Sunday, March 22, 2020

10 things to do to protect yourself against #covid 19

I'm in Brazil in my hotel room, a friend of mine knows a colleague who works with doctor Negrin...
It was a vocal message so I translated from Spanish and I am sharing it with you since I am stuck inside.

Chinese understand now the characteristics of the virus Covid19 thanks to autopsies.

Obstruction of respiratory pathways by thick mucus. 

In order to apply a treatment, they have to unblock pathways so medicine can go thru. 
It takes days to treat. So meanwhile you can protect yourself by doing these 10 things. 

1- Drink a lot of hot liquid coffee, tea, soup and also every 20 minutes drink warm water.

2 Gargarize with mouth wash, antiseptic or hot water, salt, vinegar, lemon juice.

3 The virus attaches itself to hair and clothes.
You must take a shower as soon as you come back from the grocery.
Avoid sitting on metal or touching handles, door handles.
If you can not wash clothes daily put it in the sun it neutralizes the germs.

4- Wash metallic surfaces very carefully.
The virus stays 9 days on surfaces.
Take note and be vigilant about touching handrails, door handles within your own house as well.

5-Don't smile no don't smoke.

6- Wash your hands every 
20 minutes for 20 seconds 
with foaming soap.

7- Eat fruits, vegetables.
It elevates your zinc level.

8- Animals do not spread viruses but kids can get it and babies too.

9-Try to avoid getting common flu as it weakens your system.

10- If you feel any sore throat coming on.
Attack it immediately!

The virus enters the system and remains 3 to 4 days in your throat before it enters the lungs.
Good luck everyone!
Isolate yourself is the best method to be protected. 

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