She doesn't know what to do. She begins to tremble of fear. She stops and looks around her to see what is wrong but she can't see anything. Absolutely nothing.
-Stay there! Jim orders the others, I will come to you.
-Tell me what's wrong! Cries Louise nervously.
-Do not move! Stay calm, Ben orders as Jim approaches her.
-My God! Cries Tom. This area has already been cleaned.
-At nine o'clock! Ben specifies to Jim. A Banana!
Jim walks around a bit more to examine precisely what is must face and then approaches Louise.
-Could you explain in simple terms what do I have to do? Is it a landmine or a snake? Cries Louise terrified.
Jim comes close to Louise.
-Chut! Quiet please, take a deep breath and let me look at this over properly to see what we are dealing with.
He examines meticulously the circumference around Louise. He looks at her for a moment and raises her with his both arms to then set her down behind him.
Louise is still not moving. She is standing there petrified.
-Go meet up with the others, orders Jim to her but Louise still cannot move.
-Ben, Jim cries out, come and gets her and backup all these beautiful people. I will take care of this immediately, Jim explains.
Ben heads towards Louise and takes her hand to bring her back to the jeep. Tom meets Jim, who is on his stomach in order to disperse the sand.
-What a find! Jim exclaims. Look at this, this torpedo is at least 30 centimetres.
The flight attendants are observing Jim in silence. He takes out a knife from his back pocket, places it in his mouth and looks over one last time what needs to be dismantled. Without wasting a second, he opens and attentively inspects the assembly and cuts the conductor wire of the explosive.
-Got it! He says, and gets up as if nothing had just happened.
-Yes! Max exclaims, happy that everything is over. That is excellent work!
-It took my breath away, Josey admits.
-Everything is clear for the moment, says Jim while attentively inspecting the area.
-Yes, I don't see anything either, says Tom.
-Perfect, concludes Jim while unhappily looking over his colleges.
They return to the group.
-I'm sorry that this incident happened, says Jim to the flight attendants who are still shaken by this unexpected event. They look at him without saying anything.
-Are you alright? Asks Ben at Louise to break the silence.
-Yes, No!
She is mad at this incident that could have cost her life.
-How did you see that? She asks Ben. Do you have laser eyes or what? You told us to keep our eyes open, but I did not see anything. I did not even go far. This crap is a bit too close for me. I will stay in the jeep. Sorry and thank-you for saving my life.
She walks the little steps needed to make her way to the jeep and gets in.
-Are you alright? Asks her sister, relieved that nothing serious had happened.
-You could have exploded, Youssef points out.
-You do not have to remind me, she answers dryly.
-Stop! Says Max. I think she has been through enough. We have taken the risk of coming. Everything should be secure with the Boys, and that's exactly what happened. Nothing happened. Conclusion, we don't talk about it anymore.
-Let's go, says Tom. Walk in my steps, that way there will be no danger.
-Go, says Ben to the others. I will stay here with Louise.
-No, no you don't have to stay here with me as if I were a child.
Louise is still shaken and prefers to sulk in her corner, instead of having to deal again with a similar situation.
-I will not move one bit, I won't even breathe until you come back. That's a promise, while speaking she takes out a cigarette and lights it up.
-No, says Ben, I want to stay. I scared you and anyway, you cannot stay here alone with our vehicle in case someone else passes by.
-O.K. well you two stay here and we will go meet up with Tom, says Jim.
Max is walking behind Jim and the others follow behind. Gently, they try and step in Jim's footsteps but the wind has diminished their visibility, it's almost impossible. Luckily, Tom is in front of them. They are walking towards the hill while passing thru many burnt vehicles. Even trucks and buses. It is horrible to see. Nothing is left.
After a good ten minutes, Louise gets down from the jeep and leans on the front to watch them leave. She is upset with herself. She rages at the thought of staying there like a scared chicken, but she cannot do anything. She can't seem to put one foot in front of the other to catch up with them. She lights another cigarette.
-Shit! She says, I messed up everything. I won't see anything.
She pits out her cigarette, climbs onto the hood, lights down on her stomach and looks in another direction. She extends the zoom on her camera and begins to observe the surroundings.
-Thank-you Ben, says Louise after awhile. Honestly, I am not upset at you but at myself, at the fact that I am scared. And naturally, I did not see that damn bomb, myself. That's the most disturbing. I don't like for others to see me make mistakes. It makes me mad.
-Listen, your reaction is completely normal. Many soldiers that were trained for this kind of thing have lost their lives. The men are surprised at seeing an explosive at their feet. They freeze and cannot move forward. It's then that they jump like rabbits, because nobody is there to tell them to move.
Louise listens to him and she looks into her camera.
-Tell me Ben, what is over there?
She lends him her camera. He takes the time to examine closely and says:
-It's another damn explosive as you would say. But that one could blow us all up. It is a lot more powerful.
-It's ridiculous, isn't it! She begins, but when I look at all of this I imagine the noises, the cries of suffering that must have been heard, when everything happened.
-Well, she says after taking several pictures. Can I move captain? I would like to take more pictures over there.
She jumps down from the hood. Ben catches her by the arm.
-Come, I want to show you some interesting things. You don't have to be afraid.
-O.K., you can count on me to keep both feet on the Asphalt.
Ben looks at her and smiles.
-As you wish.
They walk along side of the debris that is before them, for kilometres and kilometres.
Trucks, clothes here and there, luggage papers are scattered all over the desert. TA roasted carbonized camel lying on the ground showing there is everything...but life. Nothing.
Louise begins once more to take pictures but decides to stop soon after, afraid that the lens on her camera will be damaged by the many particles of sand that the wind is blowing around in the atmosphere.
A little further on the hill, the others have found a cargo of munitions completely intact.
-They might have been Iraqis in the group? Jim asks himself aloud. This is an interesting discovery. You see, we have a lot to do. There are tons of munitions here.
-Yes and of all kinds, all sizes, all shapes. It's unthinkable, Danyele declares.
-It's unbelievable, Max comments. Look at this. There are boxes and boxes of munitions.
-There is enough to blow up a whole city, in there, Youssef underlines very worried about this discovery. We should go back now.
-Yes, you are completely right, Youssef. But I am sure you certainly did not see these new explosive gadgets in Algeria. Look, those ones, in the third box, what do they remind you of?
-Of toys, answers Youssef. Yes, that's it: Frisbees. They are truly cruel.
-Children don't make war, says Danyele, they are submitted to it. Ah! It's unbelievable.
She turns around and starts to do back down.
-Have you taken enough pictures? Asks Jim.
-Yes, let's go, Tom concurs, let's go back.
Ben and Louise return from their short walk as the others come back down the hill.
-Well, well, I thought you were not going to move a muscle, Jim yells as he comes down.
-It's Ben that gave me the order to follow him.
-Yes, yes Louise. I know you well enough not believe you. What do you have in your hands? Ask her sister.
-It looks like a diary. The group comes closer.
-But it's written in Arabic, exclaims Josey.
-Show me, says Youssef.
He takes a couple of seconds to look it over.
-Ah! I can't read his writing.
Youssef does not want to relive the horrors that he himself lived in Algeria, and he prefers not to tell them what the young child wrote in his journal.
-What did you find up there? Asks Louise curiously.
-At least a tone of ammunition and ashes of thousands of people, says Max while getting into the jeep.
The wind is blowing very hard and the road can barely be seen in front of them. Thankfully, the soldiers know their way around. Nobody will forget those disastrous images. Nobody. The trip back is done in complete silence. Everyone is trying to understand, but nobody does. War, this social phenomenon, bringing hostility and conflict, does not allow comprehension to follow; it makes room for punishment and nothing more.
Back at the hotel, Jim suggests to go for a camel ride on their next visit.
-Take our phone number and call us next time you are available, says Jim.
He gives his phone number to Danyele,
-Go to sleep now, you have a big day or rather a big night ahead of you.
-Thanks again, say Louise.
-Goodbye everyone, see you next time! I will not soon forget this day, says Max while shaking their hands.
The jeep turns the corner and the rest of the crew enters the hotel.
-Are you coming? Asks Max. We are going to see how our lizards by the pool are doing? Personally I find it is too cold today to tan. Its freezing don't you think?
-True, it's not warm but much warmer than in Montreal, I am certain, answers Danyele. There is no wind here, in the desert earlier though, it was worse than a snowstorm. Hey! Let's change the subject, I still have chills up my spine.
-As for me, says Louise, my feet are burning!
-Can you believe it; Josey begins, that you could have blown up!
They are almost are there tanning in the sun. Jade and Chanel are surrounded by French pilots. One of them is sitting on Arlene's chair. Tiffany, Lolitta and Xenia are reading fashion magazines. A little further, the captain is playing tennis with Lorenzo. Victor and David are swimming in the pool. Mike and George are not there.
-Hey! Gang! Where were you? Asks Xenia, curious.
Max pulls up a chair next to her.
-It's a secret. We went... and he begins to describe what he saw.
The others are sitting at the pool bar to look over the menu.
It is nine thirty at night, when the crew enters the airport to start their first flight to Bangladesh. They are many security checks, many frisks before gaining access to the aircraft. Armed soldiers are on guard. Once more, the flight attendants are searched. They finally reach the aircraft. There are about a dozen security men, inside and outside the plane. The crew gets searched one last time before getting aboard.
-So, everyone is here, ask Max finally. Let's begin, we will have armed security with us, during the whole flight, to go and come back. If one of the guards stands, or orders you to do anything, you do it! Agreed. If, for any abnormal reason, you see them stand or start to run, you do nothing or get out of the way. Lie on the ground, explains Max seriously, I don't want to lose you. Do not try to be heroes.
Come here, I want to show you a couple of things. He advances a bit further in the aircraft and opens an opening under the carpet. You can go down thru there if ever the situation requires for you to do so. Go, go down. There is a light to your right. Continue all the way to the back of the plane and you will see a cargo door. It's thru there that you exit if ever your life is in danger. O.K. It's not like in the movies. Come back up.
Well! Now this has been said, I will need four flight attendants to search the passengers.
-What! Exclaims Xenia that bounces up to stand. It is out of the question to search the passengers. It is not in my contract.
The flight attendants begin to discuss between themselves.
-Listen! It is not me that is in command. Kuwait Airlines asks for us to do so to ensure that the security of the crew and the passengers is 100 per cent safe. I know that it is not written in the contract and that we should have spoken of this before but tonight, I do not have time to discuss; I was astonished at the request myself. Are there any volunteers? And don't forget, it’s for your security as well.
-But, what do we have to do? Asks David, intrigued.
-The men will search the men and the woman will search the women. All you have to do is put your hands along their body. Open their handbag or their carry-on.
Nobody answers Max's request. He waits.
-Listen, you have seen how much time it takes and there are only two people positioned in front of the plane's door. It might take up to four hours to do the boarding and I don't have to tell you that we are not paid. It does not bother me, but we cannot forget that we have to leave and come back. The night will be very long. The captain told me that he would speak to the manager to bring professionals for this position but before we have any answers, I need some volunteers.
-Very well, answers Danyele, as long as you promise that we will not have to do this every flight. It's a bit embarrassing searching our own passengers.
-I cannot guaranty it, answers Max who is starting to become impatient, but we are working on this problem to change the situation. I imagine that Simon, who was here before me, had begun the procedures
-Alright, announces Youssef. I speak Arabic that can probably help.
-O.K. thank-you everyone. For the flight to go we have Kuwaitis, most of them are business men that are going to recruit new employees. You will probably see them often during our stay. They must respect the instructions and you must make sure that they listen to you, especially the women. Be firm, and if you see the situation is becoming difficult, please call on your male colleagues to rectify the situation. Do not forget it, you are women and here, you have no importance in their eyes. It's like that, we cannot do anything and we are not here to change things. Keep an open mind. Obviously, if you are here, I think that has already been understood. It's all about persevering and not letting yourself getting discouraged.
-Halas! Halas! Cries out the man walking towards the crew. Hello! My name is Abdoula. Can we begin boarding? We will use the galleys for searching the passengers. The women will go in the next galley, the man says to Max without allowing him to speak.
Max looks at him and makes him wait, before answering, in order to show him that it was he who decides and not this strange character.
-If you say so, Mister Abdoula, says Max, insulted that he was receiving orders and had been interrupted. But unfortunately, we will begin in five minutes; my crew needs to verify their emergency equipment.
Abdoula looks him over and leaves, without saying a word. The flight attendants divide up and hurry to verify their emergency equipment.
The night ahead will be very long. It’s the most difficult exercise known to man, staying awake all night, and making sure not to fall into a deep sleep, requires superhuman strength. They must also adapt to a new type of service and attempt to understand their new passengers that are numerous to not speak their language, tugging on their clothes, snapping their fingers or whistling tsst… tsst… to be understood.
The next morning, after their night flight and sixteen hours of hard work, the crew returns to their hotel. Many of them direct themselves, their eyes practically closed, to the elevator to go to sleep and the others find some energy to grab a bite to eat.
In the dining room, the waiter comes to take their order.
-You wish to order breakfast, sir? The waiter asks Danyele.
-Excuse me sir! Says Danyele in a firm tone. You are a sir. I am a mam' or a miss and yes Miss is going to order breakfast.
-You are mean! Louise states.
-Not at all. I am certain that he himself forgot that women still exist.
-I will take the buffet, Louise answers, while smiling to the poor waiter.
-Me too, answer Danyele while already standing.
-Well girls, says Youssef, we have a super party tonight with the crew of Kuwait Airways, don't forget. Somebody will pass by to get us at 8 o'clock.
-Have you spoken to Max? Asks Danyele.
-Don't worry, I already spoke to him about it on the plane. He said that he does not see any without inconvenience that we socialize with our work colleagues.
-So everybody is coming.
-Almost everybody.
-We should invite our U.N. soldiers, they are so nice. What do you think? Asks Danyele.
-Good idea. I don't see why they should not come. They are really great guys. I had thought of it but it's you that has their number if I am not mistaken, says Youssef.
-Perfect! Says Louise very happily. You will call them, Danyele.
-My goodness Louise, you are very excited all of a sudden, says Danyele.
-Ah, stop it. I would feel more secure, that's all and if I ever need anybody to remove another torpedo from underneath me, I will be well protected.
-I am anxious to see how they party here, says Josey.
Once night falls, the flight attendants are almost all there, as well as Mike and George. The captain prefers to stay at the hotel. He does not really want to party. He has attempted many times to contact his wife but nobody is answering. A flight attendant from Kuwait Airways arrives at the hotel to pick them up. Youssef climbs aboard with Mohammed and the other guys. Danyele, Josey and Louise are with the U.N. and the others are in a taxi.
The road is treacherous. Everything is demolished. Mohammed explains that everything will soon be back in order but for now, they don't have a choice to live this way. Mohammed stops the car in front of a building that is halfway demolished.
-Is it here? Asks Youssef, stunned.
Youssef begins to be nervous. He is no longer certain that this was a good idea after all. He starts to regret having involved everybody in this party.
-Are you sure, asks Youssef once more.
-Yes, answers Mohammed. Do not worry. It is not dangerous. Myriam lives here.
He gets out of the car. The others as well. There is an enormous hole in the middle of the building; they are all wondering how it could still be standing. It is impressive. Everyone hesitates to follow Mohammed. He takes out a flashlight to shed some light.
-Follow me, you will see for yourselves, and if you are still afraid, I will drive you back to the hotel. Is that alright?
-Very well, answers Mike. Let's go inspect the ruins, he says while laughing to calm the tension.
-Do not worry, says Mohammed. Half of the flight attendants of Kuwait Airways live in this building. Don’t be scared.
They walk without speaking as they follow him and finally enter the building.
-Do not touch the railing, and don't be scared, says Mohammed.
Dust is falling from the ceiling and it is very dark.
-How can people live here, it's unbelievable! Danyele whispers to Louise.
After climbing five floors, Mohammed opens a door that leads in a hallway. The walls are filled with bullets. There are bloodstains on the walls and on the carpet. Nothing makes you want to go to a party or maybe for those who survived, they have all the reasons in the world to celebrate they victory against death.
-Hello! Everyone! Says Myriam, very excited to see them again. Come in! We are very happy to see you.
Myriam is very nice. She is not very tall, but the charisma that she has makes everyone smile. The path they took to get there has been completely forgotten.
-Please excuse my house, it's a bit messy, but I had to move to this side of the building very quickly. During the war, my apartment was bombarded. I don't have much left, but I still have some things. It's wonderful that you came. Come; serve yourselves, as she directs them towards the kitchen.
-There is enough food for an army, says Victor and whisky for everyone. Unbelievable but true. We can have a drink like home.
-You are surprised? Asks Karim to Louise as she is looking over the bar. The choice is limited but we take what we can get. Can I offer you something?
-I remember you, says Louise you served me on the plane.
-That's true. You like, wait let me remember. Yes, a bit of white wine.
-You have some today? Asks Louise while laughing.
-Yes! Here you are.
-You are allowed to drink, I am very surprised, Louise admits to Karim.
-Most people here are Egyptian, and Lebanese. It's illegal, I know but we like to drink and in our native country it is allowed, whereas here, it is not. And for the Kuwaitis that are here tonight, I don't have to tell you that they enjoy it. He leans over to speak to her more closely. By the way, all those who are here tonight have royal blood you know!
-Interesting, says Louise while toasting with Karim. Let's drink to their health.
The apartment is tiny; there are more than fifty people. The atmosphere is unbelievable. Everybody is welcomed. In one small instant, they are all linked in friendship. Youssef does not leave Myriam's side. He really likes her. Danyele is speaking with a Kuwaitis. He is wearing a red and white scarf on his head. He stands more than two metres tall. He looks very distinguish and he is very handsome. Mike and George are standing next to the bar and are discussing with the pilots of Kuwait Airways. David is dreaming and observes Xenia from the corner of his eye and finds that she has changed, even thinner.
Without realizing his awkwardness, Victor says to Lolitta:
-She is truly beautiful tonight Jade, isn't she?
-Why are you telling me that Victor? I am also very beautiful tonight, so go tell your stupidities to Jade and leave me alone, moron.
-But wait, I was not finished; I wanted to tell you that you look ravishing.
-Never mind, it's too late. You truly don’t know how to speak to women Victor, Carramba!
Tiffany has not changed her habits. She has already had a couple of drinks. Two men are busy filling up her glass.
Karim brings Louise to the living room. The people are sitting on cushions on the floor. Karim introduces Louise to everyone. The music is playing. The atmosphere is warm and typical of the Middle-East. Karim leaves Louise in the middle of the living room. She does not know exactly where to stand, so she decides to go to the back of the living room, near the window, or rather where a window used to be. She observes the people and smiles at them. A couple of minutes later, Karim returns with a gold cane, a beautiful fez with black string on top and places it on her head. Myriam, who knows this dance, throws a scarf to one of the women sitting in the living room. She catches it and ties it around Louise's waist. Louise does not know exactly what they intend on doing to her but she decides to go along with it. Somebody has just taken her glass of wine and Karim places himself in front of Louise while kneeling on one knee and knocking the cane on the floor. The men around them hurry to get their drums to follow along with the music.
-You must dance! Cries out Myriam. Go! Show us what you can do. Yes! Look, it's like this.
She shows her how to move and disappears, leaving her alone in the middle of the living room.
-I thought only the men dance here, Louise says to Karim.
-Yes but the Egyptians and the Lebanese dance, answers Karim who is clapping his hands louder and louder.
I don't know how you dance but I would like to try. Louise is as red as a tomato, everyone is looking at her, and even her sister stops her conversation to watch. Everyone gathers in the living room and they are all clapping their hands. Louise finally lifts up her arms and tries to move her hips from one side to the other. The men are yelling and Karim is following the rhythm by banging his cane on the floor as he watches Louise dance. Taken by the Egyptian music, Louise is not as shy anymore and tries to dance the best she can. She cannot stop in the middle of the song, not wanting to insult them either, so she continues to dance. She would have like to have had more than two sips of wine to unwind a little but, there she is, in the middle of the living room, surrounded by strangers, thousands and thousands of miles from home, dancing like an Egyptian with a fez on her head. She is now relaxed and is having a great time even though she is shy to dance in front of everyone. The music stops for a brief moment. A woman stands up and approaches Louise to show her exactly how to dance.
The music starts up again; the woman leans backwards and moves her body like an eel. She is extremely flexible. A man stands and decides to dance with her. The rest of the crew joins up with Louise and dance to this very rhythmic and exotic music. Danyele prefers to continue speaking with the Kuwaitis.
-You are a prince, how come you are here tonight? She asks curiously.
-I know Ali very well, Myriam's brother. We play racquetball together and he told me that his sister was having a party for Valentine's Day. That’s why I came.
-You celebrate Valentine's Day! And you play racquetball, Danyele repeats, surprised. I did not think
-That I could play racquetball is that what you are trying to say, says Marouan while laughing.
-Yes, I guess so. Without wanting to offend you.
-I went to U.C.L.A. University. My mother insisted that I go to U.C.L.A... She is originally from California. Therefore I know how to play racquetball, tennis, horseback riding, I play golf and water-ski. Not bad for a prince hen!
-Yes, definitely, admits Danyele.
-Would you like to come boating with me tomorrow? You could bring some friends along. I could come and pick you up at the hotel.
-It's not dangerous to go boating?
-Do not worry. My boat is equipped with many sophisticated devices and I will have with me the chief of Kuwait City police who will make sure that nothing happens.
-That's very interesting, but I must ask permission from my flight director. We have some very strict rules.
-Well, I will call you at the hotel and you can give me your answer then. If not, you will have to play a racquetball match with me.
-I am sorry, but I cannot play.
-I can, I will show you. Let me go get you another glass of whiskey, Danyele.
Everyone seems to be having a great time, the atmosphere is relaxed. Louise is dancing with David and Lolitta. A Kuwaiti man approaches her. He is dancing around her and is clapping his hands. He is very charming.
One of the female guests tries to pull him towards her but he only has eyes for Louise.
He wants her attention at any price. He is clapping his hands louder and louder.
-I think he likes you, says David.
-Yes but she, next to him does not seem to like it, answers Louise.
It's maybe her boyfriend. We should stop.
-If you want, says David. Let's go eat something. Everything looks so good.
-Si! Si! says Lolitta.
The woman begins to dance in the middle of the living room in a very enticing way. The people stop to dance to watch her. She lowers to the floor on her knees, arches her back backwards while still moving her arms towards the man to get his attention.
The men are playing the drums and are yelling as they watch her. She becomes completely elated by the music, and suddenly, the man takes her by the arm, looks at her disgracefully and speaks into her ear. He lets her go, while pushing her away without a second glance and goes to get him a whiskey.
Louise, Lolitta and David join Arlene and Chanel.
-Is it good? Asks David to Arlene and Chanel who are both tasting delectable little cakes filled with almonds and honey.
-Delicious. We have spent the entire evening eating, says Arlene.
Louise, Lolitta and David will not miss the opportunity for seconds.
The night is going very well. Everyone is having fun and forgets for a couple of hours that they are in a Muslim country. The people are great and the hosts are so charming.
After some time, the woman who had danced for the man comes over to speak to Louise. She takes her by the arm to get her aside and begins to speak to her in Arabic but Louise does not understand.
The others are wondering what she wants.
The woman begins to speak in very poor English.
-My husband would like for you to come with us tonight, to dance at our house.
-No, I don't think so Louise says while laughing, thinking that she is joking.
-He would like to have you as his wife, she says.
-But you are not his wife? Asks Louise, while laughing a little.
Yes, we are three. He wants you and I can't do anything, says the woman upset.
Louise tries to turn in the flight attendants direction but they are all speaking to each other and eating their pastries. She looks at the woman and finally says in a firm tone: Thank-you but no thank-you.
I am not interested. Not at all. Are you serious?
I don't appreciate this joke at all.
Louise tries to leave to go back to the group, but she holds her back by holding her arm.
-I am very serious Miss. Very serious, look!
She takes her by the arm and turns her towards her husband for her to see him. He is standing next to his wives and is smiling at her.
-It' I say, flattering but I am not interested alright, says Louise a bit nervous about this proposal. She starts to get shivers.
-Very well, says the woman as she bows to say goodbye.
Louise puts her plate on the table as if nothing had just happened and hurries to meet up with her sister.
-Danyele, she says while whispering. We have to leave. Listen to me. It is very serious. The man that is over there, don't look, please don't look. He wants to have me as his fourth wife. Hurry! We must tell the U.N. to bring us back. Not your Kuwaitis boyfriend but the U.N. Do you understand? I am very serious, believe me. Make up something but we have to leave immediately. Tell the others, tell them that I am sick, very sick, yes that's it.
-O.K., alright. Don't panic. Please excuse me on Myriam and Ali's behalf and tell them that we must go.
Fifteen minutes later, all the girls leave with the U.N. as well as David. Danyele leaves her number to the prince before leaving. The others preferred to stay a bit longer. Ali seems to catch Max's attention, and Ali seems to approve of Max as well. He decides to stay along with Victor, Mike and George, while Youssef continues to pursue Myriam.
Louise still cannot believe it. She is sitting and looks over one last time the ruined building. She never thought that she would hear such words in her lifetime. The others are speaking to each other, but she is not listening.
-Louise! Jim cries out, making her jump. Tell us what happened.
-No! It's nothing. I don't feel very well that’s all.
-Try something else; I saw your attitude change when the Egyptian came to speak to you.
-Ah! It gives me goose bumps.
-Come on, you did not make us leave a party without a reason; you owe us at least that.
She repeats the story to the others that do not believe her.
-It's not true.
-All right, never mind, if you don't believe me, go back to the party and see for yourselves.
-We will have to watch you closely, says Ben. Who knows, you could get kidnapped.
-Keep going Ben, don't you think I have had enough happen to me since my arrival, and now you want me to be kidnapped.
-Stop your stupidities, says Danyele. You are scaring her for no reason.
-No, but what happened to me tonight is very serious, says Louise. If at least he wanted me for his second wife, I would have maybe considered his request but the fourth, no way!
They begin to laugh and Jim pats her on the back.
-That's good; the sun has not burnt your brain.
They finally arrive at the hotel.
-Go the sleep my darlings, tomorrow, you will have forgotten all about this, says Ben to comfort them.
The next morning, nobody is at the pool. It is grey outside. There is not much to do. Danyele has received an invitation to play racquetball with the prince.
The captain has just received his mail. The letters he sent his wife have been returned.
Jade has decided to go to the store to buy some fruit. As she exits the hotel, a man begins to follow her but she does not notice. He is wearing a white tunic, a red scarf and is trying not to drag his sandals. Jade crosses the street while making sure that her scarf covers her hair properly; especially her red hair because, red haired women were accused of being witches, bearers of wicked spells.
The man continues to follow her, but she still has not noticed. She turns the corner to go up some stairs that lead to a dozen of small boutiques. Slowly but surely, she takes her time to look over the jewellery in the windows before entering the food store. She chooses a few oranges, a few bananas, some dates and cashews. She takes a carton of mango juice and heads for the cash.
The man following her has decided to enter the store, and is behind her, but Jade is busy with her purchases and does not notice that this man has followed her from the hotel. She pays her bill and leaves. She continues walking in front of the stores. She looks thru the windows and finally enters a bakery.
-Everything looks so good, she says to herself.
There are enormous plates of pastries spread out on the counter so that customers can see. Jade looks around and hesitates before making her choice. The salesman greets her with a piece of baklava that is overflowing with honey and nuts. He signals her to taste it. While she is eating her baklava, she realizes that the man that had entered the grocery store is now observing her from outside the bakery.
-Mmm! Says jade to herself, he must be looking over the sweets.
With their big red tablecloth on their head, we can't make out their face properly.
-They look so good your pastries and if they are like the baklava, I will take a couple of pieces, she says while signalling the waiter to give her a piece of each kind.
He smiles and laughs a bit but Jade does not understand why. She turns around and realizes that the man is still there.
-Hum! She says to herself. That's strange isn't it! He is still there! A bit surprised to see him still standing there. O.K. how much do I owe you? She asks the young merchant.
He looks at her and laughs again.
-Nothing, you only took one piece of each.
-Ah! Well! I still need to pay you, no!
-No, it is not necessary. Here the women buy the whole platter.
-But there are way too many for me to take the whole platter.
-Yes, well that is the way it is. People love sweets here.
-I am sorry.
-No, it's a pleasure to offer them to you. They are also made to taste.
-I am the one who should thank-you for your visit.
-See you next time, I will be back. Everything is so good.
-O.K. Maassalama!
Jade exits and realizes that the man is still there standing in front of the window. He has turned around not to be recognized. She begins to walk and realizes that as soon that she has turned the corner; the man is truly following her. She stops at the traffic light. She readjusts her bag so nothing can fall and makes sure that her scarf is covering her hair and looks from the corner of her eye to see if the man is still there.
Unfortunately, she sees that he is still there and he is approaching her rapidly while keeping his head low. Jade begins to be scared. As soon as the light turns to green, she crosses the street in a hurry. The man does the same. She trips on a rock and an orange falls from her bag. She does not bend over to pick it up, instead she begins to run. The man picks up the orange and continues to walk in her direction. Jade is trembling. Her scarf is slipping down her shoulders but she does not care. All she wants now is to enter the hotel and that this awful man will disappear. She begins to lose her breath, but she continues to run straight for the hotel. Another few oranges fall from her bag, but she does not care about her fruit, she wants to get back to the hotel safe and sound, as fast as possible.
The man begins to run as well and is yelling at her in Arabic. Jade is running faster and faster and finally leaps into the hotel. There are no security guards on her arrival. She barely opens the door. Someone exits at the same time and lets her in. As soon as she enters she looks for someone from the crew but nobody is there. She runs to the reception to advise someone about this.
But as she turns around, she does not see the man that was following her, so she decides to go up to her room. She tries to find her breath. Her heart is pounding very fast. She is waiting for the elevator while looking at her half empty bag.
-Mmm! I don't have a lot of oranges left.
The elevator doors open and close right away. She hurries to press the button to open the doors. Luckily, the doors finally open and she hurries to get in. She enters and presses the button for her floor but suddenly she cannot move, she is struck with panic. She turns around only to find that the man that was following her is now in the elevator. Shocked to see him there, she faints and falls on the floor. Her bag falls and the rest of her oranges fall out.
-Ah! Damn, cries Victor after a moment. What did I do?
Victor had disguised himself as an Arab man to play a joke, but now he has gone too far. Nervous that his game had not turned out as planned, he presses on the fourteenth floor by mistake, then the third floor and finally the second.
-Jade! Wake up! What am I going to do with you like this?
The elevator door opens on the first floor.
-Hey! Wait, cries out George to get in. Jade! Victor! What's going on? He asks, surprised to see Jade lying in the elevator.
-Help me George, I will explain later.
Victor is now upset and presses on the second floor button. The door opens and they both pull Jade out of the elevator to sit her down on a nearby chair.
-Jade, are you all right? Asks George who is trying to reanimate her by touching her cheeks. Victor takes this moment to remove his tunic, his red and white scarf to put in George's bag.
-Hey there you are my little Jade, George exclaims happily. You scared us. What happened? Are you sick?
-No, no, I'm fine. I was followed by a man, a crazy man and after that I can't remember anything.
-Ah! These men, they are only looking to trouble the women. Can you get up; we are going to bring you to your room. What floor are you on? Asks George as he tries to help her up.
-My room is on the sixth floor. I'll be fine, says Jade. My room is not that far.
-No, we better not take a chance, Victor moans. The man might be in the hotel.
-Let's go.
After a moment the doors open on the sixth floor.
-I'll be fine. My room is not that far.
-O.K. be careful, says George.
The doors close. Victor looks at George for a moment. Victor avoids him and presses the button for the main floor.
-If I understood properly says George looking over Victor.
He opens his bag and hands over the scarf to Victor.
-You are the Arab man that followed her.
-Yes, that's it, says Victor uneasy. I did not think that I would scare her that much. I simply wanted to play around.
-Victor! You're not thinking. You have scared her for the rest of the trip, says George furiously.
-Ah! We cannot have any fun. Listen, when I entered the elevator, I wanted to show her my face but she crumbled as soon as she saw me.
-Oh! I can't believe it. I hope that she does not find out what you did to her.
The doors open and they exit.
-What a story, says George while walking away.
Victor stops to take a newspaper. Chanel exits the other elevator, smiling.
-Hi Victor, how are you?
-Mmm! Yes, yes.
He raises his head to look at her.
-My goodness, have you won the lottery, you look amazing.
-No, but my cute doctor has called me. It's great isn't it?
-If you say so. Making love over the telephone is quite difficult. You could date me instead. I am on the spot and I could tend to all your needs 24 hours a day.
-Thanks Victor, but I am very happy like this.
She heads towards the dining room.
Arlene, Tiffany, Lolitta and Josey are talking away at a table. The captain is seated in the non-smoking section. He is alone and does not seem happy.
-Hello, says Chanel.
He smiles but does not say a word. Chanel surprised by his attitude and that he had nothing to say to her, goes to meet up with the group a little disappointed.-Hello everyone! Is it me or has the captain been acting strange lately?
- No darling! You are absolutely right. I have noticed it as well.
- Maybe he is sick? Josey asks.
- No, I think its love, says Lolitta. His eyes do not sparkle anymore; he doesn’t look at us and doesn’t participate in our activities anymore. That's not him.
- Lolitta is right, maybe we should do something, says Josey.
- Like what! You are talking crazy, says Arlene in a firm tone. It doesn’t concern us.
- And why not? Darling! We could maybe arrange for him not to be alone, we could invite him to play tennis He loves sports. We do not have to ask him or get involved in his private life at all, but we could be a good travelling companion, that’s all.
At the same moment that Tiffany explains what can be done to lift his spirit, the captain finishes his breakfast and leaves.
- He has never left the dining room without coming to see us with some kind words. He really looks bad. This is impossible, says Chanel.
- Yes, you are right Chanel. Although we cannot say the same about you, Says Lolitta.
- Sir! Chanel asks while smiling at the waiter.
The waiter approaches her. - I would like a cappuccino, please.
-Very well mademoiselle Chanel.
-He is very nice this waiter.
-Stop changing the subject and tell us, darling!
-I have received two phone calls from my charming doctor. Isn't that great!
- It's fantastic, exclaims Josey.
- You are very lucky, says Lolitta.
- Tell us, says Arlene.
- Well, the first time he asked me to call but I didn't. Well yes I did but it was the answering machine and I did not leave a message. Anyway, the second time I called, It was the answering machine again. I left him my phone numbers here in Kuwait and he called me last night and again this morning. It's fabulous.
The girls are listening to Chanel attentively.
So what is his name? How old is he? Is he married?
He is a doctor, Arlene answers for her. It says everything. It is for the money she wants him.
Arlene is jealous of Chanel because the good doctor had not chosen her. She wanted badly for him to choose her but he didn't. Chanel looks at her and without saying
Anything unpleasant, answers the questions that she had been asked.
-He is an emergency room specialist. He is twenty-eight years old and has never been married.
- Darling! You really got lucky. You would be crazy to pass this one by.
- Yes definitely, says Arlene as she gets up. Follow my advice. Do not introduce him to anyone and keep him for yourself or he might be stolen from you, she says in a sarcastic tone. Bye everybody! I have a round of tennis to play.
- She is really strange Arlene sometimes, says Chanel disappointed by her attitude.
- I think she is like all of us, explains Lolitta. We would all like to have someone to share things with, to be in love!
Lolitta swallows down the rest of her coffee and looks around her.
- For the moment, I see there's Chanel, Josey
And who else? Ah! Yes, Xenia and David, that's not many considering the number of people we are. Lorenzo, but Jade is not interested.
- You are right we are desperate cases. Who would want to fall in love with someone that is never there? Says Tiffany.
-Me, says Louise who arrives with her sister Danyele. Do you want to know why?
She sits down to continue.
- The less you see him, the more he wants you. But if you are always there, strangling him, with this and that, he will finally choke and want to be as far away as possible. It is better to have them running after you and if nobody runs after you well, you will not have lost your time. You do your little thing and one day when it happens it happens.
- No, not really, it's not easy these days to find somebody interesting, Danyele says. The men do not have any of the same interests as us, they are so very different. They don't think or act the way we do.
- So what are you going to do with that charming man you were with last night?
Danyele? Asks Chanel.
- Si! Si! Danyela, tell us what he had to say.
- He is a prince, a direct descendant of the royal family. He told me that he would invite us to go boating on his yacht. It's great isn't it? But today, the weather is not that great so...
At the same time, a waiter is walking around with Danyele's name written on the slate.
- Well, well, well Danyele. Someone is looking for you. Danyele, flattered, smiles and rises to go get the phone. The girls wait impatiently for her to return with more.
- So? Asks her sister. Are we going boating?
- No, not today. He is going to show me how to play racquetball. The weather is not good enough. He called me from his car. He is in the parking lot.
- Not anymore darling! Says Tiffany, who is observing him from afar.
…to play racquetball. The weather is not good enough. He called me from his car. He is in the parking lot.
-Not anymore darling! Says Tiffany, who is observing him from afar.
Danyèle rises up to present him and leaves as fast as she can.
-Hum! He is not bad looking for a Kuwaiti, observes Tiffany after they are out of sight.
-I’ve met one prince too the other day that is not bad either, says Arlene. His mother is American or English I don’t recall but he really look like him, he must be his brother.
-Ah! It’s like a fairy tale, here...sighs Tiffany lighting up another cigarette.
The girls spend a good part of the morning talking together drinking coffee. There is not much to do.
Today, the weather is quite depressing.
When the night come, the crew is ready for another all nighters. Tonight’s pairing (schedule) is very busy. They have to do four legs (flights).
They leave Kuwait to go to Qatar than go to the Emirates and from there they fly to Cairo and they come back tomorrow morning.
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