New homes around the world
2015 new stats
According to UN They are over a billion people without adequate home check this adress later
I wrote this article in 2013
San Francisco's new home
Its a tragedy.
More and more homeless around the world.
The situation is alarming.
I travel around the world and I can tell you, I never saw so many homeless in my life.
According to statistic over 100 millions and more people are homeless and as you know this is extremely difficult to calculate.
No accurate data on homeless at all.
United states 2.5.Million in 2009 were sleeping in the street
1.3 Million were children
San Francisco being the worst I ever saw.
They use to hang around under the highway but now they can't
San Francisco's new home a shopping cart or a piece of cardboard

In France approx. 1,000,000 homeless.
Paris 100,000
In Brussels, Belgium
october 2013
They start very young
17,000 it is so difficult to get statistic for all countries. Nothing is updated.
How can you finish your days like this?
Just in front of the Vatican you wonder what are they doing in their weathy rooms the priests, the monks, the nuns, when they could be outside helping the poor.
In Rome alone approx. 7,000 and more sleep in the street at night. (stats are hard to find)
approx 2,300 sleep in the street
London England
approx. 98,750 are provided accomodations
approx 10,459 sleep in the street
San Francisco, Paris, Italy, Burssels, London, Montreal....more and more people have a home in the street.
approx. 20 Millions homeless
Sao Paulo in 2003 10,000
Half the population live in informal shelters in Sao Paulo.
Canada approx 200,000 homeless in temperature minus 30 in winter kill a lot of them.
6,100 Ontario
3,365 Québec
Even more in British Columbia has the weather is nicer.
Meet Glen a poor man in San Francisco, He was very sick.
They wont let him sleep in a park or sit on a bench.
He has to keep going he said.
The bank doesnt want to give him access to his bank account. He told me he has money but they wont let him have access to it. I'm not sure if this is true or not but can anyone help him?
The bank doesnt want to give him access to his bank account. He told me he has money but they wont let him have access to it. I'm not sure if this is true or not but can anyone help him?
He stands like this all day long. How can he finish his life like this?
I can not even stand for a few minutes I'm tired so imagine this poor man.
On my way to get breakfast I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him. At first, I tought he was crossing the road. I ask him if he needed help.
He said no.
So I went to the restaurant and an hour later, I came back, he was still there like this. I had brought back some toast and jam for my lunch but decided to put it in his shopping cart. He said thank you but...
I stand there and waited for him to finish his sentence but I don't have a knife to spread the peanut butter and jam.
Oh I will get you some. Hold on. I went to 7-11 and got some plastic ustensiles and came back and this is where he told me his story.
He was having problem breathing, he had tears in his eyes and had dripping saliva going down his jacket.
Glen needed to be hospitalised. He was extremely sick. When I talked to him, I presume he had probably pneumonia. He had a sever runny nose.
I didnt have time for Glen, like all of you but I am a stewardess and had to leave the city. This was the morning after the Korean crash. I took the time to chat with him, he really wanted to talk to me. I give him all the time I had left but I give him a moment where he felt he was still a human been.
How about you. Try this. Try to talk to them. They are people. Human beens.
Say hello to Glen and the others when you walk by.
I know we dont even want to look at them. I know but we need to . We need to, the situation is alarming.
I saw some young nuns this week-end in San Francisco with some young christians but no one, no one attended to him. I saw some christian preachers also yelling the words of god but saw
no one helping him and all the others.
From one street corner I saw 2-4- homeless in San Francisco. In between them, I saw manicure, tattoo shops and dog wash powder room, one after another.
This is quite shocking to see.
More and more are becoming poorer.
The new homeless are also in normal houses with nothing to eat.
Hidding behind their walls of what use to be a nice home.
Pilling up unpaid bills over and over again until they could no longer do it, and someone takes over what they use to own and love.
The economy is bad everywhere and soon these poor with a house will add up to the count of those on the street.
They live in a house with an empty fridge, they go to eat a soup or go to a friend, if they still have friends and they finally end up in their car for a while with everyhting they own and eventualy become one of the anonymous homeless on the street.
My solution
Cities around the world where weather permit should give one park, even 2 parks to those individuals who are homeless.
A women park and a men park.
It should be provided with a shower and washroom center.
They should be places where they can park their home, their belongings.
They should be attributed one bench to sit and sleep on.
If its how society is, than they should provide this, to individuals in need.
If you can no longer have facilites for them to have them taken care of and care for
health issues, hospital care,
mental issues, psychatric house,
or social issues,
perhaps societies should do something about it.
I find this outrageous that no one is doing something about this situation.
We give junkies parks and needles why cant we give homeless a nice little shelter?
A place they can call home.
Where they could garden for their own food,
where they can shower every day and feel like a human been.
Perhaps they will see light on the other side of the road...
Yes they are reject of the society like most of you are calling them but they are human beens
they were like you and me before. They were part of a family before.
You just dont know what happen to them. Right.
If the churches are empty why not welcome those homeless at night to sleep on a bench.
What is wrong with the church now?
Priest are crying their church are empty. They close the door to those who need it open. Let the poor get a shelter inside their church.
Get the church bench out in those special park assign to homeless and have them use by homeless people at night.
All they need is someone to take care of them.
one bench
one piece of bread
a shower
a mirror to take care of themselves.
I slept with the poor camping in Europe by choice, budget reason but what I saw was human been looking for a warm place to sleep thats all.
I saw them cumb their hair at night, crying at night when they listen to music, I saw them wash in the sink in toilets at train station, I saw them froze their butt outside in front of a close train station...
They were old, very old, young, very young, durnk, sobbers, poor, very poor.
It has to be organise.
Let the church give their benches to the poor.
Write their name on it.
A church bench will be welcome in a beautiful park if all these churches are empty why cant you get the church to help those in needs.
That was God mission before, now, it seems like the priest wants you to believe in God, he wants your little money and after that he couldnt care less. Really, how can they let people sleep like this on the street.
Everywhere I went, I saw no one attending to them, no one talking to them; nothing.
Yes I was like that before passing in front of them and all but this is an increasing matter and if we dont do anything now it will get out of hand.
You see nuns walking in Rome with a cell phone, eating forbidden sin ice cream but have you seen one next to a poor man, helping a woman...
Very sad indeed
I remember ounce in Toronto,Ontario Canada it was -30 I was up in a hotel for my lay over and was looking down at the street corner this woman in the cold. I got dress ask her to come in for the night but she refused, she was afraid to loose her spot. She was sitting over an open grill where the heat from the subway was keeping her warm. So I went to get a fresh cup of coffee and some food she refused as well. There was nothing I could do. I am no expert in this. She needed care, desperate care, mental assitance maybe I don't know so I guess one night in the warmth of a hotel room wont do her good because she would have loose her good spot on the street for the other 364 days of the year...
- Lack of shelter
- lack of medical care
- lack of support
- lack of funding
- lack of money
- mental illness
- sexual abuse
- drug, alchool
- violence
Do you have a solution?
The next time you pass by one homeless person think again it could happen to you too and sooner than you think.
was in Paris looking a tthe arc the triomphe and in fornt of me on the side walk a man laying face down over a grill to get the heat from the metro
when I finish my croissant and my coffeee I order the same thing and brought it to him
He couldn't care less he wanted money
Perhaps to dirnk
But I couldn't provided what he want it.
I am no expert for this kind of situation but what I know at one point in the day he will be hungry and perhpas my croissant will do him good beisde the cold coffee
I told him I left a few coins in the bag.
But he went on saying things I couldn't understand.
Sad to see that all alone I can not help those people.
Calgary Alberta
was in calgary alberta and saw a new home ...
The man was inside tim horton having a coffee and doing his crossworld puzzle.
Why is he in the street?
Why cant we help them?
In the middle of Canada its mostly autochtones in the street. Why aren't we able to help them?
Why the governement are not helping them?
To this day
Le 24 mars 2015
According to UN They are over a billion people without adequate home check this adress later
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