand.

-The elevator is block, screams Mike to the engineer. Take care of it, there might be some of the crew inside, I will go upstairs.

-Alright Mike, be careful, says George a bit nervous.

Mike goes up the emergency stairs. Danyele reacts right at once and go get some help from the doorman while Louise decides to run to the reception to see the manager of the hotel.

-Let’s hope there is no one stock in this old piece of crap, says George to Danyele who comes back with the doorman.

George doesn’t believe it. He is very distress to see the result of this sudden attack. He bangs on the door with all his strength.

-Do you hear me? Asks George yelling. Do you hear me?

From the inside they are screaming but no one can hear them. The elevator is stock between two floors. George bangs once more on those doors to hope for a sign but he doesn’t hear a thing. He looks at Danyele quite discourage.

-Listen Danyele, you are going to help me. Mike went to get the rest of the crew upstairs, I want you to take care of them when they come back and direct them to the restaurant.

He then looks at the doorman.

-Hurry! Jesus Murphy, go put the contact on this old piece of shit! Orders the engineer.

George makes sign with his hand so the doorman understands.

-Yes sir! Answers the doorman finally. Discourage and a bit scared of what happen himself, he then proceeds to go behind the wall to put the elevator back on.

George waits with Danyele. Louise comes back with the list of the crew members and waits for the elevator to work again.

A long moment passes, before the members hear the elevator move.

-Yes! Screams the engineer satisfied.

But right away, the elevator stops. George is furious.

-No! I don’t believe it! Go, go! Dam it!

The doorman comes back thinking the elevator is once again working.

-No! No! screams the engineer to the doorman, go back and try again, he orders making signs with his hands.

The doorman moves his head from left to right and finally goes back to put the contact once more.

-Ah! Jesus Murphy! Come on, screams George impatient to see it work.

Minutes goes by, before they can hear a little noise coming from the inside of the elevator.  The crew members stock inside are screaming but they can’t be heard very well. George looks at the two sisters smiling, hoping for the best.

After a while, the screams are more and more loud. The crew is screaming for help. The elevator starts moving and finally arrives on the main floor but the doors don’t open. They are stock. The two sisters help George to expand the opening of the door so the crew can finally get out. The others are trying from the inside.

-There, we are almost there, yes, that’s it, screams George happy. Wonderful!

The flight attendants are finally free of their ordeal. George looks at them relief to see them.

-Nothing broken? Asks George at Tiffany who gets out first.

-No, but I lost two nails, trying to get this door open, it’s unbelievable! George that you took so long to let us out!

-It’s true, admits David seriously, you really took a lot of  time... but not enough for my liking, says David afterward, I didn’t have enough time to take advantage of all those beautiful ladies!

-Really, adds Xénia, Don’t you realize the heat that we felt in this old piece of junk, and the dust, Ouf!

The two sisters and George don’t understand a thing about this circus. George upset from their reaction gets mad. He raises his hand in the sky, completely discourage by them. He is quite furious.

-Jesus Murphy... What’s wrong with you people? The sun burn your brain or what? I try to save you and get you out of there and that’s all you find to say!

He turns his back to leave but the flight attendants don’t let him go. They jump to his neck, hug him and kiss him thank you. Everyone is happy and they just had plan a little trick on him.

-Darling! George, starts explaining Tiffany, you save our life, Thank-you very much, George!

-It’s not the time to play games, says George backing off from them. Get the hell out of here! he orders very mad.

He raises his tone of voice.

-We have more flight attendants to save. It’s serious! God dam it! Wake up Jesus Murphy! There has been an explosion! It’s not just the elevator that got stock! Have a good look around you and get the hell out of here now! Go to the restaurant, and don’t move from there it’s an order from the captain. I’m going upstairs to see if there are some injured people!

The flight attendants look at each other and around them not knowing what to answer; they really tough it was only the elevator that broke down.

-There has been an explosion, explains Danyele, and the hotel is badly hit.

-Look for yourself, says Louise, and go to the restaurant the captain is expecting you.

-Hurry up guys, says Xénia very serious this time. We are very sorry, adds Xénia looking at George. We...

-Okay, okay, says George, just go! that’s all.

-Wait George, says Louise. I have the crew list, and I just check everyone here, so...


After trying to make his way on the first floor, Mike bangs on the first door.

-Is there anyone there? asks Mike trying to open the door. Luckily, the door is open.

-Yes, yes, over here, in the washroom, try to screams Lorenzo badly hurt.

The room is all messed up. Mike enters the washroom and is quite surprised to see Lorenzo on the floor.

-Hey! That bad...says Mike very worry.

Lorenzo is laying down on his side and all around him you can see all bits and pieces of broken mirror all over. The shower curtains fell down, half the wall is completely fucked, and all of Lorenzo toiletries is on the floor. 

-How are you feeling? asks Mike, trying to get to Lorenzo.

-I don’t know, complains Lorenzo. I have a funny sensation in my back. I must of hit the floor with my head. Did I miss the pickup time? What happen to me? Asks Lorenzo very much in pain.

Mike observes Lorenzo’s back.

-Don’t move, orders Mike very serious. Let me have a closer look at your back before you move.

Lorenzo’s back look like a dart board.

-What’s the matter, asks Lorenzo a little scare.

-Don’t move, orders Mike, shock to see the wounds

There has been an explosion, here at the hotel, and from the look at it, the mirror completely exploded on you...I don’t think it’s that bad and on top of it, you have a really big bump on your head. Now, can you move your toes, your fingers, ask Mike very worry?

Lorenzo tries to move.

-Yeah! this is good, says Mike very happy of the result. Now, we are going to put you on your two feet.

He then brings Lorenzo to his bed.

-Wait there, orders Mike.

The water extinguishers are running all over the room. Mike tries to stop them by closing the screw but no chance he then puts a towel around them, then takes the blankets off Lorenzo’s bed and find the extra one from the closet to put it on top of the one situated on top of Lorenzo’s bed.

-That should be alright for now. Okay try to lie down on your side.

-What are you doing? Asks Lorenzo.

-I’m going to try to remove the mirror pieces that are in your back, explains Mike getting out four bottles of vodka at the same time. And this, he says showing two of the bottles, is to clean up the wounds. It’s going to burn a little, but it’s all I can do right now.

He looks at him and continues.

-And these one, are for both of us. It’s going to help us; I don’t like to play the doctor. So, tchin! tchin! Lorenzo. We are going to need it!

They drink up the Smirnoff right away and Mike without wasting any time starts cleaning up the bump on Lorenzo’s head but he is really in pain and Mike cannot bare it. He stands up to get some more vodka.

-Okay, Lorenzo. You are braver than me, admits Mike, who really doesn’t anticipate what he is about to do.

They drink up vodka and Mike starts removing the pieces as best as he can.

Lorenzo suffers tremendously and Mike sweats like hell. The blood is piercing each time he is removing a piece of glass and Lorenzo is yelling out his pain.

-Hurry up man!

-It’s coming, it’s coming, I’m not a doctor, I’m a pilot, there are only a few more pieces to be remove but I am definitely sure there will be more to be an expert. You are going to see a doctor for sure this is too much. Okay, let me find you a dry shirt. Well, your suitcase is soaking wet.

-Look in the closet, says Lorenzo, I hang up the one I had on for this morning flight.

-Perfect, it’s dry, confirms Mike.

-But before, says Lorenzo, Take my first aid satchel, I never used it, it’s my mom who gave it to me. There must be some bandages in there.

-Great idea! why didn’t you tell me before.

-Don’t worry, says Lorenzo, alcohol is perfect to clean up wounds, and I definitely needed a shot.

-Okay, says Mike finishing to put the bandages around Lorenzo to cover most of the wounds. It should be fine for now... until you see a doctor.

-There ..., he says helping Lorenzo putting on his shirt. I’m going to lift you up very gently. We have to go down as soon as possible. Can you walk?

Lorenzo tries to walk.

-Man! says Lorenzo laughing. Come on Mike open the door, my head is spinning a little, I don’t know if it’s the alcohol or the bump on my head but...

-Hold on Lorenzo, and try to keep yourself awake, stay with me buddy, that’s it we are almost to the door. Mike tries to hold him like he can, but he cannot really hold on to him since his back is really in bad shape. Two floors down and we are there.


-Okay Mike, says George joining them. I can take care of him. Everyone from the first floor is out, so here is the list of those who are on this floor.

-Thanks, be careful, his back is....

George passes his arm around Lorenzo and helps him to proceed to the stairway. Mike returns on the floor to knock at the next door.

-Anybody here? He asks but no one answer. He knocks again than he looks at the crew list to see who is in that room.

-Come on Josey, answer me.

She doesn’t. Danyele arrives upstairs and gives him the manager’s key.

-Perfect Danyele, you are great! he opens up the door right away.

-Are you okay, asks Mike looking at Josey who is sitting on her bed in complete shock.

He walks in. Danyele stays there and observes for a little while then leave to knock at somebody else’s door.

-Are you okay? asks Mike gently, sitting next to Josey. We are going to go downstairs to meet the others.

Josey moves her head signalling him she agrees but doesn’t say a word. Mike stands up but Josey is still sitting totally out of it. He looks at her, passes his arm around her and lifts her up.

Meanwhile, Chanel afraid doesn’t want to leave her room. She is crying completely discourage by this terrible event. She cries and cries. In a state of panic, she starts putting her room in order and redoing her suitcase over and over again.

Max is in the room next to her. He raises himself very slowly from the floor.

“How much longer are we going to have to stay here?” He asks himself. “It’s incredible! Good Lord! I don’t even have a window anymore and look at those beautiful gardens. Completely vanish! It it’s so pitiful. A giant hole! Busted! Kaput! Oh! Good lord! I hope I still have a crew.”

Discourage to see this view he turns around to have a good look at his room.

“Ouf! Okay! Wake-up Max. Shake yourself up now, this minute! Get your crew list and get your crew together now,” orders Max to give himself a little bit of courage to continue.

He looks at his crew list a moment and right away gets out of his messy room to go knock at Chanel’s door. He bangs and bangs and bangs.

-Chanel! Chanel, open up, it’s me Max.

He is still banging at her door and impatient decides to opens it.

Chanel jumps and runs to him, happy to see him.

-What happen? What happen Max., she asks still crying and trembling.

-I think, it must of been a bomb, but to tell you the truth, I have no clue at all, come and see by yourself. Look outside; there is a giant hole in the garden.

-No, answers Chanel, shaking her head’s off nervously. I rather get out of here.

-How are you? Asks Max looking at her carefully.

-I am fine, answers Chanel shaking still. But, let me look at you. Max! She screams: you are bleeding a lot. Let me wrap your arm, Max it’s bleeding a lot.

-Ah! It’s only a few scratches, nothing more; we better join the rest of the crew.

-Yes let’s go, I am so scared to stay here by myself. Here take this Max, and cover your arm, suggests Chanel getting out of her room bringing her suitcase with her.

-Chanel, leave it, good lord! You won’t need it.


Downstairs, the captain impatiently awaits for his entire crew to show up and hopes to see no one injured.

-Okay, informs George to the captain. These are the last one.

-Oh! Are we sure we have everyone, repeats the captain relief to see them all. Are you alright? He asks to Victor, Lolitta and Josey sitting together.

They answer yes but Josey is still not answering. She is totally in shock still. The captain sees it.

-The manager called up a doctor and he will examine each an everyone of you. So while we wait, I suggest we all take a good cognac, we all need it.

He removes his tie and his jacket. Mike and George do the same too. The captain signals to the waiter who his trying to clean up the bottles to come and take his order.

-Cognac for all of us, please, asks the captain completely absorb by this terrible situation.

Louise stands up and leaves the restaurant without anyone looking at her.


During this time, in Montreal, Danyele and Louise’s parents are watching the tonight’s news.

-Special bulletin! they announce. A crew from Air Nation is calling missing in India as well as all the passengers. The company has no more contact with his crew. We have been informed there is a civil war at this present in the city of Bombay. The members of the company are still keeping some hope to have some news from their crew but the situation is aggravating. Here are some images directly from Bombay; I am Claire Chignon reporting live from Bombay for C.A.N.

-What! shouts Mr.Tremblay very angry It’s disgusting! Come and look at this! It’s awful it’s reel carnage!

He stands up and lights up a cigarette while his wife is coming from the kitchen to come and see the pictures. She stands up in the middle of the living room keeping her comments to herself. She waits for her husband to calm down.

-Listen, you don’t have to worry, she says after a while, I talk to them not too long ago, and they confirm me that if the situation was getting worst they would contact us again to let us know.

-It doesn’t make any sense! He says very angry. Don’t you realise in what kind of bull shit there in with this stupid job! Why couldn’t they take a job like everybody else? Why?

He sits down very concerned and very shock by this bad news.

-We are not going to talk about this again, says his wife. Be positive and everything will turn out right. Help me with the dishes instead of sassing dark toughs!


Louise is trying to get a line. But there is nothing she can do; all the lines have been cut. She tries again very discourage not to be able to call home. She stands there worry and tries to find another solution.  Seconds later, she runs to the reception and enters the manager’s office.

-Hurry! Orders Louise out of breath, to the manager. Give me your cellular phone now.

She doesn’t wait for an answer and grabs his cell right off his desk and composes her phone number dialling all these numerous numbers before being able to call direct. The manager tries to get his phone back but Louise looks at him seriously and says to him while waiting for an answer.

-Sir, I will explain everything to you in a minute, but the manager tries to get his phone back.

She signals him with her finger not to dare move.

-Sir! says Louise still waiting on the phone. I told you I will explain everything to you in a minute.

She composes her phone number again. He looks at her very angry.

-Yes, yes Canada, please.

-Yes, Canada, please.

-Give me 514 227-0307, Hurry, miss, it’s an emergency. It’s a question of life and death!

She looks at the manager.

-I am going to pay you, don’t worry, she explains to him while waiting.

-Hello!  Hello! Mother!, Mommy!, it’s me...

The line cuts off. She calls again. The manager is getting impatient and very furious.

-Listen, she says calmly, if my dad hears that on the news, he is going to have another heart attack so please try to understand, and my mom, well... Hello! She shouts again when hearing a click.

-Canada, please.  I have lost the communication. Give me 514 227-0307. It’s urgent.

She waits again.

“It’s too long! Shit! Says Louise to herself. “Hurry!”

After a very long moment, she finally hears the sounds of the phone ringing.

-Maman! maman!, everything is fine, the crew is alright, she explains rapidly. There has been an explosion, but we are alright.

-Louise is it you? The line is very bad.  There is some static and some echoes...

-Maman! Everything is fine for now.

-Louise... I don’t hear you anymore...

Louise doesn’t hear her either. The noise on the line is too loud, and suddenly, we can hear another huge explosion.


Louise is thrown on the floor. She tries to protect herself and rolls under the manager’s desk. He tries to get her close to him making sure she is completely protected under the desk.


-Maman! Screams Louise on the phone, but the line is definitely dead this time.

They wait her and the manager, under the desk for a long period of time. Louise crisped, waits for the worst to come this time. The manager stays there in silence keeping Louise around him to protect her. 

More than one bomb is drop this time all at once and suddenly nothing. Complete Silence! Then, they wait again still afraid it will start over. After a while, the manager helps Louise getting out of their hiding place.

-How much I owe you sir, asks Louise giving back his cellular phone.

He starts laughing.

-I am really sorry, sir, I really had to call home you know.

The manager is still laughing moving his head from right to left. He signals her to forget everything.

-Shukriya, thank-you, says Louise. Oh my God! she shouts, the crew! My sister! Hurry up sir! Let’s find them!

She returns to the restaurant running with the manager behind her. She comes across the photographer from the Overseas Journal.

-Hey! call up Liam McCoy surprise to see her again.

-Excuse me, says Louise without paying attention to him, and she continues running to the restaurant.

McCoy looks at her and stands there a few minutes whishing she will turn around, but she was too busy and too worry to notice him.

-Danyele where are you? Screams Louise very worry to have lost her sister by the look of the restaurant, or what is left of it, she is very concern now.


-Are you okay? asks the manager, helping them getting off the floor. It’s over for now, add the manager to reassure them.

-Oh, yells Lorenzo in pain, hidden under the table like the others. Oh, oh it’s really painful! I cannot get up, says Lorenzo to Jade.

-Wait I’m going to help you, she says panicking a little. Hurry bunch of useless! Don’t stay there doing nothing bunch of idiots, help me! Can’t you see he is suffering!

-Wait Lorenzo we are going to help you, explains Youssef while removing the table to be able to reach him.

-Ouch! My back, my back!

-It’s going to be okay, hush! Hush! reassures Jade.

Lorenzo grabs her by the neck and gets her closer to him to lift himself off the floor.

He looks at her in complete admiration for her. He is really in love with Jade more than ever. Jade sits next to him and lets Lorenzo play with her hair. He brings down his hand in her back massaging her a little, than takes her hand in his hand, happy, she is close by. When the cognacs finally arrive, they both drink up in silence happy to be together.

-Hum! this is marvellous, I even have my own private nurse with me, he says finally. It’s fantastic in a time like this.

Jade doesn’t answer and looks at him showing him she still have control of the situation. She than take his glass of cognac and finishes it up for him than smiles happy of herself.

-You talk too much, Lorenzo but I like you and she kisses him on the cheek.

-I saw that, says George getting closer to them.

-Ah! George! he is in pain you know, it is totally normal that someone takes care of him, no!

-That’s not what I met...

-She is very savage you know George, you have to be careful, and she is like a purebred horse!

George starts laughing.

-Ah, ah, ah, it feels good, just to laugh a little after this catastrophic incident...we are in real deep shit, really. A few years ago, I was stock in a similar situation...starts explaining George.

But Jade is upset and furious and stands up banging both her fists on the table.

-We totally don’t care about your ridiculous stories! Think of getting us out of here, instead of telling us your stupid stories. Concentrate yourself on us, on all of us, shouts Jade enrage and tired.

The others are listening and agreeing with her. They are quite fed up with this ordeal.

-You are completely right, Jade. Sit down for a second, we all have to wait for the hostility to stop and then we will see...orders George.


Lorenzo signals her to sit next to him.


She looks at him and decides to sit next to David and Xénia at another table.


-It was Louise on the phone, informs Mrs. Tremblay on her way to the living room to tell the good news to her husband. The line was not too good, she explains but Louise said there was an explosion and the crew is fine, she explains to her husband but he is sound asleep on his big leather sofa in front of the giant television screen.

-Well, it’s better like this, I guess, because I am not quite sure, but I thought I heard another explosion when I was listening to her. I am going to call the company to see if they did receive some news.

She lights up the lamp and searches for the company’s phone number.  She sits down, composes the number and waits for an answer.

-Yes, hello, I am Louise’s and Danyele’s mother. Mrs. Tremblay.

-Yes madam, I know, answers Jim from crew sched. You heard the news on TV. Don’t give up, and on our side, we are hoping for the best.

-No, she says cutting him off. This is not why I am calling you. One of my girls called me...

-Excuse me, madam, what are you saying?

-Yes, one of my girls called me.

-Hold on, I will pass you Jack, the one in charge of this crew.

She waits a few moments.

-Yes Mrs. Tremblay, answers Jack. What did you say?

-One of my girl, call me, half an hour ago.

-I am listening, says Jack very happy to hear the news.

-She said that the crew was alright, but tells me Jack, what is the embassy doing for them at this moment?

-We have lost contact with them too, admits Jack. The lines are too busy, it’s out of control, as soon as we receive any information, and we will pass it on to the parents of all the employees involve in this terrible incident. Thank you for calling us, Mrs Tremblay.

-Jack, wait, I just wanted to tell you, that, I also heard, an explosion...

- I really don’t know what to say to you Madam, I prefer you heard wrong and hope for the best.

-Yes I hope so too.

-Goodbye and thank you for your call Mrs. Tremblay.

She hangs up and wonders for a while if she really heard the explosion or not. Than too tired and extremely worry she stays put, close to the phone and waits to hear from her girls. She stretches on the sofa and falls asleep on the coach like her husband.


The crew is getting over the last blast drinking a bit of cognac. The captain is getting up from the floor. He is so tired of this, he doesn’t feel like going up on his own two feet but he has to show his crew he has courage too.

-Where... were you? asks the captain looking at Louise coming in.

-I was...starts explaining Louise, but the manager doesn’t give her a chance to finish.

-Can I offer you another cognac, captain?

He looks around him to find his waiter but he is not there. He directs himself behind the bar, grabs the bottle of Napoleon, puts it in front of the captain, takes a chair, fixes it up and sits. He looks at the captain than pours a large glass of cognac.

-Listen, captain, let me offer you my cellular phone to call you embassy, says the manager smiling at Louise.

The captain looks at him, hesitant a little, than takes the managers offer. He pulls out the number from his uniform pocket and dials it right away.

The entire crew is waiting in silence. The bottle of Napoleon is going around. The phone rings but still no answer. They all wait impatient for the captain to talk.

-Hello!, can I talk to Mr. Peterson right away please, I’m captain Champagne, I talk to him earlier.

He drinks up his cognac in one shot.

-One moment please, answers someone in Hindi.

-A Canadian Embassy and they talk to me in Hindi.

The manager pours him another glass.

-Hello, I am listening, answers Mr. Peterson.

-Yes, captain Champagne on the phone. We are Canadians, and we are asking for the third time to be protected. We have been bombed again! What is your position regarding us? We want to leave this country immediately before it becomes worst and impossible to get out of here. We want to go home now!

-Mr. Champagne, like I told you earlier, the airport is close. There is a civil war going on. We will contact you as soon as possible to take the necessary procedures to evacuate you. You are still at the hotel, and I strongly recommend you stay there until further notice. That’s all I can say at this moment, be patient captain. Thank-You.

-Thank-You! Yells the captain extremely tired. That’s all you have to say. Do you really know what the hell is going on at this moment dear sir? It is not when we are all going to be dead that it will be the time to evacuate us, but right this moment! Do you understand me? I have injured flight attendants, sir.

-Pleas try to understand, we are doing the best we can. The Baladur Hotel is in a zone more secure than the embassy area, we are right in the middle of the fighting. So, stay there, we might even need your aeroplane to evacuate the rest of the Canadians if the problem is getting worst captain Champagne, orders Mr. Peterson, hanging up.

The captain gives the cellular back to the manager wondering what he is going to say to his crew members, who are very anxious to know what he said. He dries out the sweat on his front head.

The ventilation is not working anymore and the heat is starting to be felt very strongly by all of them.

-Don’t worry, says the manager to save the situation. Everything will be all right soon, you will see. All you have to do is to be patient. Ah! there he is!, says the manager looking at a man coming in their direction with a doctor’s kit in his hand. Let me introduce you to Dr. Sinh. Doctor, this is the group I told you about. They are Canadians. The captain Champagne wants you to examine them. They are a few injured.

- Very well, answers the doctor shaking his head from right to left, than he places his doctor’s kit on the table and opens it.

-Captain, says the manager.

He stands up and looks at him a few second to reassure him.

-I would like to invite you with your crew, and you my dear doctor Sinh, to have dinner at the Maharajah room. That will give you time to rest and I’m pretty sure this ordeal will have diminish by than.

-Thank-you, answers the captain, thinking on how they were getting to get out of there as fast as possible.

-We will be very ravish by this invitation, reassures Mike to save the captain from being a bit impolite regardless of the situation. It will be the best thing that can happen to us today that is for sure. To be invited at your table sir is an honour, confirms Mike shaking his thanking-him. The manager waves at the crew goodbye and leaves the restaurant.

At the end of the day, the hotel is completely full to capacity. Tourists, crews, journalists came to have refuge at this magnificent hotel. They try to kill time, not knowing how long they are going to be trap there, waiting for the signal to go home.

In the maharajah room you can feel the tension among the guesses. People eat, and drink to forget the horrors of this day.

Outside, we can still hear the bombing continuing and the guns firing their weapons but right this present, the crew is happy that the hotel prepared them a beautiful feast during these tragic events. The staff is amazing.

David stands up and brings up his glass.

-I would like to toast to our precious life. It’s good to be alive! Epepep hurry!

-Epepep hurry! The crew toasts with David.

Xénia looks at David and pulls him down to talk to him. David sits.

-You look in good shape, I’m telling you, but I can not say the lease, I feel like a broken porcelain and I can’t definitely not... put the pieces together; I  still have goose bumps. I’m scared you know.

- Everything will be find Xénia, and you can count on me. You know I realise with all this, that I just have one life to live, and I shouldn’t go on all my life saying later on... that I will have plenty of time to change things. No!, we have to take controls of our lives, so it can be more than perfect or else, we have to change the mould and right this moment. Look, today, we were lucky, but what about tomorrow or even in a few seconds from now, everything could change! It’s incredible; we are the only one in commands of our lives....

-It’s true, she says, but more often than anything else, we don’t do what we want because we have no choice, David. We have to eat, work, and pay the bills, and again the bills...

-Yes, but after all this, you choose what you want to do or no to do...

-Yes, but for now, I survived, that’s all it counts. I survived to this, and tomorrow it will be my little simple life like usual. It’s not that all different David. Now we are all happy to be alive, we could celebrate all night but the reality is, that it is there, as soon as we leave this place, we will pick our ordinary life just like we left it and join the society like everyone else.

-Listen, Xénia, says David poring her a little more wine in her cup. Be happy for tonight, and don’t be negative, will you, and drink with me.

He looks at her right in her eyes and after a few minutes of contemplation, he finally says.

-To life!

-To death! answers Xénia.

-No, no, no, start again Xénia, I said to life, and you love, how’s that.

-No, answers Xénia really in a bad mood.

-Ah! you women, you are discouraging me. I will never in my entire life be able to understand you.  You did say to me the other day, that you were getting married yes or no? Aren’t you happily in love with your fiancée?

- Yes, but you also forget that I told you that I didn’t know anymore, if he was...the right person or not.

She takes her glass and drinks it all up.

-Ah! you are just scared that’s all my dear Xénia, it’s totally normal.

-Well you can really talk David; you are just like all the other men. You are the one that are scared in taking commitments regarding us, so, why not me! Why is it that it wouldn’t be normal for me, that I decide to change my mind and to say no!

-You see, that is just what I met to tell you earlier. We just have one life to live, and we have to live like we want. We decide what is best for us. He smiles at her and fills up her glass one more time.

- So, let’s drink to life, and to the pursue of love and happiness, you and me. They take their glasses and knock them together and both take a good sip.

-Wait, I would like to do a toast... but the captain doesn’t give her the chance to say it.

He stands up and asks the attention from everybody.

-O.k. please just give me a few moments of yours time people, asks the pilot knocking on his glass with his spoon. I don’t think we are going to leave tonight, but however, I still would like to suggest that we all need a good rest. They assure me that all the room as been clean and ready and there is no danger to return to our room except for a few of us. So, if we all agree, we will finish this great meal and we should try to get some sleep. I know it won’t be easy, but we are all going to be okay. Believe me. If by any chance, we are still bombarded, please let’s all meet in the restaurant on the main floor, and don’t play the heroes, and come down right away. Don’t take anything for granted. Everyone have the new list of the new room numbers with the latest changes, so if you need anything don’t hesitate to contact me. Well, I am finish anyway, so please if you would like to excuse me, I am going to bed, good night.

Slowly after that, people were starting to leave except those who needed the company of others instead of being all by themselves in their room, afraid that another bomb will fall on their head.

Xénia and David stayed for a long moment to talk some more.

-Hey! I just arrive and you are leaving, says McCoy the photograph, grabbing Louise’s arm.  Did I miss anything or what?

-We had two big blasts and the manager invited all us for dinner.

-Oh yes, I know, I was here and I even saw you, but you seemed preoccupied or... you prefer to avoid me, just like you are doing right now, he says trying to push her gently back to the dining room.

They finally sit. A waiter arrives and waits for McCoy to order.

-You are going to take something with me, liquor, or whatever you wish, while you bless me with your company. Sir, he says addressing himself to the waiter, bring me a King Beer please and for this beautiful woman...

-The same thing, please.

-Great! To tell you the truth, I must admit frankly, that I am sick and tire to eat by myself or with a big bunch of fat and boring people. I definitely, prefer a charming company like yours...definitely.

Louise blushes but takes great joy in listening to him.


Danyele arrives at their table with Lolitta...

-Well, we are going to bed. Be careful Louise, please listen to me, if you hear anything, you come to my room okay.

-No problem, bye now!

-Buenos noches, Louisa.

Lolitta and Danyele look at the photograph and discretely give Louise their approval before leaving them.

 -It’s my sister Danyele and the other one is Lolitta.

-Yes I know, I was there this morning, and you, you are Louise.

-Oh yeah! It’s true.

-Here, look inside the envelop while I go grab something to eat, says McCoy getting up.

Louise looks at him leave and takes the time to observe him attentively. He is very tall and well built. She takes a good sip of beer while admiring him and finally decides to open the envelop. He had taken the time to take some shots of her trying to fix her camera, and then in real action, screaming at her sister to run.

McCoy comes back with a huge plate.

-Wait, the best one is this one, says McCoy sitting next to her instead of being in front of her.

On the picture you could see soldiers behind Danyele and Louise standing up in their jeep with machine guns in their hand.

-It’s incredible! says McCoy. You really are lucky to have made it. I wouldn’t like to see you two dead on the ground and your sister look so sad already...

-Yes, I know. I was trying to distract her a little. I think...No, forget about crazy love stories, and let’s talk about you instead. You are photograph for a news paper? It’s great no!

-It’s not nice to change the subject like this. I like love stories he says laughing.

He looks at her right in the eyes to see her reaction, takes a sip of beer and continues.

-Well, well, the lady is blushing a little that is interesting. I like that.

Louise bends her head to avoid looking at him and lights up a cigarette.

-Sorry! apologizes Louise. I forgot my manners, you are still eating.

-Ah! Dear, you are all excuse. The smoke doesn’t bother me much. You know, when you stay here for a while, your lungs are completely full of pollution made by the smoke, so one less or one more, doesn’t make the difference at this stage. Anyway, let’s forget that and let me tell you how much I am happy to have you beside me, it’s really wonderful to be with such a beautiful woman like you.

-Yes of course, says Louise laughing, but tell me more about your job, it’s quite interesting. I always wanted to do a job like yours.

-Hum! Don’t tell me that.

He looks at her a moment before continuing.

-All the women I have met until now hated my job. You really intrigue me, more than you think.

He finishes his plate with a last bite.

-I have to run in a few minutes. I came to change, eat a little, he explains quickly.

Then he slows down his speech to emphasises on this last part.

And... I was really hoping to see you again, but that’s all the time I have tonight. I must go back to develop the rest of the pictures I took this afternoon. It’s crazy how people can destroy things in such a short time, monuments that took years and years to be achieve completely. They destroy temples that date from the year, I don’t know... but anyway, I cannot do anything. It’s awful, isn’t it? And on top of that, they killed poor innocent people.

He finishes his beer very fast while Louise observes every little details of him. He is very strong and then so sweet and very expressive. A remarkable scare surrounds his throat and another smaller one fallow the line of his eye brows.

-Can I come with you? asks Louise seriously. You could develop my film as well.

-I love your company but I don’t think it’s a good idea. It’s not over yet this bull shit territorial claim. It’s only the beginning.

-Come on, it doesn’t take three hours to develop a few roll of films.

-Almost, and your sister warned you to stay out of trouble.

-But... I am positive that you would like to see the pictures I took this morning, no! And on top of that, I am sure I am in very good hands... with you. You look like a responsible kind of guy, yes or no? Asks Louise smiling.

-Yes, but... I don’t want to take any risk with you at my side.

-Than hurry up and go, before anyone notice I am not there. I will meet you in the lobby in five minutes, says Louise leaving rapidly not giving him the chance to answer.

He looks at her and doesn’t say a thing.

Five minutes later, Louise is sitting next to Liam McCoy in route to the Journal. She is very nervous. She would do almost anything for her pictures.

“I cannot pass on this opportunity, says Louise to herself. I took the right decision.  Yes, and this guy is really, really handsome. Oh this is great,” says Louise all excited suddenly by everything she is looking at but at the same time, a truck full of soldiers is passing next to them. She than regret her decision and starts to be very nervous again but Liam looks at her and smiles.

-I knew it, I shouldn’t listen to you, he says banging on the wheel. You made me lose my mind. Look at you; you are afraid just like a little lamb.

Louise is really happy to see that he cares about her and she starting to like him too.  The jeep is rolling very fast. We can hear explosions here and there every single second that are ticking, and each time, Louise startles scared to be bombed at.

-I shouldn’t of listen to you.

-You said that already, recalls Louise. It’s okay, I am old enough to take my own decision.

-I am sorry, admits Liam seriously without having his eyes off the road. You know, it’s normal for me all this. I run after events like this all my life, but for you... you must be scared like shit, am I right or not?

-Yes a little. It’s normal no! But it’s okay...Oh! My god! What is going on? asks Louise nervously.

- Oh shit! They built a check-point just hundred meters from the Journal. Shit! Shit!

-What are we going to do? asks Louise worry. 

-Nothing. You have your passport with you, I hope.

-Yes, yes so let’s stay calm, there shouldn’t be any problems.

-It’s alright, you are right, says McCoy putting his hands on her lap in sign of reassurance. It’s alright.

Liam slows down the jeep.

Some soldiers are there verifying all the occupants of every single vehicle but suddenly some rebels are shooting in their direction. Liam jumps on his camera and gets out of the jeep. Louise does the same. The other occupants in the other vehicle start running in every direction. The rebels shoot the soldiers down and now they are shooting at anyone who is trying to escape. They are killed without mercy. We can hear horrors screams. The repeated sounds of the machine guns don’t stop at all. It’s a total chaos and an awful nightmare.

-What are you doing here? asks Liam to Louise who was out of breath because she runs to take refuge next to him.

-I am more in security next to you, behind this wall than in the jeep, no! Don’t you think so? Do your work and let me be.

They are shooting in all directions. It is so dark that it is difficult to distinguish the people. The rebel shot the first car to make it explode. Louise is very scare now and trembles. Liam pulls her in his arms to protect her. After a few minutes, he starts taking pictures again. Louise is staying as low as possible and doesn’t move an inch.

Suddenly, we can hear nothing. Not a single noise.

-Watch out! screams Liam pulling Louise with him in the ravine.


We can hear a big explosion. The check-point is completely destroy. A big ball of fire is going up the sky. Liam and Louise are flat on their stomach in the ravine not moving at all, they stay there a long moment without saying anything, without moving. Press against each other, they wait for the right moment to get out of there.

-Let’s go, hurry up! They have kill the guardsmen and now the authority will think it’s us. There is no one here. Everyone is dead. Come, says Liam moving her off his chest. We are going to run to the jeep. Give me your hand.

Louise cannot believe her eyes. In just a few minutes they have kill about thirty people and put everything in ashes.

-Hurry get in the jeep, says Liam starting up the jeep.

He drives at full speed in the debris of the border, turns the corner as fast as he can, than park his car in the parking lot of the Journal behind the building and stops the engine and extinguishes the lights.

They wait a long moment before getting out of the vehicle to make sure no one had fallow them all the way there. Louise gets out.

-Wait not just yet, says Liam grabbing her arm to stop her and without hesitation, he pulls her towards him and looks at her attentively. He passes his hand in her hair and without waiting a second more kisses her passionately. He stops after a long moment and looks at her again.

-There is nothing to worry, says Louise who didn’t no really what to say after this. You have taken good picture to prove we are not responsible for all this, you know it’s not us.

-Here, in this country, you see, when you are a tourist, everything you say, or do, doesn’t mean a thing. But thank-you, you are very reassuring and very cute too. Come, let’s go, the way looks clear. I don’t see anyone. Let’s try to do this quick.

They get off the jeep and start walking really fast. They go inside the building. Liam walks really fast and goes up the stairs three by three. Louise is out of breath and tries to fallow him but she doesn’t know where to continue.

“To the right, to the left, at which floor did he stops God dam it!” asks Louise to herself.

She lost him. He is out of sight. She stops to take a breather, and is a little furious that he didn’t wait for her. She starts to wonder if it’s not a trap. She doesn’t really know him after all. She hardly talk to him... that she ran with him. Him a pure stranger.

“Luckily, he gave me his business card,” she says to herself. “And anyway, I am at the Journal. Ouf! I am saying crazy thing really, I am scaring myself. Okay Louise, stay calm, that’s it, take control of yourself. Ah! Yes, that’s it; I am going to breath profoundly.”

But at the same time, she says that she hears some steps.

“There, he is coming back,” says Louise relief, but it’s not him. 

The man walks in her direction and then when he comes closer to her, she than realizes after a few seconds that it’s not McCoy. The man keeps walking towards her. Louise observes him attentively and realizes he is armed. He wears a gun in his back, and you can see it sticking out above his shoulders.

“Oh my God!” says Louise really scared.

She cannot move and freezes there. She cannot walk or back up. She is dead scared of him.

“Is it a trap? my God, he is going to take me hostage or kill me in cold blood. Oh am I ever stupid to fallow a pure stranger in the middle of the night in a foreign country in war. Really I think I have lost my mind! I was dupe. Oh my god! He his loaded like hell this guy! I won’t be able to get out of here alive. Oh! Yes!  Maybe, I have a few American dollars on me Ah! My God! He is still walking. Stop please stops!”

The man finally stops.

Louise scared like shit is trembling like a piece of paper. The man says something to her in Urdu but Louise doesn’t understand him at all.

-Show me your Journal idea, asks the man in English with his funny accent. Louise is almost to the point of fainting just by looking at him.

“He must be two meters and a half with his long orange turban on his head,” she asks herself. “He has a bizarre moustache all twisted on each extremity and his eyes are of an hallucinating blue that gives him this mercenary look that I hate. Oh! Man! on top of his long gun, he has this big sward attach to his belt. Oh! My god he is going to use it” He puts his hand on it just to intimidate her more.

After a few second, the man is losing his patient with her. Louise wishes still to see his famous photograph appear any moment to come back to rescue her and that she didn’t make a mistake by fallowing him.

-What are you waiting for? asks the man raising his voice to show his authority.

-It’s okay sir, calm down, give me a second, asks Louise looking for her wallet to show him her passport.

-Hey! screams someone at the end of the corridor walking in their direction. Forget all that, she is with me, explains Liam to the guardsman. I am sorry. I sincerely apologize. I went up the stairs thinking you were behind me. He didn’t scare you, I hope.

-Ah! What a stupid question! Really! , answers Louise completely furious. She walks in his direction. I really wonder why I came here with you, really! Do you need an answer too, screams Louise. Ah! Yeah! I forgot! For the photos naturally.

The guard starts laughing.

McCoy takes her arm and pulls her towards him but she manages to move away and backs up, but fall in the guardsman’s arm.

-Oh! You! Leave me alone! shit!, she yells enrage.

-Are you okay now! Asks Liam laughing but Louise doesn’t answer.

-Okay Madame, don’t leave him out of your sight, orders the guard, I have to continue my check. Good night!

He starts walking and stops.

-You know Mister McCoy there is a curfew. You have till eleven o'clock not more than that, okay.

-Yes, yes, answers Liam making a signal to Louise to fallow him.

She walks without saying a word. They finally enter the office at the end of the corridor but Louise rather stay at the door. He turns around to look at her. She is totally shock from all this and everything she saw tonight. She can no longer handle it. He comes closer to her, takes her by her shoulders and bends down to kiss her tenderly on the lips.

-I am very sorry to have left you behind, all by yourself. I am very sorry.

He kisses her one more time but a lot longer this time and hugs her in his arm.

-Okay, let’s do it, we don’t have much time, he says after a while.

He hurries to get his roll out while Louise lights up a cigarette still trouble by all the events. He looks at her and gives her a moment to calm down.

-Do you have your roll of film? Asks McCoy after a while having giving her the time to calm down a bit.

I really made your life miserable tonight. I know, it is not the right way to impress someone the first time. I am sorry.

Louise is still mad at him and pulls out her roll from her pocket without saying a word.

-Go ahead, says McCoy lighting a cigarette at his turn. Go in the black room. I will come in a few second to check you out.

Louise surprised looks at him.

-I take pictures, but I never had the chance yet to develop my own picture. I cannot afford to install a dark room at my place; well my...she didn’t want to tell him she still lives at her parents place.

He takes a puff, smiles and takes her by the waist.

-Come, I will show you how, but we have to hurry up. I have three rolls to pull.

Together hand in hand, they enter the black room. They pass the night developing their films intrigue and happy of their results. Of course, at each new film, they start knowing a little more about themselves, kissing, embracing their body together to discover more and more each time, wanting more and more every time.

Hours later, they finally drive back to the hotel without any other misfortune. They were speechless, afraid to brake their bound.

-Thank-you, I really enjoy my first lesson with you says Louise entering the hotel and pressing on the elevator button.

-You are not going to take a last drink with me, before going to bed, he asks holding her hand.

-Yes I would love to, but no I am exhausted. I don’t live moments like this, all the time like you do. I am stressed out and still trembling, I unfortunately have to refuse your invitation.

He gets closer to her and starts massaging her shoulder.

-Oh! Well, says Liam, if it’s like this, I cannot force you, you have my business card, so call me okay. He stops touching her.

-I am never home, answers Louise. I...

He brings her closer to him and looks at her tenderly.

-We will see each other again, perhaps somewhere else, who knows. I travel as much as you but don’t worry.

She gets out a pen to write down her number and address. He grabs her pen and pulls her closer to him again. He kisses her lightly, looks at her and then kisses her with all his heart and passion for a very long moment. Afterwards, he takes a few minutes to caress her back and to keep her close to him for a last time.

-Louise, I would... really love to pass the night with you close to me.

Louise signals with her head that it is impossible.

-Look at me Louise, I don’t know but there is something in you that attracts me a lot. And those eyes, just those eyes of yours are worth all the gold in the world. We are going to see each other, you can count on it, and I cannot wait to know more about you.

He kisses her on the cheek and he, this time, presses the button of the elevator that is finally fixed but as soon as he is inside, Liam can no longer hold himself and Louise either. They kiss each other like it was the last kiss they will ever had.

The doors open and Louise finally gets out but

Liam pulls her back inside to take her to his room but Louise manages to get out fallowed by Liam. She stops at her door, very sad to leave him, she than turn around to look at him ounce more.

-Liam, I would love to... but not tonight, I am sorry, I...

-No, You don’t have to explain, and anyway it’s only going to be postpone to another occasion. I understand you and respect your decision but listen, if anything thing happen in the middle of the night don’t hesitate and call me, I am in room 203. I would like to be the first one to come to your rescue. okay my beautiful Louise. He kisses her good night on the front head and leaves but he comes back right away and enters the room at the same time she does.

-Anyway, he says jumping on the bed getting all comfortable. I have to leave early in the morning for the north of Delhi, and I am extremely tired too. It’s true; we both need a good night sleep.

He crosses his arms together and looks at her.

-Okay, you can stay, but you stay on top of the blankets and you don’t move, you understand me, she says closing up the door.

She enters the bathroom to get change and when she comes back Liam is already asleep. She gets under the sheets, happy to have met him and that he had stay next to her tonight.

-Hum! says Liam, passing his arm around her and getting her closer to him. Good night my sleeping beauty, sweet dreams.

The next morning, after a very warm wake up, Liam and Louise took their breakfast together on the terrace before he went to work.

72 hours later, the crew is flying out of Bombay.

They operate the flight to Istanbul and after a crew change do a deadhead (travel like a passenger, paid only half the time) on Air Italia for a layover in Rome of 24 hours.


After a long day of flying that ended in a crazy race in the airport, the flight attendants appreciate to the fullest the pleasure and comfort to be serve in first class.

Danyele is seriously discussing with a nice business man. Tiffany who is sitting next to Louise behind Danyele is listening to her.

-She really speaks Italian your sister, asks Tiffany to Louise putting her cup of coffee on the table.

-Well yes, she had once this Italian boy friend that was living in Milan, if I recall, he was an opera singer so she study the language in all its forms, if you know what I mean. But if you don’t mind Tiffany I would like to continue reading.

-What are you reading, asks Tiffany who is trying to have a conversation with her.

-A magazine on Italy. I want to know everything and to see everything during my lay over. She turns a page of the magazine and another. Tiffany finally understands that Louise wants to be by herself so she turns around and looks at the clouds passing by in front of her. Louise looks at the picture she took of Liam the night before. She smiles and wishes that she will see him again one day.

-Listen Tiffany, says finally Louise. I don’t want to sound rude to you but I really don’t have my mind into small talk. Look, I am going to show you something, I mean someone.

-Darling! this guy is handsome. But yes, that’s the guy who gives you his business card that morning of the shooting, isn’t?


-Hum! so that’s the reason why you are flying on top of the clouds and that your mind is in the moon and your hearth...Ah! It’s better like this. Now I know why, I understand. It’s perfect. Dream on darling! Dream on darling! It doesn’t hurt anyone as long as you keep your feet on the ground, but for now it’s not applicable, so dream darling! Dream darling! These days are so precious and...Of course so shorts...reality is so cruel sometimes you better dream darling!

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