Saturday, September 28, 2024

Seoul Korea September 2024 #4 visit


Anyo Assého

3 days here in Seoul we were all excited until we found out that it was a holliday.


Maxtile district



Gangnam district



tiny on the map but

43.2 people per square mile

10 M in Seoul

51M in all Korea

18:00 in hotel

8:30 out of the hotel



at the Hyundai food mall

Thai meal

Here everything is shutting down in the preparation of 

Korean thanks giving well its not quit thanks giving but expat called it like this and it last for many days....

big big celebration here

people go back visiting their family to celebrate together over great meal.

They visit the decease love ones and offer some rice and gifts at the temples for the monks to take care of the temple. 

So during a week of festivities, the only place open are the one that foreigners workers take care of. 

Don't get me wrong but not all of them are close but you dont know which one are open and the concierge....well....they are very limited in english and giving you the proper informations.

This time, I did not have a good sleep. 

I woke up in the middle of the night. 

Twice and I was not able to go back to sleep.

Its a big price to pay when you come to Asia.

Sleepless night 

Oh non.

And it will be harder when I return home.

Beside sleepless night, everything is great so far.


We went to the textile district, 2 girls and I by metro.

  Nice and clean

Unfortunately, the textile market was close a few shops are open and when its open they only take cash.

Do you have cash lady

oh yeah a lot of cash but its in Canadian dollars iiiii

 Do you have cash lady

cash cash cash

Do you have cash lady 

So we kept walking in search of open shops or something to do. 

Our day will not be as the greatest plan day we tought it will be.

I usully have planned all my day trips but not today beside ibe thing gojng to insadong.

So we arrived at Gangnam food market woa the olace is jam pack.

We managed to have lunch with the millions of others Koreans in Gangwang market.

( ok in books its written differently be aware)

We had  lunch  

We sat down, had some kimpap and a coke and the girls had also dumplings.

The woman serving us give us this kind of sticky rice paste fill with red beans inside it was blend and quite sticky but what a nice gesture. 

Lunch cost 8 won 

isnt it a fabulous the display

      (mung beean pancake)

     tempura style veggies

           gingseng liquor

Than we walk under the extreme heat looking for my friend's husband pants and some shower baby gift... I did not need anything.

       ok fish hanging

Well, well, it took for ever for my friend to find something...

The place is like a huge warehouse.

Food in the middle of the market and tiny streets that lead to the back...

           fish hanging

Meanwhile, I went shopping for one of those Korean bag for my cousine's daughter. Im telling you; everyone love those funky bags.

Hopefully she will receive it before she leaves for USA

I was surprised that I find something I like on this particular day.

                oh woa !
   Amazing food display

Afterwards, we took a cab and we went to Itskedong.

The girls wanted to see it but


it was jam pack again like crazy and the cute little place I had previously found was totally full.

             watching you

We had coffee and ice cream in it and one girl had a beautiful aromatic jesu water.

So as we were walking we crossed the street and were right there in.



This was on my list for today.

             garde royal

I loved that place but the girls were getting tired and all and I was over expose from the heat afraid to have another insolation.

    robe coréenne typique 

          poterie en celadon

So we walk to find a place for a massage.

The 3 of us got a massage at the same time.

80 minutes for 80 dollars

not free

and not good either.

Vietnam girls

(OK i had a massage from blind person in Shanghai a scrub in Morroco and now a body massage. 

And now after all this


I was not to keen in going there at the first place, I rather pay more but the girls wanted their massage and since I joined them today in their outing I had to follow...

We found out after putting our nose in the hole close to the blanket that the place was not (aromatic) at all and our massage either and on top of it we could hear all that time a person passing  a vaccum cleaner above our head. Not pleasant.

but we did it in Korea.

Horrible experience

and was it a big go in this was the third place we tried.

Afterwards, we went back to the hotel  

15 dollars taxi

I was tired but I knew I will not go out and party for sure.

I usually cut my day in two when I am in Asia and it work for me for jet lag but today we did not break when it was time to break and that ruined my day because you are dragging yourself instead of being full of energy.

After lunch time,  it was time to come back to the hotel but I stayed with the other girls; big mistake for me.

Dragging yourself is no fun and the heat was too much for me.

Too hot every where I go 

When we arrived at the hotel,

Some other crew members were going out for dinner so i decided to join them as they were living soon. 

Jumped in the shower and left to have a Korean style dinner and an early night. We went for 


kamba tang

its called potatoe soup 

Everyone in the restaurant was eating the soup.

We had a beer

and we paid 15,00 each 

not bad

When its hot 

beat the heat with heat

meat and rice ok

however this being said it was a hot day again in Seoul.

Humidity is disgusting

Avoid this time of the year.

Everything is good so far


So for my third day,

 I went to Gangnam area

way too big its like another city.

way too far

Even the taxi driver didnt know how to get to the restaurant I picked for breakfast.

So I decided to go to the temple instead since the taxi driver (again did not speak english ) 

You need to have a plan B

Its one of the biggest temple in Seoul. 

I got there and on the right, above the stairs, there is a little coffee shop.

Very nice lady. She warmed me up my grilled cheese sandwiches and I took a cappucino. Unfortunately my coffee was too hot undrinkable too hot even with cold water in it 

oh well

than I started exploring this huge up hill site it was nice and calming and there was a nice view from Seoul. Very peaceful.

On that particular holliday,  the monk were busy that day because of thanks giving (action de grace) 

The humming in the mountain was very therapeutic.

I am more buddhist than catholic.

Looking to enhance your person, to pursue enlightement within and with others is whats important to ne.

Buddha is like your spiritual guide thru your journey on earth.

I than went across the street to see the librairy in the Ceoxx mall. 

Beautiful design quite original, this was almost the only place open.

So much walking in that huge mall. 

I took a picture of gangnam style SPys hands and left to go back ot the hotel. 

So many big buildings its so huge everywhere you go high rise ....but compare to Shanghai I can see a blue sky.

The heat was unbearable.

 I waited for a taxi its not bad 5.6 mins.

again taxi driver did not speak english.

He stopped me at another hotel...

but under that heat, even a block to walk its too much to walk.

I got to my room exhausted fell asleep until 18 :00 at nigth found someone from the crew to come and eat something with me. 

Again the concierge are useless.

And their english pathetic.

I ask her where should I go and eat should I go to the food mall in the shopping mall

no no everything close 

we got inside the mall 

everything was open

what the fuck is wrong with her.

All I ask was a place to eat

so we went for thai 


not much choice 

You go where people go 

my pad thai was over cook

chicken so so 

my friend had a better meal she took the cury

Yes I know 

why not eat Korean 

well down there in the IFC Mall the korean is not good only in the Hyundai mall. 

So on our way to the hotel, we stopped at Olive and young to grab the latest stuff for your face.

About me rice water cleansing 

Dr.G black snail cream 

Abib collagen patch 

and some shampoo Folligen silk for hair lost therapy...

We were happy with our finding but 

they say Korean cosmetic are the best in the world so why

90% of the women have plastic surgery...?

Tomorrow, hopefully before we leave, the markets will  be open again will see.

Everything is good so far....


We leave the hotel at 15 hundred so we had time to go around and rest before flight.

Woke up and went for reuben sandwich down stairs.

its heavy but with the time difference your stomach and your brain dont work with the time differences.

Its dinner time at home

and breakfast time


So one girl joined me and we were told everything close.

So we went to Gangnang market again to browse around and do our 10,000 steps exercise fitness.

My eye got cut on what the lady was doing. She was cutting square of pork fat and soak them in spicy kimchi.

Oh my god 

that is pure fat.

We sat down and I ordered some kimpap for my lunch and some vegetarian dumpling to bring back home while I was inspecting her bowl of fat kkmchi fat red kimchi fat.

Incredible to see all these women in their tiny food shop.

We walk and left to have some rest before our flight it was still and extreme day of heat unbearable again its so hot your skin is burning.

Everything is good so far

When we boarded the flight

I notice the filter of our crew bunks were filty 1 inch of dust on it, it was not clean so I asked the cleaners to come and clean it they did not do a good job so I took a cleaning towel and wiped it again

it was black full of dirt...

we were in a rush as they wanted to do the boarding ..

On my return flight we got lucky not too many passengers but a lot of them were sick.

I went for my break came back to do my shift.

Everything good so far.

The other half of the crew went on break and when they came back to do the other service 

one of them came back and had lost his voice.... I told him he should put a mask on...

he was very close to me when he said that he had lost his voice...

we did the service....

I went home

I got out the car 

what the fuck

super weak

super sick

lost my voice 


fever and all

Fuckin shit!

I was fine for 5 days not a single moment of sickness full of energy walk over 14,000 -22,000 steps a day

what the fuck

4 days still with fever as soon as I move or talk I cough....1

I was fine when I was there...

I spend my time mostly out door market is outdoor temple ...beside eating and being on the plane.

No fun.

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