lisez mon blog avec de la musique colombienne
THe mix The best colombian music
on voit un chanteur en blanc sur la video Jour 1 Bogota Colombia
Bogota covid 1.4 M 27,663 death. Omicron force des lockdowns votre café coutera beaucoup plus cher qu avant
la pour 500 grammes on paie 22000 pesos colombien monnaie 1 pesos colombien vaut 0.00033 ok plus facile 1 dollar canadien vaut 3,035,4163 pesos $1++3,035 5=15,177.110=30,335.225 =75,88550=151,771 100=303,542
Mais la Colombie tourne la page elle nous offre une autre image celle du temps jadis ou les gens étaient symaptique riants et genéreux de leur temps. Pas de grosse camera pour ce voyage au monde des gringos
He'll of a flight
Ils siphoning aussi le café comme au Brésil ou vice et versa..Ils ne vendaient pas de café au kilo...bizarre une place à café
seem to be in nobody's vocabulary
new crew
don't do their job
what can I say
spend the night up
delay 2 hours
full flight
2 hours and a half of sleep
I woke up way too soon
not good
so thenAfter my short sleep, the hotel manager send me to the right, outside the hotel to get some money at the bank.
Outside the hotel
Are you serious I'm in Bogota?
No problemo
x3 ÷3 approx
go straight
cross the boulevard
but that is far
10 min walk in Bogota
I could be MOG 10 times
no no
no problemo
not interesting at all
casa here, casa there,
very boring...
I see a chef with a grocery in is hand walking by.
Ola desculpé senor
dondé esté El Usaquen
tipico callé
The chef walks with me and then I realized he walks fast
or I am out of breath.
8265 feet up in altitude
I am glad I finally took those pills for high altitude...
especially with a mask on.
Here in Bogota, people wear masks in general and some do like a joke
they come into the restaurant remove their mask and walk all the way to the front to point which pastry they want to eat
ai ya ya
but then on the street, they wear the mask at all time
most of them go figure.
cappuccino and a fruit tart
2,00 roughly
Maybe...there is something fun to do here
let's continue...
Ghee in Colombia
the best in the world
I though it was just in India
I will have to come back and buy it tomorrow..
Lots of restaurants here French Suisse etc....local's not the choice that is missing here in Colombia.
The menu seems to be reasonable too.
Line up at lunchtime.
or you can grab an
arupa con carné and a coca and it will do the job.
But I think The Colombian like their meal in family with friends at lunch time like in Brazil.
mini store like in Cuba you don't go in butt you order outside like this.
This area is very clean and seem to be very good to walk during the day...You can see people from the mountains coming down to sell their stuff.
Ils siphoning aussi le café comme au Brésil ou vice et versa..Ils ne vendaient pas de café au kilo...bizarre une place à café
beaucoup beaucoup d efforts ici pour garder cette ville.verte. Beaucoup de mur amenagés comme celui la avec de belles plantes
ah pas de masque
ce quartier semble loin des favelas mais parfait pour une bonne impression.
Ils sont capable le de se gérer tout seul sans aide humanitaire l argent pulule
ça reste dans le secret des Dieux
difficile de se vehiculer comme ne faut pas Helenr sur la rue les voulais me rendre ailleurs retourne à l hotel tres tot nuages noirs à l horizon
À suivre
Otra dia
Hasta luego!
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