I'm sick aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagain
Is it a cold influenza I don't know yet!
4 days of sleep sleep sleep
sore throat fill with aphtes got red of them with salty water rinse
5 days of
completely plug
feel hot
like fainting feel
runny eyes
pain on my cheek
ears are plugged
muscle pain
entire body is in pain
sneeze sneeze sneeze
6 days
woke up with stomach pain really bad
sleep sleep sleep
felt a little better around noon
7 days
looking for a doctor
#8 finally a doctor sinus problem varicella what the fuck and my lungs are good no need for an xray just sinus how bizarre I have problem breathing
anyway this being said screw my days off was supposed to fly away to Brézil
screw 6 days of work lost ooooo $ dollars
not good at all
#9 worst he grounded me for up till the 10 doing some kind of dr oz wash
gross me out
and spray my nose with cortisone for 10 days
will see too long is too long
oh no 18 hundred doctor call
my sinuses are plugged in completely
need to be on antibiotics
I stopped by at the clinic on the 27 of february no chance to see a doctor on the 3rd of March I finally see a doctor.
on the 9th day I get to have the medecine
if only doctors will believe me
when I say Im sick Im sick
total lost of income
Is it a cold influenza I don't know yet!
4 days of sleep sleep sleep
sore throat fill with aphtes got red of them with salty water rinse
5 days of
completely plug
feel hot
like fainting feel
runny eyes
pain on my cheek
ears are plugged
muscle pain
entire body is in pain
sneeze sneeze sneeze
6 days
woke up with stomach pain really bad
sleep sleep sleep
felt a little better around noon
7 days
looking for a doctor
#8 finally a doctor sinus problem varicella what the fuck and my lungs are good no need for an xray just sinus how bizarre I have problem breathing
anyway this being said screw my days off was supposed to fly away to Brézil
screw 6 days of work lost ooooo $ dollars
not good at all
#9 worst he grounded me for up till the 10 doing some kind of dr oz wash
gross me out
and spray my nose with cortisone for 10 days
will see too long is too long
oh no 18 hundred doctor call
my sinuses are plugged in completely
need to be on antibiotics
I stopped by at the clinic on the 27 of february no chance to see a doctor on the 3rd of March I finally see a doctor.
on the 9th day I get to have the medecine
if only doctors will believe me
when I say Im sick Im sick
total lost of income