Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Paris autrement Bois de Boulogne part 2

Yes I made it
I went back to Bois de Boulogne with a friend

we heard some drums so we rush in to see what it was
join us

afterwards we went to take the boat to go across on the islands
this time no line up like last week end
we jumped on the small boat and here we went to the chalet in Paris!

2 islands
5 hectares of green land
perfect we need fresh air
its really nice to have a cottage in Paris iii

hardly anyone today

now the sun was slowly leaving us but that didn t stop us to take a coca light and watch people come and go

petanque anyone

inside the salon de the

oh well it will always be...

now this is my Monet picture I took
I am very proud of it

bird included

we walk around some more we had a lovely day

The end

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Copenhague Copenhagen Danemark

C'est loin
il est grand le monde la bas
et c est organique biologique jusqu au coca-cola qui est vert.
Ceci dit le design a son meilleur mais
tout a un prix
un prix faramineux exorbitant voir meme impossible a visiter ou y vivre
woa its far
they are tall over there
its organic Bio all the way to coca-cola that has a green color bottle just to be in
 but this being said design is at its best over there but at what price
and exorbitant price unbelievable like not even possible to visit or live there


Comment font les Danois pour subsister
Ils ont donne le droit d utiliser internet pour passer leut examen ou de surfer a haute vitesse pour passer le temps sans trop depenser d  argent
la Carlsberg pour oublier toutes ses dettes
une ville sous l empire de la drogue ou aucune loin existe et vous faire oublier que vous devez payer vos dettes
et le smogornob pour economiser une tranche de pain pour le petit dejeuner du lendemain.
L'économie va bon train a en voir ces constructions futuristes ces ponts qui s elevent au loin et ces 363 chateaux bien ecurés.
mais voila c est le Danemark un tout petit pays avec plus de luxure que l un peu y imaginer et un bord de mer a couper le souffle.
il fait froid, il vente, temperature que seuls les marins peuvent faire avec
alors allez visiter le Danemark en été Juillet uniquement a moins detre masochiste a ce point et de vouloir faire de la bicyclette avec un siege tricoté par grand mere en forme de fraise pour rechauffer votre derriere douillet
Oui l amour des blondes des belles grandes blondes peuvent vous faire faire un detour pour beaucoup d entre vous.
et pour les dames la decouverte de vrais vikings beaux grands et forts risque d en faire chavirer plus d une
C est pourquoi le Danemark subsiste toujours pour ces beaux Danois et Danoises au design exceptionnel.
How do the Danish do to survive
they give the right to write exams with internet
they are able to surf high speed in a far away land to kill time so they dont spend too much money
they have the Carlsberg to help them forget they have debts
they have a city under the power of drug where no law exist where you can forget to pay your debts
and they have the smorgornob to save money and keep one slice of bread for the next morning breakfast
economy is doing fine has we can see from new deluxe design every where and futuristic consructions.

with the rise of new bridges and there 363 well kept castle.

but this is it Danemark a small country where luxury takes you day dreaming as well as there beautiful seashore to die for.

its cold and windy,  a land where only the sailors can withstand so go and visit in the summer like in the month of July only unless you are masochist enough to want to go ride your bike with a knitted strzwberries seat done by your grand mother to warm up your little ass.

yes for the love of those beautiful blondes perhaps you want to do those extra miles and for you ladies,  the discovery of real vikings tall built and blond perhaps will make you take that risk to go there too.

this is why Danemark survive for its beautiful people with exceptional design.

J'ai deja fait plusieurs visites dans cette ville dont l urbanisme regne a son meilleur mais j aurais aime y passer plus de temps pour explorer l extérieur de la ville et le pays au grand complet mais faute de temps j ai du simplement passer quelques heures a Copenhague.

I have made a lot of visit in this city with perfect city planning but  I would have love to spend more time in order to explore the outside of the country but unfortunately I only spend a few hours in Copenhagen.