Thursday, November 12, 2015

Migration Plan -Brain storming

                                  Mise en marche du processus de migrants- Migration process start up

But: 25 Decembre 2015 
        25,000 immigrants arriveront au Canada le 25 Decembre 2015

Main Goal: 25th of December 2015
          25,000 migrants are coming in Canada for 25 th of December 2015

Objectif Integration rapide et saine
-Objectives: A rapid and safe integrattion


Deploiement dans toutes les provinces du Canada des 25,000 
Deployment in all provinces in Canada of 25,000

Division de 25,000

??? !!!
Les hommes celibataires au Nunavit ils pourront pecher chasser 
-Single men in Nunavit where they could go fishing hunting

Les familles plus agees dans les provinces du milieu Ils peupleront les prairies
-Older families in the prairies

Les jeunes couples sans enfants en Colombie Britannique
-Young couple without kids in British Colombia

Les jeunes familles dans les Maritimes
-Young families in the Maritimes

Les gens diplomes universitaires au Quebec  apprendront le francais tres vite
-People with university diploma in Quebec because they will learn French faster then the others.

Les gens avec des meres ou des peres malades en Ontario a Toronto
-People with sick mother and sick father in Toronto, Ontario where they can receive better care

-Les marins dans les maritimes et dans les Territoires du Nord West
The sailors and others in the Maritimes ou dans les Territoires du Nord Ouest


-Uun avion 456 passagers cest tres peu
-One plane of 456 passengers is very limited

400 passagers( passengers)
x10 avions) planes
4,000 pax
x5 jours(days)  5 vols (flights)

x1jour Day

Donc on recapitule
So lets recapitulate

20 avions pendant 21 jours remplis de refugies
2- planes during 21 days full of refugees


Carnet de sante pour tous
-Health booklet for all

Examen medical
medical exam done by the army doctors


Curriculum vitae
Sur une feuille de papier decrire en bref leur 

  • age
  • sexe
  • etat civil 
  • enfants 
  • parents
  • experience de vie
  • diplomes
  • experience de travail
  • langues parlees
  • langues ecrites
  • peuvent ils lire notre language
  • savent ils conduire un vehicule

on a piece of paper give a brief description of their

  • age
  • sexe
  • civil status
  • kids
  • parents
  • life experience
  • diploma
  • work experience
  • spoken languages
  • written
  • can they read our language
  • can they drive


Comme celui d une personne sur le bien etre social $600.00
just like the people on social wealthfare


Carte prepayee a leur nom pour que le gouvernement suivent leur deplacement et que personne ne puisse prendre avantage en leur volant l argent ou quoi que ce soit donc ces cartes sont prepayes par le gouvernement pour ces etablissements avec leur nom 
De plus, ils devront egalement presenter leur passeport bleu canadien de refugie.

-Prepaid card with their name from the governement to follow their way around and no one could steel their money. The will have to show some identification proof each time they use it by showing their blue refugee canadian passport.

One year

Laps de temps de l aide 
Une annee

Allocation par mois- 
Allocation per month

On leur remet des cartes de credit pre paye pour se nourrir  ( Provigo, Super Store, Wall Mart, Maxi. Loblaw, Metro Dollarama, banque alimentaire)

We give them a prepaid card for grocery shopping to (Provigo, Super store, Wall Mart, Maxi, Loblaws, Metro Dollarama,  food bank)

Pour le loyer un cheque de $400.00 leur sera remis par le gouvernement. 

Outils de demarrage
( on demandera a Costco Wall mart les grand magasins....ecoles... de faire un don d une tablette Samsung par famille. ($150.00)
Une tablette samsung de 7 pouces ideal pour la recherche d emploi, internet, skype ou des jeux pour enfants.

-Tool for start up
We will ask for donation from big companies such as Wall MArt Costco  big store association school to give one Samsung tablet per family.($150.00)
A Samsung tablett 7 inches is perfect for job hunting, internet, skype, game for kids and all

Horaire de la journee Schedule of the day

Le matin (Morning) 

( ils vont reconduire les enfants a lecole) ( they will bring their kids to school)

 9 heures a 11.00 
recherche d emploi
- job hunting
11:00 a 12:00 
cours de francais
-French class


L'apres midi
- Afternoon

13heures a 14 heures 
cours d integration us et coutumes canadienne
-integration course on canadian culture

14: 00 a 15: 00 
cours d anglais 
-English course  

15:30 a 16: 30 
cours d algonquin ou de Cree ou  (ils vont chercher leurs enfants a l'ecole)
-Course of Algonquin or Cree or (they go and get their kids at school)

Les cours sont fait par internet skype
Les presences sont prises
Tout le monde doit y participer

The course are done on internet via skype
Everyone need to attend.
Everyone need to participate.

Le soir
libre repos dodo

At night
Free time rest sleep

Horaire de la semaine( en soiree ou avant 9 heures le matin)
Schedule of the week ( At night or before 9 oclock in the morning)

Lundi  Monday

Travailleur Social  psychologue docteur armee check de securite 
Social worker psychologue medical army security check


Recherche d emploi
Job hunting school


Recherche d emploi 
job hunting school

Magasinage ( personne de la commununaute benevoles...)  medical, interviews, recherche d apartement, maison. 
Shopping (with a volonteer, person form the community...) medical, interviews, house hunting apartement...

Recherche demploi -cours de langue.
job hunting school

Samedi conge
Saturday off
Rencontre avec des familles de la region ou d autres de la Syrie
Meeting with other families from the community or from Syria

Dimanche conge 

En conclusion, 

Je pourrais leur donner des cours de francais et d anglais au mois de janvier.
Je pourrais leur donner des cours au mois de Decembre mais on reprendra en Janvier le programme depuis le debut quand tout le monde sera arrive. 
Ce ne sera pas perdu puisqu on pourra etudier le systeme et l implantation des cours et de l horaire du temps...

Je peux leur montrer le basique dans les deux langues en tres peu de temps. J ai une methode tres efficace ( ancien professeur allez voir mes cours sur Youtube pour petits et grands)

Bon voila
In conclusion,
I could teach them French and English in January.
I could give them some courses in December but the schedule will be less intense since not everyone will be here at the same time but we could start the program to do a type trail and start in January

There you go
I really can help

So How much will that cost lets see
$600 per month x12 month
$7,200 par annee pour une personne

Transport et l aide porfessionnelle non inclus

Transport & professional help not included

Pour une annee plus le transport et l aide porfessionnelle
Avions, docteurs, psychologues, travailleurs sociaux, professeurs de langue francaise, anglaise, algonquine ou cree.

For one year plus transport and professionnal help
Airplanes, doctors, psychologues, social worker, french teachers, english teachers, algonquine or cree teacher.

Problem other countries had face with the migration. I have heard many migrants in reports overseas in France for example, Spain, Greece saw many migrants on board the plane.
  • The problem was the migrants are send to their new country and they keep changing places so it takes for ever for them to settle and get to know people around. very hard for the women and the children.
  • The women were sitting at home doing nothing good.
  • The migrants were not able to work right away so they felt useless.
  • The children coul not go to school either they had to stay home with their mom not knowing anyone or play with friends.
  • When they had a parent like a cousin, a sister, they would adapt much easier.
  • Language barrier was a big problem.
  • They could not contact with no one and they were constantly tested everyday by social worker and all and it was hard for them to constantly recall the horrible pass they had left behind.
  • Some had big business, beautiful big house,erthey were professional and they were suddenly treated like homeless. This was very difficult for them to adjust with this new identity...

Here in Canada it will be worst with the weath

Again if YMCA want to take care of them they have to take in consideration these facts the refugees had express on many programs where they were ask what they tought about the situation.

The old hospital will be good for a while but it will need to be supervise completely. We have seen places in France where they were left to themselves and it was complete chaos inside those building.
They need something else. They nedd to settle right away.

I can also go and help them with plane transportation anytime.
Im on vacation right now.

Enparlant aux personnes dans le besoin dans mon entourage, j ai du reajuster mon budget pour etre egal et juste envers nos moins nantis.
Justice pour tous.

From talking to people in need in my own surrounding, I had reajust the budget to be equal to our poor people.
                                                                   Justice for all.

Que pouvons-nous faire pour aider?
What can we do to help?

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Paris autrement Bois de Boulogne part 2

Yes I made it
I went back to Bois de Boulogne with a friend

we heard some drums so we rush in to see what it was
join us

afterwards we went to take the boat to go across on the islands
this time no line up like last week end
we jumped on the small boat and here we went to the chalet in Paris!

2 islands
5 hectares of green land
perfect we need fresh air
its really nice to have a cottage in Paris iii

hardly anyone today

now the sun was slowly leaving us but that didn t stop us to take a coca light and watch people come and go

petanque anyone

inside the salon de the

oh well it will always be...

now this is my Monet picture I took
I am very proud of it

bird included

we walk around some more we had a lovely day

The end

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Copenhague Copenhagen Danemark

C'est loin
il est grand le monde la bas
et c est organique biologique jusqu au coca-cola qui est vert.
Ceci dit le design a son meilleur mais
tout a un prix
un prix faramineux exorbitant voir meme impossible a visiter ou y vivre
woa its far
they are tall over there
its organic Bio all the way to coca-cola that has a green color bottle just to be in
 but this being said design is at its best over there but at what price
and exorbitant price unbelievable like not even possible to visit or live there


Comment font les Danois pour subsister
Ils ont donne le droit d utiliser internet pour passer leut examen ou de surfer a haute vitesse pour passer le temps sans trop depenser d  argent
la Carlsberg pour oublier toutes ses dettes
une ville sous l empire de la drogue ou aucune loin existe et vous faire oublier que vous devez payer vos dettes
et le smogornob pour economiser une tranche de pain pour le petit dejeuner du lendemain.
L'économie va bon train a en voir ces constructions futuristes ces ponts qui s elevent au loin et ces 363 chateaux bien ecurés.
mais voila c est le Danemark un tout petit pays avec plus de luxure que l un peu y imaginer et un bord de mer a couper le souffle.
il fait froid, il vente, temperature que seuls les marins peuvent faire avec
alors allez visiter le Danemark en été Juillet uniquement a moins detre masochiste a ce point et de vouloir faire de la bicyclette avec un siege tricoté par grand mere en forme de fraise pour rechauffer votre derriere douillet
Oui l amour des blondes des belles grandes blondes peuvent vous faire faire un detour pour beaucoup d entre vous.
et pour les dames la decouverte de vrais vikings beaux grands et forts risque d en faire chavirer plus d une
C est pourquoi le Danemark subsiste toujours pour ces beaux Danois et Danoises au design exceptionnel.
How do the Danish do to survive
they give the right to write exams with internet
they are able to surf high speed in a far away land to kill time so they dont spend too much money
they have the Carlsberg to help them forget they have debts
they have a city under the power of drug where no law exist where you can forget to pay your debts
and they have the smorgornob to save money and keep one slice of bread for the next morning breakfast
economy is doing fine has we can see from new deluxe design every where and futuristic consructions.

with the rise of new bridges and there 363 well kept castle.

but this is it Danemark a small country where luxury takes you day dreaming as well as there beautiful seashore to die for.

its cold and windy,  a land where only the sailors can withstand so go and visit in the summer like in the month of July only unless you are masochist enough to want to go ride your bike with a knitted strzwberries seat done by your grand mother to warm up your little ass.

yes for the love of those beautiful blondes perhaps you want to do those extra miles and for you ladies,  the discovery of real vikings tall built and blond perhaps will make you take that risk to go there too.

this is why Danemark survive for its beautiful people with exceptional design.

J'ai deja fait plusieurs visites dans cette ville dont l urbanisme regne a son meilleur mais j aurais aime y passer plus de temps pour explorer l extérieur de la ville et le pays au grand complet mais faute de temps j ai du simplement passer quelques heures a Copenhague.

I have made a lot of visit in this city with perfect city planning but  I would have love to spend more time in order to explore the outside of the country but unfortunately I only spend a few hours in Copenhagen.