English version
They are all reunited in the hanger of Air Nation’s company to pass their final exams.
Will they be among the few lucky one to become flight attendants for this prestigious airline?
A few men are busy repairing a Boeing 757. Two of them are on top of a ladder fixing the nose of the aircraft. One woman and two men are working on the engine. Three engineers are studying a plan on a table.
Further away, the instructors are talking to each other, files in hands, they are checking the last set up for the finals.
We can hear the students coming. They enter the room very slowly.
It’s the big day. The one they were all waiting for to finally realise one of their biggest dream. However only a slice error can vanish all of that. They have to pass all the tests with a perfect score in orders to succeed and become a flight attendant.
- Don’t be afraid, come in a little closer and hurry up, orders the supervisor.
Afraid he will yell at one of them, they approach all at once.
- Well, silence please. Now, listen to me. If you are here today, it means that you have accomplish most of the important steps of your training.
He waits a few minutes and scrutinizes everyone before continuing his speech.
- Today we will divide the group in five. The first one will go extinguish fires outside with Simon. The second group will do the emergency evacuation at the front of the aircraft with Guy.
The third group will recite their oral shouted commands with Nadine. Group four will go with Ricardo to demonstrate the administration of the oxygen and the last group will stay with me to do the evacuation down the slide. When all this will be finish we will go the swimming pool in St-Jerome to do the evacuation for a ditching.
He stops, looks at everyone very carefully and continue.
Do I still have to remind you again this morning, that you are being checked on your appearance just like all the other days?, asks the supervisor angry. You should all know by now the standards requested by the company.
He looks again at the students shaking his head in disapprobation and continue on with his lecture.
Your hair has to be attach if they are longer then the shoulders. You must tie them with a ribbon the colour of the company. Your make up has to be impeccable. Your manicure men and women has to be done every single day. Your shoes polished. Men’s tie has to be tied perfectly. And the jewellery, how many times do we have to mention it? You are allowed only one ring per hand.
He points one student and shout. Évelyne you are dismiss. You are a total disgrace. She doesn’t even say anything and goes out like she didn’t care at all chewing her gum like usual.
He continues.
- Don’t you ever think that we will gave you a chance! We will fallow you, every single day and night, like we were doing for the last two months. If wearing a uniform doesn’t fit your believes than you are in the wrong place. This has nothing to do with humans rights religion or freedom. You came here voluntarily and by doing so you agree to fallow the rules and politics of the company. If you join Air Nation, you will join an international company. You will become our ambassadors. Representing your company, your region, your country. Here, there, and all over the world.
He looks at everyone of them once more and continues his speech. But please, let’s not forget why we are here today. Air Nation’s main objective is to bring it’s people safely to where they want to go. Don’t ever, ever forget it.
For once he smiles than takes another few minutes to look at them.
- Good luck everyone!
Not wasting a single second, the instructors put up their files to direct the students and start this very long day ahead of them. They are talking very loud. The tension is intolerable. The group is spreading out. Some of them are holding each others hands, others are constantly repeating their oral shouted commands. They are not themselves anymore. It’s a total chaos.
- Okay everyone stay calm, orders the instructor. Who wants to start? It’s the easiest part. Come on hurry up we don’t have all day. Please let’s have a volunteer.
He scrutinizes everyone but no one dare to start. Finally, one volunteer scream.
- Me, me, shouts Victor.
The rest of the group is relieved. Victor climbs up the ladder where he has to slide down the huge slide of the Boeing 747.
It’s quite high. The students scream encouraging him to go down and of course letting the pressure out.
- Go! go! go! Victor, yells the group.
But the supervisor is getting impatient. They all stood there waiting instead of going up behind Victor to do their turns also.
- Come on bunch of loosers! Go up that ladder right this moment, you understand me! I don’t have all day!, shouts the supervisor.
They look at each other not knowing what the hell they were doing. They are so nervous today. They finally go up. The height is so impressive. Jade is the next one to go. She stands on top of the slide trembling like a piece of paper, takes a few big breaths and to conquer her fear, starts screaming her heads off and slide.
During that time, Danyele, Chanel, Youssef, David and Tiffany had decided to start with the administration of the oxygen.
Each student choose a type of administration in a black box that they will have to demonstrate for their test. Danyele had just finish her turn with the Dragger’s Hood. She carefully removes the mask off her face and waits for the result.
- Excellent Danyele. Very nice execution, says the instructor.
Chanel, picks a number and gives it to the instructor. But she doesn’t do anything, she just wait their for more
- Let’s go Chanel. If you don’t start now, you are putting the life of someone at risk. This person depends on you; on how quickly you respond to their problem, says the instructor. This is not the course anymore show me right this moment what you can do, you understand, wake up for god sake!
- Exact, you are totally right. Here it goes, says Chanel nervously. I have pick the administration of oxygen after a rapid decompression. So, before attending anyone, I wait for the captain’s command to tell me it’s okay to walk around in the cabin. Then, and only then, I will start. I will grab the first oxygen bottle, put it on guitar style. I will open it very slowly, than I will check the flow of oxygen. I will administer some oxygen for myself if I need it and than I will search for passengers in distress who desperately need oxygen. I make sure I used the right level of administration, pinch the mask to make sure the flow is coming, smell it, than I put the mask on the passenger’s face, secure it, take his pulse and make sure I don’t deplete the bottle under 500 P.S.I. I look at my watch to see at what time I start, and I continue the administration by comforting the person as well. After all this if the passenger do no longer need oxygen I will close the bottle, remove the mask, put a new one on the bottle, log it and put it back to it’s proper storage.
Chanel’s face is completely flushed. She is waiting anxiously for her grade.
- O.K., Chanel, it’s good, says the instructor. Youssef, it’s your turn.
Chanel relief goes stand next to Danyele. Both of them are smiling holding there hands and comforting each other.
Louise is reciting her oral shouted commands. She is screaming the emergency procedure for a land evacuation. Louise is sitting at her jump seat, hands on her laps, seat belt on, waiting for the signal to start. The instructor will wave her a flag as a signal to start. While she is screaming the rest of the student who are playing the passengers, execute anything she is telling them to do.
She has to repeat these lines until the captain told her it is time to start the evacuation meaning the aircraft have come to a complete stop and the engines are off.
- Brace! Brace! Brace!, screams the instructor.
Louise continues right away in telling people what to do and at the same time she is also executing all of what she is saying to the passengers.
She points at two passengers sitting next to the door.
VOUS ET VOUS RETENEZ LES GENS, says Louise pointing at two guys. She directs herself to the door and continue shouting her commands.
- I assess outside condition.
Je vérifie à l’extérieur s’il n’y a aucun danger.
Everything’s fine.
Tout est beau.
I verify cabin door in automatic mode.
Je vérifie si la porte est en mode automatique.
Rotate the door handle in direction of arrow.
J’ouvre la porte sur le sens de la flèche.
Once the handle is rotated to the 3\4 mark, the power assist takes over, I let go.
On fait la rotation jusqu 'au 3\4, on la laisse partir.
Pull manual inflation handle.
Tire sur la poignée manuelle d’inflation.
It’s inflated.
C’est gonflée O.K.
I take a protective position.
Je prends une position de protection.
She uses her hands to tell people to come towards her to get out.
Louise bends down, take her flash light moving it in a sweeping motion and continues explaining what she is doing. When everyone is out I will inspect the cabin to see if anyone is there, than, I will get out.
Louise is exhausted. She looks at Nadine to see her score hoping that she didn’t forget a single thing. Nadine writes it down, looks at Louise and smile.
- Very good performance Louise. Who’s turn is it now ?
One student stands up. Louise goes back to her seat. She is trembling still and feels very hot. Her face is completely flushed. She is very happy. Everyone is looking at her smiling. She has done a great job. The rest will be easy for her. The worst of her nightmare is now behind her.
Outside the scene is completely different. They set up the parking lot with a lot of luggage, garbage bins, ovens, air plane seats...just like a total disaster. The instructor will light up a fire in a certain place and the student will have to go look for it, first to find out where the source comes from, and than fight the fire. It was Lolitta’s turn.
- Si! Si! I’m coming, answers the beautiful Peruvian girl.
She makes her way to the front.
- What were you doing before attending this class Lolitta? Asks the instructor to ease the atmosphere a little bit and to have them relax before they do this assignment.
This test is quite dangerous, if they don’t perform as requested the smoke can bother them and of course flames can back flash; their life depend on the action they take.
- I was a stock broker in my country. But since I move here, I just do little jobs.
- O.K. Lolitta, let’s go Lolitta, show us what you can do. Turn yourself around. I am going to ignite something and when you hear the alarm, you go fight the fire, okay.
- Si! Si! No problemo.
The instructor lights up a fire under one of the seat and starts the alarm.
- Go Lolitta!, screams the instructor.
She turns around right away, observes attentively the scene. Locates the source of the fire, grabs the nearest halon, and starts fighting the fire. She has to explain all the actions she is doing.
She screams so loud. Everyone is surprise to see her in action. She signals to the instructor to be her back-up. He gives her a second halon but doesn’t move. She extinguishes the fire. She sprays the container of her halon under the seat in a sweeping motion. The flames are going up in the air. She struggles to extinguish it completely. The flames start again. She orders the instructor to give her another halon. He doesn’t move. She grabs the halon off his hands and discharges the halon. She finally extinguish the fire completely. She backs up making sure not to turn her back on the fire and observe very carefully the scene. She grabs a water extinguisher and empty it on top. She supervises it in case of a back flash and waits.
Everyone is proud of her and applaud her. The instructor give her a tap on the shoulder and smile.
- Now you are a fireman, says the instructor very proud of her.
The instructors give their instructions to the students for the final test. Jade is in command for a ditching evacuation. The other students with their life vest on are sitting on the ground waiting for her commands. They had put a raft on top of a shelf to pretend it’s in a upper compartment of an aircraft.
- Brace! brace! brace!, scream an instructor.
Jade starts screaming her commands.
She stands up and continue screaming.
She points out two students.
Victor and Youssef brings the raft to the front.
Jade takes a protective position and continue.
Everyone takes place in the raft.
Jade grabs her flash light and walks to the back of the aircraft. She brings her safety equipment with her. Than she pull a lanyard to separate the raft from the aircraft. As soon as the raft is detach she continues giving her commands on how to install the canopy. When everything is install and they are all under the canopy waiting for the rescue, the instructors tell them to come back.
- Okay, it’s finish, announces the instructor. Paul you stay here we need to talk to you, the others go to the dressing room and come back in fifteen minutes we will be here with the results.
The students are very tired and can not stand the waiting process. The supervisor and the instructors arrive thirty minutes later. The group stops talking all at once.
- Okay, I would like to congratulate each and everyone of you, starts saying the chef instructor. You have succeeded the written and practical exam. I am very proud of you. We only lost five of you. It’s not bad. Tomorrow, don’t forget you must go to the office to try your new uniform and bid for your blocks (schedule with assign days off and working days. Some schedule have all ready the flights on and other blocks called reserve block only have on the working days meaning they never know where they go only when they work and only two hours prior to each flight).
Do that right away. You are definitely going to fly tomorrow. It’s the beginning of the month and it’s always busy. You can dismiss now.
- Sir!, screams Louise.
- Could I say something before anyone goes.
- Of course.
- I would like to invite the instructors and everyone here today to come celebrate with my sister and I at Bentley’s in St-Sauveur. I personally think we deserve it and it might be the last time we see each other.
- I think it’s an excellent idea. We all need a cold beer. Specially us, it’s not always a pleasure to give you such a hard time, you know it’s really not easy. Let’s all be there!
All the students scream and yell.
Everyone is going to the party except Lolitta, she goes home to celebrate with her family.
The interior is very simple. They are six all together living in a very small apartment.
She comes in the apartment, puts her bag on the table in silence. Her two brothers, two sisters and her mother are all waiting for her to say something She looks at them, waits a few minutes and starts jumping up and down screaming that she pass the test. She jumps at her mother’s neck screaming her joy.
- Oh madré, madré, I made it! I made it! I am a flight attendant! Si, si! I am Lolitta the flight attendant, the best flight attendant in the world!
Her mother pushes her back to have a better look at her, than brings her back in her arms. The children are jumping up and down too.
- I am very proud of you Lolitta. I knew you could do it. Oun momento por favor.
She goes to the kitchen and comes back with a nice bouquet of flowers. Lolitta takes it and cry.
- Madré, you don’t have money for these kind of things.
Her mother looks at her.
- It’s nothing. If you know how many things I would love to give you all. This is nothing. Don’t say anything today. Pablo open the wine for me and Lolitta por favor! Es la fiesta ! Puts some musica Henrietta!
Lolitta gives a big hug to her mother and her brothers and sisters.
- What would I do without you madré ? I love you so much.
It’s fiesta time. The music plays a nice rhythm. The children are happy and Lolitta and her mother are dancing a great meringué.
Bentley’s is a very friendly place. The inside is of a rustic style. Antics all over with a large fire place in the corner. The atmosphere is joyful at all time and very busy.
When Danyele and Louise comes in, the bartender doesn’t hesitate one second to welcome them to his bar. He lifts them up one after another giving them a big kiss.
Louise and Danyele are sisters. Danyele is the oldest. She has quite a character. She always says what’s in her mind no matter what. She always know everything on all subjects, and makes sure she gives her opinions too. On her free time, she loves to ride and do some gardening. And at work she is the bully of all. She has a tendency to talk very loud and that upset her sister Louise.
On the other hand Louise is more reserved than Danyele. She is more compassionate regarding others, to a point that she had been called during the training Mother Teresa. But what does Indiana Jones and mother Teresa have in common? Louise. There is always something happening with her, no matter where she goes or do, it’s always a tragic event, it’s unbelievable. You could even say she is not very lucky but we won’t for safety purposes.
She always take her camera with her and take some incredible pictures of her unbelievable stories because for most of the time nobody believes that all these stories can happen to only one single person. Nop! Louise is living a very adventurous life but she has absolutely no control about it.
- So, says the bartender. Don’t say anything. You made it! Ah! I knew it. I was waiting for you. If they come here I told myself , it’s to celebrate, am I right or not? I wouldn’t like to see your faces otherwise.
He starts laughing and goes back behind his bar. The future flight attendants take place around it.
- Here you go girls, a pitcher on the house for my two favourites. You will have to excuse me but I don’t know you all.
He looks at Chanel’s especially. Well, who could miss her. A tall blond girl and very sexy, no one can stop staring at her. She looks like a diva.
- Dany is my name and you princess? Asks the bartender with a soft voice.
He gives her a hand kiss.
- Chanel, please to meet you.
Dany gives out the drinks.
David, a new flight attendant, makes a toast.
- To our success and hopefully everyone in my class will be working with me.
- All we have to do is to bid the same block, tells Youssef.
Tiffany gets closer to the group.
- Marvellous my dear one, marvellous, says Tiffany.
Tiffany brings up her glass of martini to toast with them. Almost everyone is having beer but she has to stick out of the lower class and drink martinis. She comes from a very rich family where becoming a flight attendant is totally a disgrace to them. It’s a huge humiliation to her parents but Tiffany is bored she wants to have fun and it’s certainly not in the upper class that she will find it. She is suffocating with her parents always on her back. Now she had prove to herself she can do it on her own and is very proud of her tonight. But hey!, with who to celebrate? She must stick around with her new crowd. Her friends from the other side wouldn’t approve either. So, she needs to blend in if she wants to enjoy her new life.
- Cool brother, replies Lorenzo who was listening very carefully to their conversation. I’m sure we can do it. Danyele arrives from behind and scream.
- Let’s make a toast to our instructors. Let’s not forget them we might have to fly with them one day. Epepep hurry! Epepep, hurry!
Richard the supervisor joins the group.
- Listen guys I always wanted to know what were you doing before that?
Louise gets up on her knees on the bar stool.
- I was a teacher for eight years but I must say I was much gentle than you. I was a kindergarten teacher but I always wanted to become a flight attendant too.
- I, says David, I just finish a master degree in administration and before really getting involve with it, I wanted to do something refreshing. Like working with these beautiful girls... And the rest of the public of course!
- And you Youssef ?, asks Richard.
- I was a chemistry professor in University in Algeria. But as I came as a refugee to Canada, I left with absolutely nothing. I had to start my life again, but at lease, I am a free man.
- It’s sad to hear that, says Danyele. For me it’s the opposite. I have a bachelor degree in politics but hey! Where do you go with this? Hum...no where. I did special projects for companies instead but as soon as they make their money, as soon I was out the door. So, I was tired of it and decided to fallow Louise’s idea. Let’s stop talking about me.
-What about you Tiffany?
- Me, nothing special. In the middle of my second year of university in law, I fell madly in love with someone. Left everything behind and fallow him around the world on his numerous business trip. And of course, each good things have there ending; unfortunately.
Chanel puts on her jacket and takes her bag.
- Well guys, I have to go.
She starts kissing everyone good bye.
- Why so soon?, asks Victor disappointed.
- Well... you see, I didn’t tell my boss yet, that I am quitting my job tonight. It’s my last fashion show. I will see you tomorrow. Bye now!
She kisses a few more of her friends and leaves.
The next morning, everyone is at the base in Mirabel, to choose their schedule and to pick up their uniform.
They are in the briefing room where all the reunions take place before each flight. Everyone from Louise’s class is looking at the choice of flights they could do for the month of November.
There is 33 possibilities.
- So, listen up, says Youssef very seriously. We have to pick number 10. I have study it. If we look at the seniors schedule, they all finish at the end of the month mostly. So, they will need 12 to 24 hours crew rest before beginning the November month. Conclusion, I pick the one that we have most chance to do all together.
Everyone is listening very carefully to what Youssef has to say.
- I have been here since eight to study all the possibilities.
- But, what is number ten exactly ? I wanted to go shopping in Paris, says Jade.
- Listen darling, says Tiffany with her French accent. You don’t go shopping in Paris. Tststsst! You go shop-pingg! Shop-pinggg!
Nobody will understand you with your stupid accent. Have some class girl and better starts today, you have a long way to go, darling!
Jade is furious but doesn’t say anything.
- Don’t worry, says Lorenzo. I just look at it, and it’s the first place we are going to go, if we get it, my sweaty pie!
Jade becomes more furious, everyone seems to pick on her this morning.
- Hey! Stop it, I am not your sweaty pie, and don’t start your macho stuff with me! I can take care of myself idiot! You are so macho!
Victor walks up with a pen in his hand to change the conversation.
- Alright guys you can discuss this in private. What’s going on with you people today? You were so nice before and now, look at you. Okay, we must go on with our choice. Everyone agree?
They all move their head positively.
- O.K. great. Let’s do it.
He looks at the group once more. Nobody is complaining. Victor writes down the number ten on the piece of paper and deposits it in the mailing box.
- It’s done.
He turns around and shakes Youssef’s hand.
-Very good now, says Arlene. I don’t envy the flight director if it ever works. An entire new staff on board! Will see!
- Hey! says Louise. Can you imagine? If we do get this, it means we are flying tomorrow night. We don’t have much time. Let’s go!
Everyone is all excited. They pinch themselves, smiles, hug each other, dance the lambada, it’s a very exhilarating moment.
- Bueno, Bueno, screams Lolitta jumping up and down, soon we will do our first flight.
- I have to admit guys, tells David. I am a bit nervous.
- A bit!, says Josey. I would rather say a lot! I can not sleep since last night.
The others were starting to move into the other room that was completely transformed as a changing room.
- Let’s go join the others, says Danielle. I can’t wait to see the uniform on me.
They enter the room. A male employee was giving each and every one of them their uniform.
-Ah! Did you touch the material? Asks Tiffany revolted and showing it to Danyele at the same time so she can touch it too.
Iark! It’s awful. It itches too darling!
Danyele looks at Tiffany and starts laughing.
-As I notice earlier and you said so well to Jade, where are you going to go shop-ping, Tiffany?
Tiffany looks at herself in the mirror. Moving from one side to another, unsatisfied of her look.
-Yes of course darling Danyele, but I will never find another millionaire in a uniform of this quality if quality there is.
In the back of the flight attendant lounge, we can see David looking at himself in the mirror. Youssef trying on his trousers. Lorenzo putting on his jacket. Victor closing up his belt.
The men’s uniform is very outstanding. A Russian style white shirt with bronze buttons set up in the line on the front. A black jacket tied up on the side.
The women’s uniform is quite striking. Two dresses, one red and one black with a deep V-neck collar and some sleeves stopping at the elbows. The tailor is fire red. The skirt is cut up at the knees, and the blouse is white with a Victorian collar and some buttons at the top of the shoulders. The jacket has a lot of plies and it shape at the waist with a belt. They match a nice French bibi, gloves and shoes to go with it... Their coat is a big cape in black pattern leather.
But Tiffany is still discouraged. She sits down; preferring to look at the guys dressing up.
- Wait Tiffany, says Danyele. When you have the entire uniform on it looks really sharp.
At the same time Jade, Chanel and Louise comes in. The guys stop moving.
-Tiffany darling, if you really want my opinion...says Lorenzo.
Tiffany furious throws him a sweater in his face. She can tell by herself the effect the girls did coming in.
- Like I was saying darling..., starts explaining Lorenzo, you would be surprise to see how much a red uniform influence men.
They adore women in uniform especially if it’s red. It’s very attractive. Ouf! You are stunning girls!
Lorenzo moves towards the girls and give them a hand-kiss. The girls turn around in front of the mirror. They are so pretty with their little French bibi. Danyele continue encouraging Tiffany.
- As you notice darling, the comment of a macho should be sufficient. She blows a flying kiss to Lorenzo and smile at him.
- Personally, admit Victor, walking closer to look at the girls. I prefer removing their uniform. It’s more...
Chanel furious gets closer to Victor.
- Be careful Victor! says Chanel angry, I don’t think you will have our approbation with your stupid and insignificant comments.
She pushes Victor. Lorenzo standing behind him puts his leg in the way. Victor ends up falling on Tiffany’s laps. Everyone is laughing.
- Ah! Dear lord! screams Tiffany repulsive.
She tries to push him but Victor is having great pleasure in making her miserable.
Lolitta signs her papers and starts leaving.
- Bueno, I have everything. I must go gang. Cross your fingers if you want us to work together. Okay.
She kisses everybody good bye.
- Lolitta, call me tonight, says Louise.
- Si! Si! Hasta la vista, answers Lolitta leaving the room with her arms full of her brand new uniform.
Later on in the night, they received the news that they were anxiously awaiting. They were all going to do their first month together. Their first destination will be tomorrow at 23:30 for Paris.
Flight AN - # 406
Each flight is controlled from the operation office of the company. In the aviation slang it is called crew sched.
A lot of employees are assigned to this delicate operation.
The weather, the flight plan, all the important information relating to the flight, the passengers, the meals, the hotel reservation for the crew, the per diem, the schedule for the return....
Some will be in charge of making sure they have the exact number of flight attendants in accordance to the type of aircraft and the number of passengers on board.
They will than make sure each flight attendant respond to them three hours prior to departure to acknowledge their
Presence on board.
In crew sched’s office, there are six different time clocks, a big working table where they work writing down the last minute information, a lot of computers, Sita, and fax are installed to accelerate the procedures of the operations.
Tonight, Jack is in charge of taking all the calls from the flight attendants. He writes down their name and the time they called and it goes automatically in their files than he crosses out those who called to find out who didn’t and makes sure everyone those.
This is how the operation of a flight starts.
Chanel is waking-up.
- Oh! My my my my... this is going to be very difficult to work in the middle of the night. She stretches herself to pull on the light, and look at her little black note for crew sched’s number.
- Hello,
- Jack, crew sched.
- It’s Chanel, I’m checking in for the flight 406, Paris at 23: 30.
- Very well.
She hangs up right away and takes her flight attendant manual to revise the Boeing 747 aircraft before doing anything else.
Danyele is all ready dress up. While having breakfast, she looks at her notes, and calls crew sched on her cellular phone.
- Jack, crew sched, I’m listening.
- Jack, its Danyele. I am confirming my presence and my sister’s too, for the flight 406 to Paris tonight at 23:30. My sister Louise was so afraid to miss the flight that she is all ready gone. She didn’t even wait for me.
- Sorry to hear that Danyele. Everything is O.K.
Driving for the base, Louise is repeating out loud her oral shouted commands.
- I will see you next time when I am back in town, says Youssef without any regrets.
He takes his suitcase, gives this gorgeous girl a last kiss and they both leave. She gets in her car and tries to have Youssef attention but he doesn’t bother looking back to wave at her. He gets in his car without any regret at all; she is just another girl among other ones. Youssef doesn’t worry at all. He knows there is always a girl somewhere for him and with this new job; he cannot asks for more, this is paradise for him.
Tiffany lives with her parents in a magnificent and luxurious mansion in the Westmount area.
She wakes up all confused and answers the phone.
- Hum...Hello!
-Tiffany, its Jack from crew sched. Did you forget you have a flight tonight? asks the scheduler very furious.
- Oh no, darling the line was busy, answer Tiffany very calmly. I have try several times and I got carried away putting on my uniform that I forgot to call you back. I was in a matter of fact stepping out of the door. I wouldn’t miss my first flight you silly! Now good bye!
You can hear Jack hanging up.
She hangs up, try desperately to turn on her lamp, and look at her alarm clock. It shows 20:45.
- Well... what’s wrong with this clock? Oh my Lord, I will never make it.
She is petrified and right away picks up the phone.
- Mario, orders Tiffany. Be down stairs in five minutes. I have to go to the airport it’s urgent.
- But Tiffany, answers the driver very calmly, your dad mention me not to help you what so ever.
Tiffany is getting impatient.
- Mario, says Tiffany with a soft voice, I am asking you, as a friend, to drive me to the airport, please darling, help me.
- Alright, but just once, never again. I will be up front. Hurry up! I don’t want your dad to see me.
- Merci Mario. Thank-you Mario!
She hangs up right away, closes her suitcase with a hard
time, takes her uniform garment, stops in her washroom and throws in all her cosmetic magic in her purse and goes down in her night gone with her high hills on and making sure not to make any noise.
Tiffany is getting undress and doesn’t care if the driver sees her. She puts on her bra, her nylons and slip on her dress. She is trying as best as she can to put her make up on. The chauffeur is looking at her in the mirror.
The limousine finally stops. She splashes some Coco Chanel perfume on and waits for Mario to open the door but Mario is taking all his time. She cannot wait any longer and finally gets out furious.
Tiffany stands outside waiting again for Mario to take the luggage out of the trunk.
- Mario darling! shouts Tiffany impatient. What on earth are you doing? The luggage Mario, the luggage!
He looks at her, opens the trunk and smiles.
- Tiffany, friends, don’t take out luggage. I came here as a friend remembers!
Tiffany opens her mouth to argue, looks at him, closes her mouth and takes her luggage herself without saying anything.
-Thank you Mario. I do realize what you did for me. I appreciate what you have done, but please, don’t ever mention it to my dad. He will kill me. I have been waiting long for an opportunity like this; a job that suites I and I think this is it. I am so nervous darling; it’s going to be my very first job.
Mario closes the trunk.
- You can count on me Tiffany. Good luck!
The captain is receiving his flight plan for tonight.
One by one they come at the base, smile on their faces.
They are all early, nervous to start their first flight.
Victor, David and Jade are drinking their coffee. The lounge is a bit dark. Leather black coaches, tables in ebony with a pile of flying magazines on top. Pictures from all over the world covers the wall on one side, some maps on the other one and a clear wall to wall window separates the flight attendants lounge with the one of the pilot.
Chanel, Arlene and Louise are smoking a cigarette and drinking a large cappuccino.
Tiffany is just joining them.
Danyele, Youssef and Lolitta are talking to each other.
Lorenzo and Josey are hugging each other to calm their nerves.
Moments later, they are all in that tiny briefing room. A round table is there with just a few chairs. Some of the flight attendants are sitting, the other ones are standing. Three walls are painted dark green and another one is a wall to wall window, where you can see the briefing room of the pilots. The pilots are doing their briefing as well.
- Now don’t forget, says Lorenzo, not a word about our first flight. It won’t even show, you’ll see.
-Ya, ya, sure man! Don’t worry, confirm Youssef.
The flight attendants are signing their names on a piece of paper to choose their working position on board.
At each station, there is some equipment to check and all the flight attendant must know what they have and how to use it.
So, during a briefing the flight director will asks each and everyone operating this flight to tell what equipment they have, what they are supposed to do with it.
Then he proceeds to the second part of the briefing; asking one by one a safety question on different type of problem that can occur on board. This part is the worst. It will verify the knowledge of everyone to act accordantly. If one of them fails to answer he or she is automatically dismissed from duty and returned home.
Well finally the flight director arrives.
He is young and dynamic but always moving. A nervous type.
- Max Parker. I will be your flight director for the rest of the month. Xenia, the purser comes in behind him. She directs the service on board. She is a very tall and gorgeous black woman.
- Good night everyone, continue the flight director. I don’t think I know all of you beside Xenia. I guess I didn’t have the chance to fly with everybody at this base. I just got transfer here a month ago. I was in Toronto before coming to Montreal.
He takes the positions sheet and asks.
- Did every one sign on?
- Oh! Sorry Mr. Parker, admit Lorenzo, a bit embarrass. I was so busy letting the girls sign before me that I completely forget myself.
- It’s alright no problem. Give him the sheet, will you. Please you can call me Max. However the captain likes to be call captain. Now, let’s go with the position. Tonight we have a Boeing 747-100.
The flight attendants are getting nervous. It’s the crucial time where you find out if you are going are staying.
- I start, says the flight director. My position is at L-1. My emergency equipment consist of one flash light, two life vests, four infant life vests, one first aid kit, one megaphone, one radio beacon, two oxygen bottle and one halon. I also have the E.L.S. O.K. next. 1 L A
-Yes it’s me! says Chanel very shy.
- Listen up people; tell me your name please before you start.
After everyone had a question, Max quickly said?
- Marvellous people just like a book. God! I feel in total security working with you. So, people take note, tonight’s flight is on time. We are expecting some turbulence two hours prior to departure meaning right when we are going to start our meal service. So people please hurry up with your bar. We have 476 passengers. Two wheelchairs, one blind, and one unaccompanied minor. So please people be on alert at all time and go talk to our lonely child once and a while. The captain’s name is Mr. Champagne, the co-pilot is Mike Bailey and the engineer is our dear old George. George Galliono. Now it’s your turn Xenia. Tell us about the service please.
-The service tonight is plan- C-, starts explaining Xenia.
But at the same time, the captain comes in the room.
- O.K. Max we have got to go!
Max looks at Xenia, smiles at her to excuse himself.
-Yes, captain Champagne, answer Max right away. We are just behind you. Anyway people, Xenia will call you to let you know when to start the service.
They leave the base with their little suitcase and their flight attendant manual. While boarding the bus it is complete silence.
Everyone is nervous but no one can talk about it.
Getting off the bus Jade takes Lorenzo by the arms and asks him discretely.
- Lorenzo are you scared you?
He takes her by the arm and brings her closer to him and whispers to her ears.
-Yes a little. I just hope everything will be like a normal flight and don’t worry Jade, you know your stuff. I will be watching you.
- O.K. thanks Lorenzo that’ nice of you.
- Let’s go!
- No! Wait Lorenzo, let the captain go first.
- Ah! Yeah I forgot. Sorry captain.
- It’s O.K. I went to do my walk around. The aircraft is in perfect condition.
Inside the aircraft the crew is busy checking all the equipment in their section to see if everything is operational. Then they sign another piece of paper saying that they acknowledge that every piece of equipment is serviceable.
A man and his wife are talking together. On the table there are a few empty bottles of beer. A waiter comes to their table to pick up the bottles. Behind them a man is taking a sip of his beer and smoke the last puff of his cigarette while lighting another one with it.
- Waiter, shout the married man, bring me another one. - Hey! It’s enough, tells his wife.
- What is it with you? Relax your sex my wife, I am on vacation Dam it!
-That’s it, it’s the last one. I am not going to spend my vacation looking at you drink, son of a bitch! You won’t spoil my vacation.
The waiter doesn’t know what to say or do. He finally turns around and starts emptying the ashtray of the man next to them. The man is furious. He starts talking very loud and the more he talks the more he becomes louder and you can definitely tell he has been drinking for a while.
- Don’t you just stand there cleaning ashtrays and picking up empty bottles you little moron! I don’t have all night. We are going to Paris. My wife decided to go there. We could of gone to Florida like the others snow birds of Quebec, but nop! The lady here is not like the others. She has class and she wants culture! Come on; go get my beer so I forget about it!
- Well, says the wife very upset to see his husband one more time ruining her vacation and drinking like a pig.
If it’s like this you want to spend your vacation Gérard. Garçon! Bring me a double Zombie.
The waiter leaves right away.
Behind the couple, we can see the man
Lighting up another cigarette. He is a heavy smoker and this
Is his last chance to smoke before getting on board.
Gérard looks at his wife and says:
- It will be the company’s fault to make us wait three hours at the airport for nothing. What do you want us to do my sweaty...?
Louise is at door 2-L, it takes her two times to finally made her message on the P.A. (Public announcement button) to tell the crew that the passengers are there.
She is very nervous tonight.
-The passengers are here, announce Louise nervously.
Max at his seat takes the P.A.
- Flight attendants to your doors. Position right this minute.
Max arrives at Louise’s door.
- Let’s go Louise open the bloody door.
Louise is scared.
-Yeah! Yeah!! It’s coming.
She finally opens the door to welcome the passengers anxious to board the plane.
- Good evening! Welcome aboard Air Nation.
A passenger dress in a grey tailored suit with a briefcase shows Louise his boarding card.
- Bonsoir, answers a French passenger.
Louise shows him the direction to his seat. Now the ice is broken.
She is in control. The other flight attendants direct the passengers as well. An old lady comes on board.
- Good evening! says Louise.
- Ah! you know miss, I don’t trust this big piece of metal but my husband told me it will be find... and she continue on to her seat.
- Good evening! says Louise to the drunk passenger and his wife.
- Hello! says the man rudely.
- May I see your boarding card sir?
- What for? dam it! I paid my ticket like everyone else, scream the man having a hard time standing up.
Louise surprised by the man’s comment is looking for Max to come and help her out. She doesn’t know what to do but she won’t let this big old man impress her. She is trying with the best of her knowledge to calm the man down.
- Sir, I simply wanted to verify your ticket to help you get to your seat.
The passenger is getting more and more furious.
-You are telling me that I look like an idiot and I can’t read the numbers?
The man is getting more and more obnoxious and is slowing all the boarding. His wife tries to save the face.
-You know miss, we waited three hours to board this plane, so we went to the bar to kill the time.
Meanwhile, her husband starts walking inside zigzagging in the aisle and suddenly collapses on the floor blocking the way in. Right away Louise takes the interphone and tries to reach Max. The passengers are getting impatient. His wife is embarrassed.
He answers the call.
- Where is he this one? asks Max really upset. I don’t want to have any problem from a drunk man on board my cabin.
- He is on the floor blocking the main aisle.
- God, I’m coming!
While Louise redirects the passenger from the galley, Max is trying to make his way thru. A few passengers are all ready in the aisle.
- Let me by people, excuse me Miss, sorry, coming thru.
Max arrives at the scene. He bends down to talk to the man still on the floor.
- Good evening sir. May I help you?
- What do you think am I, a handicap? asks the man.
- No, No, not at all, answers Max very politely. I just wanted to give you a hand to lift you up the floor. You know, sir...
The man doesn’t let him finish his sentence, while trying to stand up by himself he looks at Max with a disgusting air.
- Don’t you touch me fagget!
The man finally stands. He looks around him and sees two women sitting together and loudly adds:
- And you two... are two nice lesbians, well, I seen it all!
Max is starting to lose his patience and manners, but the show must go on.
- Excu-se me sir! Orders Max. You go right at your seat now, because you are causing a delay and if you don’t like it, you can always leave. God! You better behave mister or else you will have to deplane. Is that clear?
His wife embarrassed starts screaming at her husband.
- Hey! If it’s what you call a vacation Gérard, I am going back home!
- Okay, okay, my wife, you don’t have to scream.
He finally goes to his seat. Max looks at the man’s wife and look at her seriously.
- Madam, if your husband doesn’t behave until the end of the boarding we definitely have to leave you here for safety reason.
The rest of the boarding is going smoothly to the satisfaction of Louise.
The heavy smoking man comes last.
- This is the last passenger, announces the ground agent in a hurry to go home.
- Very well, thank you.
Max arrives next to Louise.
- God, we can now close the door. I thought we never will. I check on the drunk passenger and the captain told me if he is asleep let him be. So of course we have to go with him.
Max takes the P.A.
- Prepare doors for departure and cross check.
Each crew member has to arm the door and then place themselves in front of each cabin for the safety demonstration.
Meanwhile, Max is doing his welcoming announcement and he continues on with the safety demonstration. After he’s finish the flight attendants have to go thru the cabin once more to verify if the cabin is secure and go back to their jump seat where they do their silent review to prepare for an emergency.
Max goes up the stairs two by two. He has to go in the cockpit to tell the captain that the cabin is secure, the luggage are stowed, everyone is seated and give the pilot the sheet with the total number of passengers on board the flight tonight. His number has to match the one of the captain or else he has to go back and count the passengers again. He enters the cockpit trying to catch his breath.
- Captain the...
The captain doesn’t even turn around and stop him from talking.
- Max, says the captain severely. You had caused us a delay. Don’t let this happen again.
The other pilots are busy doing their tasks.
- But captain, we struggle with...
The captain is busy doing his flight check.
- Shot up Max! there is no excuse.
- Cabin crew to your seat, orders the flight engineer on the P.A.
Max hurries down to his jump seat furious about the captain’s attitude toward him.
Immediately after, the aircraft takes it’s acceleration and takes off.
No matter their knowledge, some of the flight attendants are completely amaze by the power of the Boeing 747. They had previously done a practice flight on a little aircraft but nothing can compare with the beauty of the 747. It is always incredible to see an aircraft of this size fly in the sky like a bird.
Chanel is sitting next to Max. She is quite excited.
He looks at her wondering if he ever saw her before but Chanel doesn’t give him a chance to say anything.
- Max the seat belt sign is off; you have to do your announcement.
- Ya! You’re right but I was...
She releases her seat belt and leave.
The curtains of the galley are close. Josey, Tiffany and Louise are working in the front section. They take out the head sets and put them on a tray.
- Hey! What do you think of our first take off Louise? asks Tiffany all excited.
- It was super exciting!
- I think I must repeat ten times my oral shouted commands.
- No joke, I did the same thing, says Josey.
Max pulls the curtains really fast and enter galley I.
- Hey girls!
The girls surprised jump and drop some headsets on the floor.
- Ah! Max you scared us!
They look at each other and completely change their look to a more serious one. They cannot let the secret out.
- Good lord! I just came in to tell you to look at this handsome man sitting at 12-C.
The girls curious go out to check the guy and come back smiling.
-The night is promising, says Josey. Okay, let’s go with the head sets!
Everyone is still excited. They are having a ball.
-Yes, yes, yes, yes, screams Jade, Danyele and David. We can do it yes, yes. We can do it.
Arlene and Chanel are waiting after Xenia to get out of the galley to talk about their first flight. She finally goes out bringing her duty-free trolley.
- Gee! She is finally gone, says Arlène. So tell me Chanel are you as excited as me?
- Oh! Yeah! I still don’t believe it, that I am actually here.
Lolitta comes in the galley.
- Girls our first flight. Can you imagine? And the best of it, we are all together. I am so happy. Madré dia! I cannot believe it.
She hugs them and returns to her galley.
Victor and Lorenzo prepare the bar trolleys.
- So, asks Victor. How do you feel?
- It’s like the end of a ski race. At the beginning you take some speed than you ask yourself if you are going to fall or not and after a little while you forget everything and you just go full speed man! It’s awesome!
- I like it too; I cannot wait when we land. I guess it’s a strange feeling. I cannot explain it.
Youssef is taking care of the passenger in the upper deck and the front crew. He is very busy fixing up drinks. He serves a passenger sitting next to the window in the first row, than comes back to his galley and look at the cockpit door. Right away he puts his tray down and walks toward the cockpit.
He opens the cockpit door and walks in.
The pilots are sitting looking at their computers. The engineer is busy calculating on his side table. Youssef gets a little closer to them.
- Captain, may I offer you another coffee?
The captain turns around to answer him.
- Oh! Certainly Youssef.
- Mike, Georges? How about you?
- Yes, yes that will wake us up.
- Very well. I will be right back.
But Youssef is so impress with the lights of the control panel that he stands there staring.
- Are you alright Youssef? asks the engineer.
- Definitely. I am always impressed with the view at night and the control panel.
He turns his back laughing and leave.
Ding ding!
Xenia is making her conference call.
- O.K. every one, let’s go with the bar.
Lolitta is very nervous.
- Victor no es possiblé! Go instead of me.
She is standing in front of her bar trolley incapable of moving.
Lorenzo on the other side looks at her.
- Lolitta, come on, says Lorenzo. I will be on the other side of the aisle not too far from you. Just look at me.
He pushes his trolley in the aisle and moves towards the back of the cabin. Lolitta is still not moving.
- Let’s start slowly Lolitta, explains Victor. Let me help you move your trolley.
He pushes her trolley.
Lolitta takes a big breath.
- Bueno! Bueno!
Victor whispers in her ears.
- O.K. just look at Lorenzo or ring me if you need me. You can do it
- Si! Si!
The passengers were looking at her wondering.
Lolitta is finally rolling her trolley very slowly to the back afraid she will drop everything that’s on top.
Josey is giving orders to Louise and Tiffany.
- Since we are doing the service by hand up front, I want you to take the orders of an entire row before giving it to me.
Louise and Tiffany look at each other surprised by Josey’s orders
And leave. They meet in the cabin.
- I though, I was hearing my mother for a second in there, says Tiffany a bit frustrated to be told what to do. Louise starts laughing and starts taking the passengers orders.
- Ah! Crap! starts yelling Danyele. I cannot move this trolley. In the class it was so easy. Jade help me and David wait for me.
Arlene and Chanel are serving some drinks by hand.
- Would you like something to drink, sir? asks Arlene.
- Je parle français madame says the passengers insulted.
(Ya...it’s true says Arlene to herself, it’s written on your front head, really, ass hole, who do you think am I, a mind reader?)
Arlene smiles and starts talking to him in French.
- Désirez-vous un apéritif monsieur?
- Ah! Bon je vais en prendre un, says the passenger smiling. Un pernod s.v.p.
The aircraft is going thru a turbulence motion.
- Yes says Arlene to herself, he is going to wait ha! Good for him.
- Sorry sir.
- Pardon monsieur je dois partir. Désolez vous devez attacher votre ceinture.
She looks at the other passengers to ensure they have complied.
We can hear Max doing his P.A.
Arlene is having a hard time standing.
- Excuse me sir, please fasten your seat belt.
She walks holding herself to the seats and look at a woman.
- Madame attaché votre ceinture, s.v.p.
Madame please fasten your seat belt, thank you.
She looks at the little boy beside her.
-Yes, you too, says Arlene gently. Fasten your seat belt very well.
Lolitta is having great difficulties .The passengers are up in the aisle trying to go to the washroom. While in the other hand she backs up, lets them go by, and tries to serve a passenger than moves again. She is completely fed up .She turns around to see where Lorenzo is and that discourage her totally. He is down twelve rows. She just cannot believe it. To top it up, Max arrives at the back and start yelling at her. He is a real asshole.
- Lolitta, hurry up! We don’t have all night! you want them to have their drinks with their breakfast? Let’s go dam it! I cannot stand this in my cabin. The service as to be fast an efficient!
Lolitta completely shock by his comment cannot move any further. She wants to hide, get out of the plane and scream but she can’t. The passengers are listening. It’s a complete embarrassment for her. She turns around to see Lorenzo. He smiles at her. Victor arrives behind her. He had heard everything. He gives her a kiss on the cheek. Lolitta is speechless. Her eyes are watery.
- Don’t let him bothering you, says Victor. He is a real jerk this guy and I’m pretty sure he is only good to give orders instead of helping us all.
Lolitta finally smiles. Victor walks back to catch Max and grabs his arms.
- You have no rights to talk to her like you just did in front of the passengers. We are a team and if she is too slow for you, you can always give her a hand!
Max furious looks at Victor and without saying anything continue walking.
- Well, this Max is quite something! says Victor to himself.
The girls are setting up the meal trolleys. Josey is taking out the casseroles while Tiffany and Louise are on both side of the galley placing the casserole on the trays.
- Ouf! It’s hot here! says Louise.
- Yes, agree Josey, these ovens are infernal and on top of it the gloves I bought are useless. It’s like taking the casseroles with my bared hands.
A little boy arrives next to Louise.
- Excuse me where are the washrooms?
Louise stops and takes the little boy by the hand.
- Come, I will show you.
A long moment pass before Louise return to the galley.
- Hurry up! Louise, we have to start the service, says Josey angry.
- Relax Josey, I am here. Don’t worry.
She takes two trays and leave.
David is backing up his trolley to let a passenger go by. He moves back and takes out a tray. He looks at the Indian passenger.
- Good evening, he says to him. Would you like beef or fish?
- I don’t eat meat. I am a vegetarian!
- Hum! I will see what I can do for you sir, says David politely.
He rings the bell to call Jade and turn around to see if she is coming but at the same time, a little girl come running towards him and try to pass between the trolley. While she is struggling to get by she shakes the meal trolley. The bottle of water falls on the Indian passenger’s lap. The man is real upset and David doesn’t know what to say.
- Oh! Oh!!...I am so sorry. Let me help you dry it off.
He takes a napkin and at the same time the aircraft passes into an air pocket zone. David holds on to his trolley barely, afraid it will get worst he immediately pushes his trolley back to the galley.
- This is the captain speaking. The service will be interrupted at this time. Flight attendant to your seats.
All the crew members are going back with their trolley to the galley to secure it and hurry up to take their seats and fasten their seat belt.
The captain is telling Mike the first officer to change the altitude to 40,000 feet. George the engineer is checking the navigational instruments and after a few manoeuvres the captain seems satisfied of the result.
- Alright, we are back on track. Mike could you tell the passengers what happen and that everything is back to normal.
- Very well captain.
- O.K., says Max on a conference call, let’s continue our service, the meals are going to be cold. Did you hear that Lolitta in the back? Hurry up for god sake! and Xenia I have seen better than this before!
Lolitta hangs up the phone tears in her eyes. She unfastens her seat belt and go hide in the washroom to cry. Lorenzo look at her from his seat and decide not to let her all alone like this. He unlocks the washroom and sees Lolitta sitting on the toilet bowl crying.
- Don’t worry Lolitta. I think he is getting his frustration out on you that’s all. You are doing a good job. Don’t compare yourself to me. I was a waiter for a long time before doing this job. You know being a ski instructor doesn’t pay that much so I had to do that in orders to survive.
Lolitta takes some Kleenex to wipe her tears.
- Wait let me do this; I don’t like seeing a beautiful girl like you cry.
He gentle dries her eyes, takes her up by the shoulders and hugs her tenderly.
- There, this is much better and Lolitta, forget about Max, I will take care of him and I will serve the passengers sitting in the middle for you.
We can see the crew finishing up the first service from the back cabin up to section C.
Danyele pours down a second glass of wine to a passenger.
- Let me take your tray for you, says Danyele with all her charm to a passenger. You can keep your glass of wine; I will fill it up for you. She pours him some more wine.
- Was everything to your liking sir? asks Danyele while putting away his tray in the trolley.
- Hum, very much so. I’m enjoying your company the most though. You are so wonderful and so pretty...
Bip! Bip! Bip!
Smoke alarm is flashing red.
Bip! Bip! Bip!
Fire in the lavatory section C-lav-2.
Bip! Bip! Bip!
Worry, Danyele looks up at the signs. As soon as she sees the sign she hurries back to the galley to stow her trolley.
While she pushes her trolley looking towards the galley a man gets out of the washroom and rapidly walks towards the back of the cabin.
In the mean time, Danyele grab two bottles of water from the counter and goes as fast as she can to check the lavatories.
At the same time, Youssef was passing by with his crew meal. They are both nervous and worry. They must expect the worst of the situation. Youssef puts his meal on the floor. Danyele touches the door with the back of her hand. Youssef doesn’t waist a second and go grab a halon behind the jump seat. Jade arrives to the scene. Danyele points to her the bottom of the door. Jade looks at the smoke coming out of the washroom, and immediately steel some blankets off the passengers sitting close by. Danyele puts them at the bottom to block the smoke from entering the cabin.
- Hurry Jade! call the captain now!, orders Danyele calmly.
Jade jumps on the phone. She is trembling so much that she drops the phone. She picks it up and finally dials the alert number and impatiently awaits for the captain to answer the call.
-Yes, this is the captain.
- Captain, hurry we have a fire in the washroom.
- Calm down Jade; tell me which washroom, in which cabin?
Jade doesn’t listen and leaves the phone hanging. She grabs a halon and stands behind Youssef, ready to combat the fire. Danyele seems very calm and in controls of the situation. She takes a big breath to calm herself and starts pulling the tag on the halon. She signals Youssef to open the door slowly. He goes right back behind Danyele. She presses the handle and discharges the content of her halon directly onto a red flame. The smoke is really dense. The passengers are screaming. Youssef gives Danyele another halon. She changes halon and discharges the second one in a sweeping motion. The flames are persistent. Jade gives another halon to Youssef who is sweating like hell. Danyele seems calm trying to controls this fire but the smoke is starting to make her uncomfortable. She takes a third halon and presses on the handle; nothing! She looks at the halon and screams.
-Youssef, pull the tag shit! Youssef freezes for a few seconds and finally pulls on the tag that obstructs the movement of the handle. The passengers are watching the crew and are very scared. Jade comes back screaming.
- Move! Move! Move out of the way! I have another halon!
Danyele backs up. Youssef pulls the tag.
- Go Youssef! Go dam it! I cannot do it all by myself. There is too much smoke...
The passengers afraid are screaming.
Youssef looks at her, moves his head and enters the washroom. He shouts and empties his halon completely, than backs up. It looks good. The flame seems to have completely disappeared.
- Jade gives me the water halon, asks Danyele.
Jade cannot find them and panic once more.
- Where? Where? Where?
Danyele points the bottles without letting Youssef off her sight.
Jade turns around and picks up the bottles.
- I’m getting the water extinguisher, says Jade to herself.
Jade is freaking out, she is reacting like a speeding bullet, and she is so scared that the fire could grow bigger that she reacts at one hundred miles per hour. In the contrary, Danyele is calm and in control of the situation. And for Youssef, he is completely under shock, but he is executing everything Daniele’s is telling him to do.
They are waiting now to see if the fire is extinguish completely, but not even one minute goes by, that the flames are starting back again from another compartment... Right away, they combat the fire without out wasting any precious seconds.
Max arrives on the scene with the engineer. David and Louise are bringing more halons with them. Tiffany and Josey are telling people to keep their heads down.
Xenia, Arlene and Chanel are telling the passengers to keep their heads down.
Everyone is on standby.
-O.K. everything is fine, says the engineer. It’s completely finish. I have checked the wires under the sink but since you acted promptly the fires was only in the garbage bin and catch all the papers around the lav. There was a surcharge on one of the extinguisher and it blow up that’s why there was so much smoke. So, will be O.K. Just make sure no one uses this washroom for the rest of the flight. And supervise once and a while. I’ll go check on the other side. But so far we are lucky.
-Now, Youssef and Jade, go tag the equipment, order Max. Danyele, you will write the report in the log book. The others will give you a hand in your cabin and please verify if no one was bother from the smoke.
Max leaves.
The engineer is checking once more the lavs.
The passengers are standing in a group talking nervously about what happen.
Danyele leaves very annoyed that Max didn’t mention anything about the actions she did.
Further down the cabin you could see the heavy smoker man vegetating on his seat drinking a scotch. We can hear Max on the P.A. explaining what happen to the passengers.
Youssef is seating on the jump seat with Jade, ticketing the bottles.
-Can you believe what we just did, Jade?
-Yes and no, answer Jade. Our first flight with a fire. I wish I could find the passenger who did that, and have the authority arrest him. Arrrrr! We could of died you know. I don’t even remember what I did. All I remember was Danyele telling me what to do. I’m glad she was there.
-Me too, she was so calm. It seems like she had done it a thousand times. She is bossy but this time I didn’t mind at all.
Both of them are laughing nervously finishing the ticketing the bottles. (Changing the tag so people know it has been used and it needs to be change on arrival).
Max enters galley 2.
David is cleaning up the galley. -I just came to say you did a good job controlling the passengers and giving them towels to breathe thru. Was anyone bothered by the smoke? Ask Max.
-No, I think everyone is O.K. We only had too many curious passengers around, but we did alright, I think.
Max goes out the galley and continues in galley 3. He smiles at the passengers. They seem alright. Max stops to talk to an old lady to reassure her and then enters galley 3.
Chanel and Arlene are both on their knees trying to put the last trays in the trolley. Xenia is standing giving them the trays.
-I would like to thank you for helping and finishing up the service. This is what I call a real team work, comment Max.
The galley 3 and 4 are side to side but there is a small open space in the centre between the two galleys to communicate between the crew. Max bends down to see the crew of galley 4. Lolitta, Victor and Lorenzo are bending to look at Max. Hey! Guy’s thank you for your help during the incident, you did a good job. But please be aware and alert. I am positive it is someone who went and smokes in the washroom, so he might do it again; perhaps in the back lavatories. So let’s catch this guy if you know what I mean.
-You can count on us Max, says Victor.
Max looks at them.
-O.K. girls let’s keep smiling; you never know who’s watching you!
He goes out and closes the curtains.
We can see him going down the aisle and stop at the washroom once more to check...
-Ah! I am completely beat! My feet are killing me, complains Chanel to the others.
-Me too Chanel, says Xenia, but the show must go on. Come on let’s go. Go pick up the last cups!, order Xenia bending down so the others can hear her too.
Lolitta is taking her tray to go out.
-Hey! Lolitta don’t move. Stay here. I will go pick up for you while you clean up the counter for me, says Victor.
She looks at him and finally agrees.
-Good idea Victor, than I can remove my shoes and no one can see me, says Lolitta. Madré dia! It is so painful!
-Don’t! Orders Lorenzo.
Lolitta and Victor start smiling.
-It’s not that bad! Says Lolitta. My feet don’t smell! -It’s the worst thing you can do, explains Lorenzo. Keep your shoes on, clean the counter than elevate your legs, but don’t take your shoes off, he insists.
-O.K. Lorenzo, says Victor a bit sceptic, tell me, you wear high heels at home? Maybe you are not the macho that everyone thinks you are. Santa pizza! I didn’t think you were like Max at all. You hide it pretty good.
-Very funny guys. It happens that my mother is a nurse, and she gave me a few advices before I left, that’s all. It is also good for men and women.
Instead of going out cleaning they stand there talking to each other.
Xenia is doing a conference call. At the same time she brings down the lights in the cabin. Victor goes out the galley to check what is going on. He can see Xenia talking on the phone.
-We are starting in ten minutes the liquor service; be ready, orders Xenia to the crew.
Jade is taking out a casserole of the oven. David enters the galley. He pours a glass of water for a passenger standing next to him and smiles. He closes the curtains.
Danyele is opening her bag of utensils.
-Xenia just called us to let us know that the liquor service starts in ten minutes, mention David to the girls.
-Shit! we just sat down, says Jade furiously. It’s not thru. We don’t even have a few minutes to relax, shit! How do you expect us to smile with an empty stomach and no time to piss?
-I totally agree with you Jade, says Danyele exhausted. I think we did our share of work today.
-Listen up guys, says David, eat your meal, while I fix the drinks. After, it will be my turn... maybe!
Jade jumps on the counter to eat her casserole. Danyele pulls out a canister to sit on it. David is preparing the liquors on the tray.
- Danyele, says Jade. I must tell you how great you were out there. I am glad to work with you and I hope I didn’t get on your nerves. David you should of seen her... so calm, so perfect.
- Let’s change the subject alright; I don’t want to relive it. So what do you think about Xenia and Max, guys? I think Max is gay, what about you David?
-He’s definitely gay but good looking I have to admit. But, way to hyper, he looks like a guy on speeds, don’t you think?
-It’s hard to tell but I am sure he wouldn’t be where he is now, if he was taking pills, tells Jade.
-Jade is right David, he wouldn’t pass the test every six months. No, he is just the nervous type. So far so good. But where the hell was he during the fire?
-Yeah, that’s true, confirms Jade. He arrived when everything was almost finished, and I didn’t see him at all telling how good you were.
-He must of went up to tell the captain, says David.
-What! Shout Danyele. How can he goes up to tell the captain when he didn’t even come closer to the scene, but it’s true, I was so busy taking care of it that, maybe he was there and I didn’t see him.
-But I didn’t see him either, recalls Jade.
-Humm! That’s strange, for someone in charge of the cabin... and what about Xenia?
Jade gets off the counter.
-Ttststst! Stop right there says David; she was helping me with the towels to give to the passengers.
Danyele puts the canister back.
-Ha! Let’s forget all this and let’s do the liquors.
A passenger is standing next to the galley. He takes one glass of Jade’s tray without asking her if he could serve himself, doesn’t even say thank you or look at her.
Jade looks at him furious but doesn’t say anything to the man but she says to herself “Thank you miss, you are so kind”
-Captain, says Youssef coming in. Xenia just told us it’s time for the digestif, the liquor service, would you like a little café cognac? What about you guys a nice Brazilian coffee?
Everyone starts laughing.
- Super! Youssef bring us doubles too, so you don’t have to come back, answer the captain still laughing.
-Perfect guys, reply Youssef, I take good note of your orders but I am afraid to deliver them only in three hours from now. Would you settle for three virgin coffees?
-Forget the coffee; bring us the virgins instead, say the engineer. Don’t you have any good looking girls back there who would like to visit the captain?
- Sorry guys, I am working on all of them for the moment, if anything comes up, I will call you.
-Maybe we should do our coffee ourselves this guy is hiding something or should I say someone, says Mike the first officer.
-Clever man, answer Youssef, but are you clever enough to figure out how to use the coffee machine?
Youssef starts laughing.
-Oh! That’s low, says the engineer.
-Well, duty call, I will be right back with your coffees gentlemen.
He gets out of the cockpit.
A nice woman is standing at Youssef counter.
-Would it be possible to have a glass of red wine, please?
-Of course, answers Youssef with all his charm. But first let me show you the cockpit...
He takes her by the arm showing her the way to the cockpit.
Max calls Xenia on the phone.
-Xenia! I am waiting for you to do the duty-free; you are not on board a ship here. Hurry up! Good lord!
She hangs up really hard. The passengers are looking at her. She pulls the curtains real fast and walks in the galley. Chanel and Arlene are looking at her very surprised.
-Shit! I didn’t even have time to eat and he wants me to do the dam boutique! complains Xenia.
She pulls out the duty-free trolley. Arlene and Chanel are fixing up more liquor.
-Listen Xenia, says Arlene hoping to make her feel better. We will keep you a croissant from the breakfast service. We will finish this service, set up the breakfast trolley, and eat something ourselves, and help you out after...
If we have enough energy.
-Thanks girls that’s nice but you want have time, I know. I wish I was the energize me Bonny maybe that will help. We are always short of staff but they never cut on the service and the passengers are getting worst and worst. She puts on some lip stick and asks: am I alright? -Perfect. Answers Chanel and on top of it, I don’t know... if it’s the colour of your skin but you don’t look tired at all. You are lucky girl! Now go on woush! woush! You look great. Xenia moves in the aisle with her trolley while the others go out with their trays.
-Well Josey, says Louise, don’t do any more drinks for my section, they are all asleep.
Josey pour a juice to a teenager who was waiting. Louise puts away her tray. Tiffany comes in.
-Well, says Josey to Tiffany, I guess they are sleeping too in your section.
-Not quite, just a little more glasses.
I wish I could sleep too, says Josey while doing the drinks. I am not going to the Nautilus after this flight. I have done enough exercise for the day.
-I know what you mean, says Tiffany. The worst for me is... I never really had a job before this one so let me tell you, even if I met a nice guy on board tonight, I will have no energy what so ever, not even to lift his little... you know.
The girls are laughing.
-Hey! Acclaim Louise. Don’t be discourage, we have done half the way, we can still do it. Let’s eat and maybe Tiffany you will gain some strength...you never know, just in case we see a charming prince.
At the same time the nice passenger at 12-C pushes the curtains.
-Would it be possible to have another beer, I can’t sleep.
The girls look at each other smiling.
-Not at all darling, smoothly says Tiffany. Are you going on a business trip or for pleasure?
Josey gives her the beer.
-For pleasure, I must say. I am meeting my fiancé in Paris.
Josey and Louise look at each other.
-She must be a lucky girl, comments Tiffany and if she doesn’t know that, you know where to find us!
The passenger laughs and leaves.
-Too bad for us, says Louise. Let’s eat!
-Yes I am starving too, says Josey.
Arlene and Chanel are both sitting on the counter.
-I am so tired. I don’t even have the force to eat Arlene. You can have my casserole, I rather sleep.
She closes her eyes. Arlene jumps off the counter.
-Don’t you dare do that Chanel! Come on be courageous. We are almost there. All we have to do is the breakfast, and we are in Paris. Think about Paris that will keep you up.
Arlene shakes her by the shoulder.
-Stand up Chanel, she orders. Let’s have ourselves a coffee. That will keep us up. You know it is forbidden for us to sleep unless it’s a flight over fifteen hours.
Victor enters the galley with a water bottle.
-I heard you girls, I just have what you need to keep you awake Chanel. A nice cold shower.
He shows her the bottle.
-No! Don’t you do that.
Chanel jump off the counter.
Lolitta comes in.
- Guys, say Lolitta very tired. We have to prepare the breakfast. I cannot do it, I am too exhausted.
-Not another one, says Victor. Come on let’s dance a little, that will wake us up.
He takes Lolitta by the arm and starts singing and dancing. Then takes Chanel, while Arlene and Lolitta continue dancing. They are laughing and having fun.
Suddenly a passenger pushes the curtains.
-May I join in... No, I just wanted to have a glass of water.
Arlene gives him the glass.
-You are doing a great job, remarks the passenger... It must be difficult to stay awake all night and work long hours like you do. But I guess you are used to it by now.
-Not really sir, answers Chanel smiling at the others. Unfortunately, you never get used to it.
-That’s terrible. I don’t know how you do it. Thanks.
The passenger leaves.
-Party is over gang. Thank you all that give me a push in the back. Now, let’s get on with that breakfast.
Jade is sitting next to Youssef.
Lorenzo arrives upstairs.
-Ah! That’s where I find you. Working hard guys, asks Lorenzo.
-Yeah! Stop it Lorenzo, says Jade. I just came up to see how Youssef is doing. It must be difficult to keep himself awake, all by yourself here. But that is not all why I am here. I wanted to know if Youssef had notice if Max was around when we extinguished the fire. Danyele and I didn’t see him, did you?
-I don’t recall seeing him but I was so busy, actually... I was in a stage of total black out.
But it’s true where was he?
-I guess we can only count on ourselves when things like this happen, says Lorenzo.
-Are you tired guys? ask Youssef. My feet are killing me. If at least we could sleep an hour, than, it wouldn’t be that bad. Some pilots do it!
-I am tired too, tells Jade, but imagine what would of happen if half of us were sleeping when the fire occur. I don’t think we would have seen Paris at all. Anyway, I think I won’t either; I am way too tired to go shopping.
She puts her head on Youssef shoulder.
-Remember where you wanted to go when we chose our block? recall Lorenzo to Jade. Paris! so here you are, almost there, in two hours, and you want to quit!
-Yeah! Shouts Youssef, that’s before we worked that flight, brother. I am going to bed as soon as I get there. Nobody told us we would of have a fire on our first flight!
-Well, reply Lorenzo. We all need to sleep a couple of hours and then we will be O.K., man! these passengers pay to go there, and you guys are going to sleep. I don’t understand you; this is why you want to be in Paris to see it all, not to sleep! You could of apply for a waitress job if you don’t want to go and look around! Really, why did you take this job for? Man, you are dummier than I though. Why go thru this hell of a training, to work in terrible condition if it is to sleep in a hotel bed somewhere. Hello! Wake up! Well, see you later!
He goes down a few steps and comes back up.
-By the way, I came up to tell you we have to start the breakfast in five.
Lorenzo goes down the stairs. Youssef and Jade look at each other.
-Maybe he is right, says Youssef to Jade but right at this moment, I just want my bed. Well... maybe I can share half of it with you my pretty face.
He gets closer to her waiting for Jade to answer.
She stands up, looks at him a few seconds and leaves without saying anything.
We can see the lights going up just one notch to signals to the passengers that the flight attendants are starting the breakfast service. Louise and Tiffany are up front with their trolley.
-Would you like breakfast? Asks Louise very softly to a passenger, holding two trays in her hands.
-Laissez-moi dormir, merde! Let me sleep! Shit! Yield the passenger harshly.
Louise right away moves on to the next passenger.
-What are you proposing beautiful face? Ask the passenger loudly, grabbing Louise’s arm to bring her closer to him. He has been drinking all night.
Tiffany is watching what’s going on and at the same time Max arrives at his jump seat with all his paper from the boutique and is watching too.
-Sir, answers Louise very politely. I have a very hot omelette... or I deposit on your lap if you don’t let go of my arm, or I put it nicely on your table.
He pushes her back.
-Well you don’t have a sense of humour gee! Says the passenger.
She pours him some coffee thinking of what she was going to say.
-Sir, I have 120 passengers in my section to serve, I certainly don’t have time for something of this nature. Sorry!
She pushes her trolley to the next row. She notices Max watching her. He smiles at her and give her a thumbs up. Tiffany comes looking on top of her trolley.
-Would you have a lemon by any chance? She asks.
-Yes, I guess so. She gives some to Tiffany and smile, knowing what she really met by that.
-Would you like more coffee sir? ask Lolitta to a nice passenger.
-With great pleasure Miss. You are so very kind. But tell me before you go, at which hotel you are staying?
Lolitta pours the coffee. Puts it on the table and bend down at his level to answer him.
-Senor! she whispers. If I was telling you where, it wouldn’t be a secret anymore.
She looks at him with her charming look and continues.
-Paris is a city full of secrets and romance. That’s why Paris is so charming and mysterious. So all you have to do is to walk the streets of Paris thinking of me.
She looks at him once more in the eyes, stands up and continues with her service.
An hour after, we can hear Max’s announcement that they will be landing in fifteen minutes.
The galley is a mess. Trays are all over the counter. Jade is on her knees trying to put the trays in. David is putting away all the pans and pots. Danyele is cleaning up the counter and passing the trays to Jade.
They are going as fast as they can to put everything away before landing.
-By the way Danyele, says Jade, I talk to Youssef about Max and he told me he didn’t see him at all.
Max passes by and ears what she is saying and stop. - What about me Jade? I would like to know. Danyele starts talking.
- No Danyele, I ask Jade.
David and Danyele look at each other and don’t know what to do; they keep on cleaning real fast.
-Well, Max, if you want to know... might as well tell you.
She stops putting the trays in, stands up, and looks at him right in the eyes.
-I personally think Danyele deserves some credit for what she did with the fire, and I don’t recall hearing you saying so to her. And second of all...
She was getting very furious now.
-Where the hell were you when this happen, anyway? Aren’t you the flight director, in charge of this cabin?
Lorenzo is passing by and look at David to know what was going on. We didn’t even hear any reassuring announcements from your part either!
-Well, as you said so well, I am in charge of this cabin. I was upstairs doing the duty free boutique while Youssef was downstairs getting his crew meal. And if you had read your manual, Good Lord! it stipulates that at no time the upper deck is to be non attended for safety purposes and security of our flying crew.
The other members of the crew are gathering too. Max looks around him and continues. He too is furious now.
- And let me add, did anyone tell me what was going on? No. We will talk about it on our next briefing on what are the procedures to do when something like this happen? That doesn’t say you didn’t do a good job no. When I saw the engineer getting out of the cockpit, I found out at this moment there was something wrong...because they received a call...
We can hear the engineer announcement.
“Flight attendants to your seats, please.”
They all rush to sit, taking a last look at their galley to see if everything was secure before landing. We can see Danyele looking at Jade, giving her an appraisal of what she had said earlier to Max.
The aircraft is landing smoothly on the ground. We can hear Max doing his welcoming announcement in English and French.
“Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Paris Charles de Gaulle airport. For your information it is 20 degree Celsius. Local time is 8: 30 a.m. We kindly remind you to stay seated until the aircraft is stop at the gate completely. In the name of the entire crew, I would like to thank you for flying with Air Nation and wish you a pleasant stay in Paris.
Mesdames et messieurs bienvenue à Paris ...”
The crew waits for the last four passengers to get off the aircraft and board a trans-border.
Everyone is behind the captain. Max gives out the crew sheet. They go thru the airport to get out and catch another bus.
Louise is talking to her sister. She is all excited.
-Do you realise it Danyele? We are in Paris!
-Yes and no, I am too tired.
They walk toward the bus.
-Danyele, you know it very well. To overcome the jet lag we must lived like the French people!
They give their suitcases to the chauffeur.
-Yes I know, but my feet are killing me and I need a shower. I smell like an aircraft on fire.
-Let’s talk about it later. Go! I want to sit down and sleep.
A few of the flight attendants are smoking a cigarette quickly before getting in.
Chanel, Jade and Josey are already comfortably seated with their head on the side of the window, their shades on, ready to fall asleep. Youssef and Lorenzo are all stretch out on the back coach with their eyes closed. The others are talking and looking outside. The bus finally leaves the airport sight to join the earlier morning traffic of all the Parisian going to work.
They get off the bus and wait for their luggage. They are half asleep and definitely not looking to good.
The hotel is quite luxurious. The crew sits down while waiting for their keys exhausted from their first flight. No one seems quite excited beside Louise to be in Paris. She is already at the concierge’s desk to ask for some information and some maps and doesn’t even pay attention to her sister.
Danyele is discretely giving her credit card to the receptionist that will able her to place a phone call from her room.
The captain and Max are standing at the reception waiting to receive the keys.
Youssef is coming back from the dining room and joins the rest of the group. He crosses his hands together like he was going to pray and brings them up.
-Please have breakfast with me... anyone!
-Give me some time to bring my suitcase up I will join you, answer David.
Louise is back with her hands full of documentations.
The captain comes with a few keys.
Xenia stands up.
-Wait for me, I’m going with you, I’m starving.
The others are taking their keys accordingly to the list and are moving towards the elevators.
-Go now! says Louise to Youssef, I will bring you your keys.
Youssef kisses her on the cheeks. David passes his hands in her hair.
The rest of the crew are pulling their suitcase very slowly and wait for the elevator.
-Darlings! Let’s meet at three o’clock in the lobby for those who are interested to do some shop-ping! And we will have diner later on, propose Tiffany.
-Me, I am going to bed until our next wake up call. I am totally wiped, answer Jade.
-What are you saying Jade? Asks Arlene. You are in Paris and you are going to sleep. Are you crazy or what?
-No she is not, adds Chanel. I feel the same. I’m going to bed too. Sleep! Sleep! I though this world didn’t exist in my vocabulary anymore...
Louise arrives surprised to see them there, still.
-Gee! Nobody pushed the button! Says Danyele.
The doors finally open. They all try to fit in with their suitcases.
-Listen up! Says Danyele to the group. We are all going to sleep five hours not more because we are all going to end up completely awake in the middle of the night. We will do Tiffany’s proposal it’s sounds great. A lot of shopping eat and go back to bed, happy to have been in Paris. Remember the word JET LAG. This is a first for us, so we have to stick together, and beat it!
Danyele looks at Louise and smile.
-I will ask a wakeup call for all of us for 2:30. The doors open on the eight floors. Some of the girls go out; the others are going up in silence.
But as soon as Danyele arrives in her room, she locks it and stand with her back on the door. Slowly she let herself slide down and sits on the floor. She than starts crying.
After a while, the first officer passes in front of her door and hear someone crying. He stops in front of his own room next to Danyele, wait a few minute wondering what he could do but finally he enters his room rapidly, put his suitcase on the bed and hurry up to the washroom.
Fifteen minutes after, Danyele finally lift herself up and gets the courage to sit on her bed to call home. She waits for the receptionist to call back to her room. She sits there completely lost. The sound of the telephone makes her jump.
-Papa! Papa!, it's me Danyele.
While she tries to talk to her dad, Danyele starts crying again.
-I, I, I am fine...everyone is okay, start explaining Danyele but then she starts crying again, I had...to extinguish a fire in the washroom. I was so scared dad and no one took care of me. I did everything to stop that fire. She cries and cries.
-But Danyele, says her dad to calm her down, you are alright that’s the most important thing of all. And I know you, you must of down the best you could I am sure of that. So, if no one told you don’t worry I know you did your best, I am sure of that. Now, stop crying, go take a nice warm bath, a nice glass of wine, it’s gone put you asleep and I am sure you are going to forget everything okay my sweetie. Why don’t you ask your sister Louise to come and talk to you?
-Oh! no, dad, you know her, she counts on me not me on her... thank you anyway dad.
-Well, you can always count on me and your mother so call us at anytime of the day or night okays my Sweetie. Now do as I told you and everything will be alright. Bye now, and have a good rest.
-Thank you dad, thank you.
She hangs up and goes directly to the bathroom to start the water running to fill up the tub. But unfortunately, it’s more than she can handle and starts crying again. The tears are covering her cheeks completely. She sits on the washroom floor and cries her heart out.
Piedmont, Quebec, Canada
Her father is completely astonished by the news. He starts screaming at his wife.
-Mom! guess what happen to your girls on board their flight?
-What is it Marcel?
She stops vacuuming.
-They had a fire on board, in the washroom. Danyele had to extinguish it. She just realizes the danger and the worst that could of happen if...
- Well, go on.., says the wife who was hidden her worries. I hate that when you make a story long.
-They are alright but Danyele was crying on the phone so much...
He raises his voice.
-I never agree with this stupid choice of theirs. Imagine, we could of lost both of them. It is so dangerous those god damn aeroplanes! This idea of becoming flight attendants was totally ridiculous. We are going to stress each time they are going to fly.
-Ah! says the mother. You say that because you are afraid to fly. It is not as dangerous as driving a car. And let me tell you Marcel, you better get over this right now, because I intend to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity we will have to have passes and travel. We are lucky to have our girls as flight attendants; I want to enjoy my retirement...
She sits down and continues wondering out loud.
-Right this moment, there are both in Paris, oh! They are so lucky...Don’t worry, anyway, I know my girls, they can extinguish a fire at 40,000 feet up in the air, I am sure of that. They are trained for that and the pilots too. And, if anything would to happen, their time would of been up, that’s all. But, I am still very surprised that Danyele call, she is the most able to face situation like this my older one, I wouldn’t of been able to say that about Louise, oh! That poor one she is so unlucky but it’s not her fault with all the things that happen to her, poor her... but luckily, Danyele is with her.
She stops a few minutes to think and then goes on:
-Danyele was scared! That surprised me a lot, I have to admit.
-She didn’t call me to tell me how was Paris, If I should remind you, she call me crying for god sake, to tell me that she was scared. Don’t you realize what it means! No, you rather dream. It’s you who saw the add in the news papers, it should of been you who should of gone. Maybe they didn’t really want to become flight attendant at all. So, if I loose my two girls, it will be your own fault!
-First of all, says his wife standing up furious to hear that. They were both unemployed because there was no job in their field; they are both intelligent to see this wonderful opportunity to go and see the world and learn about different culture and the value of life. And, it’s you, who couldn’t stand to see them both at home. Now, they can pay the rent and buy a bit of grocery. They are earning a salary. You always spend your time screaming after them to find a job. Well, you just have to take it on you! It’s your own fault. It’s your problem too if you are scared to fly And let me tell you, your daughters never been unemployed more than three months but of course that was way too long for you macho!
She starts her vacuum so she doesn’t have to talk to him again. He made her so upset. He stands there with his mouth open.
Tiffany doesn’t have the same problem as Danyele. She really feels lonely. Standing in front of her window, admiring the Eiffel Tower, she is asking herself if she really made the right choice or not.
Her feet hurt her so much that she returns to sit on the chair and lights up a cigarette. She looks at her watch and finally decides to pour herself a scotch. She opens her address book and starts scratching some name off it.
Mike the first officer, just came back from the drug store. When he puts his key in, he can still hear someone crying. He opens his door but this time decides to find out what’s going on next door. Hesitant, he finally knocks.
Danyele stop crying right away and go look from the peep-hole to see who it is. Realizing it’s the first officer, she hurries up to dry her cheeks and open the door. Mike surprised to see it’s a member of the crew, doesn’t know what to say anymore. He stands there speechless for a long moment.
-Ah! I didn’t expect to see you crying, says Mike going in without waiting for her to inviting him in.
Danyele stands there not knowing what to tell him, and closes the door very slowly.
-Well... you must of mistaken the water running for my bath, and I must go in to shut it before it overflow.
While waiting for Danyele to return, Mike takes an Imodium pill and pours himself a glass of water from the bottle on the desk to wash it down. He looks around him. Her suitcase is not even open and there is a bunch of Kleenex all over the night table.
Danyele comes back not knowing what to say or what to do with Mike in her room.
- Do you always take a bath before opening up your suitcase? ask Mike to Danyele.
This time Danyele is taken off guard and doesn’t know what to answer. She always has something to say, always, but today...
-Would you like a glass of scotch or perhaps some red wine? She ask finally to avoid answering him. There must be some in that little fridge.
Mike look outside and decide to open the window to have a better view.
-It’s quite remarkable to answer with a question, I must say.
He doesn’t turn around to look at her and continue talking while looking outside at the Eiffel tower.
- Yes, I want a glass of red wine and no, I didn’t hear the bath crying.
Danyele prepare the glasses nervously.
-And yes, it’s totally normal to cry after what happen on board tonight, and particularly when you have a fire on board at 39,000 feet up in the air. It’s the first time in seven years of flying that I had to face an emergency like this one. If you wouldn’t have control that fire with the others, we will be in big shit! Imagine we were right in the middle of the ocean, three hours and a half from the coast. Fuck! I prefer not to think about it, admit Mike discourage. Thank you to have saved my life. Danyele starts crying once more and decide to go hide herself in the washroom but Mike hears her, he leaves the window and approaches her and puts his hand on her shoulder to stop her. She turns around and crash in his arms crying tremendously. He tries to comfort her as much as he can.
-I know, I know how you feel, admits Mike. I was scared too but you know in the cockpit you don’t talk about these things, nobody dares to talk about their
Worries. It’s like that and we have so much to think at that time but now...my stomach ...well, I am not feeling to good since I arrived here ...if you know what I mean...
Danyele looks at him and start laughing. Mike looks at her seriously.
-No! No!, it’s not a joke, it’s true.
He shows her his Imodium box keeping her still very close to him.
-So, when are we going to taste that good French wine?
Danyele finally leaves his arms and go offer him the glass of wine.
-Thank you, she says, thank you to have knock on my door. I was really scared, it’s true ...but not during the fire it’s only after, when I was in the bus that I started to think of what could of happen if...you know, it’s my first flight...
-What do you mean your first flight?
- Aaaa! I met my first fire and to tell you the truth... I don’t think I can live with that.
-I feel like you, he says while stretching himself on one of the bed. I never, but never had problem in seven years of flying, beside my divorce, but this...it’s another story.
He takes a good sip of Bordeaux and continues.
-I had delays because of bad weather, but no...Nothing like this, nothing serious. We could of landed in Iceland, or actually...in the ocean. ..Ah! Let’s change the subject. Let me go get the wine in my fridge. Don’t move, I’m coming back, he says going out of the room.
The captain gets out of the shower.
- Oh! Shit! says the captain when he sees the red light flashing on his phone while drying himself. Tired, he puts his suitcase on the other bed.
He lights up the lamp and go close his curtains. He comes back and sits on his bed and dials the operator’s number. He unlooses his neck tie and wait.
-Hello! I am captain Champagne, I am in room 113. You have a message for me.
-Oui, un moment monsieur Champagne. Je verifie.
After a very long time, she is back on the line. The captain is lying down on his bed waiting for an answer with his eyes close.
-Oui, allo! Il y a quelqu’un répondez s.v.p.
The captain opens his eyes and sits up.
-Yes ! Yes! oui,oui, mademoiselle. I’m listening.
With her French accent she answers.
-You receive a call from Montreal. It’s urgent. You have to call Mr. Jacques Simard right away at this number 001-514-476-7000.
The captain closes his eyes.
-Hum! Hum!
-Monsieur, can you hear me?
-oui, oui, mademoiselle. Thank you.
The captain is not very happy. He looks at his watch to see what time it is in Quebec.
-Can you dial the number for me please?
-Désolé monsieur. Sorry! monsieur. You need to give 100 Euros for deposit at the reception if you want to place a call from your room. You can always go down in the lobby in the phone booth.
-Ma-de-moi-selle- listen, says the captain almost losing his patience with her.
-I am sorry sir, it’s like this, and she answers and hangs up.
The captain furious hangs up too. With all the energy left of him, he puts back his tie and walk painfully to the door.
He looks at himself in the mirror. Brings up his chess and gets in the elevator.
The Captain walks to the reception and looks at the receptionist very seriously. She comes closer to help him. He takes out his wallet, pulls out three gold credit cards and puts them on the counter.
-I am going to the telephone booth to place a call to Canada, please advise your operator now, Merci.
He turns back without waiting for an answer. The receptionist with an attitude takes the three cards and goes in the back. The captain enters the booth.
He waits for the phone to ring than pick up the phone. You can hear a click.
-Yes, Miss, give me a line for Canada, please.
-May I ask who is talking please? Ask the same operator he talked to earlier.
-It’s still me. You talk to me two minutes ago.
He looks at his watch again. The captain is completely fed up with her.
-To be exact, he answers, 3 minutes and 30 seconds.
She is not being nice to him at all.
-Would you mind repeating your name sir?
The captain cannot believe her.
-It is not that easy to forget. It’s a French name Champagne. Do you want me to spell it too?
-It is not necessary captain Champagne. Please stay on the line.
-Bonjour, Hello this is Bell Canada, may I help you ask the Canadian operator with a very pleasant voice. -Oh! Yes Miss. Could you please give me this number 011-476- 7600. I would like to talk to Jack Simard and my name is Captain Champagne.
-One moment sir, I am putting you thru. Have a nice day captain Champagne.
He tries to move in the small cabin to get more comfortable but those cabins are so small it is almost impossible.
-Hello captain Champagne. How are you? Did you have a nice flight?
-Listen! Cut the crap Jack, says the captain very furious, you know dam well what happen on board tonight! So tell me what you have to say. It’s all ready 11:00 and I need my sleep.
-Alright captain. I’m sorry. I have to tell you a few changes of last minutes. The company just signed a contract with Air India, they need our plane. You have to leave tonight for Bombay. You will stay there three days, or perhaps more, than we will gave you more instructions.
-At what time?
-01: 00 o’clock your time. Until further notice, you are suppose to ferry down the aircraft.
(This means that there is no passenger on board)
-Thank you!
The captain hangs up the phone and picks up the phone again to call his wife.
“Poor girls” he says talking to himself. “They will definitely have no time for shopping. And Lise my poor wife will be angry at me again, and of course furious because I will be missing Julian’s birthday; one more time. Sometime, this job pushes us to the limit...really”.
-Mademoiselle, could you give me a Canadian operator, please.
-Can I have your name sir?
The captain is furious.
- Capital C- H- A- M- P- A- G- N- E-
-AH! Oui, mister Champagne, un moment, je vous prie. “She is making fun of me or what!”
-BELL CANADA, puis-je vous aider?
-Yes, hello I would like to place another call to Canada, please.
-Oh! Yes mister Champagne, please give me your number.
The captain smile.
-It’s 011-514-227-0002
-Thank you sir to choose Bell Canada. I wish you a nice day; stay on the line.
-Oui, allo! Lise, it’s Paul-Émile.
-Well, you are definitely not calling me to say I love you, so tell me, when you want me to pick you up at the base, sir?
-I have no idea. I will call you in three days, I will then have more details and ‘til that time, I hope you will find another landlord for our building on Metcalfe Street. Make sure the painting will be done, and that the kitchen for the apartment 604 will be finish.
-Yes captain.
-Stop this Lise. You know, it’s not my fault.
You can hear the click of the telephone.
The captain stands there a few moment and leaves. He starts walking towards the elevator.
-Mister Champagne, your wallet! Screams the receptionist, happy to have her revenge.
-Oh! Merci.
The captain sits on his bed, takes his crew list and starts dialling Max room’s number.
Dring! Dring!
Max is already sleeping. He wakes up after a while, realizing it was the phone ringing.
-Hello! answers Max all confused.
-Max, this is captain Champagne.
-Yes sir! says Max all awake now and very surprised that the captain was calling him at this time.
-Sorry to wake you up Max but you have to get a hold of all your crew; there has been a change of plan.
Max sits up. The captain lays down on his bed. He holds the telephone with his neck and shoulder and removes his shoes.
-One moment captain, I will grab a pen. O.K. go ahead. I think it’s gone hurt. Am I right or not?
-No, not at all answers the captain laughing.
He puts another pillow under his head and crosses his arms.
-O.K. Max you are ready. Wake up at 22:00 hundred. Departure at 23.00 hundred from the hotel, 01.00 from the airport. It’s a ferry. We are going to Bombay please advise everyone including the First officer and the engineer, I am very tired.
-No problem captain.
They hang up.
-Chanel, it’s Max.
-Who? she asks completely asleep.
-I don’t know any Max... hum.
He speaks louder.
-Chanel, it’s Max, your flight director.
-Oh! Shit! I am sorry, I am listening now. Did I miss the pick-up? What time is it?
-The wake up has been change. We are leaving tonight at 23:00 hundred. Wake up at 22:00 hundred for Bombay.
-Gee! I wanted to do some shopping in Paris.
-Don’t worry; Bombay is the wonderland for shoppers. Good night. He dials another number. -Danyele, it’s Max.
She signals to Mike not to talk.
-There have been some changes. We are leaving for Bombay tonight. Wake up at 22:00 hundred.
-Woa! This is great! India here I come. Thanks Max.
-Good night sweet dreams.
Max looks at his list. He puts on his jogging pants and a sweat shirt and leaves in a hurry to advise the rest of the crew that was having breakfast.
Xenia, David and Youssef are sitting at a table near a window. They are eating and discussing. As soon as they see Max coming everyone stops. Max stands up in front of their table.
-Hey gang, it’s time to go to bed, we are leaving for Bombay tonight. Wake up at 22:00.
-Oh! Shit! Shout David. My girl friend is going to be very furious. She is going to kill me.
-Listen David, says Max, perhaps you did not choose the right job if your girl friend is like that or maybe, you don’t have the right girl friend for the best job in the world. Good lord!
-Do we have a lot of passengers? Asks Youssef.
-Not for now, it’s supposed to be a ferry flight but that has not been confirmed yet.
-You should know better than that, replies Xenia. A ferry is a ferry only when the door is close.
-O.K. guys I don’t have time to chat, I still have a few more to advise.
Max turns around and goes talk to the receptionist. The other one starts picking up their belonging except for Youssef. He stretches himself all the way to the next table where this gorgeous girl from Air France is having a coffee. He didn’t have a night like he expected. He kept having back flashes from the fire on board and couldn’t perform like usual. Luckily for him she was a stewardess and she understood how he felt.
They spend the night talking and fall asleep in each other’s arms.
Youssef is saying good-bye to his one night stand and join the rest of the crew. Everyone is sitting in the lobby. Half the group is feeling the jet lag. No one seems to show some enthusiasm. The suitcases are all place in a straight line. Tiffany is giving Max the position sheet. The captain is signing out for the group. He turns around and walks toward the group.
The first officer is coming back from outside.
-The bus is here captain.
-All right then. Let’s go.
-Where is Chanel? asks Max impatient. Nobody saw her? Well too bad, we don’t have time to wait for her; she is late.
Everyone is in the bus and the door is close.
Chanel gets out of the hotel running.
-Yeah! Yeah! Wait for me, screams Chanel, waving.
The bus finally stops and the bus driver let her in...
-Today, starts saying Max, it’s your lucky day, don’t you be late again or else I will have to write you a report.
The bus is rolling. Everyone is sitting. Jade has her head on Lorenzo’s shoulder. Lolitta and Tiffany have their eyes close trying to catch as much sleep as possible before this night flight. The others are looking outside trying to see a last glimpse of Paris.
-Good evening, says the captain standing up looking at his crew. I understand how you feel, but there is nothing we can do; it’s part of the job. So, let’s look on the bright side, 48 hours in Bombay, no one can refuse that. Anyone of you went to Bombay before? ask the captain to change the atmosphere.
-No one except the pilots realizes the captain. Now, I know why you look so terrible! Wait to see the beauty of the Indian people, the scenery, and after you will always want to go back, I am telling you.
He finally sits down.
The bus stops at a traffic light. Louise pushes her sister who is sitting next to her, and hurries to get up front to take a picture of the Eiffel Tower all light up. The only thing they will have had the chance to see in their short layover in Paris.
-Oh! It’s so ashamed! says Louise, looking at the captain. There are so many beautiful things to see here, and we missed it all.
-Si! Si!, adds Lolitta very sad. We missed everything.
-Don’t look so disappointed, says the engineer. It’s not the end of the world. You all look like you never put foot in France!
The girls look at each other not saying anything, afraid they will unveil their secret.
Louise returns to her seat. Not knowing what to say.
-Don’t worry; says Danyele, to save the situation, these two are always like that. They cherish every little stupid thing, all the time, and then they dream about it for ever. They are so passionate.
It was silent for the rest of the ride up to the airport
The bus stop. Everyone is getting off. They wait to get their suitcase to go in the terminal.
One by one, they are fallowing the captain.
They walk in long corridors. No one in the horizon. The airport is almost deserted.
chap 1 part 2 Paris
chap 2 Bombay
chap3 Rome
chap4 Haiti
chap5 London
chap6 Kuwait
chap7 Kuwait
chap8 Kuwait
chap9 Kuwait
Chap10 Acapulco
Chap 11 Saudi Arabia
Chap12 Last chapter
chap 1 part 2 Paris
chap 2 Bombay
chap3 Rome
chap4 Haiti
chap5 London
chap6 Kuwait
chap7 Kuwait
chap8 Kuwait
chap9 Kuwait
Chap10 Acapulco
Chap 11 Saudi Arabia
Chap12 Last chapter
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