I'm telling you the era of protocol for internet exist for a long long time. Wake up people. Do you know why did we need internet first of all?
Yeah! Miaow!
We, at the white house we order it in 1950 to protect the states against soviet nuclear Wooarrr!
Prrrr! but than you have to remember Arpa Net was responsible for the 4 biggest knots...prrrrrr....too long to explain. Then in the 1970,69 to be precise the researchers wanted to talk to each other and this is when protocol was put in place. So it doesn't date from yesterday with SOPA and PIPA. Protocol have been in place for ages but today with our beautiful communication skills, we can say what we think about it or not. We have freedom of speech. You know the file transfer protocol was born so the researchers did not loose their works. It was a good protocol but.
Arpa net had to step aside so the other countries could join in and this is when it become INTER for INTERNATIONAL INTERNET. It's been 40 years. NSF finance it. NASA' AT&T.
WWW World Wide WEb is been open since the 90s to the grand public. There are about 190,000,000 web sites. I don't know how many are building up right this minute.
Miaow! Miaow! You had sites like Mosaic, Nestcape, Browsers...Yahoo! 1,000,000 of people use computers with modem, not counting the open market for e-businesses DSL-DSL-RTC...more people are using the site, this got to happen. EXPANSION!
Ya! that was good, code Lorenz, used by the Germans for communicating among each other.
Prrrrr! I wish we had think of that one. We finally came up with Nack, message not received than colossus, Johnston, code Navajos and we had the wind talkers.18 of them, manage to come up with authentification control access code. IP ,Psace...all they had to do really was Feige-Fiat-Shamir-for an access control simple as that. But than someone smarter came along the Wagner guy with his C program.
Prrrrrrrrr! You forgot the boomerang attack!
I can not imagine that your U.S.government pay the researchers at the university of Berkeley and Illinois to find a program defending against the hostile systems. Do you know your DHOSA program cost? Just your Muri program alone cost the Americans $227,000,000. Why bother with the protocol than you already paying people to brake down the hostile system. On top of it in the mean time,. you discover you had a huge failure in the sytem. SSSL' Nescape in 1995 was kapout than came that guy Schneier in 1997. He arrives with CCMEA mobile telephone, kapout too. Another attack, the slide attack in 1999, PPTP, Microsoft arrive. 2000 A5 GSM' in 2001 another protocol 802.11.2001 Fox....
We invented the law CALEA email from Google, man, they can install eavesdropping anywhere now monitoring my own facebook me the cat of the white house got his page monitored too. Miaouw! I wonder, if this guy Mark works for the CIA, I have to check the list of employees. Well done job Mark! You are my heroe. I don't have to smell everyone's derriere anymore or sit on their lap to get finger prints. The guys at the CIA don't have anything to do as well, they sit and wait, less expenses claim too. Purrrrfect for the budget. The guys stay home and watch facebook until a hack happen. No matter what the situation is, we are all track down anyway, starting with your own credit card, even our own cellphone are track down, unless, you use a Blackberry Bitch, I know. Miaouw! Why didn't we think of that one! God dam blackberry bitch. Miaow! Miaowwww!
Yeah! We are your neighbours, we need to protect ourselves too. I know this is a canadian genius item of course.No one knows yet that you can not trace blackberry users. A few people know remember the London riot those who were not found were on a Blackberry. We need to have some credit sometimes.
Now you forgot Prrr! You forgot to mention google mapping tools too. We can even for fun explode our neighbours...what a great idea! Come on. They don't know what to invent anymore. It's all the same. A big game for the intelligent geeks. So BIG CAT' you were so scared you went and you added your head of DHS airport security and you put some effort into flu epidemic CATO
Miaow! Miaow! Online, jihadists and video games cover up. That's good. Sartinsky, CIA, Miaow, Miaow! Facebook and wanna bee, wanbee chinese copy made in China of course. You wonder why your government sponsor the researchs at Berkeley...the poor researchers, they kill their brains off searching for another code and you want to put a world wide protocol on internet. Come on! Prrrr! Are you a fool? You have Birykov, Wagner, Shamir, Brisov, Goldberg, Feige, Fiat, Schneier, ...just to name a few and to keep the others anonymous for security reasons. You need to keep them busy. What are you going to do with them? It won't be fun anymore. We need to have them look for the secret code for a little while still.
Looking for Peggy, Victor...x...will take ages. Looking for the secret code, it all comes to the secret number, I have one chance in 1,000,000 to find it. Perhaps we should look back a the Bible code one found out a few years ago with the jewish numbers combine with the letters, that was a pretty good code to uncrypt man or perhaps your guys can ask our Blackberry boys, or someone who leave in a far away land like Danemark, New Zealand, Finland, Poland or Neeaderland...this sounds like music to my ears; lets shot them all up. Black out their system. Close it down, and see which one resist, that way, we will know who has the right code. Perhaps, the number is back to Egypt who has the control after all, right now there is a lot of celebration going on at tahir square and it is well protected by my ancesters out there in the valley of the kings. I wonder if they are up to something big, sometime I wonder if they still have the code hidden some where. We still have to look for Peggy...
Prrrrr! We didn't find Peggy yet. We are far behind...these societies.
I'm here. Peggy's here. Don't worry. I taught you were not supposed to talk about the secret number with your american neighbours. You know this year, we have the net conference to find out exactly what the secret number is and this is supposed to be a secret too. I bet my pretty paw and my furry coat that this conference will be will be a master piece from an anonymous group we don't even know existed...
No you won't. Not without me. You know, I 'm way stronger than you. You need my protection, my force, my intelligence my expertise, my codential as a cryptograph too, I also have many lives like you two and I can skype. I am after all, the cat of the white house. Let's send a message to our social networking group, that we know who they are, and what they are up too. It's a good idea, I mean we, we, know all about it, and we need to take the risk anyway, we can not sit there and watch, we need to take action. It's like my limousine driver, he goes on the autoroute knowing he could get kill but he takes the risk, the chance. He needs to get out there and do his job if he wants to progress in life, that's business. It's been like this for decades. Someone needs to do something, some oppose to a new idea, some agree to it and others take risk.
I have to go now. I have introuders coming in the white house. Got to run
in the bunker before they chase me down or should I attack them. MMMM! I have to take a risk here. Let me think, cats are good at this but right now, I have no time to think. Dam it! All the guards are fighthing in the Persian golf. I'm all alone. Where is that god dam dog when you need him? Adeus! Where the hell are you? Stop playing Wi Fi and come right now! Miaouwwwwwwwwww
We have introuders! Where are you?
Part 2I was on a secret mission trying to discover those cryptographs and you wouldn't believe what happen man are you listening; big puffy cat. I still don't know why you are hanging around the white house you are useless. Now listen up. While I was doing my research in motion, I was investigating one of the cryptographs, I receive a note a very serious note from one of the anonymous gang leader.
Wourrf! Stop your cat whinning, and listen for one minute. I went on this guy blog and red about him he is highly rank in his world but than when the alarm rang yesterday, I was disturb and I was not to sure if I red his profile very well.
Come on I don't have all day here!
I know...wouf! I need to recapitulate all my actions. I need a bone to chew on, ouf! I need too think, to be as precise as possible.
Wouf! Pay attention, you louzy cat, all you do is sleep, no wonder you have introuders coming in from every sites.
ok so when I went to check back, I got to another site by mistake, a site that was showing more recent facts about this individual caucasin male, black eyes, ugly upper chest, beard crap, and I ended up receiving a weird message from one of the group that is after you.
Miaouwwwwwwwww! What? Are you serious?
Ok. Well let me bark at them a few times, that will calm them down for a little while
Yeah right! What a looser you are.
We need to go back in to get the computer.
Croaw! Croa! I will. I will believe you. I just loaded down your conversation on my Iphone 4s. I am just getting a little 64 GGbites before I delivery it to my master.
Ouf!!!!!Stop it before I chew you up in pieces and throw you in the delete bin. Get out of this space now! Out of this space before I chew on your bones.
Ouf! you really smell like chicken. Mium! mium! So, it's true what they say, Oh! I remember. You send a bunch of your pairs do the murmuration attack. You scared the people but you never cut your hackers. I'm not that stupid you know we can track you down too with this phone of yours so better put yourself under cover with the cat as well in the bunker.
Ah! shut the fuck up dam crow! I was snoozing. You are pathetic. Now you left your phone on the table, everyone knows what's going on now. Just because of a stupid crow who forgot to remove the batterie of his cell. Thanks a lot C.R.O.W. ( Well tell me more Adeus, I am just a cat and I believe you Adeus, you are a dog, why would I believe you, me among all those on this planet? We need to tell someone this is big. Adeus stop! Telle me one more thing.
No. How about we just post the pictures and show it on face book or at the FBconference at the hall there.
PPrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect maybe we should check with our neighbour first if they have any informations on those crypto maniacs...Come on show me the pictures
Alright. But stop taking naps and think of a new app to stop those intorders they can be anywhere man! Here they are what do you think. Hum! I don't recall seing them let's send this to the Protocol unit for an international identification made mapping or lets post them on youtube big brother here perhaps they can help us secure this info while mark can tag this up for us and tell us exactly who is on those pictures after all he is not doing a conference for nothing he must be into something.
Let's do it dud call up the canucks we are going to need some help.
You see they put a bunch of pictures and then a message. but you didn't see nothing yet that was during the egyptian burst out last here now we have these guys
I am puzzle now. show me the rest. come one! Show me the other pictures.Miaooowww!
It's not possible, I try it many times, I can not down load those pictures this is way to weird. You can never send picture with hotmial.It's always too big, tooslow and it's always fuck up man. There you go. GGmail way better. Not really they keep asking me for my users name, my access code, I am fed up with that too. Federal mail way better. Just like in the old days. But then again you never know if they are going to strike so the best is to try all differents ways and see which one get s there first. How am I going to do my report, if I can not show you my pictures? I print it! I am a genius! I can even copy it wiht my Ipad. Inside there's a code more than one actualy. Listen up pussy cat, I won't repeat it. To each picture, I receive a different code OUF! OUF! And on 3 messages, 2 were send by an anonymous group and the other one by the company you file all the code names in. Permalink. I need a bone! Now! Something to chew on...Come here kitty cat! Come here!
Get a grip !
Stop it! You are hallucinating with this grass you smoke in the back yard of the white house, stop it! I say stop it! Now, calm down. Sit boubou! sit! and think! There got to be a way. We need to call the commander in chief.
OURF! Too late the pictures are gone on facebook remember I told you twice. Is your memory card full or what? I put it on Apple spy page as well, he should get back to us shortly. Hold on to your fur white house cat, this is going to be big, go hide in your bunker now. I heard something, I am telling you, now! Hurry up! We have no time to sit here. Get up now!
This is it man! Spy Cat send us some pictures that was send by A. Is that it Adeus! SKYPE ME Buddy?
We are in to something now. Are you guys hidding? I was skiing man in powder up to my knees. This got to be big man! for me to get off my skis and help you. Lucky, I had my Iphone with me. I'm telling you this got to be good. I'm going to have lunch while I wait for you to skype me man. Don't send me anymore text. We will do everything from skype now.
I'm telling you, everyone on my net work is working hard here.
Alright, meet me on skype at 2. I will have more infos to give you guys.
Well I hope they are not going to bother me while I have my lunch. Miam! Miam! Miam!
It's not possible, I try it many times, I can not down load those pictures this is way to weird. You can never send picture with hotmial.It's always too big, tooslow and it's always fuck up man. There you go. GGmail way better. Not really they keep asking me for my users name, my access code, I am fed up with that too. Federal mail way better. Just like in the old days. But then again you never know if they are going to strike so the best is to try all differents ways and see which one get s there first. How am I going to do my report, if I can not show you my pictures? I print it! I am a genius! I can even copy it wiht my Ipad. Inside there's a code more than one actualy. Listen up pussy cat, I won't repeat it. To each picture, I receive a different code OUF! OUF! And on 3 messages, 2 were send by an anonymous group and the other one by the company you file all the code names in. Permalink. I need a bone! Now! Something to chew on...Come here kitty cat! Come here!
Get a grip !
Stop it! You are hallucinating with this grass you smoke in the back yard of the white house, stop it! I say stop it! Now, calm down. Sit boubou! sit! and think! There got to be a way. We need to call the commander in chief.
OURF! Too late the pictures are gone on facebook remember I told you twice. Is your memory card full or what? I put it on Apple spy page as well, he should get back to us shortly. Hold on to your fur white house cat, this is going to be big, go hide in your bunker now. I heard something, I am telling you, now! Hurry up! We have no time to sit here. Get up now!
This is it man! Spy Cat send us some pictures that was send by A. Is that it Adeus! SKYPE ME Buddy?
We are in to something now. Are you guys hidding? I was skiing man in powder up to my knees. This got to be big man! for me to get off my skis and help you. Lucky, I had my Iphone with me. I'm telling you this got to be good. I'm going to have lunch while I wait for you to skype me man. Don't send me anymore text. We will do everything from skype now.
I'm telling you, everyone on my net work is working hard here.
Alright, meet me on skype at 2. I will have more infos to give you guys.
Well I hope they are not going to bother me while I have my lunch. Miam! Miam! Miam!
Get in the bunker now!
I can smell you bastard! You are in there! OUF! On guard!
Introuder number one out! I will tie him up the old Belgium way!
I can not believe he mess around without telling anybody that white house cat. I am risking my life for him dam it!rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
I knew it. Helicopters on the site! This is serious...rrrrrrrrrr
act now
your US censorship is useless give it up now!
Adeus! We tag you down. We ordering you to burry this useless thing now.
OUF! I escape...I don't take any order from European shit!
I got in just in time to save my ass ouf! before I lost my precious self. ouf! I need a bit of privacy here. Can't we do anything without the entire planet's permission here. What the hell is going on.
I need to search why on earth that White house pussy cat sign these agreements, he was all alone on October 11. It's true, I wasn't there . I was on vacation. He send me to camp David to rest. Ok. now. got to found out on wikipedia.ouf! This is too dangerous, he might give out my position...that Julius guy. I am going to skype spy cat at appletown. Where is my computer. Shit, no time for that. OK there might be a way here. let's see. If, I go on pirate bay, and I pretend I am searching for appletown pirat, than I will link it, from my adress on my blackberry, so no one can find me and I can get an hold of spy cat. That is brilliant, I hope it works.
What the hell was that! Some body dare to disturb me during my meal. I only had 4 géga Bite; dam it! What the fuck was that? A laser shot gun!
Somebody try to kill me in my very own house.
Shit I need a drink now!
Let me investigate first of all. This is insane.
Let me investigate first of all. This is insane.
I'll show another picture of you on facebook, you'll see man. No one dares to disturb me during my meal.
Oh! Shit! The laser cut off my power. Basterds! Lucky I can skype with my Iphone. I just hope my WIFI connection works still. Hum!
How come Adeus didn't call me yet. That is strange. I wonder if everything safe out there. Miaouw!What a day this is!
There you go now you ll see you can not mess with geek. Your pictures is everywhere now.
wait a second here. You try to kill me twice with the laser gun there you go 2 pictures of you. Maybe that will stop you from scaring the shit out of me.
Part 4
Ok now I need to rest but I need to decode the message on those 2 pictures. Shit lucky I have 9 lives miauw!
Oh! shoot! I left my Iphone in my ski jacket dam it! I did it again. Oh well, I will used my computer. Ah! This thing take for ever to start. What a pity Sony lap top so nice but so slow and fucked up.
Now all I have to do is finish my beer, put a log in the chimney and log in for the night and call up an urgent meeting.
Dring! Dring!
Oh! there you go, my Adeus pal. How are you? You seem a bit pale let me adjust that here. Ok.
Nup! you don't look to good.
No! I just got punch in the face thats'all man! Wait, I will be right back got another introuder.Hold on man!
I have helicopter surveillance from ACTA can you hear me.

Oh! shhhhit! I was just about to sleep what took you so long. Gee the European send you their big troops or what. This is the most powerful global treaty they ever agree on all those rich countries they have send their ACTA guys after you in your own backyard. something fishy
Yes I know. They are tracking me down. Pussy cat from the white house here actualy has sign the agreement without anybody approval here and we need to go true that no matter what so they told me to burry SOPA'S bill, PIPA as well and go global with them but there is a hic they know I know they are link with the anonymous group on this unbelievable. I located their face on internet so of course they are tracking me down man. Have you seen the other picture I send you.
Well Adeus, tell Pussy cat to get his ass here, well excuse my language but, get him out of the bunker, and tell him he has to tell his people he sign the agreement with ACTA and it's because of him that freedom will no longer exist on internet. Sign it and everybody needs to agree or else the internet freedom will collapse. This is call anticounterfeting trade agreement negociations man you have no choice you have to tell him. If you think Sopa was bad Acta is scarier threat to internet than SOPA but big pussy cat there at the white house as no choice he signed the agreement already he has to tell his people. He sign at the G8 with all the other countries. We need to get him out the bunker and in to another hide out it's is too dangerous for him. Anonymous is backing up ACTA
Ouf! I don't get it that is too strange.
Well woa! You really got hit on your head. Lucky for you, you are not bleeding man. I think they only scrape the top you are lucky my friend. Ok. Listen 145 to150 companies were listed at the washington conference. Mega money was lost here. Millions were against SOPA 157 groups were againts PIPA. Listen get me Pussy cat on skype now while I search in my old research how to solve that internet problem to be able to surf freely.
Operation Black out
You are clear to go commander.
You can move to your position now.
Let's go get out we need to bring you somewhere else you are in big danger. get up!
We need to bring you out of the country. Dont't worry we used transport layer security.T.L.S.We are hidding to spy cat country.
What! To Canada! I am the prime cat of united states. Meow! You can not get me out of my country.
Sir, please, board the plane now. You need to board Air Nation right away we are ready to go. I am risking my life for you.
I am agentX.509 We will take it from here now.
Ok operation carry-on is on.
Get in sir.
We are taking you to a safe place.
Hurry up my friend we just cut an introuder trying to escape but we got control of his identity. I will show you a picture of him. Nice to see you hear. Come in. Come in.
Let's sit and talk my old friend, than we can chat over at dinner and talk about all our problems. I think this way we can figure out a solution. Dining problem is the right combination because there are no such thing of Carmichaels numbers only prime.
Oh! That must be Peggy. She needs to hide out too. We decided it was best for her to change location.
Let me get her. She made it before the major snow storm.
Oh! spy cat. I am so glad to see you. Oh! my god, didn't know you were here too, I didn't know you had such a visitor spy cat. I would of take the time to groom. I'm sorry but the snow is coming in real good now. We had a hard time to land.

Listen my dear Peggy, my dear American friend, you have a big problem in your hand. I am your neighbour but this is ridiculous. You let them spend millions of money when in the other hand you had already sign with ACTA. I mean we are not talking about small business here. Motion picture industry, cable companies, broadcasters, credit card companies. Good net companies, Big lobbist that will not vote for you for sure at your next election man.
Prrrr.I'm afraid to tell you Canada did sign, I'm not very proud of that, japan the biggest electronic country, morocco, new zeland, singapore, south korea, European union countries, mexico and switzerland are about to sign, Poland did, not too long ago let me think on... the 26 yeah that was yesterday MIAOW that crack me up ahahahaah! Yesterday, ok. let's get back to business so;you see if I recall that date from july 2008 at the G8 again they were seeking to complete the agreement right than, so you see, all this is old business, new business for the ordinary people of the average society...
Now that's why you have electronic frontier fondation, anonymous group, hacktivist collective that are oppose tremendously that is going to be sign by all at the legislation in Brussel.
Oh my god! I just kill one of those guys.
Anonymous are they or not in favor of ACTA ?
It's difficult to tell right now. Anonymous just intercepted a phone callwith the FBI and Scotland yard minutes ago. Man that is nothing compare to what is going to happen. Better call everyone for a meeting now before the Belgium conteracttack. I Already call a few of them.
Open the door spy cat! Dam it. I hate snow. I hate snow. I hate snow.
No need to shout Leon! And stop breathing like a fool, prrrrrrrrrr!Take your little pump and sweat it out for a few minutes, so I can get off my chair. Miaow!
Calm down, everything is under control for now, we will have a few blackout here and there but nothing to worry, you are used to it in your castle. Right! my little android king!
I have been snowed in. I hate snow.rrrrrrr! And I hate cat rrrrrrr! o don't push your luck spy cat and open the door nowwwwww!rrrrrrr!Why did I come here, anyway.
I could have just swipe my finger on my android to see your face that will have been enough.
Hold on don't close the door my good friend. I red your missile.
To have your agreement sign, if I recall you only need one more signature, and you wanted an expert advise on the matter it's not my fault that you were attack with gun laser.
So listen up everyone. This is the prime official of Canada. Well not just yet. We need to get red of this lunatic at the governement who is transforming Canada into the next China province. CANADABONG
So Big ribs here, is the future prime minister of Canada. I ask him to join us here at the lodge. He knows Canada has sign but he is preparing a coup d'état because Canadian can not stand this conservative measures anymore. They are used to be free Canadians.
ACTA international Treaty has been done behind close door and this why United States well you know pussy cat is in trouble and we will if we don't do anything. The American can not revoke their postion therefore Acta has all the visibility, transparency, easy approval, lend of support by about 31 cie sponsors in congress in united states so it's been 5 years ACTA was under people radar that's why we had C.R.O.W. there to watch but now it's for ACTION and not ACTA
You got it.
MIAOUW ! I'am exhausted after a day of skiing, a chase by some loonatic fool with a laser gun and now these bad news by Adeus.
Who was chasing you ?
alright do I have to do everything here.
Top secret assignement to be send by writing note on skype....
who was she?
Léo I know sometime you really get on my nerve so young so bright but so ignorant when it comes to history.
You should know that! man!
Peggy's mother was Genevieve Grotjan the one that discover Purple code
Which purple code?
Come on man Miaouwwwwwwwwwwwwww get yourself a wikipedia and learn it by heart.
Her mother was one of the1,7000 females WAC just decrypt that too waac organisation, than swith it to numbers ok
analyse, decode, translate, interpret it and ....forget the rest
come on you have got to have some skills here beside owning a huge android company.
use your cryptologic skills and break thru man now.
Come in, come in, and for god sake try to look smart here the commander of United states is here and the prime of Canada.
She work at the biggest message center in the world. Come on. Miaouw! Do we have to tell you every thing under dog. She was a codebreaker, she discover how the japanese signals intelligence were communicating among each other. The katakana shit.
Ouf that's fun. Do you have any bone here to chew on? I need a bone, I need abone, I need to chew on something, I am all excited.
Perhaps, I let you eat our next introuders; how's that?
WOUF! that will be a jackpot! More than 64 rotors cookies, bombe, perfect, wouf!
I am going to leave you guys with this to deal with so we can put a hand on those introders.
Vs lbh nfxrq Oehpr Fpuarvre gb qrpelcg
guvF, ur'q pehfu lbhe Fxhyy jvgu urf ynhtu
Now that will keep you from barking at each other. We are here together to help this planet for free internet solutions, freedom remember that ok remember I am a spy cat, not a cryptocrat so get on with it we don't have much time here. Peggy perhaps you are gifted like your mother.
So guys, I will let Adeus tell you about the messages he has been receiving from a group of crytographers including the famous anonymous group as well.
These are the messages. They are numerous and new one are coming in every day so we definetely need to get our hands on to find out what this is all about and how we are going to proceed after that.
So here are the messages :
B.S. instantly know the amounts of jelly beans in a jar.
B.S. does not slow down as he approaches the speed of light, the speed of light slow down as it approaches B.S.
There are no such things as Carmichael numbers, only primes that B.S. has beaten factors into
B.S. once found the inverse of a trap door function counting only the fingers of one hand
B.S. created the first Honey Pot we now call it the Internet
ITARAAA prevents B.S. from tracking abroad even though the restrictions export of strong crypto have been lifted.
Ok so they are the newest messages let's start with those ones ok
Meanwhile, did I told you that, the U.S. invested $531,000,000 for the construction of large Hadron collider in CERNAAA in Europe. LHCAAA remote Operations Center 9000 scientists works on CMXAAA experiment at the LHCAAA to see protons collisions.
While people are starving in U.S. subatomic force and extra dimensions to space are being studied.
The US government prefer to invest millions in underground detector in South Dakota instead of helping the poors. They can be number 1 in physics research. What is going on at Fermi Lab or at the office of sciences in those departments of energy goes on behind the president expectancy as well as the prime minister of Canada.
Someone is controling them in doing so this is why the Commander is here. Meanwhile our Canadian prime minister is above all this thinking he can handle everything himself. So let him be it. My dear friend here for many years now, has come for help and I will help him out.
The scientist who are working at the Batavaaaa labatory on the particules going faster than light might be into something else. In Japan remote computer has join forces to help them for the Hadorn colider.
This project itself cost 2,000,000,0000
IBMAAA cryptography research group might have sold all their informations to the intelligence in Israel.
So guys aren't you glad you came?
Everyone was looking at spy cat, not knowing what to say with these terible news.
Bon appetit it's time for dinner solution.
Fallow me I have plenty for all of you. As long as we don't get hit by laser.
Oh and here is the list of the most wanted cryptographers in the world
There aren't too many only 25 for now but the list could get bigger as we found out more about anonymous.
Adishamiraaa52, Alfred menezesbbb, Bort Premeelccc,bruceschneierddd63,Carlisle Adamseee,CHarles Rackofffff,Claude Crépeauggg62,Chiffor Cockshhh50,Dan Bonehiii,D.J.Bernsteinjjj71,D.Chaumkkk,Wagnerlll74,Don Coppersmithmmm,Eli Bihamnnn,G Balckleyooo,G.Painvinqqq1806,Gilles Brassardrrr55,GUstavus Simmonssss30,Horst Ferstelttt15,Ian Golberguuu73,James Ellisvvv,Joan Knudsenwww62,Leo Marksxxx1920, Leonard Adlemanyyy1945
Surprisingly Rabin and Golwassa are not there
Oh! hold on I just receive some fresh news Anonymous just intercepted an FBI call to Scotland Yard.
They are moving.
Chess mate perhaps we should call Kaspersky in Russa
is he still in Russa?
we are not going to call a Russian lunatic, I am here did you forgot who am I
yes no I mean I know but do you know that kaspersky is Russian but he is against all the Russian crap I play chess with him every Tuesday.
Yeah! but I rather not, not now.
Last resort alternative, I know we can all crack down this shit!
Oh commander did you say shit?
Peggy, I am sorry, I forgot we had a woman with us, a beautiful french woman from Quebec, how can I forgot my manners. I am deeply sorry
Let's not do a diplomatic faux pas. Your apologies are accepted. commander.
Hum! I think we can all do it ourselves for now, don't you think so Peggy.
last resort, definetely spy cat.
I agree too.You did not make me come all the way from Belgium, to stand in the snow for nothing,
Ok lets eat and think
Log off now, Adeus
Wait I need to pee. Ok but first we need our hybrid protection first.
Install it now, before it's too late ok chief, I mean spy cat.I hope the commander didnt hear that rrrrrrrrrroufff Ya I need food too lots of food or else I will eat a cat. it makes me do and say crazy things calling you chief. Ouf! Ouf! Ouf! I am mad at myself. Let me go around the house and check the territory i need to get a grip of myslef when it comes to cyberspacecontrol I belong to no one I need to cool off. I 'll go around the house here if you permit me doing so my friend.
Peggy can this wait. Go on everyone start digging before it gets cold.
Well miaiouw! I just receive on my cell phone a twit that is official. Harper will go with the plan and a new law for internet. I think prime rib, when he decided to stay in Canada and not going to China got screwed big time by Harper. I don't like this. I think he is into something.
Don't worry my sweet Peggy, we just need to work faster before the end of June ok we will deal with this big woufy later, now we have to focus to set up a new key that's all, the rest will be irrelevant after that. So, lets focus on the key and remember you are the prime number only you and I knows that but you have to tell me you and the commander, I am not sure anymore. Tell me Peggy, is it the commander or is it me?
How can you doubt of my loyalties. Just focus on a all the other innocent who don't know about it
this big internet conspiracy by all the leaders of the world, you are the one who discover it , oyu are my heroe spy you go, you can have my code to open any of my calculations.
Harper will realize after this meeting, that this has no sens to control every body on this planet.
There are cops on the road and now we need to create jobs and put cops on the net that can browse and see what his going on, especially with transactions, this is where they have to focus their energy thye will create jobs there will be police in place who have a license to intercept illegal transaction but beside that, we don't need to give them all our information, come on this is non sens, it is only to protect big rich companies, this has to stop, and you did good spy cat, now, go on and lets eat.
Yes. You and me in this room are the only one who can eat sundae
Peggy, when the sun goes down, we need to sit down and open the door. Down you will see better.
Yes, I know we have no choice. We are doing it for the future of humanity.
Everyone in the bunker. I just saw an introders on the premisse. Go on and hide.
Ok everyone in my wine cellar. Go in and open the door. You need a key word. There you go after behind the crianza wine there is a door. Open it with a key number it will lead you to a tunnel that will bring you to the top of the 0onta5n. Go and wait at the he51 port. I will contact you with Peggy's balckberry using the Phelippe code but I don't think will be needing it Adeus and I will manage before you get to the top.
no they need your expertise in braking the codes leon the king of Andros so you have to stay with them.
You and Peggy can manage the 2 of you
Come on RRRRROUF RRRRRRROUF they are getting closer
ok let's go don't waist time. Come on you guys.
I need to go before I got a leak in the tunnel you know
they could of shoot at you
don't worry pussy cat just show me the way
There I see them. You were right spy cat. Laser guns top technology on the market.
Holy macaroni!We have not only introuders but but but heavy killer machine men wo better take precaution.
let's split . I'm going this way now you manage to find the other thru the woods and i will take care of them myself. This is just a game of fun for me. I am used to big mission like this.
MIAOUWWWWWW 25332533THEM ALL WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! The son of a bitch they just hit my tale MIAOUWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! I am going to ruin them and crack down all their computers you will see who they are dealing with those suckers they will never get me MIAOUWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
Bastards! I will get you too and leave you into little pieces and give the bonesto the devils.
Need to escape but first I need to get red of those guys they can not find Peggy never. She is the ultimate number of my life.
I need to put the alarm on that could kick them off for a few seconds I hope.
Perhaps I should hide in the pig pens holy shit how does it work again that pig pen code. Why did I put code on everywhere
L.-lsquare -I.
<<<non only
<vsquare I
no let's try again
the pig pen code is
you figure it out your life is in danger here come on
before entering the pigpen you need to have the code....
ADEUSSSSS I need your help!
I put him down to rest your Adeuss come here you pussy cat, come here it's you and me now
No way man you will never get me! Escape now before it is too late come on I need to get in the pig pen. Miaowwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Ok yeah I remember that german shepperd just made me think Yahoo! security check
that's it! Hitler used this I know, I was brilliant but I am freaking out here, ok lets do that it should work. A rapid, intense attack that will eliminate him for sure.
So lets turn those 5 rotors at the same time that will save some time and I will be saved.
put the polish key and contact, what is the contact name again dam!
Are you scared now little cat that looks like a cow
That's it the contact name is REX yes just like this imbecile perrrrrrrfect ! I am safe
Quick now
rex xer erx rex rex
that's it! I'm in by the pig pen ok further down this tunnel now ok I can breath!
That's it eureka! I made it! Woa! MIAOWW1 It's pitch dark here but let's go inside the house or shold i just get to the others on top of the mountains. Hum! no I have to look for Adeus first maybe he is out there and it just a prank. Let's check it out and see if i got another message.
You will see I am not just a genius but I can delete you asshole. keep looking dumbell i am no longer in the forest I m inside the house.
So long wouffy !
Stand by I may need your help
which woufy you are talking about!
Oh! you scared me like shit! I thought he said he killed you. The laser one1
No I got a laser slice only I manage to rest and recuparate all my precious documents in the garage but for god sake you put codes on everywhere. I thought I was going to die for sure until i figure out why you put a Louisx111 replica lustre to light up a garage and 2 pair of rossignol skis on each side of the garage door.
I finally used the big number and got in to hide than follow your lead on the floor to the tunnel to your basement. I used a bit of Louis Martin.
No silly you! It's a bottle of Remy martin x111 it's worth a fortune.
Oh well! put this on the american account, I need it to heel my little hole.
Up! I think I have the hiccup!
Let's hurry up here we need to find out some more stuff before we need to go so have a look where this german dog is while i do some surfing here.
You have no time here Spy cat get on with it.
Just stand by I'm covered don't worry, I got this 64 ggbites key nothing to worry here pal
I just stand by before getting into number 7
Stop right there I need to think here.
Go run after them while I think.
There is a big hole here between this and the number 7 we need to wait or exchange it with the Vigenere number or is it the Babbage number miaouw! so much to think so little time to do.
ok lets put it down
engine number 1
engine number2
and see if i can get something out of this
command if
oh no black cabinet
i have to wait come on! no time to wait here!
dam it! this is what happen when you live in a little village
can't they up grade their internet service.
Microwave shit is not enought anymore!
This wouldn't have to happen and Harper wouldn't have to treat us like chinese people if only he had up dated his computer staff and up graded all the school computers and make his citizens better inform, dam it! all this wouldn t be necessary!
Invest in Education don't let them run in the street like in Quebec.
oh there it goes!
dam! a pop up
fuck !that pop up my ass
shit! let me think
hello! padington execute now
that is it!
I am in again
Peerrrrrrfect I am in
rehrtuf yna daer ton od
wish one is the key letter
Wait here not finish wait here not finish do not enter chapter 7 do not enter chapter 7 wait here not finish wait here not finish do not enter chapter 7 do not enter chapter 7
I told you not to enter chapter 7 but it's at your own risk
I am the master of the game not you.
But you did well you found it. Let's play!
Leon the master of the android
I will show you code breaking is just a big game for me and the day you realize this I will be far gone with my billions and all the information I need to control the world but first let's deal with you ACTA you are in my way I just want to play will all my friends and you are blocking our access to freedom of privacy we are the one who maintain it to a certain level we are the master of the universe we tell you when to play not you.
I can see them flying over our head man they are ease dropping , lasering us all fuck Go! Go! Go! Let' s hide!
Miam! That was delicious I need some more give me some
more. I need to get energetic give me some red bull now come on one more you
see the e size I have come on!
Oh there we go the son of a bitch are everywhere
around the house we have some game plan anyone!
We mean war here bastards You invaded our privacy and that is illegal don’t you know that confidentiality is a fundamental right it is declare in article rrrrrrrrrrrr 12 of the universal declaration no one can face protection attack like this. You will see we will take you in justice rrrrrrrrrrrrr
I can do it I invented those war game I can play as long
as I can recall
Shot the fuck up! shuu! Come on guys, go hide I am ready I'll jump on this guard now back off it can be ugly!
Wait! Give me a couple of bones first and I will be charging this man off the screen!
Holy crap! I am exhausted this is way serious than I thought, those guys are tuff I have played all level with them, man, I need to rest now, Oh! One more spam guy rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
ok Let me use Echelon tactic here and call the Canadians now or RSA that will fuck them up a little let's do that quick let's send a message iiii I will write myself a message, it will rebound they will spend hours searching us and the receptor while I will be the only one involve, well us,
ahahah! that is a good move. Oh! wait I will put a tune on so the music will do a distortion when they try to brake it. iii! Let’s do that!
where is my android baby master piece!
Come on give it to me I am a bone
machine. I just kill that guy. I let him there so they think he is on guard that will teach them a lesson not to play with the master of the game the king of the king Leon
Holly crap the entire Yorkshire village is out to get us facebook wokers well in that village, freakin spy village, better send a quick text for some major assistance, I will ask the NSA to come and help us or should I get the Canadian one, we are on a Canadian territory, well, it's all the same bull shit these guys exchange work anyway and ease drop every where this has to stop but now we need to cover ourselves with a big story. I will call one of my associate at Nescape this is his domain and he will back fire it to some stupid local internet café that will cause diversion.
Oh too much thinking! let's play a game! Uou give me lots of bones and I will play those guy off the screen of privacy for good! OUF! OUF !Wi is nothing beside WW3 game, this is electronifyyyyy! OUF! OUF!
fine we will play a Japanese game I have time by the time SD the state of defense find the number I have lots of time they are always sending in fogram to one another instead of working I cut them the other day doing this instead of protecting the commander I hope we stay alive all that time though. I don't care I know karate too they move fast. Holy shit! They move real fast those Japanese a real t...t... t...tsunami wave. Dam it! Watch out! not only they are listening to us that is illegal but they are...what no way they are sending our conversation all of it via satellite but it's ok the British satelite are old and mine is way better I reinforce it with ...well well I won't tell them they are listening those bastards from Yorshire. they make business with the Japanese without telling the truth to the public about their alliance tsunami wave. Dam it! Watch out! not only they are listening to us that is illegal but they are...what no way they are sending our conversation all of it via satellite but it's ok the British satelite are old and mine is way better I reinforce it with ...well well I won't tell them they are listening those bastards from Yorshire. they make business with the Japanse without telling the truth to the public about their alliance.
t.t...t...ttpttt tppptppt pttpt
There we go another ugly face spying on us with a plastic wrap she is everywhere that Bitch! You wonder why people trust her with her suppose age reducing mask, I will get her myself, that will be a nice bag of bones ourrf!
There we go another ugly face spying on us with a plastic wrap she is everywhere that Bitch! You wonder why people trust her with her suppose age reducing mask, I will get her myself, that will be a nice bag of bones ourrf!
Oh man if only we could go back inside did you find the key guys? Come on we need a key, super fast not just a starter, a real key, a private one rrrrrrrr I don't know how long we can last in order to get everybody under a protection act.
ok ca y est j'ai réussi je vais allé vous ouvrir la porte!
Hey! Dépêchez-vous!
My Gosh! Ils sont partout!
hurry up we need to get city sense 4 square to see where is the concentration main unit so we can escape and not being delete it. hurry up guys meet me in the front
Game change, guys. I just intercepted a message there you go, I reddit it for you to read: Lot's of people will gather in London because it's so easy to do it there. Their men are not up to date with cracking internet, just remember what just happen with Scotland Yard so. They will meet this week-end, to do the split attack. People are coming into town to assist with this activist manifestation. It's going to be big.
Oh! my god I wonder if at number10 they know about this. Oh well! I told him to buy himself a blackberry he wouldn't have so much trouble.
Do you have one spare on you?
No try this commander the new android we just finish the pattern not too long ago.
What is it?
Hum!Let's just say it propel you to a new galaxy. Well, ouf!,I am very proud of it it all works with keys. A key will open another lock and with that lock you will be able to open another door with another key you get it?
Yeah! it's the new discovery from my friend Paul, you know, Paul with his 3 friends from the East township of Cape Breton.
How come you came to Canada to do your new pattern?
You guys are the top in computer code remember....And I was doing a transatlantic the other day going to London a matter of fact and I was sitting next to this Paul.
Hold on guys, I heard something!
where is agent x95?
everyone hide in the wine cellar one more time. NOW MIAOW!
Hurry up!
Adeus can you give us a hand?
Yes of course, don't we always do? American are always there.
Let's go
it s not a matter of who is who american english frenchies chinese no
it s all about individual fighting for their own privacy right! and see who is controlling us and who has got millions of dollars hidden in the UBS bank that's all or is it just a god dam game a very dangerous god dam game a new war the 4 th war, the electronic war, now, you tell me, but first less save our ass we will talk later!
where are those good old days where scientists will talk among each other about their discovery why cant wizz kids,cyber punks,do that, we are all in for the same thing,
to control our own life and share the good stuff about our discoveries
cisa asic cisa asic
see you later got to run!
aka aki is everywhere dam! dam! dam!That beats the crap out of me I got to put more crypto code miaowwwwwwwwww!
cut off all wi-fi you guys unless you want someone to find us and lets go back to the old days basic telegram just like the Queen does. What you recckon?
no! i didn't get all the way to hear that!, ourf! I am an android master
My mom was the one who crack the biggest code ever, you know.
I am here because American invented me
Ah stop it you guys! And start moving your ass inside the house and get cracking
stop reading arretez la lecture ici
I got you poking at this site oh oh
you are bad readers
now lets get this assignment done now if only this guy can get out to Ecouador land but hey lets get going
the show must go on!
now lets get this assignment done now if only this guy can get out to Ecouador land but hey lets get going
the show must go on!
like they say in the business we need
and we need it now!
Time is precious especially with one guy in where are the others.
come on lets get going
we need we need to breath
Hurry up I just spotted red fox from Afghanistan or watch this one he is all so big, man, he could eat us up in a second^.

man he has been training at the camp the son of a bitch! MIAOW! He is so big. Come on guys! Lets go!
Peggy dont worry I'm here to protect you
look the sky is full of clouds we will be fine trust me
I know so many people in the spy business
Do you know James Bond?
yeah i did its his birthday today
come on move along girl!
oh well, al right
nothing can happen to you
you are IT girl miaiouw miaouw mmm
you are the magic number no one can get it, remember that, always.
you are the key of your own destiny, you are the key number for the freedom of speech, for all the individuals on this planet. Peggy remember that
yes, but what if
you, know in ...those....
stop it, go to bed, you can come back and read some more tomorrow
^ the falcon is dead for the day
ttp ttp ttp ttp ttp ttp ttp ttp ttp ppt pptpptpptpptpptppt ttp ttp tptptptptptptptptp
Do we have everything. We can not leave any trace. We will be on the run now like fugitive.
ok lets go everyone, get out, one by one, the road is clear than we will escape and get to the plan. Make sure you are connected to the android Leon did. I don't what happen to him . I hope he can get to us before this to late. He has a good nose he will find us trust me guys.
Ok. Go and I will send you some images of the plan of this labatory. Im sure its Russian so you have a lot of chance it looks like perimalat. I ll send you an image soon.
Now, beware, this is the most dangerous unit ever.
You guys, go, I need to stay here to protect Peggy and try to get some wi fi install here with the jeep I can figure out something so we can get some rescue and some army boys here. I knew I should have done it sooner but i ran out of time.
OUf! OUf! I'm coming, I'm coming.
Lets go I can smell it from here!
This got to end, ounce and for all. We can not tolerate this in Canada and anywhere in the world.
Oh! My I can't smell a soul, they left, ouf! I think this place is empty that doesn't sound good, perhaps we are too late.
Yeah! that's it, no one on the premises, I dont like that one bit, let's start searching.
Listen up guys, Mia! Accroding to this plan, they were building some kind of biological arm. I think its some kind of virus you know like la peste or something.
They are going to do it thru air filter. Miaouw! Oh! Oh! Gross! They had tested it already.
oah! Miawwwwwwwwwwww! That is soooooooooo grossssssssssssss! They, they, they...
Wait, I think, I am going to throw up, wait a second guys, don't move burp!
Biark! Biark! Braaak!
Ok, I feel better, wait let me smell a bit of tree to get myself together, miaw, this thing is big man, this is just not about numbers but about taking the power of the universe killing humanity. I dont know becareful guys
I'm going to the jeep now to stay close to Peggy.
but wait im sick to my stomach, I need to throw up some more.
bark! biark! biark! They must put something inside
so we can not breath properly. I'm not feeling good.
oh no oh no it s a catastrophy she is gone they took her they took peggy MIAOWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWOOOOOOOOO
the essential number is gone
we are dead guys
she scratch the ground to resist the kidnapping
its all my fault
I just got out the jeep to throw out and here she is vanish for ever my beautiful Peggy my special number. I must breath something Lethal I'm not feeling good at all guys I can't move I'm paralyse or something I don't even remember how did i get back in the jeep.
Oh! no! they will never find me now. They were so quick.
miaow, mia, mia,
I didnt even have time to get my claw out, they grab me by the neck, I try to resist but it was too late. I smell something, something stronge and now what I 'm here lock in some kind of shack but what if they can not find me and they leave me behind? What if they come back to get me and torture me?I will not tell them anything. Never!
I feel better now. sowrd of, I need to find Peggy!
let me run after them
go guys we need to hurry before someone find out we are here.
I think, I see them very well now. She doesn't seem to be inside the pick up truck than she must be here. I need to find her while you guys demolish everything you see but be careful guys we are talking about deadly chemicals virus that can kill human kind.
ouf1Stop everything! In the name of humanity, men and animals, stop! if you move an inch you will destroy the entire planet. Now we can not be free on internet and now this but this this is insane! OUF!
cookie monster!
I never saw that in my entire life, this is a biological bomb we are in big shit!
ah!Don't worry, this is normal day at the office, give it to me, I will dismental it no big deal! Meanwhile, go destroy the rest, everything and find out who did all these prints, its full of anthrax here!
Ok, I was good but, but, but, what is the mother fucker with the big tube? I need to see it closer, shit! I'm way over my league here and I am the best in America. This must be Chinese or Russan or Iranian style!
Oh dog! I'm in big shit now but lets keep calm, I can do it, I can do it,
where the fuck should I go know with this shit?
in my mouth!
Need to breath, need tto breath!
need a bone a big bone, a Tbone from a Rex
breath! breath! breath!
I am the master of all!
Iam Adeus the king of Espionage
I can do it.
Can I?
Wouf! With the glass reflection, I can see the clock, I have about 15 minutes left to figure it out
fiou! I'm good, I will be good. 15 minutes is a long time. Plenty of time. No problem, trust me America!
Like the Brits say: Keep calm and carry on... your mission my dear one!
Ouf! Ouf! What on earth is this smell? The wires smell...I don't know, these guys put anthrax on everything?
Give it to me Adeus. I need to do something, I am not going to let you guys do all the hard work for me and my nation enough of this. I was ounce in the marine and I know all about this. I was brief with Pugus on the latest bomb desing and this one was one of the them if I recall you know me I always sleeep during these briefing but this was the first model i saw. The Serial # HTTP-VARIOLE-FLEA100,000,in an irish black box. Forget the box its optional depends if the guy drank too much guiness if you know what i mean. Ok let's get on to work. Frist,. I need to see if ther is nothing like a gum...
You know even a president need to know how to do this in case he get cut
but this baby here is smelly and quite unsusual i must say I didn't pratice yet!
how much time do we have?
12-13 sir and we didnt hear from spy cat and peggy sir
ok we have a red wire, a black wire...
this one im not sure
it's black but Aoutch! Its kind of electric, I think it is wire with somehting else it has power
mia mia these guys mean big business
it electrucated me!
son of a bitch! I will get you even if it will cost my life!
We are in a free country and we want to be free to go out and do whatever we are please to do
no threat ever on this planet!
I' ll get it you will see.
a white wire but this black one is not the same as the other one one is very smelly again.
How many nthere are and that tube full of virus . As soon as the obmb explode it let go in the air trillions of viral particules and contaminate no that is a small word irridiate man kind that s all there is to it i have nothing to loose than save my ass CYAS is it now ok....
rouf! rouf! I need courage here we are talking major assignement
I went in one of those strange lab,
they contaminated all the water.
In this other one they really tested all kind of crap in here.
The inscription was killing african people with a big bang!
Woa! I hope this can ever be fix. This one was saying to get red of the Asian kind.
It seems like it some kind of virus that eliminate just one brand of people this is weird.
Oh! That's it they are attaking the ADN of the gen of these people
I heard the Iraninan were pretty hot on this. They were putting the virus in Whisky bottle so the color was always brownish andno one could detect the ADN. They would put chicken ADN, kids ADN in th ebottles and shiop it in America. But now this is on Canadian soil. That is so terryfying. There is not hope at all of survival.
What if we can no longer drink water ever ever
we will al die
But what of our genes are infected with this the human race will be difform and we will die too
Oh! Ouf! My god this one is scary, it has a code before entering in it, I try to cal spy cat but he is not answering I am going to do it myself but it could take ages?
You are not alone, I'm here, Adeus send me to check over you we kind of loss track of agent x.95 maybe he went to look for Peggy she is been missing too and spy cat got hit on the head by those lab scientist from hell, he is kind of paralyse
He will be fine, they got him big time while he was throwing up I manage to put him back on the jeep so when you guys are finish here you dont need to waist time to pick him up.
Hurry up! Now, big Canadian flooffy thing, you only have 9 more minutes here...croac croac!
You are not alone go on try
CROW worc rowc
and dont ask any question you know birds are the first one hit, if this biological arm works, we need to breath too man. There are millions of birds already dead because of their experiment they try the nil virus aviaire virus and now what some kind of chemical shit to kill us all.
go on
I need to find miss Peggy they took her away
and she is the most important thing on the universe
she is the number we are all loooking for.
Oh my dog! It's a unit full of yellow cake! I dont think we are getting out alive from this place!
let me pull a few string here. at least it'S a start!
Let me unplug all these wires, and pretend I'm doing something
what on earth this is for?
Oh boy, by this look of art, its Russian shit for sure, they used old, old, old, stuff
Now, they must have kept the yellow cake in this container its freezing hell
Ouf, I'm soaking wet, I need to drink, I'm flabergasted by the immensity
of piece of destruction we have here.
What about me? There is a song like that. What about me? What about I get the hell out of here. That god dam spy cat is not my friend anymore. Mister will stay in the jeep with Miss Peggy. What a nice ride he had that jerk.
Ive go to dismental a freakin bilogical bomb i will show him the American are powerful I will do it just watch
ok this for sure smell more and more like sulfure here.
Wo I think I saw a f 35 go buy men we are in big danger here.
Oh my tongue hurt so much! Ok, go!
Action now!
Pull black, red and white, than scrath the duck tape, push the light of the master gun to stop the virus from blowing
Go, go, go,
I am me after all, I am the right number for this job
Never count on anybody if oyu want to have the work done.
There we go, done deal, mother fucker! I am so tired, I could sleep right here now, I am just exhausted so tired suddenly, I inhale too much atomic substance, I might die after all. Oh! shit! ADEUSSSSSSSS!
take me to POGUS now! I need to see him before I die.
Oh well cats have 9 lives right!
I can say I have done something for my nation how about you?
Adeus I'm talking to you! Adeus! Bloody dog! He didnt think, I could make it and he ran away.
I have Persian origin, I know a bit about bomb here. Didn't I just show you, right there?
Miaouw miaow! Mi aw!
Adeus where are you you? You are suppose to protect me, no to go away and leave me with a bomb idiot! Where are you? Do you think, I was serious when I said that?
I think there is something wrong with me, I am going to die, I need to go, help me, I'm paralyse, I can't move. I'm paralyssssssssssssssssse!My nervous system is braking down.
no peaking
Chap 10
men this place is empty i dont see anything here.
they ask us to leave 3 hans drive where we could get the guy anytime soon to come here in bloody Canada to check a freakin lab.
ah! I see a dog there and thats about it
not much from this side i dont see anything just a bunch of white building
Yeah just a dog
Ah! We have company guys maybe we should leave they been following me I found something but lets get the hell out of here we need to go now guys we are in big trouble. This site is an old lab full of dangerous thing for the humanity
we all know that now go miao mia mia miaow they got me real bad i want be able to to
go with you guys now leave me along let me try to hide in the woods
Miaoww mia miawwwwwwww I have been shot!
oh gee! who are those guys
quick i need to do something now
that's it, if Iclimb up they wont think to look for me here.
atouch atouch miaw miaw miaw
atouch atouch atouch i m in pain
there we go i think i m safe here.
oh my we are in big shit we are dealing with the british spy brigade the M6
I mean those guys they mean business if i know too much they will kill me they wont hesitate for sure
men i hope everyone had time to go and are safe
shit! im in big shit!
Do not peak just yet ....
and all that informations i know i have to sned it to someone in case something happen to me i will send it to ,my dearest love and she can have a second copy
we need to stop those secret services who works around the world...
stop the biologic wars in iran
and nuclear war that is planning Syria
stop the biologic wars in iran
and nuclear war that is planning Syria
Why did this famous writer share this informations with me i wonder if he was afraid of his life
but than again its all over Wikipedia. What are we going to do with this famous number will the famous new computer NVIDIA be able to crack everything, count so many numbers in so many seconds
but than again its all over Wikipedia. What are we going to do with this famous number will the famous new computer NVIDIA be able to crack everything, count so many numbers in so many seconds
That should be the end of the famous number or not?
I should perhaps invest in those stocks before i die so my love one miss peggy be able to live nicely after if something happen to me but I don’t
know how to continued all this i need to sleep im a cat for god sake cat sleep all day i need to sleep all day but now i have to run for my life i need to hide before they get me.
so let me write up a Tentative report on secret services of the Mossad from 1951 until this day maye the key to the number is there I dont know anymore let see
if i recall correctly
Gordon Thomas wrote this about the British secret services
so let me write up a Tentative report on secret services of the Mossad from 1951 until this day maye the key to the number is there I dont know anymore let see
if i recall correctly
Gordon Thomas wrote this about the British secret services
Klaus Fuch secret atomic???
CIA William Casey???
Admoni secret agent in Washington???
but than again he left me with all these blank spaces for me to figure it out ok lets do a rap up from the beginning.
but than again he left me with all these blank spaces for me to figure it out ok lets do a rap up from the beginning.
1946 5 MARS 1946
Washington give in 1951 the Israelis the right to
spy in others country with diplomatic immunities
Americans have used the Jewish people in foreign
countries to spy and inform the Americans.
1953 le journal l express souligne la guerrefroide entre l est et l ouest grâce à Jacques derogy (1925-2997)
France sold 24 megawatt reactor to Israel.
Atomic pile in the desert of Negev near Dimona
south of Tel Aviv.
Silver dome of Dimona, under it, lies: The Reactor.
2,500 scientists work at this biggest industrial
fortify complex
The Israelis will shoot any aircrafts that flew
over 8 km close to this site
This site is under 25 meters under ground.
Makhom 02
France sold all the parts under the name of textile.
1957 attentat à starsbourg par les services de renseignements de la tchécoslovaquie
1957 attentat à starsbourg par les services de renseignements de la tchécoslovaquie
APPOLO Pensylvania
Nuclear materials and equipment corporations:
Dr shapiro is a Lakam who regroups Jewish scientists
He worked at Westhinghouse on the contract of the
US Navy to built submarine reactors.
1960 marocain spy travel to tchekoslovakia had spend 10,000 franc but we are not sure if this project was aborted or not
1960 marocain spy travel to tchekoslovakia had spend 10,000 franc but we are not sure if this project was aborted or not
U.S.A. Israel Ethiopia Soudan
$500,000 Swiss bank for a deposit on a Mig
Kurdish people are armed by Americans via Israel.
In order to get their spy out in exchange for
informations on Irak they, the Mossad stole a Mig and they pushed the Turkish people in believing the
Mig was for the Americans but it was to get one of their spy out of there.
Richard Helms CIA escorted by Phamtom airplane
from the us air force.
$500,000 swiss bank done deal!
John f Kennedy told the people at Dimona that they
had to go under inspection by AIEA.
Abraham Feinberg told Kennedy if you need $500,000
for your political party, we will supervise your middle east politic in
Kennedy refused and went to inspect Dimona and sold
to Israel nuclear missiles Sol Hawk and the inspection of Dimona was made solely
by Americans only.
Israel made a fake control post covered by the
green desert of Negev.
They fool the entire planet with this fake project.
France and Norway are involved in the process in
giving water supplies to this freakin scam.
Israeli scientist went to Appollo Numec complex and
signed a huge contract with Shapiro in order to develop a way to pasteurise and
sterilize medications by irradiation.
And of course because they had a radiation sticker on
the container, no one wanted to open the inside of the container to look at the
packages therefore they went down as diplomatic mail and the CIA could not open
the package at the IDLEWARD airport.
CIA did not know about what was going on up above
with Israel there was a Mole in Washington.
9 delivery to Israel out of Appolo,United States.
They were made of uranium in special lead container direction: Haifa.
Furnace hose were found at Numec; these were used
to transport uranium.
FBI could not intervene for diplomatic reason.
FBI confirmed Dimona had enough fissile substance
in order to fabricate an atomic bomb.
So 50 kilos of uranium in Israel in 1961.
20 February. Dr.Shapiro received a letter from Washington???
1967 Irakians and Iranians have 10,000 spies around the world.
Cubans DGI have 1,000 spies.
Mossad 1,200 spies.
They have katsas in America, Great Britain,
In America they have some in New York,
Washington, United Nations.
At the fortification Syrians
Russians have given canons 200 russians
tanks T-54
Cohen is one katsa who knew
the plan
on how Syria will cut Israel.
on how Syria will cut Israel.
Americans supports Israel
South Africa.
Pollard gives to
the Israelis all the details of the American spies in South Africa.
South Africa blow up an
atomic bomb in the Indian Ocean.
Therefore CIA had to get
out of South Africa.
1,000 secret files were
Shimon Peres was able with
that to react on the American position in the Middle East.
Nahum Admoni
National security agency
Spying on the embassy in Washington
and other diplomatic missions of the Israeli for the Americans.
He was not charge because he was an allie to United States; go figure.
How corrupt this was and
still is, til this day.
The spies were afraid that Clinton free Pollard before the end of his mandat to force Israel to enter a peace agreement in order for Clinton to gain the ultimate success on foreign policies.
But in
1980 marchinkus archeveque vatican contrebande d armes et trafics d or and radioactive substances
1980 to 1990
1981 july july 1981 at the summit in ottawa ronald reagan receive informations from francois mitterand russia knows all the radar function of untied states of america and he warns the us president of a aerial attack (p.253 of les grands reportages de christophe barbier) La taupe vladimir vetrov a livré 3,000 documents ultraconfidentiel-voir marcel chaletsupervisor of farewell operation
sverchenno sekretno
doc signé par le grand patron du KGB LOUI ANDROPOV
4 ministres communistes pendant la presidence de destaing
reagan is furious is send envoie pere BUsh NDLA
securitate service secret roumain charles herni infromateur chef d etat major des armees
14 juiliett 1981
1979-80 les russes connaissent tout sur le systeme de protection des americains armements et technologies de pointe
spassiba Vetrov 300 autorise spying( prise d'écoute)
80,000 people were spied on in east germany
1989 marchinkus recoit immunité absolue en restant au saint siege
1989 Benito Mussolini le protege
he was flown in a diplomatic secret car to chicago drove to sun city in phoenix arizona next to
Ben Menasher Ostrovsky
the secret banker of the god Marchinkus
Mossad role th elost of 200,000,000 millions of dollars
1990 4 of may FAREWELL
1980 marchinkus archeveque vatican contrebande d armes et trafics d or and radioactive substances
1980 to 1990
1981 july july 1981 at the summit in ottawa ronald reagan receive informations from francois mitterand russia knows all the radar function of untied states of america and he warns the us president of a aerial attack (p.253 of les grands reportages de christophe barbier) La taupe vladimir vetrov a livré 3,000 documents ultraconfidentiel-voir marcel chaletsupervisor of farewell operation
sverchenno sekretno
doc signé par le grand patron du KGB LOUI ANDROPOV
4 ministres communistes pendant la presidence de destaing
reagan is furious is send envoie pere BUsh NDLA
securitate service secret roumain charles herni infromateur chef d etat major des armees
14 juiliett 1981
1979-80 les russes connaissent tout sur le systeme de protection des americains armements et technologies de pointe
spassiba Vetrov 300 autorise spying( prise d'écoute)
80,000 people were spied on in east germany
1989 marchinkus recoit immunité absolue en restant au saint siege
1989 Benito Mussolini le protege
he was flown in a diplomatic secret car to chicago drove to sun city in phoenix arizona next to
Ben Menasher Ostrovsky
the secret banker of the god Marchinkus
Mossad role th elost of 200,000,000 millions of dollars
1990 4 of may FAREWELL
Mossad forget to tell the Americans CIA about a plot to kill people in Beyrouth,
241 GI died because Mossad forgot to transfert the informations to the CIA.
But hey! They still keep supporting Israel.
Colonel Sella of the israeli aviation studied in New York. He managed to
destroy the nuclear reactors in Irak.
The Israeli had access to the Anti Terrorist Alert Center secret files.
Pollard was giving ultra secret documents that he then transfered to Sella.
Yosef Yagur story???
Irit Erb Katsa apartment in Washington next to the airport.
Russians gave arms to Syria and other Arab Nations.
Missiles SS-21 et SA-5
1990 explosion du bloc sovietique les français obtiennent des renseignements sur l allemagne république cheque.
DSTin on high alert for bacterian war
checking on country buying a special ( acier maraging) that people would use for nuclear interest.
at this time a brazilian woman was spying in the states
Russians dysmental.
Russia is no longer Russia.
At the airport Cheremetievo in Moscou.
flight 3369 Lufthansa going to munich.
Justin Torress a Colombian was meeting with Igor Tashanka at the Staline mount on a cruise on the Moskova they exchange an envelop of 5,000 $ in exchange for uranium in the briefcase.
In the briefcase he had multi cylinders of plutonium.
200gr of plutonium 239.
It was valued at $53,000,000 on the market enough to do an atomic bomb.
200gr of plutonium 239 is sufficient and is worth 53,000,000 $
Russian technician had help the Algerians in building a nuclear reactor.
Russia had enough biological arms including the Bacille
of the Super Pest; capable to kill millions of people.
1 tiny flacon was enough.
Bostnia was the perfect passage for plutonium 239.
Ultimate destination: Irak
Torress was followed.
The Russians and the Germans spies agreed that Torres could embark the flight to Munich instead of letting this goes in the hands of Saddam Hussein.
So they arrested him and his receivers but the other one escape.
Javier Arratibel from Spain was waiting for Torress
delivery of plutonium and an individual called: Julio
They arrested Arratibel and Torress but they arrived too late to stop Julio from giving his delivery.
The rest of the plutonium went to Hungaria in the hands of god knows who?
Russia had 130 tonnes of plutonium enough to make
16,000 atomic bombs,
2x more powerful than Hiroshima.
2x more powerful than Hiroshima.
At one point, some scientists exchanged 1 kilo of plutonium in exchange for 20 bottles of vodka; that is sick and dangerous.
Jordania owns at this time the best informations
center ever.
The Mukhabarat.
Now we have facebook(joke)
Clinton administration and MEGA (for megawatt)???
This was prior done with Bush administration; not
We dont know that.
Dov. Warren Christopher, foreign minister who sign
a letter with Yasser Arafat,he told him that the Israeli remove their troops in
Clinton- Christopher-Arafat ?
A mole was in and give the informations at the National
Security Conseil.
Vice president and the Secretary of Defense,CIA director
and the president of the interim army de l’etat major
Mega pour megawatt kilowatt.
Clinton and Monica Lewisnky. Israel was bribbing Clinton
Clinton knew there was a mole and had to stop the search by the FBI under the Mossad brib to tell all this sex story.
4,000 sayyadims in Great Britain
16,000 sayyadims in United States
katsa ?
neviol ?
slick ?
They have spies in United States in:
scientific department, technology and economic.
This is the biggest ennemy of United States and then
again United States uses the Mossad to filter the Arab words.
lap give false informations to the press ex:
atlanta bomb,
TWA flight
They told it was Iran and Irak and it was not it was an
Israel manouvers to have the American pity their cause.
Lakam have offices in New York, Boston, Washington
and Los Angeles.
1998 george tenet
Israel has the biggest nuclear power in the
middle east.2004 pollard
2004 larry thompson
2004 Eitan
2004 archeveque paul marcinkus
400,000 persons die of gun shots in america
as much in Mexico.
American continent is as worst as the middle east sometime when you look at this.
These people did not ask to be kill they were not in war
They were at home, at school doing their little things
and that is beside the point
a canadian spy got cut transfering files to russia this will have to put in right now i am back up of too many stories to write
février 2013
april 2013
no to CISPA
cispas is like sopa we dont want it
they use IP to spy on everyone
27 TH OF MAY 2013 (2011-2013)
its time to leave this place come on every on you dont want to leave you want to fight for your right isnt this part of the american constitution
Enough talk get in the bag now. I have a plan
im not getting in one of those bags
Dont you think I had enough shit for one day my fur is completely gone everyone will make fun of me
where is he again we each suppose to carry a cat.
Well he is suppose to take 2 bags
ADEUS where the hell are you?
come on I dont have much space in here.
ou étais tu nous étions tous prèt à partir
mother fucker i must have receive a hard hi. t i dont understand a word you are saying pal
can someone help me here
its french we had to use a code so no one else could listen to what we have to say.You went to school in Europe for your training use your brain for god sake.
well well dont get all excited here
Je ne suis pas NA PO LÉ ON OUF! JE SUIS ADÉUS!
vite dépêchons-nous j'ai assomé le gardien on en a pour quelques minutes seulement avant qu'Il se remettre du fichu coup que je lui ai sommé.
Now did you get that i hit the guard now lets go translation destroy in 3 seconds
je l'ai vu faire, j'étais partie à sa rescousse...wait for me I went to look for Adéus!
do not read this still being decrypting...
do not peak
cyber attack design 24 by the chinese hacker stole sensitive documents
russian spy in canada
oh they finally discover that socialnetwork is an old method used by bagel land oh oh oh there is a hole or a mole
who is mr skype
monopole of IP got to be destroy
internet 2 is working good now but for who
lots to catch up
spy it
is so much information coming out cant catch up
maybe they are all using the new chinese computer sorting trillions of info a second
miam miam
i need more than cat lives to do this
snow always start the day
will start with a S
EJoseph Snowden can twitt out of Russia it means business as usual will there be more informations coming from borrowed land
keep you posted..............................................................
wikileaks is afraid of national security agency form the US that will intrude their system
he wants to move ahead and encrypt all his pages with SSL
secure socket with layers of encryptions
so it protects users form outside intruders
someone says he wants lavabit source code FL/oss
- november 13 2013 was Black wednesday TPP
- november 2013
- better read further down
- spy document being intercepted something big is going to happen read further down and let me
- october 2013
- the french are upset
- the Americans are spying on them
- Do they just woke up or what?
- No wonder you can not go out of the peripheric of Paris anymore it is rule by the black feet people and the French are too afraid to get out and fight them.
- Good lord send the army or else the French will get upset at the world
- october 2013
- apparently Canadians have spies in Brazil
- october 2013
- 250 millions under the magnify glass by NSA
- September 09-05
- snowden warn us not to use goware
- NSA is over load with crypto shit to break
- and have no time to write more stories will do eventually
- keep coming here ounce an a while
- too many vilain or cracking my computers
- wonder why
- with all the informations
- someone is about to release a nother important top secret informations
- soon
- august 12 -2013 lates news Obama wants to put spy program iiii love it i will needd more 4 legged friends here
Hi guys
I might be knew to this game but I have good source I can save your ass if you let me in all you have to do is dig deeper stop staying on the surface dig dig dig
I just dig out this informations , i will be at your house soon with the info
Ces derniers mois, le gouvernement vénézuélien, dirigé par le président Nicolas Maduro a signalé de nombreux cas de sabotage du système électrique avec une campagne soutenue pour subvertir l'économie de la nation. A médias et plus international que les médias privés au Venezuela, se moquaient des graves allégations formulées par le président vénézuélien, et ont plutôt tenté de blâmer le gouvernement pour tout dommage causé au pays. Cependant, un document interne de trois organisations en Colombie et aux États-Unis révèle un plan sinistre contre l'Etat vénézuélien à provoquer la violence, même tués, avec l'intention de justifier une intervention internationale avant les élections communales du 8 Décembre. Ce document , intitulé «Plan stratégique du Venezuela», a été préparé par la Fondation de l'internationalisme démocratique du président colombien Alvaro Uribe Velez, avec First Thought Foundation Center Colombie et la firme américaine de consultants FTI Consulting . Son moment de la rédaction était de 13 Juin 2013, lors d'une réunion entre les représentants de ces trois organisations, les dirigeants de l'opposition vénézuélienne, comme Maria Corina Machado, Julio Borges et Ramón Guillermo Avelado, expert en guerre psychologique, JJ Rendon, et en charge de l'Agence pour le développement international (USAID) pour l'Amérique latine, Mark Feierstein. plan stratégique visant à déstabiliser le Venezuela a pour but principal d'affaiblir le gouvernement dans le cadre des élections communales du 8 Décembre, tels Comme il est précisé dans le texte: «Les objectifs de ce plan se divisent essentiellement en la municipale prévue pour le 8 Décembre en même temps, y compris usure accélérée progressivement alléger le triomphe suprême de gouvernement de l'opposition cet événement. " Ils ajoutent: «. Mais si c'était avant, beaucoup mieux" Ce document détaille également la stratégie visant à saboter le système électrique au Venezuela afin de demander au gouvernement des faiblesses de l'infrastructure du pays et ainsi projeter une image de crise du Venezuela au niveau international. Dans le cadre de ce plan, les auteurs proposent de «maintenir et augmenter les services qui touchent de sabotage à la population, en particulier pour le système électrique, permettant au gouvernement de blâmer la prétendue inefficacité et de négligence". Depuis lors, les coupures de courant et d'autres pannes d'électricité ont affecté différentes régions dans tout le Venezuela, provoquant un grand mécontentement, et donnant lieu à une perception négative du gouvernement. Récemment, les autorités vénézuéliennes ont arrêté plusieurs personnes impliquées dans saboter le système électrique et à la fin de Septembre, le président Maduro a expulsé trois fonctionnaires de l'ambassade américaine à Caracas pour son rôle présumé dans les plans de déstabilisation. dans la section intitulée "Actions "les auteurs du document détaillant les prochaines étapes visant à déstabiliser le gouvernement vénézuélien. En plus de "perfectionner le discours conflictuel du plaignant et Henrique Capriles" candidat présidentiel vaincu par Maduro, reportez-vous à «susciter l'enthousiasme avec des messages courts mais ils atteindre plus de gens, qui reprend les problèmes sociaux, ce qui provoque des troubles sociaux. Augmenter problèmes de pénurie de panier alimentaire de base. " Ces derniers mois, le Venezuela a connu des problèmes de pénuries de produits de base tels que papier hygiénique, le sucre, le lait, l'huile, le beurre et la farine, entre autres. Les autorités vénézuéliennes ont saisi des tonnes de ces produits dans les magasins appartenant à des hommes d'affaires liés à l'opposition. Ils ont également saisi de grandes quantités de ces produits à la frontière avec la Colombie, où ils sont vendus en contrebande. Selon le document, «Le« Plan stratégique du Venezuela ", a convenu avec les dignes représentants de l'opposition au gouvernement de Nicolas Maduro, se concentre sur ces buts avec le soutien continu de plusieurs personnalités mondiales fonctionnent être retourné au Venezuela véritable démocratie et l'indépendance ont été enlevés depuis plus de 14 ans. " Au cours des 14 années de l'administration démocrate du président Hugo Chavez menace son gouvernement a abondé et la déstabilisation des plans n'a jamais pris fin. Après l'échec du coup d'Etat contre lui en 2002, qui a été organisé et soutenu par le gouvernement américain, il ya eu de nombreuses tentatives pour le renverser à travers le sabotage économique, l'intervention électorale, tentatives d'assassinat, la guerre psychologique, le financement de la milliardaire les forces d'opposition du plan d'isolement à l'extérieur et internationale qui a finalement échoué. L'une des faces visibles des tentatives de déstabilisation du gouvernement Chavez était l'ancien président de la Colombie Alvaro Uribe Velez. L'ancien président colombien a terminé sa présidence en 2010 appelant à une intervention internationale au Venezuela avec l'intention de détruire le président Chavez et sa révolution bolivarienne. Uribe a passé des années à la suite diffamation envers le président Chavez et son gouvernement et à renforcer les liens avec les secteurs anti-Chávez à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur du Venezuela. La mort du président Chavez à Mars 2013 n'a pas empêché Uribe poursuivre leurs actions contre le Venezuela. Avec l'élection de Nicolas Maduro à la présidence et à la poursuite du processus engagé par le socialiste Chavez, Uribe a continué avec ses plans pour attaquer le Venezuela. maintenant ce document interne, le produit d'une réunion de secteurs de droite de Colombie et du Venezuela, ainsi que représentants du gouvernement américain, démontre les plans de déstabilisation en cours contre le gouvernement de Maduro. Dans le cadre de ce complot dangereux contre le Venezuela, les auteurs proposent de «créer la crise dans les rues pour faciliter l'intervention des forces américaines et de l'OTAN, avec le soutien du gouvernement de la Colombie. Autant que possible, devrait provoquer la violence tués ou blessés ". Vénézuéliens, des représentants de l'opposition, se sont associés avec des forces extérieures à causer la mort de citoyens innocents dans leur propre pays avec l'intention de promouvoir une invasion militaire de leur nation. Cela représente une grave menace-et-un crime ignoble contre la souveraineté du Venezuela. Enfin, outre la promotion de la dynamique d'une campagne internationale visant à marginaliser, délégitimer et discréditer le gouvernement Maduro à travers les médias et porte-parole de la droite Le document recommande «une insurrection militaire" contre "vénézuélien". Ils proposent des «groupes de contact militaire actif et le statut de la retraite à étendre la campagne à dédramatiser le prestige du gouvernement au sein des Forces armées. (...) Il est essentiel de préparer l'armée à partir d'un scénario crises et les conflits sociaux fer de lance de l'insurrection contre le gouvernement, ou au moins à soutenir une intervention étrangère ou insurrection civile. " Cette preuve de documents et confirme la vérité et de la gravité, des allégations formulées par le président Nicolas Maduro. Le Venezuela est l'objet d'attaques, comme elle l'a été pendant les 14 dernières années, depuis le début de la révolution bolivarienne et le sauvetage de la souveraineté, l'indépendance et la dignité du pays. N'oubliez pas que le Venezuela possède les plus grandes réserves de pétrole au monde. Les intérêts puissants qui veulent contrôler ces ressources riches ne s'arrêtera pas jusqu'à atteindre votre objectif. [ La véracité de ce document n'a pas été confirmée par une source indépendante. RT n'assume aucune responsabilité quant à son authenticité
Texto completo en:
spy phone on internet
spy bubble
bug your voice
access to contact list
phone and texto of th eperson
anywhwere you are
microphone set up
record all noise
facebook twitter skype
everything is recorded
bank jealous individual everything can be spy
u can not do that legally
its ilegal to put a program like this on computers and cell phone
parental guidance from your parent
surveilance store are booming
$70.00 spy tronic program to spy on someone
10-15 spy program are sold daily
they can take everything from you
via your cell phone
pictures, sketch, books
janvier le 24 2014
i want in like my friend Alice im a good digger too and i have been saving all winter
come on let me in you want my help and now you let me out
you need to let me in now or i am leaving its too cold in your country my brain is not funcitoning really well out here
its urgent hurry up
ok i dig myself in I dig deeper and deeper and found a lots of bits on the floor to munch on while I wait for you spy cat but where are you
I was detain in russia for
why do you think I went to russia rooky
my god you gotten bigger
did you eat that russian stuff or what
they dont really test athletes there you can use anything to win its all a scam those drug test in russia
I have been training every day on spartan race to go and rescue you commander in chief i have been waiting and waiting to give you this very important informations ut suddenly ukraine as been on our mind AND I WAS TRAIN ON HOW TO TWIST BIG PROPANE FAUCET UNDER WATER GETTING OUT OF AN OLD SUBMARINE AND BACK TO THE SHORE i HAVE BEEN BUSY SPY CAT
and duty german also our next assignment is in germany
ebola whats next pest
sad to hear that
digging digging digging
hi guys i dig some more important files
check this out this is going to be our new mission
this was send directly to us on my page twitter page
charlie hebdo story to cover here
spy story 02-17-2015
november 2015
tragedy in paris france
daesh isil islam alquaeda name it have kill too many innocents this as got to stop we have a new mission here we need to find otu whou sponsor all this carnage and stop it
we are for peace and for peace we will stop this killing
digging digging digging
hi guys i dig some more important files
check this out this is going to be our new mission
this was send directly to us on my page twitter page
digging digging digging
hi guys i dig some more important files
check this out this is going to be our new mission
this was send directly to us on my page twitter pagedigging digging digging
hi guys i dig some more important files
check this out this is going to be our new mission
this was send directly to us on my page twitter page
go check the marion project on twitter...
we have to stop writing there is a lockdown in #Brussells and we need to get to EU to transmit our informations lets wait for now....keep on watching for more details
article in the figaro news paper this is waht it says
L'ex-espion juif américain Jonathan Pollard libéré
Trump if only I could have some spy stuff on Trump
now we have the RUssian athletes stop to go to Rio hopefully we need to stop him to put his hands on nuclear weapons
this white surpemacy supreme toupet!
....................................................... via @HuffPostBiz