Arrive late in Delhi from Montréal.
7Wearing a mask-keeping a mask sleeping with a mask alone in the middle of people thinking covid is over. Can't touch me Can't touch me what's the song again...
Rushed to the hotel to unpack and organized my train reservation with the concierge but it was not the same one as usual. This one is limited in English knowledge but finally, I managed to get my reservation that I will pay on the return.
Executive class.
Left the hotel at 05:00 am

This time I decided to purchase a one-way ticket only to give me the chance to stay or not to stay an extra day in Jaipur. Multiple trains leave for Delhi.
La classe exécutive Vieillotte mais confortable. Beaucoup de places et personne à mes côtés.
En revanche hyper surprise de voir autant de monde. Les riches ont recommencé à voyager.
Avec quel eau?
Je mange rarement la nourriture de rue en voyage extrême mon estomac n'est pas aussi aventurier que moi donc je dois manger
high class tout le temps...
J ai mangé mes 2 morceaux de fried vedgees
sans les légumes dessous. Je me suis dit c'est frits bien cuits...
Les probiotiques pour voyageurs fonctionnent et aucune surprise désagréable depuis mon retour non plus. Cher à l'achat mais ce sera votre meilleur ami pour le voyage.
Arrivée à la gare de Delhi.
Hello hello
People sleeping on the floor because the government is too dumb to provide travelers with enough benches to sit on.
sad indeed
If it's your first time stepping between dead bodies lying on the floor just lookup
up and dont look down too long either.
Look at the train station door and tell yourself you are getting closer.
It feels bad but it ain't your fault if the government does not care for its citizens.
They rather spend millions of dollars on flower arrangements for the embassy roads than invest in sitting benches for elderly families, mothers with their kids, or any sort of train travelers as a matter of fact.
Excluding tourists who are treated inside with air conditioning away from the crowd...they can even take a shower.
But since it's covid time still, I rather stay outside than inside the foreign tourist room. The air is a bit stuffy.
4 hours and a half journey by train.
1,400 rupees meal Included. roupie $1.00 cdn pour .60 cents
Arrivée à Jaipur
It could be overwhelming with all these tuk-tuk drivers trying to make ends meet.
Supbrapaht Jaipur!
Tuk Tuk
Hum, this guy speaks very well English.
ok How much
kitna haï?
Give me what you want?
Hum OK
First stop in Jaipur
Samode Haveli to see if I can get a room if you never try you will never know.
oh no 4 big bosses in the hotel office; no deal here.
snif snif
J'aurais bien aimé y rester une nuit de nouveau.
Deja plus de 20 ans que je suis venue ici avec mes parents.
there was a woman inside waiting to salute me
( wonder how long she has been standing ) nomasté mam namaskar!
You can hear the birds sing it's peaceful
tuk tuk Horn noise
peace and quiet
for the mighty rich
Oh I could see myself here for 1 week +++++
The good-looking waiter's dress in a traditional uniform is very nice.
6 waiters just for me
I am the wife of the maharajah for the time of a quick lunch.
Aloo potatoes
$40.00 cdn
I'm becoming vegan iii
I wish my mom could be here sharing this it will be difficult to remake
I think The chef cheated and added French cream...
( for those who just join me I always reproduce what I ate on my traveling escape and my sister and my mom are invited 2 days after with a negative covid test to come over and taste the dish I had
I love it!
Sharing food with friends and family)
Lovely lunch let's go!
I see a lot of my friends lounging here for the rest of their life.
The tuk-tuk driver took me here and there ...and since I have no plan today to keep the big moment for tomorrow, I decided to play the game you never know some are nice tuk-tuk drivers and some just want a boutique commission...
We went to see a textile company very interesting
one day for my collection of old people this could come in handy.
oh this could be nice at my sister's bed and breakfast down by the Grand-Métis
I will keep the address for her for sure
hand made prints
Let's continue our journey
the visit of the Maharaja's thumbs
The entire site is made of marble from around the world too
When you think of all the poor people...
But you can not
You are here to see beautiful handmade crafts work
and be amazed by beautiful art pieces in a beautiful area.
j ai pris beaucoup de photos je vous en montre quelques une
Le site est énorme
on peut prendre un sentier et un autre ....
a very clever dog it looks like one of our dogs that pass away and went to the other side...
Après cette visite, the tuk tuk driver talk me into it to see a guru
half Canadian half Indian...
what the heck
I was expecting a naked guy with hardly à piece of cloth to cover his ass and white dust all over his face;
Did not like the man, he was a fraud and he was Hostings his meeting in his son's back store jewelry boutique
what a big joke

excuse me she has her own carpet I guess instead of donkey bump they have cow stop to reduce the speed limit why not

traffic from all directions
Went to see one of the numérous palaces of this région.
But no more access to this palace garden hotel
no more boat
no chance at all
left abandon
what a shame
and the area is filthy
Indian people pick up your fucking shit it's a disgrâce to humanity!
take care of the planet
it is just plain gross to see
so much rubbish
fish jumping to eat plastic you can see them
it's disgusting
It is not because you are poor that you have to be like a pig
it's not because you are Rich that you have to behave like a selfish authoritarian jerk and let the servant pick up after you
for god sake
what a shame
such a jewel of ancient beauty
à national treasure to cherish and look
what have you done!
So AFTERWARDS, I asked the driver to take me to the Ibis hotel since I had no luck with the other one.
I needed to rest I was very sad to see this go to waste.
I Dreamed of taking this picture
but it was too hard to watch
to enjoy
The hope to see interesting discoveries in Jaipur was very little.
So decided to rest for à while and find my cheap hôtel room
however, it was on the outside curve of the city
less noisy; right....
I guess sleep will be fine
no service and a horrible noisy hotel
They didn't recognize my airline discount code
Its usually my favorite chain for an excellent quality budget price
but now very deceiving
You can not go down and eat
it's too noisy with kids running around playing at the foot table game.
Who thought about this stupid idea!
a kid playing basketball
oh my god.
Therefore you can not relax at the bar and mingle and forget going to the restaurant either too noisy it's in the same lobby
I went to the pool
well, à few men were there...
playing together
so no place for a woman...
I rested in my room and decided to eat some Indian dessert downstairs at the bar
After finishing my leftover aloo potatoes.
What a terrible dessert
no fun
I ask the clerk for some pieces of information regarding the highlight of my trip for the next day;
what a nightmare.
I found out that going to the fort by elephant
was not again possible!
not possible it's a Sikhs holiday and only the royal family is allowed to go.
I am not impressed with this royal thing.
Sikh holiday
( During the flight I asked my Sikhs colleague with a turban if he think I had trouble going down to Jaipur on the train and he answered:
Which holiday
well the one that is finishing on the 28th.
I don't know about any holidays at this time of the year.
Wonder if he is à a Sikh to tell you the truth
this definitely needs an investigation...very suspicious indeed)
So ok let's réserve my train ticket.
We are not an agency answered the clerk at the desk.
Useless individual and unpleasant to tell you the truth.
The deaf man behind the counter was very nice but could not help me I don't speak sign language and the one with a red shirt... but again wonder if he was trustworthy.
hotel Ibis
no service
no concierge
how hard can it be to book à return ticket to Delhi for god
Any grade 2 Canadian can do that in their country.
I could if I had opened my cell and was able to read Hindi and understand the most mysterious train schedule in the world!
( it's as complicated as delivering lunch boxes in India)
but I am on a no budget here ( yes I ate an expensive potato salad but do not wish to have
I need help; nup
Not friendly at all the fellow with the Black glasses.
Fine there is nothing else to do here ànd it's a holiday
I better get out of there...
I am working remember even if I still have 2 more days.
Can you book me a taxi for 4.00 am tomorrow morning then?
No, we can not do that mam
Jésus C...
is there anything you can do besides being an unpleasant man?
I said to my mind...of course
Really the worse of all the Ibis hotels in the world I went to.
I ate a horrible Indian dessert in a louzy place noisy and crazy.
I watch the crew behind the bar drink
and after trying with a staff with no identification on or no hotel shirt I was wondering if I should trust him...
So I decided to leave and try to get myself à ticket on my own to go back to Delhi.
I am jet lagged
And can not sleep.
I caught à tuk-tuk around eleven ish at night
if Gandhi can walk I can take a train; right.
So packed my stuff and the way I went to the train station to get a train
there is one at
1 one at 3 and one at 6
to be continued...tired jet lagged but very happy still don't get me wrong
OK Y a du monde à messe!
Ĺa sévérité de la condition humaine aux Indes est accablante mais personne en parle.
Les vaches se couchent parterre pas les humains.
pas cher la deuxième classe
mais voici la petite histoire du train
prenez vous un autre café avant d embarquer dans le train
avec moi
Bon après ce dédale de corps humains je me rend à la billetterie
j attends dans la ligne des femmes
bon ce n est pas la bonne place
j attend
you need a reservation
yes I am here for that
non come back in an hour and a half
I know I'm in time to get on the 1 o clock train
dam it
there are people at the 3 automatic ticket machine
I spotted à young man
can you help me buy à ticket
no first class
second class
OK oh I have to pay by phone
I don't have an Indian Phone so I give the money to the young man and he pays for me
OK I give him some. backsheesh
and he says no mam this is how we do it in India
thank god a nice kid
Bahut shukriya
Here I went with my train ticket...
but there is no seat number
I guess in second class it's first come first serve
so actually the train was
2 50
is this the train to Delhi haï?
second class wagon
woa it's all ready pack of people
It took me a while before I managed to get in
oh my god
The furthest I could get in was the washroom area
people were packed in cages
laying down in a 2 story wood bed
I could not step inside this was too much to see
non I could not go inside
maybe 100 m'en pack inside this night train sleeper
o my god they were in cages
and the smell
oh my god
a handicap man sitting next to the window told me he would leave me his sit in 20 mins
oh no
come and sit with us screamed another one all nicely
but for me it was
100 men at night in à sleeper wagon when the Light will come off what will happen to me?
Mask or no mask I will...
horror pictures when by
I tried to see if there were women inside
I spotted 2 colored sari
but these 2
were small and thin like a toot pick they won't be of any help to come and rescue me if need be
no oh no
I could not breath
I needed to get out
this was the most horrifying picture I have ever seen
laying in métal cages
I ran to the ticket office from this side of the gate
there is no seat in second class there is no number there are no seats
I need to get to Delhi
I arrived here in executive class I need at least a seat
its à 4 and à half journey
I need to sit
find me a seat
they look at me moving their head from right to left
pretending they did not understand English
I saw the train starting to move
I needed to get on that train as I would anticipate the other trains will be as packed as this one
I had no choice but to get in
one wagon 2 wagon
the train was speeding up
finally, I jumped into one
and the small was overwhelming
but I had more space
but this ordeal was too much for me
suddenly...à guy comes to buy and asks me my ticket
you are in a second class
yes but I arrived in executive class There are no seats in second class
You can sleep here
he shows me a pile of dirty laundry
oh my god
I could picture the scène
Jim jumping me
no way
I will stand ok
I will stay here
no problem
6 more men arrived
oh my god
this is it
trying to explain situation...crying my heart
and realized I did not pay my one way ticket coming here yet it's on l'y hotel Bill and this second-class ticket was paid for with the cellphone of someone else
hole shit I hope they can not figure this one out but I know I can be in big shit too
so they found me a gucking compartment
suppose to be sold out
and all for myself
they told me to stay there and look at the door
no way
what if it's a confinement for those who have the wrong ticket
too late at night
So the big guy the man in charge came into my compartment
oh shit
the big boss started to look at my paper and started to count
he charged me 1400 rupees
show me how to look the compartment and wish me good night
15 mins after the first man knock at my door
I talk to him acrostiche the door
open the door it's me
OK fine
let me explain
I will knock at your door at 6 30 OKs now look at the door ok
I put the small table in front of the door in case someone opens the door and I fell asleep I would hear some noise...
My intention was not to sleep too afraid 9f insectes crawling and let the Light on all night woke up every 15. minutes
wish me good luck vidéo tape all night my moment in that compartment
Reminding me of the train in Kenya or Cairo...
I arrived in Old Delhi with all my body in one pièce arriving at 7 in Delhi
late again
life near the train track
I will never forget
the forgotten one of this country
took a réal taxi to the hotel
visited another part of Delhi...
I turn around in a circle I give the name of my hotel in Japan oh my god I had to guide my driver on how to get to the hotel had a good breakfast
I Slept à few hours and woke up to have dinner at the hotel
Briyani and à nice red wine
Shiraz from India
I decided I deserved à little reward after this incredible journey
it was raining
The next day foggy little rain had breakfast and went shopping
Dili what market a waste of time
khan market excellent
and finish on Jan path street
love it found great finding
great Indian désigner
clothes home decor and ayurvedic potion
gold leaf tea ancient a table cloth and some mutton spices.
and finish on Jan path street
....Yes you can have 1 short vacation
1 night to go
72 hours
1 night come back
it's what I call living the moment
People ask me why do you go see this kind of places
I just go
Je suis tres privilégiée de rester dans des 5 étoiles à cause de mon boulot mais je sais aussi
qu un sourire, ou un signe de la main peut faire plaisir à celui qui n'a rien et si j ai les moyens un petit bonjour une petite pièce de monnaie peut faire une grande différence.
Cette fois ci j ai choisi d aider une petite vendeuse de colliers qu'elle avait faits et mon chauffeur de tuk tuk à Jaipur que j ai malheureusement pu reconnecter. Il m a donner sa carte mais son email ne fonctionnait pas.
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