woa! prices went up in 2015
a can of peas $1,49
check at the end for my bread and butter recipe
Tuesday the 5th of February 2013
Beginning of the challenge: The 5th of February's 2013
What for:
Let's put it this way at the end of this entire process, I will tell you why o.k.
First week
Challenge of the week:
I was suppose to spend only $40.00 on grocery
I busted my budget of $67.11
Dam! This is very difficult.
I know I should have not bought the grapes, way too much money $9.00
and yes Starbucks coffee was way too much money as well but I can not live without good coffee or else I will be angry all day.
It happens that this week also, I ran out of jam and cheese whiz so this was very expensive.
Friday the 8 of February 2013
I manage to stay home all week because I'm on vacation.
I receive 2 people for dinner and did not go out to purchase some more food.
I still have to go tru the week-end: Saturday and Sunday.
So far so good but it is very hard. My bread that I purchase on Tuesday is already going wrong.(around 8 slices left)
I won't be eating more grapes either even those were very expensive grapes.$9.00 I got cut by the advertisement on the display $3.45 a lb. Thinking it was $3.45 for the bag.
And now, I am so afraid to eat those grapes.
Let me explain.
I'm not sure if its a health issue or not but on Tuesday actually around 4 ish, I decided to eat some grapes after coming back from shoveling.
Anyway, I had a few grapes and afterwards, I started to feel an extreme pain in my chess. I was such in pain and afraid I will die, I grab my phone just in case something really bad would happen to me and than had another sharp heavy pain in the chess again. So, I rush to grab some Benadryl in my purse and I took 2 of them, no joke, I thought I was going to die of a heart attack or something. I was allergic to the grapes suddenly, I did not know what was happening.
I than lay down on the floor in case I would faint, I took a recovery position and waited for the pain to go but it was not going away at all. My chest was crushing. So, I did some yoga breathing and waited.
And it did go away after a while but what can I do. I don't have a doctor so I won't know really for sure what happen to me if it was a heart problem or not.
Do I ?
So, I did not want to eat those grapes again just in case I was suddenly allergic to them. I will give them to my sisters or my mom so they won't go to waist.
What a wake up call.
But then, when I went to my mom on Sunday, it was too late to save the grapes. And I didn't want to drive there just for that. Gas at the pump is too high now. $1.31
Sunday 10 February 2013
By the way, I give the grapes to my mom and my sister and both of them didn't like the taste of those grapes either. Perhaps too much chemical on them, who knows.
We had to throw them out. $9.00 down the drain.
I went to get some more bread mine got rotten.
Bought some bagels because I was going to my mom for lunch.
Bought some peanut with chocolate for sweet craving and of course a new fresh bread.
I have nothing and it cost me
Do I need to say more.
Result: I manage to eat. Ah! Ah! Ah!
Bad thing: Let me put it this way, I was tired of eating Chinese noodle with ground beef and shallots
Bad thing: I am eating too much pasta, noodles and bread. I hate it. I will get fat.
Bad thing: Where were the veggies, not much there.
Bad thing: I forgot to buy popcorn. Very difficult at night nothing to eat for snacks.
Of course this challenge will go on for another week.
Well will see.
We can not forget that I was over budget, that I had some stuff in my pantry before doing this like pasta, cookies...
So, in order for this challenge to be real and effective, I need to go on a little bit longer. But anyway I have no choice.
Why am I doing this ?
Like I said at the beginning, I will tell you all about it at the end but for now on, let's go like this o.k.
So tonight. it's Tuesday,
You, thought I was going to go shopping for grocery again.
I actually went for my mom got in a grocery store got her her 2 bottles of water and got out of there without spending money on extra stuff.
But that is beside the point.
I will not go for grocery shopping this week.
I did say the challenge was $40.00 grocery. So therefore since I busted my budget the first week, I need to go on for another week, actually 2 other weeks like that.
Tuesday 12th of February 2013
I have manage to eat last week aaaah!
Since I have busted my budget the first time of $67.11
I am not aloud to go shopping this week.
Plus on Sunday, I went to the grocery store and spend $ 17.03
So in reality my budget busted 2 times
$67.11 instead of $40.00
17.03 extra spending
Meaning, I am suppose to go on for 2 more weeks without going to the grocery.
So, tonight, I decided to eat rice with my peppers to extend the amount of casseroles I can eat out of that.
I realize on this budget, I will become fat for sure because I eat rice, bread and pasta so much.
Luckily, I have more snow to shovel but this challenge is crazy.
I have no choice.
Do I?
After shoveling, I will start rope jumping. I saw great move on YouTube.
But my biggest problem now will be on Friday, when I go back to work.
I won't be able to manage this at all.
I travel around the world, so I would not keep up with this for sure; really.
I will go to London and eat a peanut butter sandwiches. I don't think so. I will go to Paris this week-end. I will have to stay in my room and eat a baguette but no, I can not spend money on food.
This is actually my biggest problem.
My biggest challenge.
Will see.
I'm the one who give myself a challenge; right!
I did have a nice dinner tonight.
Basmati rice
Grilled peppers, celery and garlic.( I put them in a pan. Coat them with oil sparkles lots of garlic).
A glass of red wine.
15 chocolate peanuts for dessert.
I had 2 servings; oups!
I will have no guess over this week for sure.
Today, I went to my mom's house so I had lunch there.
This challenge is killing me.
My entire life is about food.
Feeding people for work.
Coming home and cook myself a good home meal.
Calling people over for dinner.
Going to my parents to cook them a meal.
My entire life revolve around food.
I spend hours looking at food in groceries around the world.
I love cooking.
I am nothing without food.
Wednesday 13-02-2013
gaz ultramar 56.52
Rice on the menu
I went to do my laundry at my mom today so I got to trade my rice for potatoes ou! ou!
I put a few peppers on and it was alright.
Nice move!
Rice on the menu for tonight. It still tasted good I ad it up some cheese.
Oh gee! I wonder if I have some stuff to do my own chocolate for tomorrow.
Thursday night, I got lucky. My sister invited me over for meatball spaghetti. Yé!
Friday the 15th 2013
Friday I left to go to work. Very difficult situation. I did not buy a coffee at Starbucks but
since I left very early in order to get out of my place because of the snow storm again, I ended up at the airport way to early. My flight was delay. So It was 14:00 did not eat lunch, I had to buy a burger at Burger king.
$ 5.oo something I forgot.
We were delay because of Air force 1. We couldn't land. This made me go all day and when I was waiting for the plane to turn around, I had some almonds from the plane.
We had another delay because Barrack Obama was flying around with his air force one so we couldn't be around his plane. Another delay.
Saturday the 16
The next day, I flew to Paris had breakfast at my mom because we had my aunt from California over for a few days and I bought lunch for my mom and my aunt that came over to my house afterwards to help me with the shoveling. It was too much for me and I had something done to my arms when I pull my safety belt that was stuck in my seat on my other flight when I went to Fort Lauderdale. I thought it was broken but I couldn't do all the shoveling all by myself. I was in too much pain. So, to thank them, I stopped buy at Lou smoke meat and we ordered 2 smoke meat and a french fries to go for the 3 of us. I won't count this because since they came and shovel the snow for a good 2 hours, I think this is part of gratification on my behalf.
Sunday the 17
Sunday, the problem was when I got to Paris. I got to eat on board the plane my dinner skip breakfast but when I was in Paris I had to eat something. I went to the grocery store instead of the restaurant and bought some stuff to make me a ham and cheese sandwich. I got some olives, chips, cookies to go with it and orange juice to drink for lunch and dinner and bought myself a croissant and an almond croissant for the next day for breakfast. I had been walking for a good 3 hours and a half non stop on Les champs Elysee's. It was so cold and my feet hurt so much. I have something wrong with my feet since December I can not really walk. I usually walk 8 hours straight when I am in Paris or London or anywhere else in the world. Now, I'm in too much pain. It feels like I have my 3 toes broken on my left foot. When I am at home, I wear nothing but when I go shoveling the snow I have to go with my inside Hug boots because I'm in too much pain.
When I went to work, I wrap it with a band aid so it didn't move.
I pay $120.00 for a doctors visit and $ 25.00 for the doctor's note to give to my employer but it didn't do anything to solve my problem. I booked off sick for a week. I Was on vacations for 1 month but I need to work now, I need money. I desperately need money.
Pain! Pain! Pain!
I'm glad there is Advil
I take that before I go shoveling for my feet, for my arms and I'm fine and just before I go to work.
Total failure here.
So, what was I saying. My grocery shopping for dinner came up to...
I let you guess here for a minute.
A jar of olive, a container of coffee, a bottle of orange juice, a baguette, a bag of chips, 4 slices of ham, a box of cookies, a pack of cheese, 1 almond croissant, 1 croissant and 4 yogurt black chocolate Danette.
I did buy a very expensive Illy coffee but I figure if I was going to have a coffee it will cost me the same price. So, Sunday, I did not have a coffee on Les champs Elysées, instead, I bought the can to bring back home. And instead of going to the cafe in the morning for coffee, I went to the machine it cost me $2.50. So, with this, I was going to have a ham and cheese sandwich for dinner with olives and chips some cookies and dark chocolate yogurt. In the morning, I had the almonds croissant and later on, at the airport, on the plane, I had the other croissant.
So, I thought, I was saving money.
It came up to 25 euros + 5 croissant + 1.50 coffee+ $31.50 euros something like this. I forgot its Tuesday. $40.97
so for a snack in my room for the entire day in Paris
So lesson here. I thought I would save money by going to the grocery. I was wrong. I should have gone to the restaurant.
I definitely have a problem with food.
I will leave you with these pictures that even tho, I try it wasn't good enough. I saw this on Les champs Elysées, so I will down load my walk so you can see what I saw during my entire day some of it.
And than, you see the other stuff. The luxury items $18,900 euros for this bike.
The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer but the middle class is suddenly disappearing.
Between the tourists, the rich Parisians some are struggling big time among all this crowd. You see pick pockets and lots of beggars. But do they see them. I don't think so. They are the ghosts of the society just like old people.
I think I have problems...
I sure can do better.
This little girl doesn't belong on the street begging. She should have parents who care for her. She should be playing with her sisters and brothers.
Where this money will go?
To her pimp to her dad?
They hide in the stairs of Les Champs Elysee's in the metro stairs. I see them all the time but they are more and more now. I did give her some money.
She did teach me a lesson.
I can do better.
20th of February 2013
Ok, Yesterday, I had to go to the store to get some more bread again and some cat food. When I came back, I had the bread and forgot about my cat. He will survive he still have some for today therefore, I have to go out and shovel the freakin snow that felt last night as it cover the ground again with 15cm of snow and tomorrow they say another 30cm of snow again.
But dont worry, my cat will have some food and by the way he his worst than me. He eats half the bite and spit the other one and I discard the other half or I give it to my crow outside. But he will have to live without being spoil no more. He is been miaowing all morning for more food but I told him to eat what is left this time.
Bread $4.95
Very expensive so the only problem is I have to reduce the consumption of bread here.
Try it I have to go now, to shovel some more snow.
Tuesday night,
I went to get some food for my cat and liter
I had soup, rice bowl with grill peppers and some yogurt that I had previously bought in December. I hope I won't be sick but I was still hungry. Will see later it tasted good. The expiring date was the 3rd of January we are the 20th of February but I was starving today. I skipped lunch went shoveling so... had a coffee in the middle of the afternoon with a few chocolate peanuts.
What did I do since I last wrote on this blog post.
I work.
I recall eating a lot of plane food something my stomach can not tolerate but I had no choice.
I bought some Starbucks coffee because i was going to do an all nighter this is the worst you can get for flying. I went to Las Vegas touch down and came back right after. Do you know how long is this flight.
Landed at 8 25 because we were late.
arrive home at 9:25
had breakfast at my mom and got to my house at 10:30
bed time
i slept until 15:30
and went back to work
this time another night flight
I had a coffee on board and ate my peanuts covered with chocolate.
kept me awake all night
we were short crew
had an airplane chicken meal
and got to my room
in the morning around 10:00
woke up at 13:30 had one of my oatmeal that i brought with me
than order room service
it was so cold in London
unbelievable very humid so it was cold
a chicken salad
the worst ever
I forgot how bad it was
i ask for the dressing on the side and it came all mix
i tried it but had to return it it was awful they even put the entire fish not the anchovies
how terrible
they send me a new one but there was hardly anything
had 2 cookies and a tea they usual have this free in our room
the next morning i bought a coffee and 4 mini pastry
my coffee was free because I had a punch in card and got my tenth coffee for free so the pastry came to 3 pound if i remember
not bad had lunch on board and dinner at my mom hardly ate and went to bed
The problem here is not the food
I have a food problem and a clothing problem
And I also needed some stuff that i bought at the duty free eye make up remover, lip stick, this is basic for my job
in London
I bought a pair of shoe I have something to my left feet i can hardly walk so I needed to buy a new pair
large enough so it doesn't hurt me.
I also bought a pair of cotton running shoes so I can go back to dancing or else i will look like a whale pretty soon.
Its not my fault its my foot.
So this and that and 3 t shirt got me spending a lot of money
but should we focus on only one problem or not
I'm not sure any more but i did have a good intention i took for $20.00 dollar change to spend at the store only but i went over board and needed more money
I was suppose to do some exercises while i wait for room service but they came up right away usually i wait 45 minutes
so this is it guys
i m not buying anything today
got to take out some rice that i froze for dinner and had macaroni at my mom for lunch since i had to go do my laundry there because of water problem .
I think i m doing extremely well
Wednesday 27 Th of February 2013
not a good
i had to wake up at 5:00 to go out at 5:30 to avoid traffic my flight was only at 10:30
but I had to be there at 09:20 therefore right in traffic jam i hate it.
when i have early flight i usually eat at the airport unfortunately this can be expensive but try it i just came back form London and had to wake up early
i m fuck to tell you the truth so i need this comfort food when i get to the airport and i hate arriving stress out
i need to be calm and ready to face passengers
got a nice toasted cereal bread and a coffee latté
i can not have Tim Horton chemical coffee yes its cheap but its full of chemical
and the last time i went to the one in Montreal i had tourista and screw my entire time in my first time in Jamaica
so that s why i guess
but since i was so early i went to buy myself another coffee and bought some water i was going to Haiti
1 coffee
1 Fiji water
I know
so I had to eat airplane meal
steak and potatoes full of conservative agent that my body can not stand
I got fed
and on the return I got chicken between 10,000 bells that my colleagues didn't want to answer while I was eating
Thursday the 27 Th of February 2013
My desire to go to the grocery store was quite high but i resisted because of my expensive time spend at the airport
I am cooking some cheese soufflé with tuna, chives, black olives.
I wonder how it will turn out as it requested milk and i only had cream left. will see. I still have some wine in my cellar from Xmas holidays and since it has been snowing like usual i definitely need a glass of wine tonight.
I went to have breakfast at my mom but don't worry i am eating my own bread, my butter but i didn't have coffee to put in my milk and i don't like cream in it.
By the way my soufflé did rise but went down way to fast
very tasty however
better than an omelet
this has been 22 days challenge....hard to do but its on
you will say i m not doing it
but for me
its very hard to do
yes i go over board but you will see i will conquer
if only you knew
334 jours à faire
MARCH 2013
Sunday the 3rd of march 2013
However this being said, I couldn't eat on board much food and bought a ham sandwich at the airport for my day on the plane and on my way home decided to go to the grocery store again.
I paid 2 pound something for the ham sandwich.
but because I had to wake up
jet lag effect
i had to drink a coke
very bad for me
Afterwards, I drank a flat ginger ale for my stomach pain and ate some crackers
felt sick still.
Than later on that day, I had my ham sandwich.
I bought some hamburger meat real Canadian meat, tomatoes, lettuce, a bag of potatoes, grapes, milk and more bread.
How much it cost?
Yes, there is a bag of chip missing in this picture, I left it at my mom's place.
31.31 dans le rouge
When I went to my mom to eat my hamburger, she had order some pizza.
Lucky me!
I guess I should not have gone to the grocery again but because of my food poisoning in London I did.
I wanted to eat something from home without food preservative...
I did not go shopping however. Yes, the magazine was an extra, I should not have bought it.
I am glad I bought some bread. I had 9 slices rotten again with my bread. The brand name
Premiere moisson???
Its good but the bread don't last.
I bought some white bread because I had food poisoning and didn't need other kind of bread.
How to get fat really
This challenge should be call
How to get fat
This is what happen to poor people
I'm in!
You do what you can to extend your meal?
Its hard
Let me tell you
but hey I am getting better
spending less even if it doesn't show here
I know I have improved
now in my grocery shopping or should I say my monthly spending I usually include gas spending
but let's wait another month ok
oh by the way the shoes I bought doesn't hurt my toes.
I'm so happy I can at least work without pain on my foot.
For the running shoes i can not wear them. unfortunately but
One step at a time!
Monday the 4th of march 2013
I have been to many places since I last updated my challenge.
ok I had one day off, spend it shoveling the snow.
What did I ate?
I don't remember.
Afterwards, I went to do a Las Vegas turn around.
Lots of turbulence.
I remember eating at night a chicken wrap.
On my return, I stop by in the morning to have breakfast at my mom and went to bed.
Woke up and had breakfast again to go do my over seas to London
I had the chicken on board and a blueberry muffin.
a walk in the near by neighbourhood.
It was too cold.
I ate in my room again.
I went to buy some food.
lemon hummus
and hummus with garlic
some pita bread and some magazine
A bottle of orange and mango juice.
Arrive in my room
Dance the Zomba for 30 minutes.
Check my mails
And ate
How much do you think I paid?
one magazine
2 hummus
1 guacamole
one juice bottle
some pita bread
Moroccan couscous
Total price for one dinner in London that is also my only meal of the day
11.41 x 1.6 pounds roughly x 2
$ 23 dollars
for a snack in my room for 1 day in London
Well guess what happen?
While, I was eating, I was doing some net surfing and suddenly I was hit by sudden stomach pain. My stomach was bloating but I thought at first it was because I dance too much.
But afterwards, I was hungry, ate some more and had real pain.
10 minutes after, I was in hell
Did finish my hummus and guacamole with 1 slice of pita bread.
Did not finish the couscous.
I got food poisoning for sure.
This was too fast.
Shit! is the case man.
So, I spend a very bad evening and night in London.
I got the chill and was feeling very bad.
Did not have the force to go down to the little grocery on the corner to get some Imodium.
Probably didn't have any and I took my medical kit out of my suitcase for more space.
Yeah bad timing right!
There even is a private hospital in front of the hotel but it's funny it looks close at night.
There is another hospital behind but what I got needed special attention and a close by washroom.
The next morning, I was so so tired and exhausted.
Did not have coffee.
Had a few sip of hot chocolate only 1 pound
and 1 mini pastry 1.00
Anyway, now I feel ok.
But that day i went shopping for more food for my grocery to bring back home.
Unfortunately due to the circumstances, I had to throw everything from my previous dinner.
Didn't want to do anything with it.
But here what I brought back from England.
I was thinking for my 4 days off, to have a tuna casserole, tuna salad, Caesar salad and I had this lemon pie.
Guess how much?
$21.58 x 1.6=
I had all the good intention to eat well on my 4 days off.
I have to add this up to my grocery done on Sunday
Sunday the 3rd of march 2013
However this being said, I couldn't eat on board much food and bought a ham sandwich at the airport for my day on the plane and on my way home decided to go to the grocery store again.
I paid 2 pound something for the ham sandwich.
but because I had to wake up
jet lag effect
i had to drink a coke
very bad for me
Afterwards, I drank a flat ginger ale for my stomach pain and ate some crackers
felt sick still.
Than later on that day, I had my ham sandwich.
I bought some hamburger meat real Canadian meat, tomatoes, lettuce, a bag of potatoes, grapes, milk and more bread.
How much it cost?
Yes, there is a bag of chip missing in this picture, I left it at my mom's place.
31.31 dans le rouge
When I went to my mom to eat my hamburger, she had order some pizza.
Lucky me!
I guess I should not have gone to the grocery again but because of my food poisoning in London I did.
I wanted to eat something from home without food preservative...
I did not go shopping however. Yes, the magazine was an extra, I should not have bought it.
I am glad I bought some bread. I had 9 slices rotten again with my bread. The brand name
Premiere moisson???
Its good but the bread don't last.
I bought some white bread because I had food poisoning and didn't need other kind of bread.
How to get fat really
This challenge should be call
How to get fat
This is what happen to poor people
I'm in!
You do what you can to extend your meal?
Its hard
Let me tell you
but hey I am getting better
spending less even if it doesn't show here
I know I have improved
now in my grocery shopping or should I say my monthly spending I usually include gas spending
but let's wait another month ok
oh by the way the shoes I bought doesn't hurt my toes.
I'm so happy I can at least work without pain on my foot.
For the running shoes i can not wear them. unfortunately but
One step at a time!
Tuesday the fith of march 2013
march 15 th 2013
I'm hungry. Perhaps it is because its still snowing out side. I don't know.
But anyway did not go to the store so far.
for lunch i had a chicken and rice soup i made form scratch from left over of my chicken
had a Caesar salad tonight with a soup.
march 7 th 2013
I finally had Tesco say they will check out the items
I was just doing this so no one would be in pain like i was
Unfortunately today when i had time to write on this blog, I try to copy paste the last answer but of cousre my little action on facebook was deleted
so lets get back on what i hate
this week
home made tuna paté with a green salad yé!
had burger meat with oinions
ptuna paté
burger meat with oinions and nice home made tomaote sauce i idd with my tomatoes
this last one was delicious
my family went to cabane a sucre
i stayed away form this family gathering so i would pig out or pay a huge bill of 20,00
sad to see that i have to stay away in order not to spend or cheat
i went ounce to my mom for breakfast brought my own and we had lunch together we had salmon with lettuce
i have been starting to dance a little can not fix my ghetto blaster but with my computer i can hear the music
20 minutes a day
but i still have somehting on my foot and its getting bigger
i will definetely need a suregery for this
but again
no doctor to help me
and the last time i paid $120 for an incompetent doctor plus $20 or 25 $ for a note for my company
suffering it i
i am just adjusting to it
larger shoes
dancing with one foot with no shoe
potatoes don't make you loose weight
I'm not spending money
i stay home creating lillle comic for nobody actually but it makes me feel good
that whats count and often i realise time as pass by and its time to eat! again!
pathetic life actually but do we have a choice now
life has become like a round about it goes around and you cant get out of it you just wait for a chance to go a little further
one step further to what actually
not much
so this is why little challenges in my life are very good for me.
we are almost throu the end of the week
not bad
08 mars 2013 Friday
Going to work
I had to eat at the airport.
Very bad time here.
I have to leave at 4 in order to avoid the traffic form the skiers hitting the slopes therefore i arrive at the airport i am starving
or you eat airport food or you eat airplane food
went to burger king
had a chicken burger and a glass of water.
arrive in Fort Lauderdale and went to bed
Yes I went to the beach
4 hours well worth it after all that fucking snow
we have one new crew member with us
But in Fort Lauder dale I stayed all by myself
A bit stressful
No one the next day was coming with me at the airport.
So the next morning I woke up early and push the curtains
oh no
not a sunny day at all
got dress pants and shirt instead of a bikini and went on the beach
line up at the coffee shop in the lobby so went for my walk
cloudy but nice
all alone on the beach practically except avid joggers, walkers and healthy people.
2hours late came back got myself a star buck cafe latte and an egg and bacon English muffin
so went back out
lunch time
had a pizza at the airport wanted to bring yogurt and fruits but what if the security wont let me go with it
so instead of
i had a pizza at sbarro
work with not 1 but 4 new crew members
what a flight
they were nice and new
you have got to start somewhere
So rush to do my other flight
because we left late form Fort LAuderdale the girls were not helping the passengers...very fast so...we got a delay I had to run for my other flight
got there and realize it was the wrong time i had time to grab a bite to eat
pick up a box of sushi to go eat fast go go go
while i was eating a flight attendant came by and told the other crew member how she was sick on sushi
nice hen!
I wanted to treat my self and now my sushi was up to my throat
and realise after that this was not a good idea after only one week having to go thru food poisoning
it got me thinking that we do get a lot of those
even the other guy went on telling how he was....
oh well!
Don't let us go starting on food poisoning stories I guess crew members have a lot to say on this matter...
So Today went to my mom to show her some nice picture of Fort Laudable the beach....and since it is going to rain
went for grocery
rain on snow not to good
went to do the grocery earlier oh shit
I hope it will last
I wanted to go to Metro because I wanted good meat
I bought a full chicken will do a lot with this hopefully but $12.00
is expensive.... but there were some at 22.00 Hey I'm getting closer and closer people
I was good and than again bust it my budget. So can you imagine how the president of united states can manage to stay focus on an enormous budget. Fat chance!
yes you get fat or you starve one or the other
so i did buy a not too bad grocery but
went over budget of
I need light bulb, a dish cleaner and bought one for my mom she doesn t have one
bought myself some popcorn even tho i brought back the bags of chip i left at my mom and bought some sprite zero
i have some at home but its full sugar
go figure
worry about drinking sugar soft drinks but who care if i eat chips right!
March the 10th 2013
march 15 th 2013
I'm hungry. Perhaps it is because its still snowing out side. I don't know.
But anyway did not go to the store so far.
for lunch i had a chicken and rice soup i made form scratch from left over of my chicken
had a Caesar salad tonight with a soup.
March 22
Woa! gone for a long time I guess!
So this explain maybe my big grocery yesterday.
+ $70.00 for cream
+15.99 for cream
at the drug store for sun tan lotion cream and after sun cream Vichy I am flying to Fort Lauderdale these days and Cancun and when i went to Cancun the cream was $41.00 u.s. so i went to the sun without cream and guess what i burn so bad and than left 2 days after for FLL bought some cream there but there was not enough protection, i went to the sun 1 hour and of course needed to buy some stuff for my color.
Im in the red
That is not counting what I spend over there to
Calgary breakfast at Tim Horton made me sick right away 20 minutes gone baby gone it must be in the coffee
so far for going to a cheap place
in Cancun I follow my crew
for a dinner
for breakfast the next day,
I got a coffee ham and cheese sandwich and some pastry for the grand total of
not bad I usually don't follow the crew but this time it was good
better than the last time, I was there eating raw meat.
Right away left for another 2 days
so because I leave during odd time, too early for dinner...and than too late to eat.
I end up having chicken burger at burger king fries and root beer
very bad but I had to shovel the snow again for god sake
arrive in a huge fucking snow storm left in a snow storm
And oh yes
My breakfast in Fort lauderdale cost me around
$8.00 something ...
bagel and peanut butter and a coffee latte at the hotel
My lunch on the other hand cost me
$16.00 including
$2.00 tip but I must say I had an ocean view and a great lemonade the meal in itself was deceiving pop shrimp were rare I kept the baguette for my dinner on the plane hoping to open up my tuna can but it got stuck could not open it,
so i had to eat a plain baguette.
I have to tell you, I carried my lunch for the first 3 days but was not lucky, I had put it in the fridge and my crackers were all wet, I bought my celery and my carrots but for FLL going to united states its always a problem with food, and I didn't take any chance.
Bought some ground veal that was $3.00 less per kilo than ground beef $9.00
2 bags of peppers
toast Melba
2 bags of frozen fruits
2 bags of fresh mint and cilantro
2 cans of beans
1 bread
3 lemons
a bag of lime
strawberry jam
nice piece of fish
chocolate almonds
bouteille de club soda
and guess what I don't have coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
flying in the sun have no choice and because I did not want to pay $40.00 now my sun allergy is very severe
hair color I have to but if you look under because I bought all this,
I got a bag to go to the beach oh well.
its a bit cheap but will be perfect to carry my beach stuff
I took 3 pictures to see it better but i definitely had a big grocery
So bottom line i am busted for sure but realise because i eat so bad on the road, i end up coming back from my flights and right away the next day going to the grocery to get some fresh stuff and have a nice dinner.
this is my big problem solving.
this is what I wanted to drink when i came back from my hell of pairing
a nice fresh, cool drink
what is wrong with 5 stars hotel they serve you already made mix drink i could not have a decent mochito unbelievable and so therefore all i wanted to do when i got home is to make
make myself a good drink.
Bought some fresh mint, frozen strawberries and peach squeeze 1 lemon and 3 lime add up some soda crush the mint this was great not after a day of sun but
5 days of straight work
2 snow storm and shoveling my parking lot before coming home for 3 days off
so definitely in the red this time
so difficult to stay focus man
And you didn't see my gas bill to go to work these days it's awful
26 march 2013
had cafe. latte. Starbucks
eggs and bacon
do we see something wrong here
yes i am addicted to cafe latte from Starbucks when i work
did not have lunch
when i got home had some popcorn for dinner some cheese and crackers
was not hungry
morning went to moms place fantastic!
lunch time my sister made us some nice ham and cheese open face sandwich with mix peppers fantastic!
dinner stop at the airport st-Hubert BBQ
had a Thai salad and a diet coke
$16.95? fucking expensive to eat something else than burger.
fuck that
27 march 2013
Starbucks coffee
went for a 2 hours walk
went for breakfast
$6.99 + tax
no lunch
had cookie
and earl grey at the hotel around 4
i think it was 4.99 i have to check the bill
eat on the plane
28 march 2013
Of course I will never do my challenge if there is always something to celebrate
4 chocolate
2 chocolate
2 breads
1 quiche
4 croissants
another grocery at Costco
maple syrup
toilet paper a bottle of wine
some tulip flowers
do you know how much i blow it
well that it its not even a month
I have to find out how much it was
I even work on Easter
OK it has been a long time i wrote here 28 of march 2013 now we are the
29 of march
30 of march was in Fort lauderdale
31 of march 2013
Monday the 4th of march 2013
I have been to many places since I last updated my challenge.
ok I had one day off, spend it shoveling the snow.
What did I ate?
I don't remember.
Afterwards, I went to do a Las Vegas turn around.
Lots of turbulence.
I remember eating at night a chicken wrap.
On my return, I stop by in the morning to have breakfast at my mom and went to bed.
Woke up and had breakfast again to go do my over seas to London
I had the chicken on board and a blueberry muffin.
The next day in London
Saturday the second of march 2013
Woke up around 14:00
Went for a walk in the near by neighbourhood.
It was too cold.
I ate in my room again.
I went to buy some food.
lemon hummus
and hummus with garlic
some pita bread and some magazine
A bottle of orange and mango juice.
Arrive in my room
Dance the Zomba for 30 minutes.
Check my mails
And ate
How much do you think I paid?
one magazine
2 hummus
1 guacamole
one juice bottle
some pita bread
Moroccan couscous
Total price for one dinner in London that is also my only meal of the day
11.41 x 1.6 pounds roughly x 2
$ 23 dollars
for a snack in my room for 1 day in London
Well guess what happen?
While, I was eating, I was doing some net surfing and suddenly I was hit by sudden stomach pain. My stomach was bloating but I thought at first it was because I dance too much.
But afterwards, I was hungry, ate some more and had real pain.
10 minutes after, I was in hell
Did finish my hummus and guacamole with 1 slice of pita bread.
Did not finish the couscous.
I got food poisoning for sure.
This was too fast.
Shit! is the case man.
So, I spend a very bad evening and night in London.
I got the chill and was feeling very bad.
Did not have the force to go down to the little grocery on the corner to get some Imodium.
Probably didn't have any and I took my medical kit out of my suitcase for more space.
Yeah bad timing right!
There even is a private hospital in front of the hotel but it's funny it looks close at night.
There is another hospital behind but what I got needed special attention and a close by washroom.
The next morning, I was so so tired and exhausted.
Did not have coffee.
Had a few sip of hot chocolate only 1 pound
and 1 mini pastry 1.00
Anyway, now I feel ok.
But that day i went shopping for more food for my grocery to bring back home.
Unfortunately due to the circumstances, I had to throw everything from my previous dinner.
Didn't want to do anything with it.
But here what I brought back from England.
I was thinking for my 4 days off, to have a tuna casserole, tuna salad, Caesar salad and I had this lemon pie.
Guess how much?
$21.58 x 1.6=
I had all the good intention to eat well on my 4 days off.
I have to add this up to my grocery done on Sunday
Sunday the 3rd of march 2013
However this being said, I couldn't eat on board much food and bought a ham sandwich at the airport for my day on the plane and on my way home decided to go to the grocery store again.
I paid 2 pound something for the ham sandwich.
but because I had to wake up
jet lag effect
i had to drink a coke
very bad for me
Afterwards, I drank a flat ginger ale for my stomach pain and ate some crackers
felt sick still.
Than later on that day, I had my ham sandwich.
I bought some hamburger meat real Canadian meat, tomatoes, lettuce, a bag of potatoes, grapes, milk and more bread.
How much it cost?
Yes, there is a bag of chip missing in this picture, I left it at my mom's place.
31.31 dans le rouge
When I went to my mom to eat my hamburger, she had order some pizza.
Lucky me!
I guess I should not have gone to the grocery again but because of my food poisoning in London I did.
I wanted to eat something from home without food preservative...
I did not go shopping however. Yes, the magazine was an extra, I should not have bought it.
I am glad I bought some bread. I had 9 slices rotten again with my bread. The brand name
Premiere moisson???
Its good but the bread don't last.
I bought some white bread because I had food poisoning and didn't need other kind of bread.
How to get fat really
This challenge should be call
How to get fat
This is what happen to poor people
I'm in!
You do what you can to extend your meal?
Its hard
Let me tell you
but hey I am getting better
spending less even if it doesn't show here
I know I have improved
now in my grocery shopping or should I say my monthly spending I usually include gas spending
but let's wait another month ok
oh by the way the shoes I bought doesn't hurt my toes.
I'm so happy I can at least work without pain on my foot.
For the running shoes i can not wear them. unfortunately but
One step at a time!
1st of April
02 of April
I went to Italy I don't think I spend anything that day at the store
03 of April 2013
I arrive in London we had 4 hours to spear so I bought myself a glass of champagne
$8.00 pounds 2 tip
$20.00 a glass of champagne
the view of Terminal 5 in London
went to Italy
Landing is imminent
Beautiful day
By the time we got there it was 16:00 oclock in the afternoon not much to do but I enjoyed every minute of it. Walk for about 4 hours and a half non stop.
tip the driver
1 euro
it was too late to sleep we could have woke up in the middle of the night there so I opted to skip one night to have at least a good one. I had completely miss one night of sleep
so we went out and walk....
on a gelato
for dinner it cost me
$17.99 euro with the tip 2 eurosx 1.4.
$28.00 approx.
but than i had to pay for my colleague she reimburse my but not the tip so we had to add up 2 euros here
Than for dessert we got out the restaurant San Marco and went across to this passteria to eat a Sicilian dessert fill with ricotta cheese
see it makes no sense what i my saying but when you are in Rome and you don't intend to eat might as well kill yourself right
this was delicious with a decaf coffee form and espresso real machine
it came to i forgot
$ 3.50 euro x 1.4.
i need to check that one not sure
nice pastry fresh and perfect close to my hotel
1 euro for the driver again in the morning
54.18 gas
4 th of april
in the morning, I woke up really early to go to do my Italian grocery and went for breakfast there what a joke
cappuccino and a croissant
1.80 euro
went for grocery
$56 euros
3 cans of illy coffee
1 bottle of barolo wine
lasagna freshly made pasta
spinach tortellini freshly made pasta
went to the airport the plane was not ready
went to grab a sandwich for lunch
buffalino sandwich
$4.99 euros
and grab 2 box of biscotti mini
$3.95 euro x 2 =7.90
That cheese at home would have been at least $30.00
the coffee I paid at home would have been $14.99

There are poor people in Italy in worst situation than me. Some are starving. And some are starving and are injured as well. Take care of them.
I should do better than just pretend I am doing a challenge. I should be doing the challenge. It is so
hard tho to change a bad habit to a better one.
The fifth of April 2013
I stayed home oh yes went to the grocery store to buy some cheese can you imagine i was in Roma did buy some cheese there but did not buy to do the gratin on my lasagna so went to the grocery store and bought 4 bags
and bought a huge bag of Italian tomatoes to do my tomatoes sauce
bought some cream
and some Basil
yes i know its crazy but i went to the grocery store to get more food after my big grocery in Italy
My mom doesn't want to come on a trip with me, so I try as best as possible to redo my dinner and invite her over to have a sens of the trip i went to and at the same time we talk about the place and we look at the pictures
yes it turn out to be an expensive dinner but we were 3 and i deserve a night out
i did at home with my mom and my sister.
so I did my home made tomatoes sauce with real Italian tomatoes oil butter salt and pepper and did a lasagna with grill peppers and garlic
Remember I bought those before so didn't want them to go to waist this was so good.
my Italian inspiration was perfecto.
This was going with spinach tortellini with 3 cheese creamy sauce and fresh Basil.
Mamamia it was so good!
This time, in a very long time, I cook with passion.
Fuck the budget!Couldn't care less!
but look at the result...
Nothing better than sharing a meal with someone.
My mom and my sister were invited.
Notice no dessert here because of the budget and i completely forgot my gelato went I went to the grocery store.
So we had those lovely biscotti with decaf coffee work wonders after this huge meal.
6 6 th of April 2013
My mom and my sister, believe it or not came back for lunch at my house to eat the same exact thing (wine excluded (its not legal to drink before a departure)
They wanted to eat the same exact thing can you imagine how good it was
we are all on a budget really and a good meal tasty like mine is wort any detour or come back
I am a chef after all!
I bought myself a cafe latte and a cookie ate on board some buttered chicken left over from business class
7 th of April 2013
went for breakfast at H2O lox and bagel cappuccino
ya right
cappuccino it was empty
the waitress tells me its like that cappuccino is with foam
ya right girl i just came back form Italy, I know what a cappuccino looks like and taste like
this is a rip off girl.
for lox and bagel meaning I paid
for your freakin coffee.
I'm the looser but I wanted real coffee and real jam on my toast
Americans don't know to serve breakfast with taste and real coffee
ok you go to cheap place but have you ever tasted there coffee and the sleazy jam in a plastic container
Tasteless, no I can not stand this in the morning
I need something good
i went to those places enough
i need a great breakfast
but again I got fuck in America
yesterday was in Fort lauderdale went grocery shopping for
grapefruit 2 huge bag(7) 2x$|3.99. each
bought some coffee filter and
3t-shirt for souvenir 3x $9.99 each
( by the way none of the tshirt fit too small are we are too big...
lunch, I bought myself some water melon squares.
ate on board dinner chicken in butter sauce left over from the business class meal
same thing what can I say.
This is pretty much it, I know I feel bad but I got this opportunity to go to Rome Italy. I can not pass by and not grab the best of Italy.
And like I said we are not including my expenses spend over seas as this are included in my work expenses. I am paid to eat there.
3 times a day
and to get by we need to skip a few meals
this is not good
and it fuck our stomach trust me
08 th of April 2013
Woke up a bit late around 8:30 ish and not sure what I did exactly but ended it up at my mom And both my sister and my mom show me there bill. They have decided to enter my $40.00 bread and butter challenge.
My sister has been doing less than this so she tells me its easy for her.
Oh! well.
And my mom is also on a tight budget. You should see what the government give to the elders people. Its awful.
So all together we can perhaps support each other in doing what it takes to survive these days.
I went to the grocery
apple sauce green onions
09 Th of April 2013
I went shopping with my mom so we ended it up at Maxi and bought my grocery there
I got 2 chickens
grand total:
25.91 in the red again
its more than that USA grocery
Its very bad I am getting worst with all the willingness of my part.
Worst here
I had to buy water to fush the toilet.
I have very little water in the house barely have some to fill up a glass of water and drink a cup of coffee and fill up the toilet bowl and this time i must have been tired and forgot i was not in a hotel room and did not fill up the bowl right away with the water from the shower to balance the round ball in the back container and the water got lost. So I had to go and buy a water tank and had to pay for a deposit too for the bottle because all of the other tank i have are outside stuck in the snow.
Its hard to explain all this but even at my moms place the water is not good anymore. Its orange. She also need to get some water now. So she had to buy a container too.
breakfast at my house
lunch at my moms house we had ground beef with mushroom and some tea with left over Easter chocolate.
dinner I cook my chicken and I did some hummus with the chick pea i had bought before
and a green no dressing salad.
a biscoti with tea.
10 th of April 2013
maxi 33.34
yesterday morning I had breakfast at my house
I went for lunch at my moms house
We had dinner at my house
chicken Caesar salad wine
apple sauce for dessert and a tiny biscotti with tea
lovely meal
11 of April 2013
Ok too much spending I realize. And like my sister said I have to include my meal when I go to work as well.
I don't know if I tell you that but my mom and my sister decided to join my challenge.
This perhaps will encourage me to continue.
And I have to include my lay over in my challenge.
12 avril 2013
Aujourd'hui j'ai dû acheter du lait.
13 avril 2013
14 avril 2013
15 avril 2013
16 avril 2013
order a salad iark not fresh at dennys hotel restaurant and had a tuna can
i think the salad was $5.00 $1.00 tip
17 avril 2013
Tuna in a can and melba toast
18 avril 2013
dinner on board the plane
19 avril 2013
my entire meal in Paris
breakfast and lunch
I wake up in the middle of the afternoon than walk for a good 2-3 hours than i sit down and had a coffee and a pie if I odnt do that I have a huge migraine
I forgot
than I walk some more for ever until the store close especially the book store I could stay there all day at FNAC megga book store in France and the other one that is closing its door shogun furniture store from around the world I dont know why they are closing
Than I go eat since I figure its cheaper to eat out than to eat in I went to this restaurant not too far form my hotel in the 17 arrondissement
I had gratin dauphinois with veal and a pepper sauce
I like to go there because the portion are big and its tasty. A glass of wine and a bottle of perrier water.
Vinotheque carré des ternes
I think it came up to $25.00 euros I forgot
Stuff I bought in Paris
Collectable item from coca-cola couldnt pass beside it. I already started the collection with jean paul gauthier who design 3 bottles
now this is marc Jacob designing the 3 bottles cute!
ok we are starting to play in our garden so i need to buy lgoves any way to garden might as well buy them in Paris. Got some for my mom and my sister
I have a sister who went to work far away norht with the innus of Canada and decided to buy her a book to keep her busy on her rare days off
Cant beat the price of cheese in Europe so cheap its so expensive in Canada
I am addicted to those mini biscoti found in Rome I got some in Paris different color of box but same thing except they are smaller in the box hum!
same compagny smaller tho
your life had never been so full
I got some books for myself too and my mom
one for how to take care of chicken but after reading the book i give up this idea
Hum where is my bill ?
19 avril 2013
20 avril 2013
had thai chicken use my second chicken
My sister and my mom came for dinner.
21 avril 2103
eggs and toast
lunch ?
we had smoke salmon today I bought this in january so i have to eat it i had stuck up for xmas so my sister and my mom came
dinner had left over thai dinner soup so delicious
22 avril 2013
toast and cheeze whiz
went to my moms place for lunch steak and mash they even have dessert
I really dont know how they pull that one off
I have to check their bill
Journée de hot dog
Bottom line I am back to square one
I am spending again
If I am writing about it
I must have a problem right
but by doing this, it keeps me focus when I get over board
its all in the process...right!
Today I went to buy some stuff for hot dogs just because I felt like having a hot dog for dinner but I went to get some stuff for the cat liter therefore went to Loblaws.
Oh well if my challenge doesnt work It could serve as a documentary on how people eat in 2013 in Québec Canada. There you go! Well one individual.
23 avril 2013
my mom and my sister came for souvlaki
i had bought the pork
marinated it with lemon juice oregano
did some whole wheat pita bread not a success with my sister
we had tzaziki
black olive I bought around chirstmas in a huge jar.
and I grilled some red peppers.
24 avril 2013
had some bagel and whip some goat cheese i had since january oinions and a piece of whole wheat pita bread
25 avril 2013
went to the hospital all day
so I bought an egg sandwich a coffee and a bag of chip
bought a coffee and a cookie
had some spanish rice for dinner that I unfroze before I left.
Result I do have a severe back sprain injury i did on board the aircraft while working I thought it will go while i sit at home doing practicaly nothing but nup....
26 avril 2013
went and bought some bagels to eat with my smoke salmon i bought in january for a special occasion before I started this challenge. It can not go to waist.
Went to Costco because my sister needed to go so I bought some
toilet paper, $19.99
ham $9.99
prosciutto $7.89
huile d olive $11.99
where the hell do you want me to go with this all week
im sick of this challenge
im stuck at home now its not my foot its my back
i cant do fuck all
i cant even go in my garden my back hurt so much
im sick of this
1 month of doing nothing
ok have you see a pattern here
how many times i went to the grocery store
for what
because nothign work as plan
Im fustrated not to be able to go play in my garden
the freaking pill the doctor give my is to kill a horse
im not taking that either
I can not go to the physiotherapist
I have no money
my insurance wont pay right away and im not putting the money up fornt
I have none
I want dto go see my sister up north quebec
$1,000 for an airline ticket
there are no road up ther
nothing work
my neighour the one that doesnt want to share the water of the well is doing somehting on his hous e
I wonder if he sold the house if he did
I will never get water
nothing work
8.55 bagel
cream cheese boni choix
27 avril 2013
28 avril 2013
steak haché........................................................$5.63
ham and cheese
chips spaghetti and a coke
29 avril 2013
ok this morning went to my mom to do the laundry and wash my hair
had breakfast there
egg toast coffee and a banana
left over spaghetti
celery soup and apple sauce
defrost coconut soup and some gournd beef
not so good defrost coconut soup never again
30 avril 2013
I will do a grand total of my 3 months here
MAY 2013
premier may 2013
extreme bad day
went to the liquor stor ebought myself a bottle of red wine
to go with my mac and cheese
my mom and my nephew came over
bough some bread ran out
morning breakfast
the bread was disgusting i will return it fuck $4.95
it taste like yeast
$144.28 tomaoe plant
flowers for my mother
Life is difficult extremely difficult
hot dog
left over chewy steak i unfroze with some red pepper
fruit salad
I went shopping again to ge tmy frustraiton out so because of my neighbours and new hell neighbours
so I went to winners they were under construciton how cna you shop like this
so i went to costco decided to ge tmy moms mother s present earlier
I got her a wireless phone at home so she can go outside and play in th egarden while waiting for important calls like mine I was tired to picture her getting up the sofa each time i call
I got her nice 2 tomatoes plant since i dont hvae water to water them i wont be doing a garden anymore
and I got some ice cream, fudge sicle and chocolate bar
well guess what
I have to return the chocolate bar because the chocolate form oh henri was rotten
but I wont return this on week-end man! not my week not my life you mean!
1 wireless phone
1 geranium
2 tomatoe plant
8L of ice scream
1 huge bag of mini chocolate bares
fudge sicle
Yes it cost me a fortune but every mother on earth diserve a gift.
And I neede to get out of the house because
I am about to get nuts
not being able to do anything in th egarden because of my back
and the bloody neighbour made me wonder
why will i do all that for if someone like her or th enew neighbour will come an destroy it
fudge sicle
ham and cheese omelette
fruit salad
My sister and my mom are having a ball. They do this challenge like nothing happen in there life. My sister is been struggling for 5 years and my mom she does is like it was nothin
I'm the one struggling.
I even have stomach problem.
So the question is
I have a problem.
bought some bread $5.19
05-06 2013
Today going back on a different style of living
a freakin diet
I have done it before so i decided to go back on it since i cna not move, do any sport because of my back i rather do this before the worst get loose or the hell whatever
Toast, butter, cheese, prosciuto
2 décaf coffee
6 slices of prosciiutto
will see how long I will last with that.
30.62 moulée pour chien
Hey guys I didnt forget you I have been extremly busy but still doing my new life style diet high protein...
will write tomorrow.
Time time time
Ok I got a new dog to protect me. He is 5 months old . I got him Tuesday now he is sick snif snif not good all day yesterday and today.
And previously to that I decided to go back to my old life style diet I m not sure have no time reread me if i told you or not
therefore i had to buy different food and also decided to buy for 2 weeks instead of 1 because I définetely can not do my challenge and both my sister and my mom can so i tought maybe because they are 2 and have more choice... will see will post my bill soon no time really
a poppy in your house with a cat is a lot of planning suddenly the house is a wreck and I am at home believe it or not and I am an avid garderners but again because of my back I can not do much; watch the plant grow but the weed too, terrible so follow me. oh no. its in french but for those who read french
a jardin au quebec pas de chimique under air nation
ok got to go and take care of my pop
$15.25 SAQ
17 may 2013
11.37 euros water cheese chips2.31 chocolat
coffee and a cookie in green park london i think it was aroung 4 pound
had couple of pims
9 pounds
33 pound
very expensive night
met with a friend and this is what it cost
i have to stay alone
9.14 pounds 2 glasses of Pimms
32.04 pound x 1.5. to be with a friend and socialize a little bit too much too much
4 pounds ofr pastry and coffee in London
dinner in calgary at the chinese buffet $19.74
$5 pound coffee pastry breakfast
got really sick
27 of may 2013
i feel really bad to have stop writing it
so im back lost of thing happen in my life in those days
got a dog and he die bought him on the14 he die on the 19
so today im stuck in calgary wnet for breakfast at wendy $7.00
egg bacon toast and coffee
got really sick but i think its last night chinese dinner
feel guilty I didnt continue this challenge so
im back hopefully and will be filling up the blank
26 05 2013
19.74 pounds dinner
4.50 pounds national gallery london
drinks lay over
9.14 pounds
dinner lay over
32.04 pounds
6.75 euros sandwich dublin
coffeee lay over hotel 5.00 pounds
chocolat 2.31
9.20 dollorama
19.91 plantes
64.05 costco
11.13 lunch chez amir
19.06 bonichoix
95.91 plante lorrain
12.63 toronto airport dinner
17-05-2013 dublin
28.00 pounds duty free
6.50 euros ham cheese
2.90 euros coffeee
11.37 lay over snack in room
Some people want to copy me that is fine but its pittifull.
Bread and butter was written last year in 2012
9.71 souper a l aeroport de montreal
29.76 bonichoix
saq 15.25
sac saq .75
61.88 vivaces
36.48 metro
57.48 banc pour jardin
31.78 bonichoix
56.20 metro
12.50 euros girll sandwich roma italie airport
1.80 euros espresso
26.81 metro
10.93 dollorama truc pour cuisine
50.38 gax canadian tire
05-06-2013 05-06 2013
Today going back on a different style of living
a freakin diet
I have done it before so i decided to go back on it since i cna not move, do any sport because of my back i rather do this before the worst get loose or the hell whatever
Toast, butter, cheese, prosciuto
2 décaf coffee
6 slices of prosciiutto
will see how long I will last with tha
369.75 costco tablette galaxy renouvellement de carte paillis pour jardin
15.79 bonichoix
16.06 pepiniere lorrain plante
47.96 costco plantes
144.28 costco
my entire meal in Paris
breakfast and lunch
I wake up in the middle of the afternoon than walk for a good 2-3 hours than i sit down and had a coffee and a pie if I odnt do that I have a huge migraine
I forgot
than I walk some more for ever until the store close especially the book store I could stay there all day at FNAC megga book store in France and the other one that is closing its door shogun furniture store from around the world I dont know why they are closing
Than I go eat since I figure its cheaper to eat out than to eat in I went to this restaurant not too far form my hotel in the 17 arrondissement
I had gratin dauphinois with veal and a pepper sauce
I like to go there because the portion are big and its tasty. A glass of wine and a bottle of perrier water.
Vinotheque carré des ternes
I think it came up to $25.00 euros I forgot
Stuff I bought in Paris
Collectable item from coca-cola couldnt pass beside it. I already started the collection with jean paul gauthier who design 3 bottles
now this is marc Jacob designing the 3 bottles cute!
ok we are starting to play in our garden so i need to buy lgoves any way to garden might as well buy them in Paris. Got some for my mom and my sister
I have a sister who went to work far away norht with the innus of Canada and decided to buy her a book to keep her busy on her rare days off
Cant beat the price of cheese in Europe so cheap its so expensive in Canada
I am addicted to those mini biscoti found in Rome I got some in Paris different color of box but same thing except they are smaller in the box hum!
same compagny smaller tho
your life had never been so full
I got some books for myself too and my mom
one for how to take care of chicken but after reading the book i give up this idea
14.50 euros dublin primark clothing Hum where are my bills ?
JUNE 2013
red pepper
Costco $321.59
renew my card
got myself a galaxy tablet mini because of my back injury i can no longer lift my suitcase and with a lap top in it too much now its ok but my back still hurt like hell have no choice i have to work right
pop corn
tooth paste
$40.00 SAQ
starbuck latté. rice krispies
$23.00 euro x 1.3
19 juin 2013
$24 dollars- tomatoes
chicken drums
sirop d érable
eau pétillante
jus d orange
June 2013
14.00 euros chocolat corné
3.19 pharmacie
7.00 euros ca. venezia
22.66 euros
06-10-2013 23.00 euros dinner lay over
63.51 euros fnac livres
25.48 euros
7.48 café rice krispies before departure
17.21 home depot fleurs
56.20 metro
72.15 plantes
26.38 bourassa
40.00 saq wine
Last written 05-27 may 2013
This challenge started on the 5th of February2013
11.49 la source electric stuff
JULY 2013
July 2013
6.00 euros
7.12 euros crepes
13.00 rhum air canada
4.49 pounds coffee hotel
7.20 pounds dinner at mark and spencers
58.98 bonichoix
8.00 pounds dinner
50.00 gaz
24.85 loblaws
3.49 pounds coffee
7.46 pounds
7.62 sandwich airport montreal
dinner at airport 11.39 montreal
5.10 pounds ham and cheese café lodon
1.65 pounds london café
23.00 loblaws
77.00 pounds primark
41.70 loblaws
27.85 euros dublin chocolat and a sweater souvenirs
27.85 euros dublin
19.60 euros
6.35 euros dublin starbuck danielle ma soeur c était fait piquer par une mouche dangereuse a bobodiolasso
58.71 chip for camera
19.49 world market .com
56.37 costco
4.35 euros
café strabuck palais des congres
18.75 euros galerie gourmandes
17.77 eurs galerie gourmandes pate a pizza
17.40 euros monprix
8.50 euros monoprix
13.90 pharmacie immodium
10.37 euro champion paris
AOUT 2013AUGUST 2013
august 2013
08-31-2013 IGA
tesco 3.46
21.50 clothing bed sheet primark pounds london
11.02 burger toronto airport
47.49 gas intergas
54.32 loblaws
09 august 2013
cocktail gilgamesh 11.60 pounds
24.08 pounds dinner masala zone london
wish I had continue writing it at the beginning of the month we ran out of electricity lost all the food in my fride
i lost electricity for 6 days...
52.69 euros hwiskey ireland
44. 70 loblaws steak couleur pour cheveux rouge a levre
9.15 pizza airport toronto
4.54 starbuck café airport montreal
coffeee 4.00 euros mainz
4.60 café starbuck airpot montreal
27.56 bonichoix
5.15 euros dublin coffeee pastry
53.35 saq
5.65 eau airport
29.88 metro
96.11 IGA pas de date mais bon...
11.15 euros lunch breakfast café
grandmaison electricité 131.45
pagé 98.88 estimée
43.95 loblaws
wall mart ......................................................
49.65 metro
40.39 metro
8.61 starbuck cofé popcorn
25.34 loblaws
saq 19.95
50.79 pounds mw eat london
157.27 costco
19.95 winw
09-03-2013indian cooking book gift to myslef 40.00 pounds london selfridges tasting india marvellous book
2.66 thé airport montreal
19.95 saq
camera 472.93 wall mart
55.76 euros
pretzel aircanada 4.00
25.67 bourassa
42.78 gas
12.98 loto
34é50 bonichoix
5.71 euros
5.71 francfort café et qq chose
8.28 airpot breakfast
20.58 café patisserie
17.95 café starbuck
46.68 costume d halloween
18.90 euros vins
10.32 euros café croissant hotel paris
7.60 euros
5.45 euros paris
19,00 euros paris
13.1o livres a paris fnac
81.57 wall mart bouffe
mangeoire a oiseaux wall martt
39.30 loblaws
4.00 air canada snack
10-24 2013
26.86 euros galerie gourmandes
20.00 euros chez lacombe cocktails paris
37.48 gas petro canada
44.52 metro
43.90 euros
51.61 gas petro canada
52.35 costco food plus bulbes
8.69 costco lunch pizza
26.20 tulipes wall mart
november 2013
51.13 bonichoix
29.58 cruche d eau bonichoix
6.05 tim
73.29 loblaws
11.50 accessoires pour chien
11-11- 2013
22.00 bonichoix
157.20 maxi
11-24-20139.70 pounds london espresso coffee
55.50 gas intergaz
72.27 euros monoprix
59.90 cadeaux de noel
12-04-2013 14.17
183.59 vaccins pour chien
32.60 bébelles pour chien
30.19 euros monop
28.00 euros le franc tireur
21.24 pharmacie
164.62 vaccins pour mon nouveau chien
8.03 agrafeuse pharmacie
5.50 francs suisse
8.00 francs suisse geneve
68.00 francs suisse autobus pour chamonix
25.20 vodka air canda
4.00 pretzel air canada
6.15 caf. dorval
chip pour camera 51.73 aaaa
6.30 euros pain croissant petit dej
102.33 euros gorcerie
44.07 euros grocerie
99.80 euros xmas gifts uniqlo
64.80 euros cadeaux
42.70 pounds cadeaux
25.80 pounds col roulés cadeaux
astilbe intermezzo 14.99
echinacea fatal attraction 19.99
queen o fnight 50 tulipa pink diamonds
6.60 euros formul cinema pop corn paris
28.00 euros le franc tireur
janvier 03 2014
203.78 provigo
What are the 20 items you would put in a survival grocery bag?
The big recession is on it's way, Europe is economically bleeding, America is struggling everyone is keeping their heads up so they don't drown under unpaid bills, African countries are receiving less and less from others, South American countries are corrupt by coca's industry and laundry money, Asian countries are getting more and more populated looking for places to live and food to put on the table and Australia is rising their price higher and higher.
You never know what can hit you these days with the entire world being occupy by 99% of the population one must ask themselves this survival question.
Will I make it to ends meet at the end of the month?
So take five.
Get your pen and write up the 20 most essential items you need in your grocery bag.
Stop. Do it. It only takes a few minutes of your time.
It can reach up to $4.50+tx for a loaf of bread.
How much do you pay for your bread these days in your country?
I mean, for one country the most important item could be beans, another
country it could be bread, for another it’s fish, rice, noodles but someone at
the United Nations need to sit down and say we are all living an economic
crisis here, so let’s figure out a way to freeze the price of those 5 items in
each country so people can still get buy or else the government will need to
provide them those survival items.
For common sense in each country someone should
write up a survival list of 5 items that can no longer go above the minimum
salary per hour of an individual.
Today, I decided to see if it will be cheaper to make my own butter as well. So, I went to the store bought a container of 35% cream of 500ml. for $3.75
with fresh butter it’s even better
a can of peas $1,49
check at the end for my bread and butter recipe
Tuesday the 5th of February 2013
Beginning of the challenge: The 5th of February's 2013
What for:
Let's put it this way at the end of this entire process, I will tell you why o.k.
First week
Challenge of the week:
I was suppose to spend only $40.00 on grocery
I busted my budget of $67.11
Dam! This is very difficult.
I know I should have not bought the grapes, way too much money $9.00
and yes Starbucks coffee was way too much money as well but I can not live without good coffee or else I will be angry all day.
It happens that this week also, I ran out of jam and cheese whiz so this was very expensive.
Friday the 8 of February 2013
I manage to stay home all week because I'm on vacation.
I receive 2 people for dinner and did not go out to purchase some more food.
I still have to go tru the week-end: Saturday and Sunday.
So far so good but it is very hard. My bread that I purchase on Tuesday is already going wrong.(around 8 slices left)
I won't be eating more grapes either even those were very expensive grapes.$9.00 I got cut by the advertisement on the display $3.45 a lb. Thinking it was $3.45 for the bag.
And now, I am so afraid to eat those grapes.
Let me explain.
I'm not sure if its a health issue or not but on Tuesday actually around 4 ish, I decided to eat some grapes after coming back from shoveling.
Anyway, I had a few grapes and afterwards, I started to feel an extreme pain in my chess. I was such in pain and afraid I will die, I grab my phone just in case something really bad would happen to me and than had another sharp heavy pain in the chess again. So, I rush to grab some Benadryl in my purse and I took 2 of them, no joke, I thought I was going to die of a heart attack or something. I was allergic to the grapes suddenly, I did not know what was happening.
I than lay down on the floor in case I would faint, I took a recovery position and waited for the pain to go but it was not going away at all. My chest was crushing. So, I did some yoga breathing and waited.
And it did go away after a while but what can I do. I don't have a doctor so I won't know really for sure what happen to me if it was a heart problem or not.
Do I ?
So, I did not want to eat those grapes again just in case I was suddenly allergic to them. I will give them to my sisters or my mom so they won't go to waist.
What a wake up call.
But then, when I went to my mom on Sunday, it was too late to save the grapes. And I didn't want to drive there just for that. Gas at the pump is too high now. $1.31
Sunday 10 February 2013
By the way, I give the grapes to my mom and my sister and both of them didn't like the taste of those grapes either. Perhaps too much chemical on them, who knows.
We had to throw them out. $9.00 down the drain.
I went to get some more bread mine got rotten.
Bought some bagels because I was going to my mom for lunch.
Bought some peanut with chocolate for sweet craving and of course a new fresh bread.
I have nothing and it cost me
Do I need to say more.
Result: I manage to eat. Ah! Ah! Ah!
Bad thing: Let me put it this way, I was tired of eating Chinese noodle with ground beef and shallots
Bad thing: I am eating too much pasta, noodles and bread. I hate it. I will get fat.
Bad thing: Where were the veggies, not much there.
Bad thing: I forgot to buy popcorn. Very difficult at night nothing to eat for snacks.
Of course this challenge will go on for another week.
Well will see.
We can not forget that I was over budget, that I had some stuff in my pantry before doing this like pasta, cookies...
So, in order for this challenge to be real and effective, I need to go on a little bit longer. But anyway I have no choice.
Why am I doing this ?
Like I said at the beginning, I will tell you all about it at the end but for now on, let's go like this o.k.
So tonight. it's Tuesday,
You, thought I was going to go shopping for grocery again.
I actually went for my mom got in a grocery store got her her 2 bottles of water and got out of there without spending money on extra stuff.
But that is beside the point.
I will not go for grocery shopping this week.
I did say the challenge was $40.00 grocery. So therefore since I busted my budget the first week, I need to go on for another week, actually 2 other weeks like that.
Tuesday 12th of February 2013
I have manage to eat last week aaaah!
Since I have busted my budget the first time of $67.11
I am not aloud to go shopping this week.
Plus on Sunday, I went to the grocery store and spend $ 17.03
So in reality my budget busted 2 times
$67.11 instead of $40.00
17.03 extra spending
Meaning, I am suppose to go on for 2 more weeks without going to the grocery.
So, tonight, I decided to eat rice with my peppers to extend the amount of casseroles I can eat out of that.
I realize on this budget, I will become fat for sure because I eat rice, bread and pasta so much.
Luckily, I have more snow to shovel but this challenge is crazy.
I have no choice.
Do I?
After shoveling, I will start rope jumping. I saw great move on YouTube.
But my biggest problem now will be on Friday, when I go back to work.
I won't be able to manage this at all.
I travel around the world, so I would not keep up with this for sure; really.
I will go to London and eat a peanut butter sandwiches. I don't think so. I will go to Paris this week-end. I will have to stay in my room and eat a baguette but no, I can not spend money on food.
This is actually my biggest problem.
My biggest challenge.
Will see.
I'm the one who give myself a challenge; right!
I did have a nice dinner tonight.
Basmati rice
Grilled peppers, celery and garlic.( I put them in a pan. Coat them with oil sparkles lots of garlic).
A glass of red wine.
15 chocolate peanuts for dessert.
I had 2 servings; oups!
I will have no guess over this week for sure.
Today, I went to my mom's house so I had lunch there.
This challenge is killing me.
My entire life is about food.
Feeding people for work.
Coming home and cook myself a good home meal.
Calling people over for dinner.
Going to my parents to cook them a meal.
My entire life revolve around food.
I spend hours looking at food in groceries around the world.
I love cooking.
I am nothing without food.
Wednesday 13-02-2013
gaz ultramar 56.52
Rice on the menu
I went to do my laundry at my mom today so I got to trade my rice for potatoes ou! ou!
I put a few peppers on and it was alright.
Nice move!
Rice on the menu for tonight. It still tasted good I ad it up some cheese.
Oh gee! I wonder if I have some stuff to do my own chocolate for tomorrow.
Thursday night, I got lucky. My sister invited me over for meatball spaghetti. Yé!
Friday the 15th 2013
Friday I left to go to work. Very difficult situation. I did not buy a coffee at Starbucks but
since I left very early in order to get out of my place because of the snow storm again, I ended up at the airport way to early. My flight was delay. So It was 14:00 did not eat lunch, I had to buy a burger at Burger king.
$ 5.oo something I forgot.
We were delay because of Air force 1. We couldn't land. This made me go all day and when I was waiting for the plane to turn around, I had some almonds from the plane.
We had another delay because Barrack Obama was flying around with his air force one so we couldn't be around his plane. Another delay.
Saturday the 16
The next day, I flew to Paris had breakfast at my mom because we had my aunt from California over for a few days and I bought lunch for my mom and my aunt that came over to my house afterwards to help me with the shoveling. It was too much for me and I had something done to my arms when I pull my safety belt that was stuck in my seat on my other flight when I went to Fort Lauderdale. I thought it was broken but I couldn't do all the shoveling all by myself. I was in too much pain. So, to thank them, I stopped buy at Lou smoke meat and we ordered 2 smoke meat and a french fries to go for the 3 of us. I won't count this because since they came and shovel the snow for a good 2 hours, I think this is part of gratification on my behalf.
Sunday the 17
Sunday, the problem was when I got to Paris. I got to eat on board the plane my dinner skip breakfast but when I was in Paris I had to eat something. I went to the grocery store instead of the restaurant and bought some stuff to make me a ham and cheese sandwich. I got some olives, chips, cookies to go with it and orange juice to drink for lunch and dinner and bought myself a croissant and an almond croissant for the next day for breakfast. I had been walking for a good 3 hours and a half non stop on Les champs Elysee's. It was so cold and my feet hurt so much. I have something wrong with my feet since December I can not really walk. I usually walk 8 hours straight when I am in Paris or London or anywhere else in the world. Now, I'm in too much pain. It feels like I have my 3 toes broken on my left foot. When I am at home, I wear nothing but when I go shoveling the snow I have to go with my inside Hug boots because I'm in too much pain.
When I went to work, I wrap it with a band aid so it didn't move.
I pay $120.00 for a doctors visit and $ 25.00 for the doctor's note to give to my employer but it didn't do anything to solve my problem. I booked off sick for a week. I Was on vacations for 1 month but I need to work now, I need money. I desperately need money.
Pain! Pain! Pain!
I'm glad there is Advil
I take that before I go shoveling for my feet, for my arms and I'm fine and just before I go to work.
Total failure here.
So, what was I saying. My grocery shopping for dinner came up to...
I let you guess here for a minute.
A jar of olive, a container of coffee, a bottle of orange juice, a baguette, a bag of chips, 4 slices of ham, a box of cookies, a pack of cheese, 1 almond croissant, 1 croissant and 4 yogurt black chocolate Danette.
I did buy a very expensive Illy coffee but I figure if I was going to have a coffee it will cost me the same price. So, Sunday, I did not have a coffee on Les champs Elysées, instead, I bought the can to bring back home. And instead of going to the cafe in the morning for coffee, I went to the machine it cost me $2.50. So, with this, I was going to have a ham and cheese sandwich for dinner with olives and chips some cookies and dark chocolate yogurt. In the morning, I had the almonds croissant and later on, at the airport, on the plane, I had the other croissant.
So, I thought, I was saving money.
It came up to 25 euros + 5 croissant + 1.50 coffee+ $31.50 euros something like this. I forgot its Tuesday. $40.97
so for a snack in my room for the entire day in Paris
So lesson here. I thought I would save money by going to the grocery. I was wrong. I should have gone to the restaurant.
I definitely have a problem with food.
I will leave you with these pictures that even tho, I try it wasn't good enough. I saw this on Les champs Elysées, so I will down load my walk so you can see what I saw during my entire day some of it.
The new comers on the streets in Paris have no place to go, no food to eat but they have a cell phone to keep in contact with others or to find a job or a place to live.
And than, you see the other stuff. The luxury items $18,900 euros for this bike.
The rich are getting richer, the poor are getting poorer but the middle class is suddenly disappearing.
Yes, people still can afford to go to Fouquet's and pay $83euros for a table d'hôte.
Between the tourists, the rich Parisians some are struggling big time among all this crowd. You see pick pockets and lots of beggars. But do they see them. I don't think so. They are the ghosts of the society just like old people.
I think I have problems...
I sure can do better.
This little girl doesn't belong on the street begging. She should have parents who care for her. She should be playing with her sisters and brothers.
Where this money will go?
To her pimp to her dad?
They hide in the stairs of Les Champs Elysee's in the metro stairs. I see them all the time but they are more and more now. I did give her some money.
She did teach me a lesson.
I can do better.
20th of February 2013
Ok, Yesterday, I had to go to the store to get some more bread again and some cat food. When I came back, I had the bread and forgot about my cat. He will survive he still have some for today therefore, I have to go out and shovel the freakin snow that felt last night as it cover the ground again with 15cm of snow and tomorrow they say another 30cm of snow again.
But dont worry, my cat will have some food and by the way he his worst than me. He eats half the bite and spit the other one and I discard the other half or I give it to my crow outside. But he will have to live without being spoil no more. He is been miaowing all morning for more food but I told him to eat what is left this time.
Bread $4.95
Very expensive so the only problem is I have to reduce the consumption of bread here.
Try it I have to go now, to shovel some more snow.
Tuesday night,
I went to get some food for my cat and liter
I had soup, rice bowl with grill peppers and some yogurt that I had previously bought in December. I hope I won't be sick but I was still hungry. Will see later it tasted good. The expiring date was the 3rd of January we are the 20th of February but I was starving today. I skipped lunch went shoveling so... had a coffee in the middle of the afternoon with a few chocolate peanuts.
What did I do since I last wrote on this blog post.
I work.
I recall eating a lot of plane food something my stomach can not tolerate but I had no choice.
I bought some Starbucks coffee because i was going to do an all nighter this is the worst you can get for flying. I went to Las Vegas touch down and came back right after. Do you know how long is this flight.
Landed at 8 25 because we were late.
arrive home at 9:25
had breakfast at my mom and got to my house at 10:30
bed time
i slept until 15:30
and went back to work
this time another night flight
I had a coffee on board and ate my peanuts covered with chocolate.
kept me awake all night
we were short crew
had an airplane chicken meal
and got to my room
in the morning around 10:00
woke up at 13:30 had one of my oatmeal that i brought with me
than order room service
it was so cold in London
unbelievable very humid so it was cold
a chicken salad
the worst ever
I forgot how bad it was
i ask for the dressing on the side and it came all mix
i tried it but had to return it it was awful they even put the entire fish not the anchovies
how terrible
they send me a new one but there was hardly anything
had 2 cookies and a tea they usual have this free in our room
the next morning i bought a coffee and 4 mini pastry
my coffee was free because I had a punch in card and got my tenth coffee for free so the pastry came to 3 pound if i remember
not bad had lunch on board and dinner at my mom hardly ate and went to bed
The problem here is not the food
I have a food problem and a clothing problem
And I also needed some stuff that i bought at the duty free eye make up remover, lip stick, this is basic for my job
in London
I bought a pair of shoe I have something to my left feet i can hardly walk so I needed to buy a new pair
large enough so it doesn't hurt me.
I also bought a pair of cotton running shoes so I can go back to dancing or else i will look like a whale pretty soon.
Its not my fault its my foot.
So this and that and 3 t shirt got me spending a lot of money
but should we focus on only one problem or not
I'm not sure any more but i did have a good intention i took for $20.00 dollar change to spend at the store only but i went over board and needed more money
I was suppose to do some exercises while i wait for room service but they came up right away usually i wait 45 minutes
so this is it guys
i m not buying anything today
got to take out some rice that i froze for dinner and had macaroni at my mom for lunch since i had to go do my laundry there because of water problem .
I think i m doing extremely well
Wednesday 27 Th of February 2013
not a good
i had to wake up at 5:00 to go out at 5:30 to avoid traffic my flight was only at 10:30
but I had to be there at 09:20 therefore right in traffic jam i hate it.
when i have early flight i usually eat at the airport unfortunately this can be expensive but try it i just came back form London and had to wake up early
i m fuck to tell you the truth so i need this comfort food when i get to the airport and i hate arriving stress out
i need to be calm and ready to face passengers
got a nice toasted cereal bread and a coffee latté
i can not have Tim Horton chemical coffee yes its cheap but its full of chemical
and the last time i went to the one in Montreal i had tourista and screw my entire time in my first time in Jamaica
so that s why i guess
but since i was so early i went to buy myself another coffee and bought some water i was going to Haiti
1 coffee
1 Fiji water
I know
so I had to eat airplane meal
steak and potatoes full of conservative agent that my body can not stand
I got fed
and on the return I got chicken between 10,000 bells that my colleagues didn't want to answer while I was eating
Thursday the 27 Th of February 2013
My desire to go to the grocery store was quite high but i resisted because of my expensive time spend at the airport
I am cooking some cheese soufflé with tuna, chives, black olives.
I wonder how it will turn out as it requested milk and i only had cream left. will see. I still have some wine in my cellar from Xmas holidays and since it has been snowing like usual i definitely need a glass of wine tonight.
I went to have breakfast at my mom but don't worry i am eating my own bread, my butter but i didn't have coffee to put in my milk and i don't like cream in it.
By the way my soufflé did rise but went down way to fast
very tasty however
better than an omelet
this has been 22 days challenge....hard to do but its on
you will say i m not doing it
but for me
its very hard to do
yes i go over board but you will see i will conquer
if only you knew
334 jours à faire
MARCH 2013
Sunday the 3rd of march 2013
However this being said, I couldn't eat on board much food and bought a ham sandwich at the airport for my day on the plane and on my way home decided to go to the grocery store again.
I paid 2 pound something for the ham sandwich.
but because I had to wake up
jet lag effect
i had to drink a coke
very bad for me
Afterwards, I drank a flat ginger ale for my stomach pain and ate some crackers
felt sick still.
Than later on that day, I had my ham sandwich.
I bought some hamburger meat real Canadian meat, tomatoes, lettuce, a bag of potatoes, grapes, milk and more bread.
How much it cost?
Yes, there is a bag of chip missing in this picture, I left it at my mom's place.
31.31 dans le rouge
When I went to my mom to eat my hamburger, she had order some pizza.
Lucky me!
I guess I should not have gone to the grocery again but because of my food poisoning in London I did.
I wanted to eat something from home without food preservative...
I did not go shopping however. Yes, the magazine was an extra, I should not have bought it.
I am glad I bought some bread. I had 9 slices rotten again with my bread. The brand name
Premiere moisson???
Its good but the bread don't last.
I bought some white bread because I had food poisoning and didn't need other kind of bread.
How to get fat really
This challenge should be call
How to get fat
This is what happen to poor people
I'm in!
You do what you can to extend your meal?
Its hard
Let me tell you
but hey I am getting better
spending less even if it doesn't show here
I know I have improved
now in my grocery shopping or should I say my monthly spending I usually include gas spending
but let's wait another month ok
I'm so happy I can at least work without pain on my foot.
For the running shoes i can not wear them. unfortunately but
One step at a time!
Monday the 4th of march 2013
I have been to many places since I last updated my challenge.
ok I had one day off, spend it shoveling the snow.
What did I ate?
I don't remember.
Afterwards, I went to do a Las Vegas turn around.
Lots of turbulence.
I remember eating at night a chicken wrap.
On my return, I stop by in the morning to have breakfast at my mom and went to bed.
Woke up and had breakfast again to go do my over seas to London
I had the chicken on board and a blueberry muffin.
a walk in the near by neighbourhood.
It was too cold.
I ate in my room again.
I went to buy some food.
lemon hummus
and hummus with garlic
some pita bread and some magazine
A bottle of orange and mango juice.
Arrive in my room
Dance the Zomba for 30 minutes.
Check my mails
And ate
How much do you think I paid?
one magazine
2 hummus
1 guacamole
one juice bottle
some pita bread
Moroccan couscous
Total price for one dinner in London that is also my only meal of the day
11.41 x 1.6 pounds roughly x 2
$ 23 dollars
for a snack in my room for 1 day in London
Well guess what happen?
While, I was eating, I was doing some net surfing and suddenly I was hit by sudden stomach pain. My stomach was bloating but I thought at first it was because I dance too much.
But afterwards, I was hungry, ate some more and had real pain.
10 minutes after, I was in hell
Did finish my hummus and guacamole with 1 slice of pita bread.
Did not finish the couscous.
I got food poisoning for sure.
This was too fast.
Shit! is the case man.
So, I spend a very bad evening and night in London.
I got the chill and was feeling very bad.
Did not have the force to go down to the little grocery on the corner to get some Imodium.
Probably didn't have any and I took my medical kit out of my suitcase for more space.
Yeah bad timing right!
There even is a private hospital in front of the hotel but it's funny it looks close at night.
There is another hospital behind but what I got needed special attention and a close by washroom.
The next morning, I was so so tired and exhausted.
Did not have coffee.
Had a few sip of hot chocolate only 1 pound
and 1 mini pastry 1.00
Anyway, now I feel ok.
But that day i went shopping for more food for my grocery to bring back home.
Unfortunately due to the circumstances, I had to throw everything from my previous dinner.
Didn't want to do anything with it.
But here what I brought back from England.
I was thinking for my 4 days off, to have a tuna casserole, tuna salad, Caesar salad and I had this lemon pie.
Guess how much?
$21.58 x 1.6=
I had all the good intention to eat well on my 4 days off.
I have to add this up to my grocery done on Sunday
Sunday the 3rd of march 2013
However this being said, I couldn't eat on board much food and bought a ham sandwich at the airport for my day on the plane and on my way home decided to go to the grocery store again.
I paid 2 pound something for the ham sandwich.
but because I had to wake up
jet lag effect
i had to drink a coke
very bad for me
Afterwards, I drank a flat ginger ale for my stomach pain and ate some crackers
felt sick still.
Than later on that day, I had my ham sandwich.
I bought some hamburger meat real Canadian meat, tomatoes, lettuce, a bag of potatoes, grapes, milk and more bread.
How much it cost?
Yes, there is a bag of chip missing in this picture, I left it at my mom's place.
31.31 dans le rouge
When I went to my mom to eat my hamburger, she had order some pizza.
Lucky me!
I guess I should not have gone to the grocery again but because of my food poisoning in London I did.
I wanted to eat something from home without food preservative...
I did not go shopping however. Yes, the magazine was an extra, I should not have bought it.
I am glad I bought some bread. I had 9 slices rotten again with my bread. The brand name
Premiere moisson???
Its good but the bread don't last.
I bought some white bread because I had food poisoning and didn't need other kind of bread.
How to get fat really
This challenge should be call
How to get fat
This is what happen to poor people
I'm in!
You do what you can to extend your meal?
Its hard
Let me tell you
but hey I am getting better
spending less even if it doesn't show here
I know I have improved
now in my grocery shopping or should I say my monthly spending I usually include gas spending
but let's wait another month ok
I'm so happy I can at least work without pain on my foot.
For the running shoes i can not wear them. unfortunately but
One step at a time!
Tuesday the fith of march 2013
march 15 th 2013
I'm hungry. Perhaps it is because its still snowing out side. I don't know.
But anyway did not go to the store so far.
for lunch i had a chicken and rice soup i made form scratch from left over of my chicken
had a Caesar salad tonight with a soup.
march 7 th 2013
I finally had Tesco say they will check out the items
I was just doing this so no one would be in pain like i was
Unfortunately today when i had time to write on this blog, I try to copy paste the last answer but of cousre my little action on facebook was deleted
so lets get back on what i hate
this week
home made tuna paté with a green salad yé!
had burger meat with oinions
ptuna paté
burger meat with oinions and nice home made tomaote sauce i idd with my tomatoes
this last one was delicious
my family went to cabane a sucre
i stayed away form this family gathering so i would pig out or pay a huge bill of 20,00
sad to see that i have to stay away in order not to spend or cheat
i went ounce to my mom for breakfast brought my own and we had lunch together we had salmon with lettuce
i have been starting to dance a little can not fix my ghetto blaster but with my computer i can hear the music
20 minutes a day
but i still have somehting on my foot and its getting bigger
i will definetely need a suregery for this
but again
no doctor to help me
and the last time i paid $120 for an incompetent doctor plus $20 or 25 $ for a note for my company
suffering it i
i am just adjusting to it
larger shoes
dancing with one foot with no shoe
potatoes don't make you loose weight
I'm not spending money
i stay home creating lillle comic for nobody actually but it makes me feel good
that whats count and often i realise time as pass by and its time to eat! again!
pathetic life actually but do we have a choice now
life has become like a round about it goes around and you cant get out of it you just wait for a chance to go a little further
one step further to what actually
not much
so this is why little challenges in my life are very good for me.
we are almost throu the end of the week
not bad
08 mars 2013 Friday
Going to work
I had to eat at the airport.
Very bad time here.
I have to leave at 4 in order to avoid the traffic form the skiers hitting the slopes therefore i arrive at the airport i am starving
or you eat airport food or you eat airplane food
went to burger king
had a chicken burger and a glass of water.
arrive in Fort Lauderdale and went to bed
Yes I went to the beach
4 hours well worth it after all that fucking snow
we have one new crew member with us
But in Fort Lauder dale I stayed all by myself
A bit stressful
No one the next day was coming with me at the airport.
So the next morning I woke up early and push the curtains
oh no
not a sunny day at all
got dress pants and shirt instead of a bikini and went on the beach
line up at the coffee shop in the lobby so went for my walk
cloudy but nice
all alone on the beach practically except avid joggers, walkers and healthy people.
2hours late came back got myself a star buck cafe latte and an egg and bacon English muffin
so went back out
lunch time
had a pizza at the airport wanted to bring yogurt and fruits but what if the security wont let me go with it
so instead of
i had a pizza at sbarro
work with not 1 but 4 new crew members
what a flight
they were nice and new
you have got to start somewhere
So rush to do my other flight
because we left late form Fort LAuderdale the girls were not helping the passengers...very fast so...we got a delay I had to run for my other flight
got there and realize it was the wrong time i had time to grab a bite to eat
pick up a box of sushi to go eat fast go go go
while i was eating a flight attendant came by and told the other crew member how she was sick on sushi
nice hen!
I wanted to treat my self and now my sushi was up to my throat
and realise after that this was not a good idea after only one week having to go thru food poisoning
it got me thinking that we do get a lot of those
even the other guy went on telling how he was....
oh well!
Don't let us go starting on food poisoning stories I guess crew members have a lot to say on this matter...
So Today went to my mom to show her some nice picture of Fort Laudable the beach....and since it is going to rain
went for grocery
rain on snow not to good
went to do the grocery earlier oh shit
I hope it will last
I wanted to go to Metro because I wanted good meat
I bought a full chicken will do a lot with this hopefully but $12.00
is expensive.... but there were some at 22.00 Hey I'm getting closer and closer people
I was good and than again bust it my budget. So can you imagine how the president of united states can manage to stay focus on an enormous budget. Fat chance!
yes you get fat or you starve one or the other
so i did buy a not too bad grocery but
went over budget of
I need light bulb, a dish cleaner and bought one for my mom she doesn t have one
bought myself some popcorn even tho i brought back the bags of chip i left at my mom and bought some sprite zero
i have some at home but its full sugar
go figure
worry about drinking sugar soft drinks but who care if i eat chips right!
March the 10th 2013
march 15 th 2013
I'm hungry. Perhaps it is because its still snowing out side. I don't know.
But anyway did not go to the store so far.
for lunch i had a chicken and rice soup i made form scratch from left over of my chicken
had a Caesar salad tonight with a soup.
March 22
Woa! gone for a long time I guess!
So this explain maybe my big grocery yesterday.
+ $70.00 for cream
+15.99 for cream
at the drug store for sun tan lotion cream and after sun cream Vichy I am flying to Fort Lauderdale these days and Cancun and when i went to Cancun the cream was $41.00 u.s. so i went to the sun without cream and guess what i burn so bad and than left 2 days after for FLL bought some cream there but there was not enough protection, i went to the sun 1 hour and of course needed to buy some stuff for my color.
Im in the red
That is not counting what I spend over there to
Calgary breakfast at Tim Horton made me sick right away 20 minutes gone baby gone it must be in the coffee
so far for going to a cheap place
in Cancun I follow my crew
for a dinner
for breakfast the next day,
I got a coffee ham and cheese sandwich and some pastry for the grand total of
not bad I usually don't follow the crew but this time it was good
better than the last time, I was there eating raw meat.
Right away left for another 2 days
so because I leave during odd time, too early for dinner...and than too late to eat.
I end up having chicken burger at burger king fries and root beer
very bad but I had to shovel the snow again for god sake
arrive in a huge fucking snow storm left in a snow storm
And oh yes
My breakfast in Fort lauderdale cost me around
$8.00 something ...
bagel and peanut butter and a coffee latte at the hotel
My lunch on the other hand cost me
$16.00 including
$2.00 tip but I must say I had an ocean view and a great lemonade the meal in itself was deceiving pop shrimp were rare I kept the baguette for my dinner on the plane hoping to open up my tuna can but it got stuck could not open it,
so i had to eat a plain baguette.
I have to tell you, I carried my lunch for the first 3 days but was not lucky, I had put it in the fridge and my crackers were all wet, I bought my celery and my carrots but for FLL going to united states its always a problem with food, and I didn't take any chance.
Bought some ground veal that was $3.00 less per kilo than ground beef $9.00
2 bags of peppers
toast Melba
2 bags of frozen fruits
2 bags of fresh mint and cilantro
2 cans of beans
1 bread
3 lemons
a bag of lime
strawberry jam
nice piece of fish
chocolate almonds
bouteille de club soda
and guess what I don't have coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
breakfast in Cancun
lunch + dinner in Fort lauderdale
so far walk to get there to feel good and exercise all there was, was big fat stuff
the baguette was not necessary so ask for a doggy bag
flying in the sun have no choice and because I did not want to pay $40.00 now my sun allergy is very severe
hair color I have to but if you look under because I bought all this,
I got a bag to go to the beach oh well.
its a bit cheap but will be perfect to carry my beach stuff
I took 3 pictures to see it better but i definitely had a big grocery
So bottom line i am busted for sure but realise because i eat so bad on the road, i end up coming back from my flights and right away the next day going to the grocery to get some fresh stuff and have a nice dinner.
this is my big problem solving.
this is what I wanted to drink when i came back from my hell of pairing
a nice fresh, cool drink
what is wrong with 5 stars hotel they serve you already made mix drink i could not have a decent mochito unbelievable and so therefore all i wanted to do when i got home is to make
make myself a good drink.
Bought some fresh mint, frozen strawberries and peach squeeze 1 lemon and 3 lime add up some soda crush the mint this was great not after a day of sun but
5 days of straight work
2 snow storm and shoveling my parking lot before coming home for 3 days off
so definitely in the red this time
so difficult to stay focus man
And you didn't see my gas bill to go to work these days it's awful
23 mars
24 mars
25 march 2013
bagel and peanut butter
star buck coffee
had a big lunch at the hotel was dying to eat there guacamole and salsa with a lemonade
$16.95...expensive you say but healthy right ?
was it wort it
had my tuna can mix it with mayonnaise
had some cheese and cracker on the plane because i forgot my entire lunch on board and could not return to get it i had carried with me my celery and carrots and cheese and crackers
very expensive lost here...
26 march 2013
had cafe. latte. Starbucks
eggs and bacon
do we see something wrong here
yes i am addicted to cafe latte from Starbucks when i work
did not have lunch
when i got home had some popcorn for dinner some cheese and crackers
was not hungry
morning went to moms place fantastic!
lunch time my sister made us some nice ham and cheese open face sandwich with mix peppers fantastic!
dinner stop at the airport st-Hubert BBQ
had a Thai salad and a diet coke
$16.95? fucking expensive to eat something else than burger.
fuck that
27 march 2013
Starbucks coffee
went for a 2 hours walk
went for breakfast
$6.99 + tax
no lunch
had cookie
and earl grey at the hotel around 4
i think it was 4.99 i have to check the bill
eat on the plane
28 march 2013
Of course I will never do my challenge if there is always something to celebrate
4 chocolate
2 chocolate
2 breads
1 quiche
4 croissants
another grocery at Costco
maple syrup
toilet paper a bottle of wine
some tulip flowers
do you know how much i blow it
well that it its not even a month
I have to find out how much it was
I even work on Easter
OK it has been a long time i wrote here 28 of march 2013 now we are the
29 of march
30 of march was in Fort lauderdale
31 of march 2013
I have been to many places since I last updated my challenge.
ok I had one day off, spend it shoveling the snow.
What did I ate?
I don't remember.
Afterwards, I went to do a Las Vegas turn around.
Lots of turbulence.
I remember eating at night a chicken wrap.
On my return, I stop by in the morning to have breakfast at my mom and went to bed.
Woke up and had breakfast again to go do my over seas to London
I had the chicken on board and a blueberry muffin.
The next day in London
Saturday the second of march 2013
Woke up around 14:00
Went for a walk in the near by neighbourhood.
It was too cold.
I ate in my room again.
I went to buy some food.
lemon hummus
and hummus with garlic
some pita bread and some magazine
A bottle of orange and mango juice.
Arrive in my room
Dance the Zomba for 30 minutes.
Check my mails
And ate
How much do you think I paid?
one magazine
2 hummus
1 guacamole
one juice bottle
some pita bread
Moroccan couscous
Total price for one dinner in London that is also my only meal of the day
11.41 x 1.6 pounds roughly x 2
$ 23 dollars
for a snack in my room for 1 day in London
Well guess what happen?
While, I was eating, I was doing some net surfing and suddenly I was hit by sudden stomach pain. My stomach was bloating but I thought at first it was because I dance too much.
But afterwards, I was hungry, ate some more and had real pain.
10 minutes after, I was in hell
Did finish my hummus and guacamole with 1 slice of pita bread.
Did not finish the couscous.
I got food poisoning for sure.
This was too fast.
Shit! is the case man.
So, I spend a very bad evening and night in London.
I got the chill and was feeling very bad.
Did not have the force to go down to the little grocery on the corner to get some Imodium.
Probably didn't have any and I took my medical kit out of my suitcase for more space.
Yeah bad timing right!
There even is a private hospital in front of the hotel but it's funny it looks close at night.
There is another hospital behind but what I got needed special attention and a close by washroom.
The next morning, I was so so tired and exhausted.
Did not have coffee.
Had a few sip of hot chocolate only 1 pound
and 1 mini pastry 1.00
Anyway, now I feel ok.
But that day i went shopping for more food for my grocery to bring back home.
Unfortunately due to the circumstances, I had to throw everything from my previous dinner.
Didn't want to do anything with it.
But here what I brought back from England.
I was thinking for my 4 days off, to have a tuna casserole, tuna salad, Caesar salad and I had this lemon pie.
Guess how much?
$21.58 x 1.6=
I had all the good intention to eat well on my 4 days off.
I have to add this up to my grocery done on Sunday
Sunday the 3rd of march 2013
However this being said, I couldn't eat on board much food and bought a ham sandwich at the airport for my day on the plane and on my way home decided to go to the grocery store again.
I paid 2 pound something for the ham sandwich.
but because I had to wake up
jet lag effect
i had to drink a coke
very bad for me
Afterwards, I drank a flat ginger ale for my stomach pain and ate some crackers
felt sick still.
Than later on that day, I had my ham sandwich.
I bought some hamburger meat real Canadian meat, tomatoes, lettuce, a bag of potatoes, grapes, milk and more bread.
How much it cost?
Yes, there is a bag of chip missing in this picture, I left it at my mom's place.
31.31 dans le rouge
When I went to my mom to eat my hamburger, she had order some pizza.
Lucky me!
I guess I should not have gone to the grocery again but because of my food poisoning in London I did.
I wanted to eat something from home without food preservative...
I did not go shopping however. Yes, the magazine was an extra, I should not have bought it.
I am glad I bought some bread. I had 9 slices rotten again with my bread. The brand name
Premiere moisson???
Its good but the bread don't last.
I bought some white bread because I had food poisoning and didn't need other kind of bread.
How to get fat really
This challenge should be call
How to get fat
This is what happen to poor people
I'm in!
You do what you can to extend your meal?
Its hard
Let me tell you
but hey I am getting better
spending less even if it doesn't show here
I know I have improved
now in my grocery shopping or should I say my monthly spending I usually include gas spending
but let's wait another month ok
I'm so happy I can at least work without pain on my foot.
For the running shoes i can not wear them. unfortunately but
One step at a time!
1st of April
02 of April
I went to Italy I don't think I spend anything that day at the store
03 of April 2013
I arrive in London we had 4 hours to spear so I bought myself a glass of champagne
$8.00 pounds 2 tip
$20.00 a glass of champagne
the view of Terminal 5 in London
went to Italy
Landing is imminent
Beautiful day
By the time we got there it was 16:00 oclock in the afternoon not much to do but I enjoyed every minute of it. Walk for about 4 hours and a half non stop.
tip the driver
1 euro
it was too late to sleep we could have woke up in the middle of the night there so I opted to skip one night to have at least a good one. I had completely miss one night of sleep
so we went out and walk....
on a gelato
for dinner it cost me
$17.99 euro with the tip 2 eurosx 1.4.
$28.00 approx.
but than i had to pay for my colleague she reimburse my but not the tip so we had to add up 2 euros here
i just love this 2 years ago when i was in Rome i discover this fiora di zucchini
its delicious but in the restaurant we end up in there was only one piece for $3.50 euro
sad very sad but we were extremely tired and it was late didn't want to eat much either and order some more but anyway it was goooooood
simple Penni arrabiata i was on a budget no joke it doesn'tt show but i would have gone from nice veal Marsala parmigiana i wanted but there wasn't any Marsala with lemon would have been perfect but i was unbelievably as it sound on a budget went for pasta
see it makes no sense what i my saying but when you are in Rome and you don't intend to eat might as well kill yourself right
this was delicious with a decaf coffee form and espresso real machine
it came to i forgot
$ 3.50 euro x 1.4.
i need to check that one not sure
yes its call cicerone form Sicily Italy
nice pastry fresh and perfect close to my hotel
1 euro for the driver again in the morning
54.18 gas
4 th of april
in the morning, I woke up really early to go to do my Italian grocery and went for breakfast there what a joke
cappuccino and a croissant
1.80 euro
went for grocery
$56 euros
3 cans of illy coffee
1 bottle of barolo wine
lasagna freshly made pasta
spinach tortellini freshly made pasta
went to the airport the plane was not ready
went to grab a sandwich for lunch
buffalino sandwich
$4.99 euros
and grab 2 box of biscotti mini
$3.95 euro x 2 =7.90
That cheese at home would have been at least $30.00
the coffee I paid at home would have been $14.99
I hope there are more people giving them money today.
funny enough you see the shadow of cardinal's in the Vatican looking up the windows and a couple of feet away form them these people are asking for help.
There is something wrong here. I shouldn't be seeing this here the place where God is suppose to help the poor and the sick...
There are poor people in Italy in worst situation than me. Some are starving. And some are starving and are injured as well. Take care of them.
I should do better than just pretend I am doing a challenge. I should be doing the challenge. It is so
hard tho to change a bad habit to a better one.
The fifth of April 2013
and bought a huge bag of Italian tomatoes to do my tomatoes sauce
bought some cream
and some Basil
yes i know its crazy but i went to the grocery store to get more food after my big grocery in Italy
My mom doesn't want to come on a trip with me, so I try as best as possible to redo my dinner and invite her over to have a sens of the trip i went to and at the same time we talk about the place and we look at the pictures
yes it turn out to be an expensive dinner but we were 3 and i deserve a night out
i did at home with my mom and my sister.
so I did my home made tomatoes sauce with real Italian tomatoes oil butter salt and pepper and did a lasagna with grill peppers and garlic
Remember I bought those before so didn't want them to go to waist this was so good.
my Italian inspiration was perfecto.
This was going with spinach tortellini with 3 cheese creamy sauce and fresh Basil.
Mamamia it was so good!
This time, in a very long time, I cook with passion.
Fuck the budget!Couldn't care less!
but look at the result...
Nothing better than sharing a meal with someone.
My mom and my sister were invited.
Notice no dessert here because of the budget and i completely forgot my gelato went I went to the grocery store.
So we had those lovely biscotti with decaf coffee work wonders after this huge meal.
6 6 th of April 2013
My mom and my sister, believe it or not came back for lunch at my house to eat the same exact thing (wine excluded (its not legal to drink before a departure)
They wanted to eat the same exact thing can you imagine how good it was
we are all on a budget really and a good meal tasty like mine is wort any detour or come back
I am a chef after all!
I bought myself a cafe latte and a cookie ate on board some buttered chicken left over from business class
7 th of April 2013
went for breakfast at H2O lox and bagel cappuccino
ya right
cappuccino it was empty
the waitress tells me its like that cappuccino is with foam
ya right girl i just came back form Italy, I know what a cappuccino looks like and taste like
this is a rip off girl.
for lox and bagel meaning I paid
for your freakin coffee.
I'm the looser but I wanted real coffee and real jam on my toast
Americans don't know to serve breakfast with taste and real coffee
ok you go to cheap place but have you ever tasted there coffee and the sleazy jam in a plastic container
Tasteless, no I can not stand this in the morning
I need something good
i went to those places enough
i need a great breakfast
but again I got fuck in America
yesterday was in Fort lauderdale went grocery shopping for
grapefruit 2 huge bag(7) 2x$|3.99. each
bought some coffee filter and
3t-shirt for souvenir 3x $9.99 each
( by the way none of the tshirt fit too small are we are too big...
lunch, I bought myself some water melon squares.
ate on board dinner chicken in butter sauce left over from the business class meal
same thing what can I say.
This is pretty much it, I know I feel bad but I got this opportunity to go to Rome Italy. I can not pass by and not grab the best of Italy.
And like I said we are not including my expenses spend over seas as this are included in my work expenses. I am paid to eat there.
3 times a day
and to get by we need to skip a few meals
this is not good
and it fuck our stomach trust me
08 th of April 2013
Woke up a bit late around 8:30 ish and not sure what I did exactly but ended it up at my mom And both my sister and my mom show me there bill. They have decided to enter my $40.00 bread and butter challenge.
My sister has been doing less than this so she tells me its easy for her.
Oh! well.
And my mom is also on a tight budget. You should see what the government give to the elders people. Its awful.
So all together we can perhaps support each other in doing what it takes to survive these days.
I went to the grocery
apple sauce green onions
09 Th of April 2013
I went shopping with my mom so we ended it up at Maxi and bought my grocery there
I got 2 chickens
grand total:
25.91 in the red again
its more than that USA grocery
Its very bad I am getting worst with all the willingness of my part.
Worst here
I had to buy water to fush the toilet.
I have very little water in the house barely have some to fill up a glass of water and drink a cup of coffee and fill up the toilet bowl and this time i must have been tired and forgot i was not in a hotel room and did not fill up the bowl right away with the water from the shower to balance the round ball in the back container and the water got lost. So I had to go and buy a water tank and had to pay for a deposit too for the bottle because all of the other tank i have are outside stuck in the snow.
Its hard to explain all this but even at my moms place the water is not good anymore. Its orange. She also need to get some water now. So she had to buy a container too.
breakfast at my house
lunch at my moms house we had ground beef with mushroom and some tea with left over Easter chocolate.
dinner I cook my chicken and I did some hummus with the chick pea i had bought before
and a green no dressing salad.
a biscoti with tea.
10 th of April 2013
maxi 33.34
yesterday morning I had breakfast at my house
I went for lunch at my moms house
We had dinner at my house
chicken Caesar salad wine
apple sauce for dessert and a tiny biscotti with tea
lovely meal
11 of April 2013
Ok too much spending I realize. And like my sister said I have to include my meal when I go to work as well.
I don't know if I tell you that but my mom and my sister decided to join my challenge.
This perhaps will encourage me to continue.
And I have to include my lay over in my challenge.
12 avril 2013
Aujourd'hui j'ai dû acheter du lait.
13 avril 2013
14 avril 2013
15 avril 2013
16 avril 2013
order a salad iark not fresh at dennys hotel restaurant and had a tuna can
i think the salad was $5.00 $1.00 tip
17 avril 2013
Tuna in a can and melba toast
18 avril 2013
dinner on board the plane
19 avril 2013
my entire meal in Paris
breakfast and lunch
I forgot
than I walk some more for ever until the store close especially the book store I could stay there all day at FNAC megga book store in France and the other one that is closing its door shogun furniture store from around the world I dont know why they are closing
Than I go eat since I figure its cheaper to eat out than to eat in I went to this restaurant not too far form my hotel in the 17 arrondissement
I had gratin dauphinois with veal and a pepper sauce
I like to go there because the portion are big and its tasty. A glass of wine and a bottle of perrier water.
Vinotheque carré des ternes
I think it came up to $25.00 euros I forgot
Stuff I bought in Paris
Collectable item from coca-cola couldnt pass beside it. I already started the collection with jean paul gauthier who design 3 bottles
now this is marc Jacob designing the 3 bottles cute!
ok we are starting to play in our garden so i need to buy lgoves any way to garden might as well buy them in Paris. Got some for my mom and my sister
I have a sister who went to work far away norht with the innus of Canada and decided to buy her a book to keep her busy on her rare days off
Cant beat the price of cheese in Europe so cheap its so expensive in Canada
I am addicted to those mini biscoti found in Rome I got some in Paris different color of box but same thing except they are smaller in the box hum!
same compagny smaller tho
no comments
it says in the bag
your life had never been so full
I got some books for myself too and my mom
one for how to take care of chicken but after reading the book i give up this idea
Hum where is my bill ?
19 avril 2013
20 avril 2013
had thai chicken use my second chicken
My sister and my mom came for dinner.
21 avril 2103
eggs and toast
lunch ?
we had smoke salmon today I bought this in january so i have to eat it i had stuck up for xmas so my sister and my mom came
dinner had left over thai dinner soup so delicious
22 avril 2013
toast and cheeze whiz
went to my moms place for lunch steak and mash they even have dessert
I really dont know how they pull that one off
I have to check their bill
Journée de hot dog
Bottom line I am back to square one
I am spending again
If I am writing about it
I must have a problem right
but by doing this, it keeps me focus when I get over board
its all in the process...right!
Today I went to buy some stuff for hot dogs just because I felt like having a hot dog for dinner but I went to get some stuff for the cat liter therefore went to Loblaws.
Oh well if my challenge doesnt work It could serve as a documentary on how people eat in 2013 in Québec Canada. There you go! Well one individual.
23 avril 2013
my mom and my sister came for souvlaki
i had bought the pork
marinated it with lemon juice oregano
did some whole wheat pita bread not a success with my sister
we had tzaziki
black olive I bought around chirstmas in a huge jar.
and I grilled some red peppers.
24 avril 2013
had some bagel and whip some goat cheese i had since january oinions and a piece of whole wheat pita bread
25 avril 2013
went to the hospital all day
so I bought an egg sandwich a coffee and a bag of chip
bought a coffee and a cookie
After 5 hours and a hlaf at the emergency to see a doctor I had to go to hte drug store and get some medication and I needed some bread and milk and I ended up with banana pop corn orange juice and water melon
Discusting the water melon i had to throught it out first it sys no seed it was full of seeds and it tasted awful saggy iark iark iark
had some spanish rice for dinner that I unfroze before I left.
Result I do have a severe back sprain injury i did on board the aircraft while working I thought it will go while i sit at home doing practicaly nothing but nup....
26 avril 2013
went and bought some bagels to eat with my smoke salmon i bought in january for a special occasion before I started this challenge. It can not go to waist.
Went to Costco because my sister needed to go so I bought some
toilet paper, $19.99
ham $9.99
prosciutto $7.89
huile d olive $11.99
where the hell do you want me to go with this all week
im sick of this challenge
im stuck at home now its not my foot its my back
i cant do fuck all
i cant even go in my garden my back hurt so much
im sick of this
1 month of doing nothing
ok have you see a pattern here
how many times i went to the grocery store
for what
because nothign work as plan
Im fustrated not to be able to go play in my garden
the freaking pill the doctor give my is to kill a horse
im not taking that either
I can not go to the physiotherapist
I have no money
my insurance wont pay right away and im not putting the money up fornt
I have none
I want dto go see my sister up north quebec
$1,000 for an airline ticket
there are no road up ther
nothing work
my neighour the one that doesnt want to share the water of the well is doing somehting on his hous e
I wonder if he sold the house if he did
I will never get water
nothing work
8.55 bagel
cream cheese boni choix
27 avril 2013
28 avril 2013
steak haché........................................................$5.63
ham and cheese
chips spaghetti and a coke
29 avril 2013
ok this morning went to my mom to do the laundry and wash my hair
had breakfast there
egg toast coffee and a banana
left over spaghetti
celery soup and apple sauce
defrost coconut soup and some gournd beef
not so good defrost coconut soup never again
30 avril 2013
I will do a grand total of my 3 months here
MAY 2013
premier may 2013
extreme bad day
went to the liquor stor ebought myself a bottle of red wine
to go with my mac and cheese
my mom and my nephew came over
bough some bread ran out
morning breakfast
the bread was disgusting i will return it fuck $4.95
it taste like yeast
left over pasta
$144.28 tomaoe plant
flowers for my mother
Life is difficult extremely difficult
hot dog
left over chewy steak i unfroze with some red pepper
fruit salad
I went shopping again to ge tmy frustraiton out so because of my neighbours and new hell neighbours
so I went to winners they were under construciton how cna you shop like this
so i went to costco decided to ge tmy moms mother s present earlier
I got her a wireless phone at home so she can go outside and play in th egarden while waiting for important calls like mine I was tired to picture her getting up the sofa each time i call
I got her nice 2 tomatoes plant since i dont hvae water to water them i wont be doing a garden anymore
and I got some ice cream, fudge sicle and chocolate bar
well guess what
I have to return the chocolate bar because the chocolate form oh henri was rotten
but I wont return this on week-end man! not my week not my life you mean!
1 wireless phone
1 geranium
2 tomatoe plant
8L of ice scream
1 huge bag of mini chocolate bares
fudge sicle
Yes it cost me a fortune but every mother on earth diserve a gift.
And I neede to get out of the house because
I am about to get nuts
not being able to do anything in th egarden because of my back
and the bloody neighbour made me wonder
why will i do all that for if someone like her or th enew neighbour will come an destroy it
fudge sicle
ham and cheese omelette
fruit salad
My sister and my mom are having a ball. They do this challenge like nothing happen in there life. My sister is been struggling for 5 years and my mom she does is like it was nothin
I'm the one struggling.
I even have stomach problem.
So the question is
I have a problem.
bought some bread $5.19
05-06 2013
Today going back on a different style of living
a freakin diet
I have done it before so i decided to go back on it since i cna not move, do any sport because of my back i rather do this before the worst get loose or the hell whatever
Toast, butter, cheese, prosciuto
2 décaf coffee
6 slices of prosciiutto
will see how long I will last with that.
30.62 moulée pour chien
Hey guys I didnt forget you I have been extremly busy but still doing my new life style diet high protein...
will write tomorrow.
Time time time
Ok I got a new dog to protect me. He is 5 months old . I got him Tuesday now he is sick snif snif not good all day yesterday and today.
And previously to that I decided to go back to my old life style diet I m not sure have no time reread me if i told you or not
therefore i had to buy different food and also decided to buy for 2 weeks instead of 1 because I définetely can not do my challenge and both my sister and my mom can so i tought maybe because they are 2 and have more choice... will see will post my bill soon no time really
a poppy in your house with a cat is a lot of planning suddenly the house is a wreck and I am at home believe it or not and I am an avid garderners but again because of my back I can not do much; watch the plant grow but the weed too, terrible so follow me. oh no. its in french but for those who read french
a jardin au quebec pas de chimique under air nation
ok got to go and take care of my pop
$15.25 SAQ
17 may 2013
11.37 euros water cheese chips2.31 chocolat
coffee and a cookie in green park london i think it was aroung 4 pound
had couple of pims
9 pounds
33 pound
very expensive night
met with a friend and this is what it cost
i have to stay alone
9.14 pounds 2 glasses of Pimms
32.04 pound x 1.5. to be with a friend and socialize a little bit too much too much
4 pounds ofr pastry and coffee in London
dinner in calgary at the chinese buffet $19.74
$5 pound coffee pastry breakfast
got really sick
27 of may 2013
i feel really bad to have stop writing it
so im back lost of thing happen in my life in those days
got a dog and he die bought him on the14 he die on the 19
so today im stuck in calgary wnet for breakfast at wendy $7.00
egg bacon toast and coffee
got really sick but i think its last night chinese dinner
feel guilty I didnt continue this challenge so
im back hopefully and will be filling up the blank
26 05 2013
19.74 pounds dinner
4.50 pounds national gallery london
drinks lay over
9.14 pounds
dinner lay over
32.04 pounds
6.75 euros sandwich dublin
coffeee lay over hotel 5.00 pounds
chocolat 2.31
9.20 dollorama
19.91 plantes
64.05 costco
11.13 lunch chez amir
19.06 bonichoix
95.91 plante lorrain
12.63 toronto airport dinner
17-05-2013 dublin
28.00 pounds duty free
6.50 euros ham cheese
2.90 euros coffeee
11.37 lay over snack in room
Some people want to copy me that is fine but its pittifull.
Bread and butter was written last year in 2012
9.71 souper a l aeroport de montreal
29.76 bonichoix
saq 15.25
sac saq .75
61.88 vivaces
36.48 metro
57.48 banc pour jardin
31.78 bonichoix
56.20 metro
12.50 euros girll sandwich roma italie airport
1.80 euros espresso
26.81 metro
10.93 dollorama truc pour cuisine
50.38 gax canadian tire
05-06-2013 05-06 2013
Today going back on a different style of living
a freakin diet
I have done it before so i decided to go back on it since i cna not move, do any sport because of my back i rather do this before the worst get loose or the hell whatever
Toast, butter, cheese, prosciuto
2 décaf coffee
6 slices of prosciiutto
will see how long I will last with tha
369.75 costco tablette galaxy renouvellement de carte paillis pour jardin
15.79 bonichoix
16.06 pepiniere lorrain plante
47.96 costco plantes
144.28 costco
my entire meal in Paris
breakfast and lunch
I forgot
than I walk some more for ever until the store close especially the book store I could stay there all day at FNAC megga book store in France and the other one that is closing its door shogun furniture store from around the world I dont know why they are closing
Than I go eat since I figure its cheaper to eat out than to eat in I went to this restaurant not too far form my hotel in the 17 arrondissement
I had gratin dauphinois with veal and a pepper sauce
I like to go there because the portion are big and its tasty. A glass of wine and a bottle of perrier water.
Vinotheque carré des ternes
I think it came up to $25.00 euros I forgot
Stuff I bought in Paris
Collectable item from coca-cola couldnt pass beside it. I already started the collection with jean paul gauthier who design 3 bottles
now this is marc Jacob designing the 3 bottles cute!
ok we are starting to play in our garden so i need to buy lgoves any way to garden might as well buy them in Paris. Got some for my mom and my sister
I have a sister who went to work far away norht with the innus of Canada and decided to buy her a book to keep her busy on her rare days off
Cant beat the price of cheese in Europe so cheap its so expensive in Canada
I am addicted to those mini biscoti found in Rome I got some in Paris different color of box but same thing except they are smaller in the box hum!
same compagny smaller tho
no comments
it says in the bag
your life had never been so full
I got some books for myself too and my mom
one for how to take care of chicken but after reading the book i give up this idea
14.50 euros dublin primark clothing Hum where are my bills ?
JUNE 2013
red pepper
Costco $321.59
renew my card
got myself a galaxy tablet mini because of my back injury i can no longer lift my suitcase and with a lap top in it too much now its ok but my back still hurt like hell have no choice i have to work right
pop corn
tooth paste
$40.00 SAQ
starbuck latté. rice krispies
$23.00 euro x 1.3
19 juin 2013
$24 dollars- tomatoes
chicken drums
sirop d érable
eau pétillante
jus d orange
June 2013
14.00 euros chocolat corné
3.19 pharmacie
7.00 euros ca. venezia
22.66 euros
06-10-2013 23.00 euros dinner lay over
63.51 euros fnac livres
25.48 euros
7.48 café rice krispies before departure
17.21 home depot fleurs
56.20 metro
72.15 plantes
26.38 bourassa
40.00 saq wine
Last written 05-27 may 2013
This challenge started on the 5th of February2013
11.49 la source electric stuff
JULY 2013
July 2013
6.00 euros
7.12 euros crepes
13.00 rhum air canada
4.49 pounds coffee hotel
7.20 pounds dinner at mark and spencers
58.98 bonichoix
8.00 pounds dinner
50.00 gaz
24.85 loblaws
3.49 pounds coffee
7.46 pounds
7.62 sandwich airport montreal
dinner at airport 11.39 montreal
5.10 pounds ham and cheese café lodon
1.65 pounds london café
23.00 loblaws
77.00 pounds primark
41.70 loblaws
27.85 euros dublin chocolat and a sweater souvenirs
27.85 euros dublin
19.60 euros
6.35 euros dublin starbuck danielle ma soeur c était fait piquer par une mouche dangereuse a bobodiolasso
58.71 chip for camera
19.49 world market .com
56.37 costco
4.35 euros
café strabuck palais des congres
18.75 euros galerie gourmandes
17.77 eurs galerie gourmandes pate a pizza
17.40 euros monprix
8.50 euros monoprix
13.90 pharmacie immodium
10.37 euro champion paris
AOUT 2013AUGUST 2013
august 2013
08-31-2013 IGA
tesco 3.46
21.50 clothing bed sheet primark pounds london
11.02 burger toronto airport
47.49 gas intergas
54.32 loblaws
09 august 2013
cocktail gilgamesh 11.60 pounds
24.08 pounds dinner masala zone london
wish I had continue writing it at the beginning of the month we ran out of electricity lost all the food in my fride
i lost electricity for 6 days...
52.69 euros hwiskey ireland
44. 70 loblaws steak couleur pour cheveux rouge a levre
9.15 pizza airport toronto
4.54 starbuck café airport montreal
coffeee 4.00 euros mainz
4.60 café starbuck airpot montreal
27.56 bonichoix
5.15 euros dublin coffeee pastry
53.35 saq
5.65 eau airport
29.88 metro
96.11 IGA pas de date mais bon...
11.15 euros lunch breakfast café
grandmaison electricité 131.45
pagé 98.88 estimée
43.95 loblaws
wall mart ......................................................
49.65 metro
40.39 metro
8.61 starbuck cofé popcorn
25.34 loblaws
saq 19.95
50.79 pounds mw eat london
157.27 costco
19.95 winw
09-03-2013indian cooking book gift to myslef 40.00 pounds london selfridges tasting india marvellous book
2.66 thé airport montreal
19.95 saq
camera 472.93 wall mart
55.76 euros
pretzel aircanada 4.00
25.67 bourassa
42.78 gas
12.98 loto
34é50 bonichoix
5.71 euros
5.71 francfort café et qq chose
8.28 airpot breakfast
20.58 café patisserie
17.95 café starbuck
46.68 costume d halloween
18.90 euros vins
10.32 euros café croissant hotel paris
7.60 euros
5.45 euros paris
19,00 euros paris
13.1o livres a paris fnac
81.57 wall mart bouffe
mangeoire a oiseaux wall martt
39.30 loblaws
4.00 air canada snack
10-24 2013
26.86 euros galerie gourmandes
20.00 euros chez lacombe cocktails paris
37.48 gas petro canada
44.52 metro
43.90 euros
51.61 gas petro canada
52.35 costco food plus bulbes
8.69 costco lunch pizza
26.20 tulipes wall mart
november 2013
51.13 bonichoix
29.58 cruche d eau bonichoix
6.05 tim
73.29 loblaws
11.50 accessoires pour chien
11-11- 2013
22.00 bonichoix
157.20 maxi
55.50 gas intergaz
72.27 euros monoprix
59.90 cadeaux de noel
12-04-2013 14.17
183.59 vaccins pour chien
32.60 bébelles pour chien
30.19 euros monop
28.00 euros le franc tireur
21.24 pharmacie
164.62 vaccins pour mon nouveau chien
8.03 agrafeuse pharmacie
5.50 francs suisse
8.00 francs suisse geneve
68.00 francs suisse autobus pour chamonix
25.20 vodka air canda
4.00 pretzel air canada
6.15 caf. dorval
chip pour camera 51.73 aaaa
6.30 euros pain croissant petit dej
102.33 euros gorcerie
44.07 euros grocerie
99.80 euros xmas gifts uniqlo
64.80 euros cadeaux
42.70 pounds cadeaux
25.80 pounds col roulés cadeaux
astilbe intermezzo 14.99
echinacea fatal attraction 19.99
queen o fnight 50 tulipa pink diamonds
6.60 euros formul cinema pop corn paris
28.00 euros le franc tireur
janvier 03 2014
203.78 provigo
What are the 20 items you would put in a survival grocery bag?
old on take 3 minutes. Let’s do
You still have water, electricity and heat in your house.
Here is my list:
5-bag of noodles
8-peanut butter
9-cheese whiz
10-can of tuna
11-can of tomatoes
12-can of juice
13-cat food
16- bag of M&M
18-toilet paper
19-cat liter
20-bottle of wine
Now take your pen and reduce it to 10 what will it be?
3-toilet paper
6-can of salmon or tuna
7-peanut butter
9-can of tomatoes
10- cat food
What if you had to reduce to only 5 ?
4-toilet paper
5-cat food (baby food)
How does your grocery bag look like these days?
I am an epicurean and for health reason but right now this insanity at the grocery store has
to stop.
The basic food on a grocery list has gone sky rocket.
I can no longer be an epicurean.
However this being said we need to put a stop to it.
Is it like this in America, in Europe, in Australia, in Africa, in Asia?
Someone somewhere has to put a stop to it and say:
Listen up, these ingredients are the basic ingredients on a grocery list
and they can no longer go up like this.
In Quebec, Canada the prices of bread is rising up faster than the dough
itself. Now these days buying bread is a mission.
It can reach up to $4.50+tx for a loaf of bread.
Its way too high. It goes between $3.45 to $4.50
A bag of 5 essential food items.
Some of the large companies in Brazil do that to their employees. They
give them a salary but as well a box of essentials food items in order for all
the family members to eat a decent meal. They also get stamps too.
I think we should all take Brazil as an
example before we all receive stamps food.
Québec the minimum salary is $9.90/hr
Bread price goes $3.45-$4.50
2 liters of milk: S3.55
Butter: $5.25.
A dozen of eggs: $3.98
A bag of noodles: $2.99
It comes up to $20.27
You see how crazy this is and that is not counting how many people are
in your household either.
Gas at the pump: $1.37 it takes 3.7 litres to equal 1 us gallon so it
cost us
$5.06 at the pump
So on a nice Sunday afternoon, I decided to see if I could have more for my money if I was baking bread and doing my own butter myself.
I went to the market bought myself some flour and yeast.
Flour $6.95
Yeast $1.99
Total $8.94
I have made 12 loafs of bread.
It came up to $.75cents the loaf of bread
Not bad!
Today, I decided to see if it will be cheaper to make my own butter as well. So, I went to the store bought a container of 35% cream of 500ml. for $3.75
Put it all in my robot and let it turn for 30
minutes add up a bit of salt to my taste and there it was my very own butter.
Amazing to see that for 2 containers of cream I
can make a lot of butter and it is even cheaper than margarine at $6.45.
Enjoy my bread recipe
1/3 of a cup of warm water mix with 1 bag of yeast.
3 cups of flour
3 to 3 ½ cups of water
It’s a bit time consuming but in one afternoon while you read your
Sunday news paper or do your laundry you can bake.
Mix 1/3
of a cup of water to the yeast until it all disappears.
Mix 3 1/2 cups of flour
With 3 to 3 1/2cups of water
Stir it with a spatula and leave it.
Lift the dough and turn it a couple of time with the spatula a few times
then drop it in the bowl cover it and leave it there to rise.
2-3- hours after take your dough
Put a bit of flour on the counter so it doesn’t stick too much.
Split your dough in 2-3 fluffy balls.
Then bang it on the counter and fold it, fold it, fold it.
Now pull it with your fist in, pull it roll, pull it roll.
When you are tired and you have a good side for your bread, stop.
Take the tip of your knife and make your marks on top of your bread.
Put it in the oven on a ceramic plate or a bread cooking plate and
If you don’t have any a cookie pan will do just fine and put a brick in
the oven at the same time you cook it.
Spray a couple of time your loaf of bread at the beginning.
Cook for 15-20 min depends where you stay at 425F
Take the loaf and tap it in the back if it sounds like a drum noise its
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